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Posts posted by DIO

  1. I'd be curious to see if there is a patterned difference in the lines we get from the guys (minus Niles, I would assume. ;) ) vs. the girls. I don't necessarily think it's malicious sexism if we do find a pattern. I think it may potentially tell us something about what IS thinks maile vs. female players want, though. Or the results may be varied and end up based on character rather than presumed player expectation. Either way it's potentially fascinating.

    The only thing that should be construed from this is how TREEHOUSE thinks they should portray the characters. From what I've read of the Japanese version everyone has lewd-esqe dialogue as well as innocuous responses (some more than others). If the localization only has one per character, or has a variety that favors one side of the lewd-to-not spectrum, that only speaks for how Treehouse wanted that character to be shown...

  2. I love how people are acting like their original C support was a life-changing experience that could right all the wrongs of the world

    They just recognize each other as assassins from the other country and say they've killed people. That's it

    There's being angry at quality content being cut and there's overreacting to something extremely minor being changed

    I think the localized support really shows how taciturn and focused the two are while being amusing at the same time

    It wasn't a life changing experience, but it helped to set up the CONTEXT of the support chain. the C-support acts as an introduction to the 'plot' of the two character's interaction and should be focused on the highlights of their relationship. I'm not saying every one adheres to this, but It seems fair to say that the supports that are widely or unanimously considered good are telling a story that crosses a larger stretch of time, rather than one that's condensed into one meeting split over three supports.

    it's pretty obvious in their other supports that Saizo is emotional and Beruka is almost robotic, their attitudes toward their professions don't require a few extra lines to figure out

    They do if someone chooses NOT to do other supports for whatever reason. Perhaps it's reducing a character to their 'trait', but it's still important to have the meat of the character on display from part one.

    Serious question for people that find the support 'funny': why? What does adding humor change that makes it acceptable over the original support?

  3. This is an explanation that works for Hoshido, but Nohr is outright said to have equal primogeniture. The succession is in age order, therefore unless Garon just had a preference for Leon or Camilla declined there is no reason Leon should inherit anything before Camilla.

    Based on how she acts in the Hoshido(?) ending, I can believe that Camilia would turn down the right to ascend the throne in favor of Leon.

    I agree it's a shame that the ladies get essentially nothing (I guess with how they changed the child mechanics they didn't want to leave any artifacts up in the air like that). I do recall making some prospective weapons for the female royals about a year back:

    Hinoka would get a spear with fire damage

    Camilia would get an axe with light effects, but essentially use regular magic stats to determine damage

    Elise would get a staff that debuffs and limits a characters movement (ice themed)

    Sakura would get a staff that teleports people and heals them for slight damage (like rescue, but with a greater or flat restriction on range) (water/whirlpool themed)

  4. Like seriously, if they changed the support to be the two of them juggling fish and joining the circus, I wouldn't be nearly as upset. At least that would have taken more effort than this cheap, decade old joke we got now.

    I used to hate it when people go online to complain about localization changes and here I am turning into one of them. Someone needs to find the clown who thought this was a good idea.

    I think a comment on the video put it best; there were at least three people involved with this decision (the one that proposed it, the one that wrote it, and the one that signed off on it). MAYBE there was overlap and it was only one person, but then the fact remains that someone screwed up BIG TIME.

  5. everyone in this thread is missing the real problem here: only four iterations of "..."? come on, treehouse! if you're going to joke around like this, you've got to commit to it properly! give us at least as many lines of silence as there are lines of dialogue in the original support. make the silence feel long and meaty!

    You...might be onto something here. If they had used more lines and had more emotional changes, then there could be something to at least SALVAGE about the support.

  6. Considering this support is ONLY available on Revelations, anyone who enjoyed the game enough to buy Revelations would know they are both assassins with large bodycounts solely because of their past playthroughs.

    So the intent is to rely on Revelations being a 2nd+ playthrough in order to rationalize removing the context of the original C-support? That seems like an even worse excuse, relying on the meta-contextual state of the game to rationalize a half-hearted translated piece...

  7. It's not butchered though...? No, seriously, here's the full localized support: http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Fates_Supports/Saizo_Beruka

    Also, (maybe just to me) it feels like they somehow achieved the point the C-rank was trying to get across without any words...

    ...Let's say I'm an average consume and I've never read the Japanese supports (I have BTW); what are they talking about in the B-support and how did it come up exactly? They both did missions; what kind of missions (oh assassinations, why is this coming up so late?)? Why does this matter exactly when they were both staring at each other before?

    The loss of context on how they're both killers that have amassed a sizable body-count is ruined thanks to how they cropped the C-support.

  8. As dumb as this is, this is what I was thinking when watching it.

    There's an old adage when it comes to storytelling; "Is this an exiting point of the character's life, and if not why are we not reading that?" A support conversation should be starting at the point where the two characters can at least TALK to each other, even if it's still awkward. Crap like this is flat out unacceptable and unless it turns out to have been a placeholder that wasn't fixed, is a disgrace to the team that localized this (and even then it's unprofessional as hell)...

  9. Then you have people like me who are happy to see a character who doesnt just commit to marraige after three casual bumps with everybody she meets.

    Considering how the supports are often shown to be HIGHLIGHTS of the character's relationship (well, the one's that turn out decently at least), I don't really see what's so bad about the current system. I DO think that it would be nice to have a more gradual transition to romantic instead of the jump from A to S, but I don't see that changing any time soon.

  10. So treehouse went too hard on yayequality and screwed up the gay supports. ugh, come on treehouse. The femui and rhajat support is now just some generic stalker talk. They removed the realism and uniqueness of the support.

    They also made all the kanna and soleil supports platonic it seems.


    I've heard similar things; only Corrin and Forrest(Foleo) have a romantic ending with Soliel. the rest are treated more like companions. and then there's poor Kana... I can't even say I don't like the idea, but the fact that LOCALIZATION made the choice to do that rather than IntSys in the main game is what vexes me about it.

    That's very disappointing to hear that the Rhajat support has been cut back. I always found that there was something very heartfelt and passionate about her confession and how heartwarming that f.Kamui was receptive to it. Do you know if it's the same case with Niles and m.Corrin?

  11. I mean, some of it you can draw a connection with. Like, DoA was protested because it was considered demeaning and objectifying to women, so you can sorta make the complaints -> feminism -> SJWs jump of logic, but skinship is totally disconnected from all of those issues. Considering there's nothing stopping you from poking and prodding the men in the army too you'd have to either be totally ignorant of the subject or openly hypocritical to make it an issue of sexism.

    It would be like if I complained that I can't get good, ripe starfruit anymore at this one orchard I like to stop at because of teh evil SJWs. Regardless of how you or I feel about them it's not even tangentially related.

    And that's part of the issue; people are making a correlation between previous cases of localized censorship and going after the common thread that pops up (whether it's an actual link or not). I can't speak for the mindset of others, but it seems logical to me that if someone starts chanting a common name, regardless if it's substantiated or not, then where is the hate sink going to be directed?

    Considering its a bunch of nerdy blokes who were doing most of the complaining, i assumed it was gamergate supporters.

    ...case and point; where did Gamergate fit into ANY of this?

    Considering its a bunch of nerdy blokes who were doing most of the complaining, i assumed it was gamergate supporters. AND LO, most of that lot were highly HIGHLY against the skinship. FUNNY THAT. Yet, blame it on the tumblrites, right? People in which never really bitched to begin with.

    kinda. But honestly, SJW-type people hardly made a peep about this stuff.

    Wtf do we have all this "Blood sibling" junk going on Hoshido and you can still boink em, yet we may not be able to rub Benny's face? /frowns for a thousand years.

    ...Did you NOT see any of the original Soliel debacle or virtually anything around the amie system in the first place?! Where were the inital fan translations that became the sourced material in every article coming from? Tumblr. Who were the one's making it a bigger debacle while massively exaggerating the facts? the bloggers at Kotaku, Polygon, and the like (Who are for the most part in that whole self-professed 'social justice' camp, even if they don't give a damn about ACTUAL social acceptance or tolerance...).

    EDIT: Part of my sentence got cut off. Rectified.

  12. I'm not sure why people are conflating skinship-censorship with social justice warriors.

    It's a matter of prudishness vs. lewdness, not justice vs. injustice.

    Because to an extent, that's what some of these 'SJWs' have become to others; The sex-negative 'feminazi' cliche that seems to have overtaken the legitimate struggles and achievements of actual social justice proponents. Personally, I dislike conflating the two since one has my respect and the other are at best a touch obsessive, at worst opportunistic cretins that embody the whole 'stop liking what I don't like! CHANGE IT!' mentality that seems to be popping up quite a bit recently...

  13. Seeing all of the "you're just groping your waifu" stuff really makes me upset. Yes, there are indeed stereotypical otaku. I'm not one of them. All I want is a way to interact with same gendered characters in a way that isn't Zero. It's not creepy at all, and I don't see why people think that this moral victory over something "creepy" is at all justified. I can at least pretend I'm really bonding with people like Hinata and Tsubaki, and I don't understand how people could generalize as waifu petting at all.

    I think you're the first person to make a note that this affects the male characters just as much as the 'waifu' crowd... but good luck getting anyone to actually take that into consideration.

  14. Where was the price drop for Xenoblade Chronicle X's breast slider?

    Not really a fair comparison, since the removal of the slider was purely aesthetic in nature (still a stupid idea, btw). Removing the skinship affects a way to build support with units as well as removes a showcase of their personality.

    off tangent, but has anyone mentioned that this removal also affects the male characters or are they focused on mocking people for 'not being able to touch their waifu's face'?

  15. Nah, it's pointless to keep using the Seven monicker. Sites are reporting the news and referring to the character as Fiora even in the titles of the articles.

    Not that it was ever a big deal. The Fiora thing is not even Xenoblade's biggest spoiler.

    I have a friend in Xenoblade fandom and those people get pretty salty with people throwing spoilers around, even minor ones.

    ...I think that speaks for itself really. And while it not be the biggest spoiler in Xenoblade, it's certainly one that shakes up the characters (and the player) and the perceptions of their actions.

  16. If Nintendo explicitly showed Fiora in that way and Lucina (instead of Masked Marth) in Smash, I guess there's no problem on spoilers

    I think it is worth mentioning also that Xenoblade came to America, pressumably, due to Operation Rainfall, along with The Last Story and Pandora's Tower. Three awesome games.

    Edit: also, why do people call her Seven?

    Precisely to avoid spoiling the game. By acknowledging that there is a seventh party member, but not revealing the character's gender, motivation, or anything that would ruin the big twist of the first half, veterans can mention things like builds, arts(abilities), or interactions on the affinity chart in passing without worry of a newcomer having their fresh experience ruined.

    ...Of course that was rendered pretty damn moot when they included a trophy of Seven in Sm4sh, so I guess it's still considered a common courtesy even if the information is readily available from Nintendo itself.

  17. Just beat it today. Flying through stages is so much fun, the customization is great, the story was really funny and cute.

    What potion combos did y'all use? I stuck with Drop/Sparkler/Impact, it's great for hovering over enemies and bombing them and it messes up those knight enemies. For flying bosses I'd use Lob/Cluster/Remote, you can take off 3 hitpoints in one bomb if you time it right. By the end of the game though I'd come around to the default combo, it's very fast and versatile.

    I didn't really play around with the powders too much, only using component when I wanted to 'cheat' a puzzle that required well-placed shots. I stuck to the Bounce, Lob, and Float casings for most of the game, and even after unlocking the other 3 I just gravitated back to the first three (orbit was nice for enemies through walls, and drop was good on knight enemies). As for fuses, I used the standard and sentry mostly, VERY handy against those damn fliers on the airship. All in all, my preferred build was a Bounce/Black Powder/Sentry bomb.

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