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Posts posted by weso12

  1. Uh, how 'bout I make that readable for you? It'll make it easier for people to comment on those ideas.

    Thanks for that I fixed that in my original post

    - Don't really like having units that are mounted and wield most of the physical weapons out there,

    keep in mind they would still have bad caps along with the terrain penalties so it balances out

    nor do I like the idea of merging all the magic users by having them wield nearly everything

    Its only the anima triangle and sense the sages get the entire triangle by second tier anyway, this would only relevant for Illyana (and generics to I guess), and which thunder magics might she will probably want to use that any ways, but it gives her more options and allows her to build up her wind and fire ranks before promotion

    - Pretty sure that if Meg had that skill it would be taken off of her and slapped onto someone in the GM

    Maybe but she would still be able to keep the benefits for the entirety of part 1 as its capacity is to high for anyone in that part, and honestly wouldn't be that broken on any of the GM in Part 3 anyways , and besides keeping it on her during part 3 isn't that bad of an idea, she would make great use of it in the swamp (you could even give it to fiona, who would be getting a buff but that goes without saying)

    Thanks for the feedback

  2. I have whole laundry list of things.

    - Can you swap the raven's and hawk's movement, it always bugged me that the Hawks were better than the Raven Statically AND had better move, giving the ravens more move balances things out.

    - Make all the Tier ones have 40 for there HP cap, and 20 for there other caps, and for second tier make all tier two class have 60 for their HP cap, and AT LEAST 20 in every other stat, and have all their luck caps be 30, and finally make tier 3 have an 80 HP cap, AT LEAST a 30 cap in all their stats, and all of them have a luck cap of 40.

    - Give the Paladins a second weapon (if possible) in Tier 2, (Lance Paladins Gets Bow, Axe Paladins get Lances, Sword Paladin get Axes, and Bow Paladin get Swords), and have all of them be a Gold Knight third tier and get all four weapons third tier.

    - Buff Magic's might( Elfire 8, Arfire 11 Bolganone 14, Rexflame 17, Fire Tail 16, Elwind 7, Arcwind 10, Tornado 13 Rexcalibur 16, Wind Tail 15 Thunder 6, Elthunder 9, Bolting 9, Arcthunder 12 Thoron 15, Rexbolt 18, Thunder Tail 17, Ellight 6, Shine 9, Nosferatu 9, Valaura 12, Rexaura 15, Worm 9, Carreau 12, Fenrir 10, Verrine 15 Balberith 18).

    - Buff all of the Mages (player and enemy) speed and cap

    - Change some weapon ranks, Elthunder D rank, Bolting C Rank, Arcthunder B Rank, Ellight to D, Purge to C, Shine to B, Nosferatu to A, Worm to D, Fenrir to C

    - Lower all dark tomes hit by 5

    - Can you make an E rank dark magic tome with 6 Might, 75 Hit, 5 Weight, 1~2 Range, 40 uses and gives 1 Wexp, just for constancy)

    - Have Meteor, Blizzard, Fenrir give 3 Wexp, and have Worm give 2 Wexp

    Other ideas I had include, (if possible I doubt it is):

    - Giving Meg a skill called terrian master, (treats all passable terrian as 1 move), the skill with 20 capacity, and sell for the appropriate amount.

    - Buff megs bases to be more armor like (giving her the ability to tank) but keeping her growth the same (maybe increase her Skill growth though), so she has the niche of starting out tratitional but developing out different

    - Give tier 1 mages all three types of magic, also give Sages and Druids staves if possible

    - Playable Veyona (modifying his bases and growths obivously) with Summoner as his promotion (obviously buyable Dark tomes in Chapter 3-4 and beyond)

    - Forgable Dark, Elfire, Elwind, Elthunder, Ellight, worm, Arcfire, Arcwind, Arcthunder, Shine, Carreau, Wind Edges, Iron Longbows, and fire tome make forgeable from 1-4-8 wind tomes forable in part 1, and Fire tomes forgeable in part 3 chapters 2 and 3, and Light tomes forgeable in part 3 (never got why there weren't its just as if not more viable than forging knives) and probably more I can say but there why to much I've put already)

    Apologize for the probably millions of typos in here and I know a good 50% (or higher) of these idea are impossible but just throwing them out there

  3. Favorite Couples pairings without endings

    Mist/Rolf (Mist with Boyd creeps me out and Mist/Rolf look they same age and kinda cute and hinted in FE9)

    Laura/Leonardo (IDK why I think they look good together)

    Laura/Aran (Canon Pairing with no ending, why?)

    Meg/Zihark (just for the Lulz)

    Ike/Elincia (Hinted in FE9)

    Ranulf/Lethe (It works)

    Lyre/Kyza (There bickering creates a good love-hate relationship)

    Marcia/Oscar (Have no idea why I have thought of this, but they compliment each other well in my opnion, Oscar calm and mature personality, tones Marcia childish and adventures personality down)

  4. People seem to underestmate Ardan as a father because Lex generally out classes him, but Ardan is the 4th best father for Adean's kid, Lester can get the killer bow, he has easy access to the pursuit ring, (his speed is good enough to double), Lana can take a hit, and Ambush can be useful situationally after promotion for Lana and Ambush might be more helpful than one might think for Lester due to the AI in the game kinda of sucking (enemy archers tend to attack bow users regardless of the fact that they can counter attack)

  5. Switch Valhart to Vake!Jerome and make him a beseker (they have a 50 Strength to) with Hauteclere (21 Might before bonuses) and give him A support with his partner (it Gives +2 in strength, Jerome works great for this) and your good I actually tried something similiar with speed the goal is to get the highest speed stat (high speed not avoid)

    [spoiler=My Effort]Mark with female my unit with best stat Speed worst stat Luck (any stat but Magic and resistance works but I am using Luck) fathered by Ronku!Chambray (Gaia works to but I will use Ronku for this example) as a Swordmaster (Assassin works too but I find Swordmaster more fitting) with capped stats

    80 HP

    40 Strength

    33 Magic

    52 Skill

    57 Speed

    44 Luck

    33 Defense

    36 Resistance

    Now lets add skills

    Speed +2 (Passed from Mom)

    Limit Breaker

    All Stats +2


    Ill-relevant Skill (no other skill boost speed)

    Now Doubling with a Swordmaster with at least 30 in each stat and has an A Support with and maxed all his stats and Given a combo Rainbow, Speed and Love Cry and Tiki's Tears his stats look something like this (Probably some math errors)

    95 HP

    64 Strength

    57 Mag

    74 Skill

    89 Speed!

    59 Luck

    57 Defense

    60 Resistance

  6. What the...? How?

    Simple I am going to pair Donny (with good growths as a his 5th skill) and Nono together (they can be paired I checked), then when I get n_n (is that really her name, seems a weird) I am going to pair her with Male My Unit (with good growths as n_n's 5th skill) and BAM a Manakate Mark with the good growth skill, sorry if my post wasn't clear enough, and that is a bit off topic.

    EDIT: Ninja'd

  7. There are several conversations where you can recruit characters from the other team. They apply to both teams, i.e. both games can recruit characters from the other game. Sadly I don't remember the specifics and it should probably be Marisa's portrait there, not Colm's, but I likely messed up and never remembered to fix it (I wouldn't call it a "glitch" as the game still works fine and it's only one small byte that needs to be changed, properly...).

    I think Nergal and the evil bishop dude have a talk too, but that's all I remember... it's been so long.

    EDIT: Yeah, and another few bytes to make it Marisa who recruits Karel, not Saleh. Meh, this is back in the day where betatesters didn't exist and hacks were full of glitches >_> I really wish I had time to fix it. oh well...

    I noticed the Karel convo on accident while playing a long time ago, and loosely remembered it and found it again

    Decided to test and show off the converation that, Riev and Nergal have

    I am going to test out some more conversations so far noticing that the characters that are recruit have no supports and the characters are similar in theme I'd check the event data but I have no hacking knowledge (other than codebreaker codes) what so ever

  8. Actually found the combination again, its Saleh needs to talk to Karel (though the convo has a mug of colm and says it Marisa though it could just be a problem with my ROM) and its seem to be programed for this game

  9. Also I could be remembering wrong but I remember one the FE7 characters (think it was Karel but could be wrong) could be brought over to the other side (with Colm or Joshua? I think) my memory is a bit lose, it only happen once and the characters used the wrong mugs in the dialogue, so it might have been a glitch

    So another advantage FE8 has IIRC

  10. It might not an error, but you have 8 points remaining that can be spent on base stats. If you don't want to use them feel free to disregard me.

    I actually checked the math myself to be sure I actually had 11 points to spend (I forgot about the +3 due to level) I changed it accordingly in the original post

  11. Hope you don't mind I join

    Username: weso12

    Character Name: Marindo

    Replacing Character: Belf

    2nd Choice: Leiden

    3rd Choice: Robert

    Starting Class: Dark Mage

    Starting Level: 16

    Starting Inventory: Elfire, Fire, Vulnerary

    Starting Weapon Skill Levels: Tome C rank


    HP: 12/ 50%

    Str: 1/ 0%

    Mag: 6/ 50%

    Skl: 10/ 15%

    Spd: 12/ 20%

    Luck: 3/5%

    Def: 4/ 20%

    Res: 5/40%

    Portrait: As Etzel

    Mini-Portrait: As Etzel


    Any Errors let me know

    Really hate to do this but...

    You seem to have just skipped mine over. Does that mean I did everything rights? I honestly doubt it though

  12. Hope you don't mind I join

    Username: weso12

    Character Name: Marindo

    Replacing Character: Belf

    2nd Choice: Leiden

    3rd Choice: Robert

    Starting Class: Dark Mage

    Starting Level: 16

    Starting Inventory: Elfire, Fire, Vulnerary

    Starting Weapon Skill Levels: Tome C rank


    HP: 12/ 50%

    Str: 1/ 0%

    Mag: 9/ 50%

    Skl: 12/ 15%

    Spd: 13/ 20%

    Luck: 3/5%

    Def: 6/ 20%

    Res: 8/40%

    Portrait: As Etzel

    Mini-Portrait: As Etzel


    Any Errors let me know

  13. I think Amelia is the worst of the two, because she's so bad she's negative utility. You actually have to recruit her (avoiding her suicidal tendencies, anything that looks at her kills her) on both routes, and she's not even worth it (Ewan recruits himself on one route, and isn't a pain on the other). Wendy at least joins on her own.

    Amelia is not that hard to recruit Franz just stand 1 space out of here ranged and talk to her next turn, get someone unequipped to attack her, or a million other solution (she only has 4 move, and doesn't move in Erika mode unless your in her range granted in Ephriam mode she moves but franz/ephriam can easily have her in his range)

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