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Posts posted by HTakara82

  1. 5 minutes ago, Seafarer said:

    So... a specific unit with a specific asset and flaw can, within a very narrow range of HP values, ORKO units with WTA against them? And this makes one of the skills needed to make it happen broken? I'm not seeing it, tbh.

    For reference, vanilla Nino with vanilla Eirika's buffs can survive and ORKO an unbuffed Tharja, if she's on full HP (which is easier than getting down to 28-29 HP for your Neph). She also ORKOes a substantial number of other reds, so long as they don't have Triangle Adept.

    Basically, the ability to handle enemies you have WTD against doesn't make a unit broken; it makes that unit good. (And the results you're getting are a result of Nephenee, not Wrath. A broken skill should make every unit that gets it broken, and I don't see Wrath breaking Selena or Laslow...)

    actually only a specific Boon, she MUST be a +ATK, she can actually accomplish it with any flaw. B!Ike and Hector are the heftiest and most powerful Greens, so if she can kill them, she can kill any Green. Like Titania for instance is an Emerald Axe user still dies to her. Thanks to the wonders of Wrath of Specials ignoring WTA. a Neutral HP and DEF Titania would get hit for 25x2 damage, even with her Emerald Axe on. Unless he kept her guard, which will stop Moonbow from triggering on the second hit. 

    But you are correct in the line of thinking though, that the unit has to be good on it's own to take full advantage of it. If the unit has middling stats all around, it'll be wasted on them.

  2. 1 minute ago, Soul~! said:

    So I take it the myth is also true, in which the thing does really stack with Wo Dao...they really should fix that. The kill itself is an amazing idea, and it's cool it takes up a B-slot because a lot of characters generally want either QR, Desperation or some sort of Breaker (if not, Vantage).

    Going off of stats alone, I knew she's really good. I want one for Wrath (for Charlotte) and the other for keepers.

    yeah, but personally, I would NOT attempt to attack WTD without having reasonable attack, good bulk and speed. Without it, you'll die before you can kill 'em. Only Nephenee and B!Lucina with the right setup can kill severe WTD with this setup. Although B!Lucina is an expensive option as it requires you to sack two Nephenee's, so unless you're super whaling or super lucky, and for some reason just don't like Nephenee, you can do it. Nephenee is a low investment high return unit, all she needs is Ardent Sacrifice and Fury, all easy to get and cheap to learn. 

  3. While under the effects of Wrath, which is 29 HP for me, making her double moonbow wrath proc on them...
    My Nephenee's stats (HP bane ATK boon, with summoner buff, no ally buff included)
    HP 39
    ATK 53
    SP 40
    DEF 39
    RES 25

    Moonbow, Fury, Wrath

    +ATK Hector
    she deals 27 x 2 damage to him, killing a neutral or HP bane Hector, but will be short on killing a +HP / +DEF Hector by a few HP. (+ATK Hector does 27 damage to her, leaving her with 2HP, if exactly at 75%)

    +DEF B!Ike w/ Steady Breath
    She deals 23 x 2 damage to him, no variation of Boon / Bane will save him, and he deals 23 damage to her. 

    In conclusion, Wrath is broken.

  4. 1 hour ago, geozeldadude said:

    i've also been getting this error consistently, and i'm on a normal android phone. i googled around and it seems like the error could be if the servers get overloaded, but my gameplay is fine so i'm not sure what the deal is. it's annoying, but i guess they just don't want my $. :/

    Yeah I can do everything, except for accessing the purchase orbs option

  5. What do you use to draw by hand? I draw with pencil on paper, then scan it, and the lines are always a smudgey grayness, and not crisp black lines.

    There's a couple ways you can go through it, I draw with pencil first.

    What I use to do in the past:

    Get a lightbox, get a drawing pen and and do inking on a separate sheet that way you can get a clean scan

    What I do now:

    Just scan the drawing in and ink on a separate layer, and remove the background penciled layer.

  6. Nice, there's a lock of hair going over the right eye that goes behind the eye, but that may be an artistic decision.

    How do you draw your art? Is it all on a program, or do you draw by hand first?

    its an artistic choice, I kinda look that look.

    Anywho, I draw first, than scan and clean and color in PS

  7. gucZzVB.jpg

    I wanted to make her hair without the hairband, but had no reference to go by, so I went through several hair styles for the bangs based on how the hairline goes from being pulled back. On decided on this one. I dunno how recognizable she is without her hair pulled back.

    But anywhos, enjoy.

  8. How exactly did you clear C10 with one unit?

    I'd also like to know a bit more about Endgame, if you don't mind explaining. There are 5 Enfeebles in total, 3 Enfeebles should be enough to get her in damage range of very few physical enemies and 4 or more reduces her Def so much that Soleil can get damaged by all physical enemies. It's pretty hard to avoid those Enfeebles considering there's a Freeze Maid and the Enfeebles are more or less spread out but have a big range and are hard to reach quickly without a full team. There are also some Hammer Generals but I suppose the Avatar takes those on.

    Sorry for being a bit late, I was out all day.

    I didn't start the duo'ing until I got Soleil after chapter 12, so I went as normal from before then, if that helps. considering it's impossible to clear chapter 10 with only 1 unit.

    Enfeeble doesn't stack, it's just a matter of having enough defense that even when enfeebled enemies still do 0 damage to you, with defense taker and all other bonuses into account Soleil had 57 defense before enfeeble, and enfeeble drops that down to 53. Which is still well above the defense needed where everything on the map does zero damage. I had zero fear of enfeeble rods. freeze is not much of a problem as it is just a nuisance. I just played leapfrog with pairups until I was in range to kill the maids. Overall, it took me about 38 turns to clear the map.

  9. That's legit cool and something I didn't know earlier, in which case lowmanning is probably the way to go (assuming you can hit zero damage on everything).

    What's even cooler is that Soliel worked, despite having a negative Defense mod. Imagine if you had a female avatar, and married Ignatius.

    Yeah it is rather surprising that even with negative mod to defense it was possible.

  10. Since self-destruct units only "detonate" when killed, wasn't sure if walking straight through all of them would work. Kill five of them and forget about the rest, essentially.

    Units that don't do any damage, generally just sit still on their starting point, you can ignore them, that's what happened with majority of enemies in endgame

  11. Maybe, but I'd expect issues when you run into timed chapters if you're low-manning. Speaking of, how'd you do chapter 18, which has a time limit, with only two units?

    That was actually easy, took only 2 retries to figure it out. Soleil was already ridiculously over leveled, so she shrugs off all damage and 1RKO's everything, except for the boss generals on the bottom, it takes two rounds with Armor slayer due to the fact that they have Wary Fighter. Ignore the treasure, it's not worth it, just beeline towards Zola in the beginning, let the enemies suicide on her during enemy phase. And then rush down towards the generals.

  12. Eeep, that won't work.

    What I had in mind was something using Pass, Takumi's Shinai, and every last pair of Boots. Vanguard negates the Beast Killer nonsense, but it doesn't have the staying power that Great Knight/General do.

    You can live without pass, you want as many skills as possible that increases survivability. If your unit can ORKO reliably, you won't run into a situation where you get roadblocked. And you definitely want to somehow negate Berserkers, they're generally the most dangerous. Axebreaker is a freaking godsend for Soleil.

  13. Hmmm. . .do you think disarming yourself and using Pass would've been easier for Endgame? Also, would Great Knight have worked instead of General?

    I have a couple of ideas, but I'm not sure if they're feasible.

    I think great knight could work, but the generals have Beast Killers... so it'll be high risk as those guys have ATK stats in the 50s

  14. How you got there - bane/boon/talent on avatar, Soliel's parents/inheritance, some later chapter strategies, etc.

    Ah ok, my avatar was +STR -LCK, Got him Samurai talent to pass to Soleil. Soleil's mom was Effie.

    Vantage and Sol was mandatory to clear through the later parts of the game, High Defense was key as well. In Conquest Lunatic, Enemies just sit idle when they do 0 damage. I went out of my way to get Defense Taker, as without it, I wouldn't be able to clear debuff hell chapter 26. For the most part, I was playing as Master Ninja > Dreadfighter, I would swap between classes to get skills. Tonics were my best friend. Thanks to barely spending money, I was loaded for the last 3 parts of the game.

    Soleil got pretty stat blessed (thank GOD!) so she capped STR, SKL, SPD, LCK, DEF and RES, without too much issues. Obviously used every stat booster I got my hands on. She was at 50 HP by endgame, and just used up all the Seraph robes on her to cap it. I had a lot of problems with Endgame, because even though everything was hitting for very little even enfeebled for most of the turns, the little damage was deadly thanks to Inevitable End. I had to switch her out to General, bumping up to around 57 defense, counting in tonics, pairup bonus and defense taker. Even enfeebled, everything did 0 damage even Takumi, so the aoe spam he does, didn't scare me anymore. There was a few notable dangers, mostly from the Bolt Axe Malig Knight, other than that, it was really easy. I failed about a dozen times before making these adjustments though.

  15. They went through so much trouble to censor this game, I've been on the fence about buying it since I heard about it. If it was light censorship like Fates or Xenoblade, I wouldn't care... but they went above and beyond... now I dunno, it's gonna be a no buy for me, will probably at best be a bargain bin pickup for me.

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