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Everything posted by HTakara82

  1. I never said only wRPGs are the only ones that do it, I only said they're most well known for it, as every wRPGs are self inserts. And silent protagonists was common place for old jRPGs, which was the buttend of many jokes, cause people didn't understand why they had no personality was a complete mute. Like Crono for instance.
  2. This is how I see things. Fire Emblem is still a jRPG a strategy jRPG but still, a jRPGs never have complete character insertions, with the exception of mute characters, jRPGs are more focused on character interactions and development, so unless IS all of a sudden becomes a western studio, or decides to let a western 3rd party handle it... oh dear god, I hope not... it'll never change drastically. On the flip side, WRPG, have very little character focus, mostly on the MC, because the MC is suppose to you, which can be extremely boring if you don't have that RPing mindset... that includes me, I can never RP. I see a lot of people mentioning "choice", all WRPGs do is give the illusion of choice, all those dialogue choices and such, means nothing in the long run. Like for instance one of my favorite RPGs of all time, Baldur's Gate II, no matter who you kill, how much of a good/bad guy you are, you still in the end save Imoen and kill Irenicus. And with the Throne of Bhaal expansion that ends the saga, there's only a few factors that effects your ending. A. Who did you hook up with? B. What's your reputation? C. Did you Decide to become a God or stay a Mortal?, everything felt so inconsequential, nothing you did before reaching the end mattered. That's how it felt with pretty much every Bioware game. I couldn't care less about dialogue trees, it's a hassle, but it's probably because I'm not an RPer.
  3. You don't like to be challenged and have your thoughts extrapolated do you?
  4. no matter how you try to dress it, it's still a consequence. The Nohr family were established as people who are very close despite the circumstances. And the Hoshido, are thought to be blood related, and narratively speaking, were very close to you before your kidnapping. And why would someone from Hoshido or Nohr, call you a bad boy for killing the enemy?
  5. Avoidable or not, it's still a consequence of your decisions.
  6. Kamui can be written just as romantically as you have written everyone else. Kamui: kidnapped from a young age, and had his memory wiped to serve the kingdom that killed his foster father. Struggles with the decision of going back to his home country or to stay with people he was brainwashed to believe was his family, either way, he'll be faced with decisions that can cause the deaths of his loved ones.
  7. All of the lords of Fire Emblems are Gary Stu's. Having something bad happen to them doesn't negate that, everyone still love them, everyone still bend over for them. Ike, everyone loves him he's the bond that closed the rift of Laguz and Beorcs, made a man that would rather cut his testicles off find the errors of his ways and rejoin the group. so forth and so on. You act like nothing bad had ever happened to Kamui for his decisions. Which is complete BS as you could *spoiler* I see dead people.
  8. Can't be an avatar if you don't have an... avatar. Just saying. I hated Mark, it felt stupid, why can't I see myself? why can't I kill shit? It wasn't so much as an avatar as the games acknowledgment that you the player are there.
  9. What's so different about the Avatar being the center of the plot, than lets say Ike being the center of the plot? It seems like very shallow nitpicking.
  10. I'm trying to wrap my head around as to why some seem to hate the concept of an Avatar lead. It's pretty obvious that all FEs from now on, will be featuring a Avatar lead. But what makes it so much worst than the typical, blue haired lord? Only real answers please, and try to be as descriptive as possible.
  11. Looks at waifu-sona avatar... okay. Don't really get why you'd hate shipping if you like persona.
  12. Anna is definitely the mascot for Fire Emblem, IS after awakening had started giving her some pretty good treatment. And she's also the official avatar for the Fire Emblem twitter too.
  13. Gameplay wise, Fire Emblem is stepping in the right direction. They've added more strategic elements to take into consideration, like updated WTA, and weapon pros vs cons, outside of herp derp durability. Nintendo obviously wants to make this game more multiplayer friendly, and it's hard enough to do that with a turnbase sRPG, Just give em time and they'll get it right. Everything else, such as story, etc... is subjected to personal opinion.
  14. And yet your favorite fire emblem is about marrying and making babies.
  15. if lore dictates it, genderlocking makes sense. Like for instance, Valkyrie and Amazon can't be men. Anyway, people had always shipped fire emblem characters, they just made it where you can make your shipping a reality, I don't see the problem.
  16. Hey look on the bright side, at least it's not like REAL medieval times, where people started having kids as early as 9 yrs old.
  17. It's too bad her MAG growth is so low to have her be reliable as a witch.
  18. I'll contribute Anna to this thread, she's the only one, I've done extensive research with. ANNA Who is Anna? Well she's the RNG goddess, lol, jp... no seriously that's what everyone recognizes her as, lol. And she's even the the avatar for the Fire Emblem JP twitter. Well, anyway enough about random information. She's a travelling merchant who was beset by the fabulous berserker duo, and upon rescuing her, she offers her services to you as payment. She has the highest overall growth totals in the game, with a fantastic array of class choices. Her only downside is that she's a Kamuisexual, meaning her only supports are with Kamui and if married, with Kanna. But if you're like me, that isn't a problem, as I intend to marry her anyway, lol. Anna is geared more towards magic than physical attacks, but that doesn't mean she'll suck with physical attacks, her skill set ensures that she'll do well regardless of how you choose to go with her. How to Recruit? She's a paid DLC character for 250YEN, which is roughly 2.00 USD. Anna's Class Stats: Adventurer: HP: 50 STR: 26 MAG: 32 SKL: 27 SPD: 33 LCK: 29 DEF: 23 RES: 36 Her natural class is very good for her, there's a reason why so many people simply keep her as an adventurer. Her magic growth and cap makes her a complete beast with a Shining Bow. and with staff utility there's no shortage with what she can do in this class. Puppeteer: HP: 60 STR: 29 MAG: 26 SKL: 33 SPD: 29 LCK: 32 DEF: 29 RES: 33 I wouldn't bother, just get the skills off this class and move on. Great Merchant: HP: 65 STR: 32 MAG: 26 SKL: 29 SPD: 27 LCK: 34 DEF: 31 RES: 32 Same as puppeteer, get what you need out of this class and move on. Bow Knight: HP: 55 STR: 28 MAG: 26 SKL: 32 SPD: 32 LCK: 32 DEF: 25 RES: 34 Terrible choice, move on. Strategist: HP: 45 STR: 24 MAG: 34 SKL: 28 SPD: 30 LCK: 35 DEF: 23 RES: 34 Solid choice if you want to use tomes with mount movement. Despite high magic, only have B rank in Tomes, which kinda hurts abit without excalibur access. But can make due with Rainarok x Mjolnir tomes. Having an A rank in staves can be very useful. Maid: HP: 50 STR: 27 MAG: 32 SKL: 33 SPD: 32 LCK: 34 DEF: 27 RES: 31 Excellent choice, for Anna. Combined with her available skills such as CopyCat and Extravagance, she can deal some serious damage, or double stack some debuffs with her copy. And these are her current skill access: Now she has a LOT of skill options off the bat Personal Skill: Get Rich Quick: Lck% chance of enemies dropping money. Great for regular playthroughs to have a fairly steady stream of cash, but unfortunately useless in pvp. Move+1: Increase movement by 1 Don't bother. Locktouch: Can open locks Useless in PvP. Resistance +2: Increase Resistance + 2 Okayish, but better options out there. Demoiselle: All men within 2 tile radius recieves 2 less damage. Don't bother. Rally Resistance: Rally to increase resistance +4 for 1 turn Don't bother. Battle Command: Allies within 2 tiles raidus deal 2 extra damage, receives 2 less damage Easily better than Dem. and Rally Resistance, decent choice if you have nothing else. Servant's Joy: Heals self for same amount when healing allies Great to have if you plan on using Anna as a secondary healer. Tome Breaker: Increase hit and avoid +50 when going against tomes. Excellent choice to give mages a hard time. Effective Medicine: Boosts HP recovery Items by 50% Okayish, better options available Household Cure: Able to do another action after using a recovery item This is excellent, highly recommend! Easy Life: L% chance of obtaining gold coins after moving for the first 7 turns Not for PvP, you should've stocked up on coins before battling. Extravagance: Use a gold coin to increase damage by 10 and reduce damage taken by 10 Excellent! Must have, don't go without it. Puppet Break: Increase attack against puppets and golems This can be quite useful if the other team have a lot of puppets, which is highly likely. Copy Cat Puppet: Produces a puppet clone, with the exact same skills and stats, for the duration of the map. Excellent! Must have, don't go without it. Rally Skill: Rally all allies within 2 tile radius to increase skill +4 Don't bother, if you want a rally go with Battle Command Kunai Breaker: Increase hit and avoid +50 against hidden weapons Situational, depends on if your opponent likes to use ninjas and maids/butlers. Lucky 7: Increase Hit rate and Avoid +20 for first 7 turns Excellent skill, get if you have the space Pass: Can pass through enemy units. Decent skill, but you can do without. Alternate skills to consider if you have access to DLC skills: Proximity Shot (will allow other bows outside of Shining bow to have that 1-2 range); Witch's Poison (pin them 1 range units in place, and kite them to death) Aggressor (Cause, who doesn't want more damage?) Warp (for movement shenanigans) Of Course with anyone else in the game, you have the option of your marriage seal class, and DLC class to consider as well. Anna would make a magnificent Witch, if you want something a little different that has high magic offense: Witch: HP: 50 STR: 24 MAG: 37 SKL: 27 SPD: 33 LCK: 30 DEF: 24 RES: 31 Skill Set for raw offensive power: Aggressor; Copy Cat; Extravagance; Tomefaire / Vengence (these will require marriage with Kamui having either Priest or Dark Mage as his secondary); Household Cure (invaluable to be able to move and attack after consuming a heal item), Lucky 7 (if you couldn't bother to get either tomefaire or Vengence.) I'll update with possible marriage classes, etc... Afterthought: Despite having only Kamui and Kanna to support, her natural and easy access to CopyCat, can allow her clone to permanently support Kamui/Kanna, without losing any offense, and Kamui will probably more than likely have Copycat as well through buddy sealing, the same can be done to her.
  19. If anyone is curious as to what Sakura's base stats at level 10 Witch would look like, here it is: Sakura Witch HP: 21 STR: 6 MAG: 18 SKL: 9 SPD: 16 LCK: 14 DEF: 9 RES: 10
  20. Yeah she is great in her own classes, making her a fantastic shining bow user. But options are good, and Witch is a splendid option for Anna.
  21. Camilla as a level 21 Witch (assuming you switch her the moment you get her.) HP: 29 STR: 12 MAG: 15 SKL: 14 SPD: 23 LCK: 15 DEF: 14 RES: 14 Anna level 21 Witch: HP: 28 STR: 9 MAG: 29 SKL: 14 SPD: 21 LCK: 24 DEF: 10 RES: 21 Yeah... Camilla is a much better option...
  22. Look at Anna's stats as a Witch if you change her into one immediately after getting her Level 10 Witch: HP: 24 STR: 6 MAG: 20 SKL:11 SPD: 15 LCK: 17 DEF: 8 RES: 16
  23. Everyone who has access to CopyCat definitely wants to make use of CopyCat. Your skill setup looks to be made to be a tanky character, wonder how that'll play out with those classes.
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