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Everything posted by HTakara82

  1. That's true, no point in keeping a character around, if they got stat screwed. I've heard about people get stat screwed by Ike in PoR, I've played that game like a dozen times, and never had that happen to me, so I had a hard time believing it.
  2. It would indeed be interesting to have Midoriko as Anna's daughter considering she's a merchant also. If anything I wish IS would throw in a token support convo between the two, like Anna taking her under her wing as an apprentice, lol. Anyway, Witch Anna is super enticing, her stat growths are soo good as a Witch HP: 40 STR: 30 MAG: 80 SKL: 35 SPD: 60 LCK: 75 DEF: 20 RES: 55 She'll be an offensive magic beast as one, especially when her magic cap will be 37, which she'll definitely hit early with that 80% growth. For skills, pulling mostly from her natural skill pool Extravagence Copycat Lucky 7 These for sure would be used, but I'm not sure about the other 2 skills Perhaps, Warp from Witch, and perhaps Household cure as well. That way if she's ever in danger, she can use a heal item and warp away to safety. What do you guys think would be a good skill setup? Here's what Anna's Stats would look like if you class change her to a witch immediately after getting her Level 10 Witch: HP: 24 STR: 6 MAG: 20 SKL:11 SPD: 15 LCK: 17 DEF: 8 RES: 16 Freaking beast!
  3. Well even with Peg growths, her odds are still pretty much 1 in 2 chances of gaining a point in the majority of her stats, which is quite good. I can understand Tsubaki, cause he has a growth of 30 (40 with peg), but Hinoka has 55 with Peg growths. Sounds too much like PEMN.
  4. She has really good growths, how'd she turn out "mediocre"? I guess PEMN? lol
  5. Super hyped still, now that Anna is out, I'm even more so!
  6. I love Hinoka, but Anna is the true waifu4lyfu
  7. It shows her nice round rump quite well, haha
  8. Speaking of witch, I'll leave this here http://imgur.com/a/XcW87
  9. All boys look the same to me, so....... And Female Morgan, is okay, it just urks me that the Morgans can be recreated through the character creator so they're nothing special. Besides Female Kanna >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Female Morgan.
  10. You disgust me, lol jk Female Kanna is the cutest thing in the world
  11. Color me surprise, Anna actually has the most singular votes!
  12. Before I even mentioned him having an E in clubs, people were saying Rinka having E in clubs was a bad thing, and see-sawing to try and counter me by saying Tsukiyomi having E isn't a bad thing.
  13. Oboro has 10 levels of growths, with a 55% speed growth, which is 5.5 points into speed, which is 17.5 pre-promotion. @ 19.5 post promotion, brings her to 29. Same as Rinkah, same shit. My point still stands they have the same speed. And Rinkah is going to stay at E rank for 3 chapters before he joins, come on man. You rag on Rinka for joining with E rank at chapter 6, but says it's no big deal for Tsukiyomi at chapter 9, that's some double standard bullshit. Oboro won't be getting lancefaire till level 15 Holy Lancer, how many chapters is this going to come in use, and how quickly are you even going to get that? And if you're grinding anyways, this discussion is pointless. And Nohr Hater only applies to a subset of enemies, and useless against everything else. While Rinka's personal skill puts her at even pretty much at all times. And no one taught you how to do math did they? the average Str growth is 35 You conveniently look at things that you want to look at, and ignore other things if it rocks your perception. Rinka does have among the lowest base hp growth, but she doesn't have the worst overall HP growth, her class puts her at 40%, while other characters such as Hana who has 25% base HP growth, her class only brings her up to 35%. And a lot of the characters who have 30 to 45 base HP growths are in classes with 0-10% max hp boost. More times than not putting them on par with Rinka's HP growth. On top of which Tsukiyomi has a 30% skl growth, and if made into an Oni, he'll have a skill stat of 17 at 20/20, now imagine what that stat even look like during progression, he'll be missing more times than not making him a severe waste of space. On top of which you try to play up characters that are worst than her like Setsuna, who has worst hp, str, skl, def and res. You know what? whatever continue to be blinded.
  14. Now here's a question though, hypothetically speaking, if Anna were to get a different S partner other than Kamui, which character would she actually benefit the most, or which father would benefit the most from having her as a mother?
  15. Surprise surprise, Rinka also gets a +2 from promotion as well. So they're still even. I don't doubt that you have the game, but something tells me that you didn't even bother using her. The only reason why I'm confrontational is because of your logic, you try to downplay Rinka at any possible way, and when I dispute it in a way you have trouble refuting back, you ignore it and move the goal post. There is no reason to not use her, other than you thinking having a 5 to 10% strength growth difference makes it worlds apart. No one ever complained about 45% strength growth before, like ever, until Rinka. Like mentioned before, Nolan has pretty much the same growths as Rinka but with less defense, and many thinks he's the best warrior. And Nephenee who only has a 35% strength growth is considered one of the best Beorc units in her games. It's just completely unreasonable to put others who have a 50 to 55% strength on a much higher petestal. Just because of such a small deficit in strength growth.
  16. Oboro hitting her spd cap? lol, no, she's hitting 29 just like Rinka, they're pretty much speed tied the whole way through, they'll be doubling / not doubling the exact same enemies, and throughout the levels before even hitting 20/20, there'll only be a 2-3 pt strength deficit for awhile, so in real world usage, there's no difference. What I'm getting at with Mozume, is that she's fragile, she need's babying, while Rinka doesn't require someone to hover around her at all times to make sure someone doesn't 1RKO her. Her starting low defense and hp, and she can't dodge well either, makes her requiring babying, I'm not arguing that she doesn't end up good, it's the effort needed before she can stand on her own. Any unit that requires babying at first has an automatic red mark on it. Regardless of how good they end up being. You're constantly trying to make everyone out to be godmode in comparison to her, which is completely false. Most characters only have like 5 to 10% higher strength growth in comparison, and you make that seem like it's a billion% higher.
  17. 8 STR lead? when? if you marry her to Kamui and parallel her to an Oni at lvl 10? how is that even feasible? in normal circumstances, she only has a 3 to 4 point strength lead, in which case Rinka freaking closes with her personal skill. And for the love of god stop moving the goal post, you place Rinka having a E rank in clubs as a negative towards her, but if it's with someone else, it's not a negative. And Tsukiyomi joins like 2 chapters later than Rinka, if you're using her, which there is no reason not to early on, as your choices are limited, she'll gain a good 4 levels or so before he even joins, the gap would be even bigger. She'd gain at least 2 to 3 points in STR by the time he joins and grants you the ability to parallel. And like others mentioned he has terrible skill growths, and Oni has 0 in skill growth, so he's working with a very low accuracy, he won't be able to hit the broad side of a barn. And nobody says Mozume is garbage at first? what rock have you been hiding under? She joins in paralogue 1 which is available after chapter 4, which is only 1 chapter away from getting Rinka, and she starts as level 1 with low stats, she needs babysitting for a good few chapters before she can handle her own. She'll need at least a good 5 levels or so before that can happen.
  18. The differences are so negligible in most cases that there's no reason to not use her. As I've already proven for instance, the difference between Oboro and Rinka are so stupidly small that you won't even notice the difference. Tsukiyomi is trash, as a magic user, even if you parallel seal him right away, he'll start out with E in clubs, ultimately making him worst and with his base strength, even with the class swap to Oni, he'll still be worst than Rinka several levels later. And everyone says Mozume is trash until you baby her for awhile. And then parallel her out of villager. No matter what, pointing out everyones weakness is an extremely valid argument. Especially since your point of the argument is pointing out Rinka's weakness. Don't be two faced about it. The road goes both ways. Royals don't count because they are a given, if for whatever reason you don't want to use them, they're pretty much a guarantee spot in the army due to stupid growths and bases. So using them as a point of argument is stupid. It's the other slots that we are concerned about. Utility is overrated, more times than not, it's better to power your way through enemies than to have someone chip damage and debuff. And who's to say the player would even have Jacob in the beginning? I'm certainly not, I'll be playing male every playthrough. And by the time you can parallel him into GK, Rinka wouldve already caught up maybe even surpass his stats as a great knight.
  19. Now you're just going all over the place. Not only talking about offense, but bringing in support units as a comparison, that's just stupid. But I'll bite with your comparison Jacob: LMFAO! seriously? 25 base growth on defense with a 7 base stat, you can't be serious, if you think that's a good tank. Kaze: Ninja's have low atk by nature, due to their weapon typing, and staying as a ninja only gives him a 45% growth, equivalent to Rinka, but due to weapon typing he hits for less. Even if you reclass him to Samurai, that'll only put him at 5% higher str, not something I'd fap over. Azura: not even going to touch this one, not even comparing damage output, and even if we are, she has MC syndrome of really good bases all around. Silas: He has good growths, no arguing there. Hana: As you mentioned, terrible durability, is a liability for awhile, due to the fact that she can't take a hit, and RNG works against the player this time around. And she'll probably be fragile, Until she builds up enough speed to dodge reliably you never want to put her in a compromising situation. Saizo, same situation as Kaze, except considering how bad his base speed is, he won't as reliably doubling as well as Kaze. His classes will prevent him from doing any insane damage. Like Kaze, better as a support attacker than a primary attacker. Hinoka: lol Royal, not even worth trying to compare Setsuna: lmfao, you give her a pass, despite her crap growths? okay, double standard much? Tsukiyomi: Yeah he'd actually make a better Oni, but how long before you can even get a parallel seal to switch to one? by then despite his growths, his starting stat would be too low to even make up the difference. Takumi: again, royal Kagerou: Yup she's beast, there's no denying it Nishiki: Beast units, have great stats all around, but lol lock to one range. Ryoma: stop bringing royals into this, they destroy everyone.
  20. And for Oboro to become an Oni, she has to marry Kamui with Oni as a second class choice. And why would you even do that? And if you do, how many chapters would pass before you're even able to? By then she'll already promote to Holy Lancer with no incentive to change to a Shura/Blacksmith, And enough levels would pass that stat gains would be drastically different from what you posted. Rinka is the only one that is a natural Oni, outside of Tsukiyomi (lol) having it as a reclass option. It requires too much work and time to use hypothetical XYZ would make a better Oni when they can't. You're putting toooo much into minmaxing, when they have the same speed, with just a few points difference in strength, they're 2RKOing the same enemies. You're just looking at the numbers and not actual performance. Edit: I like how you switch from Oboro, cause the difference is so stupidly small, that you can't argue anymore, and had to use one of the best physical units as a comparison.
  21. Looking at those lvl20 numbers it's not that bad, the difference is so tiny. Now Lets look at them: Promoted: Rinka: 27HP , 18STR, 18SPD, 23DEF Oboro: 30 HP, 21STR, 19SPD, 20DEF lvl 20/20 Rinka: HP:32 STR: 26 SPD: 29 DEF: 34 Oboro: HP:40 STR: 31 SPD: 29 DEF: 29 The differences are very tiny, both will always speed tie, so whichever the other can double, the other can double or not, with Rinka's +4 from her personal skill, the strength gap is even smaller, only by one point. The only time Oboro is truly showing a noticeable difference in damage is when fighting Nohrians. Other than that, they're pretty much equal. And Rinka's overpowering defense makes up the HP difference.
  22. Those are lords that never saw a western release, and they came with DLC items. People didn't buy the DLC for them, they bought it for the dreadnaught, paragon, etc. What's Jake's importance to the series? What incentive do he have to dedicate an entire dlc to? The others were lords, that got introduced with DLC skills. Jake was throwaway unit #XX.
  23. I wouldn't say almost every. Every other character except for Oboro who is perfectly balanced, is geared towards either spd, or def. If they have 40+ spd/def than the opposite stat would be in the 20-30 range. Rinka has good survivability early join time and solid bases. Nolan had the same str growths and everyone masturbates over how good of a Warrior he is. 45% isn't nowhere near abysmal, if anything it's "average", Yeah they have higher strenght, but only by 20% in base, and lets take Hinoka for instance, most likely she's going be trained as a pegasus or a lancer, either way, her strength growth gap would be even less. it'll only put her at a 10% strength deficit, which is hardly, something to cry over.
  24. There would be better options, they wouldn't make any money off of Jake.
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