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Everything posted by avengerfive

  1. Go +Str unless you know the class you want for Kamui is slow. Look at Ownage's post above. Basically Kamui is quite fast inherently, and +Spd would be overkill in most situations.
  2. If feel like the whole assest/flaw system now depends more on what class you want Kamui to be in, opposed to Awakening, where you have like 4 options.
  3. Honestly, we have had multiple people who have played the game say that -luck works. If your afraid to gamble with single digit crit chances, I saw -Res also works very good.Many of the early chapters are quite short and simple as well, so there not much pain in reseting a few times, unless you're planning on doing ironman runs.
  4. I'd say 20, definitely not as young as 17. Leo could be 17-18
  5. It's something that needs to be tested ingame. Maybe the fortunate people that have already played the game can help us? Does Corrin face consistent chances of being critted throughout the game, with the -luck flaw?
  6. Hm, I guess /s is more of a Reddit thing... But yea I know, I was just joking
  7. Yea I guess it not gonna be LTC worthy, but it should be fun to try out on Hard.
  8. I realize that the whole 1 pair thing isn't going to work. I think the dude in the video grinded anyways.
  9. Im just looking for the easiest way to beat the chapter lol.
  10. Damn lol. So is it best to just muscle through or do some rescue/pass strats?
  11. Is this a viable tactic for Chapter 27? (Spoilers Ofc) Assuming your Kamui can survive 3 rounds with the boss, and kill him in that many, it makes Ch27 very easy.
  12. Wait isn't the speed change from Nohr Prince to Dark Mage only -2? That doesn't seem that bad.
  13. Why? Because of the Astra proc and Swordfaire? 27 seems like it can be cheesed fairly easily with Kamui solo using the draw/stairs. Does Elite Ninja have a hard time killing the boss?
  14. When do you ever need Kamui unpaired? The first few chapters when Felicia isn't around and maybe chapter 25? 25 seems like it would be really hard with DN, but you got the draw staff.
  15. Isn't Ninja better for Chapter 25 because the boss can be snake venomed to death?
  16. I'm going to try a +Mag -Luck Dark Mage/Knight paired with Felicia. Seems fun, Dark Knight has Yato access and ofc Magic for 1-2 range.
  17. Midoriko might be OK for Nohr, for the $$$. Also, Mozu is good in Nohr because she is a bow user! /s
  18. Wouldn't Hinoka be a better user of the shockstick? Subaki definitely does more damage and is more bulky, but I think eventually his speed isn't going to meet the doubling benchmark, even with that +4 from Orochi, at least on EP.
  19. I didn't realize Camilla gets Mag -6 from going to Wyvern Lord, leaving her at base 5 Mag, with only a 25% growth. 16mt is still pretty good, but maybe it's not worth the cost. I just wish there was some way to give her 1-2 range, unless she doesn't need it.
  20. Nice. I'm guessing you can do the same thing with Wyvern Lord Camilla and a forged Bolt Axe?
  21. Shura!Hinata boosts seem amazing for Hinoka. Is it worth giving her all the Spirit Dusts you get so she can use the Magic Nagikatana? She looses avoid, so she will need to take some hits, but with that +6 def and maybe the Ch7 Robe she can be quite tanky. She should probably stay clear of any axe users tho, but even then you have the reverse Nagikatana.
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