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Posts posted by Xenomata

  1. 2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Three Houses was a very successful game with very popular characters. And it makes sense that that's the case. It's the farthest the series has leaned into the dating sim genre, and one of the most important design requirements of a dating sim is that the datable characters need to be likeable in some way.

    That actually confuses me in a few ways. Besides the fact that I've come to not like most of the 3H cast and no longer see what people like about any of them.

    • Besides a few of the house leader alts/all the Brave alts/the Rearmed alts who are from Three Hopes (I think), it seems like all of the Fodlan characters are their Academy Phase selves, even now that it's been long enough that the no-spoilers-discussion grace period is over. Just my opinion, but it strikes me as odd they'd purposefully use the variants of these characters who have not had any character development and for the most part tend to only have one or two almost completely unrefined personality traits, even before Heroes waters down the characters in the transition.
    • Even if you like a character enough and manage to summon them... then what? Heroes offers none of the dating sim mechanics that let people like the 3H characters, here they've basically been reduced to skill effects and one-liners. Once a release event is over, that's basically the last you're guaranteed to see the character in any meaningful way. From there it's just... battles and battles and battles, until you have to stop using so-and-so because they can't handle the latest threat released only a month later.

    ...meh whatever, I don't have the capacity to care about what they do with Feh anymore... I came to see who was on the banner, and I'm as disappointed as ever.

  2. Hi y'all! I remembered nows about the time the Christmas banner comes out and I wanted to see who would be on-
    ...yep, this is why I quit this panderous game in the first place.

    Seriously, this shit is still going on? Is nobody else complaining? I see some people on here who aren't happy, but are they the minority? I'd hate to say it, but the Fire Emblem Heroes I played since launch is dead, all I see here is a walking shell being puppeted by a puppeteer whose face is just the Crest of Flames...

  3. @GuiltyLove If you don't mind me using the space to quickly explain, I got sick of the insane amount of Three Houses/Hopes characters being added over the summer, so when the Rhea bootlicker got added as the CYL banner's GHB I said that if anymore 3H characters get added, I was quitting.
    Not only did Claude get added just weeks later in the Wind Tribe banner, but they even specifically teased him. And then they (in my eyes) phoned in Brave Marth's refine in favor of the refines they gave to the two Fodlan snowflakes, which I already quit by then but that sunk the dagger in deeper.
    It's a very petty reason to quit I admit, but my interest in the game had dwindled to almost nothing by then anyway. Plus on top of the damage done to my wallet, I'm pretty sure Three Houses has been irreparably regarded as my most despised FE game especially thanks to the exposure heaped onto it by Feh, which I didn't think was possible. So... yeah. The last time I turned the game on was to take pictures of my 5* +10 collection on the 8th.

    @BoaFerox Tana Emblem looks amazing. So many yellow-bolded borders... kinda wish I had more opportunities to use some of the Tier 4 B passives they've been adding, but I could never actually justify trying to summon for them.

    But yeah... thanks, hope you guys keep being able to enjoy whatever you can out of Feh. As for my future in video games... Rhythm Heaven!
    ...Ba bum bum bum.

  4. 31 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

    @Xenomata has been missing for a few days! I don't have beautifully written descriptions like he has, so don't expect much in my post.

    Yeah... turns out when you've decided to quit a game, you run out of reasons to stay on the forums for that game, especially if you really didn't offer much of anything interesting or insightful to say. I only remembered to come in and look to see who the new Leg/Mythic hero was.
    ...Elincia? That's neat. Good clears. Wonder what I woulda done to put her down...

    Also not sure "beautifully written descriptions" is the term I'd use... fluff text for stuff that people already know? Heck, if you wanna pretty the post up a bit, just grab the Hero Battle banner off Feh's twitter page, that's what I did 😛

  5. Well I've quit the game. Much of its appeal has died to me, and I've mostly stayed aboard for the sake of building units I like and have come to like. But I'm not able to accept blatant Fodlan-pandering, and Claude in the Wind Tribe banner was the straw that broke the camel's back.

    I did however figure that I could make one last little post in this thread I once frequented regularly. All of the units I've been able to 5* +10 over the 7-or-so years I've played, since the game launched. Gonna be honest, did bring a tear to me eye remembering some of the fights they pulled through, especially since some of them had no business making it through them. But anyway...













    And a small few honorable mentions, because they didn't make it to +10 but I used them enough that they're +10 in spirit.



    And lastly, the ones I'm most proud of. True MVPs of my barracks...

    128 5* +10 units in the end, with 3 honorable mentions... What the little army I have.

  6. 1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Damage reduction and Tempo help him charge up Shining Emblem the first time if he isn't running Time's Pulse and doesn't have Pulse support.

    That's actually very easy to cover IMO. Both Fae and Astram have naturally higher HP than Brave Marth, so Infantry Pulse immediately charges Shining Emblem, plus with their weapons they give all 60 of the bonus stat total needed for Marth's Vantage effect. They're both easy to obtain at that (4* pool and GHB/grail shop) and Infantry Pulse is in the grail shop via Marisa.
    Building Marth's necessary support is pretty easy, considering the relative rarity of SS4 (even now that Citrinne is just another pity breaker in the regular 5* pool) and whatever C slot Marth asks for. I personally went for Oath, though the new Pledge could also be a good option.

    1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

    And if the opponent somehow survives, Tempo guarantees that Shining Emblem will be up for his follow-up and damage reduction makes it more likely he'll survive until his follow-up. Damage reduction also provides a bit of a counter measure against Hardy Bearing.

    One-hit-kill Vantage builds don't need a lot of skill effects in order to counter everything, and if Marth is running Special Spiral 4, the only things he's missing to be able to counter everything (other than Hardy Bearing and Parity) are Null C-Disrupt (to counter Sweep) and pre-attack Pulse (to counter Scowl). That's literally it.

    And I wouldn't be surprised if Null C-Disrupt is added as a Sacred Seal sometime in the near future since we already have the much more generally useful Null Follow-Up.

    Speaking from experience in Aether Raids light season, maybe it's because my Marth almost always has support from Muspell (plus an ally support S rank with him), but there's really not a whole lot that can survive "a single strike" from him. The bulkiest of Blue enemies maybe, but that's not all that common in favor of just trying to pull off cheap wins via Cav lines, teleport games, or just throwing the most blatantly powerful units your way... hell, even units I think I should be scared of are down in "a single strike". Given how much more simple Arena fights tend to go, I'm not that concerned there either.

    Really, I think there's better ways of encouraging the "single strike" build than moving his B passives main effect to take up the majority of his refine. As it is, none of Marth's counters have been dealt with in any meaningful way.

  7. 30 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    I'm pretty sure the refine is telling players to swap his B skill to Special Spiral 4. He doesn't need Dodge in his B slot if he's just killing things in one hit with Special Spiral 4 + Vantage + Shining Emblem and a giant pile of stats.

    I already did that though. All his refine truly did was punch his stats up, and the additional effects he got are useless to him when he's OHKOing with "A single strike". Tempo doesn't have an effect on after-combat special charges, and damage reduction is only meaningful if he didn't kill the enemy in one hit, which is rare. Sure an extra +11 stats is nice, but 5 of those stats are standard refine goodie, so all he truly got was Bonus Doubler.

    So... yeah, still not very happy about that.

  8. Can't believe I'm saying this, but is that seriously all Marth got? His base effect with a combined 10 stat bonuses got Tempo, and for the refine he gets Bonus Doubler that also checks for ally bonuses, and first-strike damage reduction? That's fucking weak, they didn't do anything for his special-trigger game...

    So what did the others get? Lessee, Itsuki gets all-round stat boosts and nice if basic effects, Eirika basically got stats and Dull Atk/Spd/Def... Mirabilis can inflict Flash on enemies after she attacks, that's pretty interesting. Hel just gets straight health recovery to counteract Distant Pressure's hp decay without changing her weapon's Res targeting, otherwise it's just a grabbag of effects that speedy units like to get these days... oh what the fucking hell am I looking at. Marianne gets the slaying effect added on TO HER BASE WEAPON, the damage reduction effect is both stronger and on both phases (albeit weaker on EP), and then her refine is just a grabbag of effects that offensive units like on top of Tempo? Gatekeeper's support game is further strengthened AND he becomes even bulkier with both Def-based damage reduction and post-combat HP recovery?

    ...yeah no, the fact that Marth easily got the most underwhelming refine compared to everyone else, ESPECIALLY the two fodlaners, feels like a nail in the coffin to me ditching this game. Eirika barely made it out better in my opinion, if only because she at least got a Dull effect. Itsuki got a good refine, especially considering what it started as. Hel and Mirabilis got nice upgrades, though I'd rather leave the Flash-infliction game to someone other than a dancer.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    However, this still brings up the question of "why Kagero again" and "why not just make Orochi a stand-alone alt/pair her with someone else".

    This definitely. Orochi could have been with Mikoto or even Reina if you wanna reach for straws. She's been seen with Saizo on more than one occasion. Probably not shy around the Hoshidan royals.

  10. Welp, may as well see what's on the bulletin board before leaving the house...


    Kinda feel like they're overusing the "damage reduction on foe's first attack" effect at this point... Dagr's not technically removing enemy bonuses, she's just... neutering them? Technically they're neutralized, but only by inflicting an equal-value penalty?
    Also she grants Pathfinder to a support ally. Shame Citrinne can't give the effect to her allies.

    Bow units get another interesting toy to play with. Shame it's not in the grail shop, guess they learned their lesson after Whitecap Bow. NFU and Null Panic, plus a big Atk/Spd bonus equal to the number of bonuses the unit currently has... between AShexblade, A/Soath4, and support from someone like LegEliwood, that could very quickly get absurd.
    Catria... hm, guess the Whitewings are moving on from the Easter banners?

    I think Kagero's breasts somehow got even bigger...
    WHAT. Would have BEEN. The ISSUE. With making OROCHI. The LEAD?!
    Am I MISSING SOMETHING about Kagero? Was she an interesting character in Fates? I played Fates, and I do NOT remember her being a character that stood out that much. She was LITERALLY a Damsel in distress. ON ALL 3 ROUTES. Kaze and Saizo stood out way more, and they doesn't even have one alt!
    Well anyway, she has plenty of damage reduction and the Vengeance-like effect. Disarm Trap is pretty lacking for anything other than Aether Raids, I think Brash Assault 4 would be better just because it does basically the same job but with extra damage reduction and an extra layer of that Vengeance-like effect, assuming it stacks with itself (which it definitely doesn't, but a person can dream)

    And Fuga is the Grail demote. Between him and Rinkah last time being the 4* demote, I fully expect Flora to be the duo/harmonic backpack for the Ice Tribe festival at best. Felicia will be lucky to even get a Paralogue/Tempest Trials story cameo.

    ...well that's all fine and good, but you can't interest me anymore. I'm done.

  11. Aaaaand that's it, I'm done with this game for good.

    Can't go one seasonal banner without pandering to the Fodlan crowd, hell why not give the cocky shit a brand new Prf skill because he's so fucking cool... yeah no, the game has lost its appeal to me long ago, and if I'm not even able to enjoy it without being reminded that apparently everyone except me loves 3H so much that they're willing to accept being spoon-fed it every few months, then I'm out. I know when I'm not wanted and have nothing to offer anyway.

    That'll save me a few thousand bucks a year...

  12. 14 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    The only things that would really make Marth better are Time's Pulse 4 so that he can activate Shining Emblem instantly when he activates his Vantage effect and damage reduction nullification so that Shining Emblem doesn't get blocked by first-attack damage reduction.

    You basically just described the two big benefits given by Special Spiral 4. You want his refine to be Special Spiral 4. Not that I'd be complaining, opens the slot for Null C-Disrupt and make him basically impossible to attack safely without being a bulky Blue unit on Divine Vein: Stone terrain.
    Signed, a person who gave Brave Marth Special Spiral 4.

  13. 19 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

    Impressive how you can outspeed Alear. I really need faster units. Julia was a powerhouse over here!

    I truly love any moment where I can bring out Julia to utterly crush any dragons in the way.
    Or magic in general I guess.

    18 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    That was a very easy map for you. Julia was pretty much made for this map, and Nina did a great job in the right side. Wow! I didn't know, or at least didn't remember, you having a +10 Spring Marisa, and such well invested too!

    I think I've had her at +10 since her last appearance in Hall of Forms? Of course I had to give her Re.Ingrid's inheritance stuff manually, but she's great. Everyone needs a confused bunny girl outfit-flier in their life!

  14. The remixes for the month of September 2023 feature Mirabilis: Daydream and Hel: Death Sovreign!

    Mirabilis will receive the Chill Def/Res 3 skill, inflicting Def/Res -6 on the enemey with the highest combined Def/Res total as well as any foes within 2 spaces of that foe.
    Whimsical Dream+:

    • Refreshes the action of the target ally
    • Grants Atk +6 and "Neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat" to target ally and allies within 2 spaces of target (excluding unit) for 1 turn (original only granted Atk +5)
    • Inflicts Atk -6 on nearest foes within 5 spaces of target and any foes within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions. (original only inflicted Atk -5 on nearest foes within 4 spaces of target)

    Hel will upgrade to Distant Pressure, enabling her a counterattack regardless of distance from an enemy and granting her Spd +5 if her HP is above 25%, but dealing 5 damage after combat if she attacks.
    Inevitable Death+:

    • For each foe within 4 spaces of her, Hel can move to any of the nearest spaces adjacent to that foe (new effect)
    • Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res -5 on foes within 2 spaces during combat (previously only -4 to all stats)
    • If Hel's Spd is higher or equal to her enemies Spd, disables any effects that disable Hel's follow-up attacks and effects that enable the enemies follow-up attacks. (new effect)

    Hel stands out, because Distant Pressure actively works against the effects needed for Hel's Reaper to keep its Miracle effect intact... which probably means Hel will receive a form of En Garde (see Medeus) that disables any post-combat damage, meaning she can theoretically always have Distant Pressure's Spd boost enabled without worrying about losing HP, also meaning she might be immune to Poison Strike/Firesweet strats.

  15. Welcome to the CYL5 edition of the Weapon Refinery, featuring...

    • Flower of Ease, part of the remix for Mythic Sword Flier Dancer Mirabilis: Daydream
    • Mirage Falchion, for Grail Sword Infantry Itsuki: Finding a Path
    • Genesis Falchion, for CYL Sword Infantry Marth: Prince of Light
    • Binding Reginleif, for CYL Lance Cavalier Eirika: Pledged Restorer
    • Hel's Reaper, part of the remix for Mythic Axe Flier Hel: Death Sovreign
    • Charging Horn, for CYL Green Tome Infantry Gatekeeper: Nothing to Report
    • Phantasm Tome, for CYL Colorless Tome Infantry Marianne: Serene Adherent

    This also marks the first refine for a unit from Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE!

  16. Welp, no better way to display the power of friendship than by murdering all of your enemies friends, thereby making your main opponent weaker.

    Legendary Julia was meant to be the one to take down Alear. No NFU on Alear and Julia's combo of a guaranteed follow-up and effective damage against dragons PLUS disabling the adaptive damage normally feared by ranged units meant she'd be able to safely put Alear down. All those other enemies Julia could take down so easily felt more like feeding live humans to a meat grinder...
    I took Nina in because I don't think I've used her since she got her Resplendent outfit? Turns out when Alear is all alone, Nina outspeeds her and could get the kill with a Special Trigger. That's pretty nifty.
    Lene was taken for no other reason than to limit the benefits I'd be going in with. Most other dancers have something good to offer, Lene just had a Canto weapon and Infantry Pulse.
    Spring Marisa I don't think I've used since giving her Arcane Luin. She's basically just a worse ReIngrid, but I don't care because I'd rather use Marisa. She didn't do that bad either, if maybe a little less than I would have liked.

    Hm... turns out Abyssal Hero Battles are a LOT easier when you don't have to deal with absurd Movement range, huge amounts of damage reduction, or a blatantly defensive hero...

  17. image.png.2b129a46d276e7680283a1a9395c967f.png

    The Female version of the protagonist of Fire Emblem: Engage has arrived and marks the first instance of a Brawling weapon in the game!
    ...wait nope she's just a dragon who punches.

    Dragon's Fist is a Double-Attack weapon with the Slaying effect. As long as Alear is above 25% HP, she gains a +5 all stat boost, inflicts a debuff on her target based on the number of allies within 3 spaces who are from distinct titles (fortunately, at best the generic grunts around her should only count as being from Heroes) with at minimum a -4 debuff, and has Damage Reduction of 40% on AoE specials and the first attack she takes (or the first two if she is hit with a Double-Attack weapon). Even though she's human and punching you, she still has the "Adaptive damage effect on 2-range foes" effect standard to all dragons.
    Dragon Blast is her Prf special of choice, and with a cooldown of 2 her special damage is increased by 50% of her Spd. Unfortunately for Alear, that's all it does in this battle, as the enemy is unable to have support partners. No need to worry about her piercing through damage reduction or having another layer of damage reduction herself!

    Atk/Spd Finish 4 triggers when an ally is within 3 spaces, and not only adds stats but also makes Alear's special triggers stronger. Null C-Disrupt 4 means she will always be able to counterattack, weakens her enemey a bit, and even adds an extra layer of damage reduction for good measure. Atk/Spd Pledge will give Alear an Atk/Spd +6 buff, the Special Cooldown Charge +1 bonus effect if she starts the turn near an ally, and also a small Atk/Spd buff if she is near an ally when combat begins.
    On Abyssal, Alear will be able to counterattack at any range with the Distant Counter (D) sacred seal. Fear her if trying to safely poke at her from afar.

    This battle would be much harder if Alear's specific gimmick skills were in effect... but without anyone from other distinct titles to call an ally, much less a support partner, she must rely on her own power to win the day. Shame she has to be so weak to the blade of her own closest Emblem ally...

  18. ...I should probably play Engage again. I've still only just got to the part where you get Ike's ring...

    In other words, this legendary means little to me. Dragon Blast looks neat from a support standpoint. Atk/Spd Pledge is just ASoath4 with a different Bonus effect, which doesn't interest me that much to be honest... yeah, not a whole lot for me to care about... I'm glad it's not Fodlan again, but I think that's only because they're running out of units who can be legendaries from that game.

  19. So interesting choice I can make for Cath right now.

    I just rolled Special Spiral 4 in HoF for her. Thing is, I have Brash Assault 4 on her right now.

    Now the dilemma I'm having is that Cath is in a unique position since if she can get Bunny's Egg and Remote Sparrow, she'd be a Ranged G.Inf Dagger unit with 3 layers of damage reduction on the foe's first attack, and would be adding a lot of reduced damage to her next attack because of such.
    Special Spiral 4, on the other hand, is tried and true as a good tool, especially when combined with Time's Pulse 4 and a powerful special like Lethality. It's also kind of boring in my mind, since basically any Infantry unit can have it, and basically anyone can make it good.

    So... thoughts? I thought I would be going for the standard SS4/TP4 build with Cath, but now that I see what she can have I'm feeling tempted to go a more damage-reduction-y route...

  20. Prooooobably not what I should be focusing on, but I will say I'm glad her breasts aren't so... weirdly big and like egg-shaped mounds on her chest in her new artwork.
    ...now they're just big. Isn't she supposed to be like a teenager?

    Also her face looks better, if making the comparison between her and Tharja much harder to distinguish. All you can do is vaguely tell she's meant to be a Fates Mage/Diviner instead of a Dark Mage (not helped by her using a Tome instead of a Scroll)

  21. 10 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    That makes me very curious about her remix and refinement next month. I hope her weapon gets update from "calculates damage using foe's Res" to "calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res".

    I actually wonder about the T4 skill she'll get. Will she just get a direct upgrade to Distant Counter or Guard Bearing, or will she get something new like Mystic Boost 4 (since that would technically work in tandem even with her base weapon) or maybe even Distant AS Solo?

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