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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Gunter is a Jagan, and his excuse for being the worst character in the game is that he is old. Reina is one of those units who starts promoted and has all the benefits of a promoted unit, but once you begin promoting all of your other units they begin to fall behind others. Shura has the benefit of, for the most part, being a unit who joins with stats that reflect a 20/## unit, unlike Reina and Gunter. Gunter has literally no long-term viability. Early on he has a few benefits as mentioned, but once he is removed you don't miss him. Felicia and Jakob have just as good Avatar support skills, and their growths aren't atrocious.
  2. I'll give Orochi, when I used her early on purely out of the fact that I wanted 2 magic users, that she is powerful. Between Hayato and Orochi, I could usually count on Hayato to double things and Orochi to finish them off if they thought they had a chance to live. Longterm though, I didn't find Orochi to be keeping up. She needed Horse Spirit to not be doubled, and eventually Elise overtook both Hayato and Orochi in literally everything. It's a shame, because Orochi had my interest when they first announced Fates...
  3. At first I gave all Hoshidan Weaponry japanese sounding names I come up with on the spot like Sunaraga (Iron Katana) or Almain (Iron Naginata), while Nohrian weapons were given more normal names like Guardians Blade (Nohrian Blade) or names of attacks or abilities from the Pokemon games, like Pin Missile (All of my Javelins) and Fell Stinger (Steel Lance). I recently did a namewipe though, so most of my forged weapons are nameless, but I've renamed a number of my weapons since. These are what I've renamed... +7 Tiger Spirit: Vers Testament (went from plain ol Testament to New Testament. The idea came to me while listening to the OP of Shinmai Maou no Testament BURST.) +1 Mjolnir: Fusion Teravolt (Originally just Teravolt, after Zekrom's signature ability. Needed to rename it while I grinded Odin for a while) +2 Ryoma's Club: Giga Impact (after the 150 base power attack in Pokemon.) +2 Steel Club: S (I was trying to backspace the name and accidentally pressed OK while S was the only character left. It's remained since cause I'm lazy.)
  4. Lots of Silver weaponry, some seals, a lot of Iron and Steel weapons, and lots and lots of resources. I don't at all remember if I have ever gotten special weaponry like Wyrmslayers.
  5. Can you receive extra copies of Ophelia's Missiletain via Museum Melee for forging? I notice when looking in the forge it doesn't have the same "cannot forge" thing that other personal weapons have, but I haven't done enough runs of Museum to know at all. And on that note, can you forge the weapons that the Amiibo character grant access to? Not their actual weapons, the lookalike ones that they can sell you if they appear in the armory. I can't figure out for myself since I don't have any of the FE amiibos. It will take 128 copies of a single weapon to forge a +7 variant of it. 128 +0 weapons into 64 +1 weapons 64 +1 weapons into 32 +2 weapons 32 +2 weapons into 16 +3 weapons 16 +3 weapons into 8 +4 weapons 8 +4 weapons into 4 +5 weapons 4 +5 weapons into 2 +6 weapons 2 +6 weapons into 1 +7 weapon. So unless you have a literal lifetime to pour into Museum Melee, you should never be able to have more than like one copy of a +2 or +3 brave weapon, let alone multiple copies of fully forged brave weapons for everyone in your army.
  6. Base Class: Trickster Advanced Class: Scouter Advanced Class: Armorer
  7. My Sakura is a Maid using Felicia's Plate. Unlike other magical weapons, the plate doesn't have the negative drawbacks of no offensive skills and no crits, its just a little on the weaker side (but then again all shurikens are). So she can staffbot like a Priestess and have the offensive presence of an Onmyoji without being as crippling defensless as an Onmyoji.
  8. Most of the Hoshido scrolls release animals, all being based on the Zodiac (Chinese I think it was). The paper "scroll" releases actual papers, and then theres Calamity Gate. Oh lemme add something to the whole "Best personal skills" thing. What about Anna? She effectively gives Conquest players the ability to get gold outside of what the player is given, albeit in small amounts.
  9. Ophelia can go Dark Knight. Calamity Gate conjurs a giant head with horns. Does that count?
  10. Well Ophelia is kinda sorta cursed with having a magical father for a... father, giving her one classline who is specifically magic oriented, and another that is mostly centered around speed instead of power. I will agree it becomes useless the second she reclasses to something tomeless, but it's also hard to say that Ophelia's STR can actually surpass her MAG without a lot of assistance from Energy Drops and/or a Magicless/High STR growth parent/class (Charlotte for instance), who work much better on other children anyway. My point is, the ps works for the character who has it.
  11. Personally, I'd say Ophelias is better than Odins. Compared to Odins, who calls for you forging a weapon and giving it some absurdly long name for the specific sake of increasing his crit, whereas Ophelia just needs to be carrying 2 extra tomes on top of her Missiletain. Hell, I make sure everyone has at least 3 weapons for safety sake.
  12. Oboro's personal actually begins to lose relevance in Revelations as you keep playing. Early on you mostly fight Nohr enemies, with some Hoshido in the mix, but after you enter Valla you begin to start fighting Hoshido enemies most often, especially when fighting against Mikoto and Sumeragi. I'd say the best personal overall would probably be... either Azuras Healing Descant or the Avatars Supportive. Azura's doesn't really look like much of a boost, but it works really well when you also give her Amaterasu, though I guess that's only a specific scenario. Supportive though, unlike the skills that affect only the avatar this skill affects everyone who has a C support with them. This is so easy to achieve on accident, and it gives a free boost as long as the Avatar is the support unit.
  13. Can I mention Competitive,Takumi's personal? It isn't likely you are going to get all the maxed out stats you want on a 20/20 Takumi, so you are probably going to be needing some Eternal Seals. What then? Do you just Eternal Seal everyone who supports Takumi until they are all higher leveled than him? Though thats post game, it's probably more likely to be of use in the main story...
  14. Spoiler Alert: I fangirl over a certain child unit who is absolutely the cutest gem in the whole wide world.
  15. Honestly, I'm a person whose playstyle is "clump everyone into one group and move as a single unit", so Mitama's personal would be easy for someone like me to force into happening. Just make sure she is in the middle of the mega unit. It just... doesn't feel like it does much.
  16. No, it was a one time thing that has never happened since. Probably a dust issue or something, because the gamecard was cleaned afterward.
  17. I actually forget she exists. Thanks Revelations! Anyways, I'm wondering about Yukimura's personal. I mean, doesn't 5 hit to all of your units on the map seem a little... small? Another thing. Midori's personal. I know the boost is rather big, but... isn't the only skill that is affected that can be useful in a serious battle Miracle, maybe Dragon Ward if you even have it? It just seems like a skill best used for gathering Gold Bars and Iron weapons.
  18. Maybe, but literally every other recovery skill in the game is still better because they are guaranteed to recover your hp, in larger quantities to. And Velouria has access to one of them naturally, and also Sol. I mean, I don't deny it's still kinda good to occasionally recover HP. But it seriously is just a ripoff of Good Fortune, which isn't consistent enough for my tastes at least. Better to just use a staff/Vulnerary/stand next to Amaterasu Azura. As long as it is your turn (since that is when Brave weapons want to double attack), it should.
  19. nope. level 2 Takumi costs 0 DP. I think my level 3 Hana is 0 as well, but I wasn't really looking at her statue...
  20. I notice with my Takumi Statue, which was level 2 when I demolished it, it would be rebuilt at level 2. Does such apply to the buildings with services though, I dunno.
  21. How about Velouria? Recover 10 hp at the start of every turn at a chance equal to the luck stat. ...10. not 10%, just flat out 10. That's just a terrible version of Good fortune.
  22. Do I really need two staff stores when I don't even use the staffs from one of them? Should I just buy out the one I don't use and trash it?
  23. At least you guys don't seem to have had the issue of the game crashing on you while in the middle of chapter 17...
  24. I know it's possible for Sumia to never marry due to her having far less marriage options than all other females, and because she doesn't just marry some random lady off the street like Chrom does Cynthia can potentially be completely missed. But every time I look over the possible combinations, I never run into the issue of "too few marriage options if you steal one of the guys".
  25. I don't have problems with the english names. But I crack up every time at "Camilla's Sexy Axe" and "Arthur's Manly Axe"
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