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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Leo TECHNICALLY does it in chapter 18 Birthright, but what he really does is activate Dragon Veins that trigger marshes to appear that spawn Faceless, though Faceless do immediately spawn when Leo activates a Dragon Vein. I think there's also that one chapter in Conquest with the endless Faceless with the no exp skill, but does that really count if there isn't anyone there to summon them? I do not at all remember a chapter like that in Revs... Welp, what better time to think up some skills than when you're wishing Discipline was still a thing while grinding weapon ranks? (weapon)-covery: Regain 10% of damage dealt as HP when using (weapon). I.e. Dealing 15 damage will recover 1 hp per strike. Activates even when using offensive skills. Swords: Bladecovery Axes: Cleavecovery Lances: Spearcovery Tomes: Magicovery Bows: Arrowcovery Knives: Starcovery Indecisive: If more than 3 weapons and more than 2 weapon types are available in units inventory, gain +2 damage inflicted, -2 damage taken, and +5 hit/avoid/crit/crit dodge, but lose ability to select weapon used when attacking, using a random weapon instead. Weapon will change every time this unit enters any kind of combat, even if they cannot act with the selected weapon or is the back unit of Attack/Guard Stance. All weapon range rules are ignored when selecting weapon on units turn, so a 2 range bow can hit at 1 range (only applicable if the unit has a weapon with 1 range in their inventory). Weapons with 3 range will never be picked, and the unit can never attack at 3 range. Weapon types rule is dropped if unit can only use one weapon type (I.E. Applied to Hero who needs 2 swords and 1 axe to activate skill, while Swordmaster need 3 swords). Skill will not work if there are more than 2 of the same weapon to pick from (yes, even if one version is forged better than the other). Vile via: Skill% chance after this unit acts to force targeted unit, be it ally or enemy, to return to their initial starting point on the map, or to the closest space if that tile is occupied. (The inspiration behind this skill being the Via Seed lookalike item in the 4th gen Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games, which when consumed... makes the target say "see ya!" and warp away. The Warp Seed does the same thing, but there's already a skill called Warp, and Vile Via sounds... like a thing?) Vile Via+: Basically Vile Via, but enemy only and forces targeted units, ally or enemy, to warp to a random place on the map. Always activates. Fog of War: Use as a command to place down a fog over the entire area within 4 tiles of the unit. Units side can still see through the fog, but the enemy cannot see or do anything to units inside the fog. Fog is lifted when any enemy units step into the fog. Does not work if enemy units are within 4 tiles of the unit. Fog of War+ would be the Enemy only version of the skill that lays down fog in the area within 6 tiles of the unit. As with above, can't work if enemy unit is within 6 tiles. And... that's all I got for now.
  2. Here's a few skills that stray from "useful" and more toward "lol das cool" Personal Flotation Device: Unit can move across water effortlessly, even when mounted. Air Strike: When using a turret, gain ability to double attack if targets have less than 5 speed of unit. Artisan: If unit has four allied units directly next to them (basically, if this unit is in the middle of a cross formation), grants +2 damage and -2 damage taken to all units in the formation. And here is one that people might like a little more. Acupressure: When using a Shuriken/Knife, use as a command to select a target within 2 spaces and apply equipped weapons debuffs without initiating proper combat. Has 100% accuracy, but does 0 damage and cannot trigger offensive skills, dual strikes, or increase shield gauge when in dual guard. Secondary effects of weapons (heal 20% hp, cuts Str in half, lowers Str/Skl by 2, etc) will not apply. Enemy cannot counter-attack if directly next to unit. Can activate Seal skills if appliable.
  3. Killager is clearly the best (unit) character in ever. ...I hope I don't have to elaborate on that.
  4. When someone finds an "extra" item either from event tiles or randomly in the castle, do they have a higher chance of finding their "personal" item? Cause it feels like more than once Setsuna found her Yumi, Niles found his bow, Kaze and Saizo found their needle and star, and in fact just now Izana found his scroll.
  5. Happy birthday Mr. Lobster! Today we dine on fine lobster!
  6. Well great, now I'm thinking of Garon...
  7. So we have threads (that haven't been touched in a while) for the best and worst personal skills, and since we have a thread dedicated to creating a class, why not go ahead and make up our own skills? Personal skills to, since the best and worst threads got me thinking. I'm not going to do anything like scream for creativity (bring back Wrath from Awakening) or game balance (Increase damage by +5 when at weapon advantage), or hell even alter existing skills (Scarlet's personal activating at 50% hp), but I do want to request (for as long as it can stand up) that you don't try to make a CLASS at the same time. There is already a thread for that, as linked to above. Now, what will you make? What would you replace the Avatar's personal with to make them more like yourself? What personal skill would the unique characters (Kotaro, Garon, Iago, Mikoto, etc.) have in your mind? What about capturable characters (Candace, Tarba, Gazak, etc.)? Just to start, I'll throw out what I think would be Zola's personal skill. Illusional: Use as a command to change to another character deployed on the map until the next turn, at which point the illusion will wear off. All weapons, skills, and stats will copy the chosen character.
  8. Isn't that the exact reason why people fall for her in the first place? IIRC, most of Charlottes S supports are her buttering up the male in C, saying/doing something out of line in B, and then being confronted about it and being told it's all cool in A. Pretty sure only Benny's is different.
  9. I'm sure it's okay, just a bit of a miswording on Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss Avalanches part.
  10. AFAIK from looking over how to get boots, you only get one pair over the course of each story, but the way you get them is absolute bull in each path. Birthright is the most tame, only calling for you to open a chest... Conquest calls for you to EXECUTE SHURA in chapter 16. Revelations calls for you to partake in and complete the entire stealth thing in chapter 24. It's not that hard, just tedious. So basically, you need to rely on path bonuses, my castle rank bonuses, and the upcoming Anna's gift.
  11. Ah, the days of when I would clog the Awakenings pairing thread with my noob mutterings... So anyways, should we count A+ pairings on top of S pairings? I think being able to discuss the viability of, say, a Swordmaster Sakura over a Maid Sakura (A+ with Hana over Elise) deserves the same levels of discussion as who Sakura should be mothering.
  12. If we're talking for my castle and online purposes, I'd say that getting high amounts of defense/resistance/speed would be beneficial. Luck to, but I'm not actually sure how much hit and avoid luck gives per X amount of luck. If it were me, I'd take some statues away from STR, MAG, and SKL to build up on DEF, and RES. It's also only possible to go over the 50 building limit in Revs. In BR and CQ, you only get to around 40-42 statues, so the only determinant factor is what you pick as your avatars Boon and Bane. Also, I kinda wish the statues had some sort of impact on growth rates. It'd certainly make Gunter redeemable much later on...
  13. What about bonus damage and special effect staves? Kaden, Keaton, Velouria, Selkie, and Kanas born of those units all have natural beastslayer weaknesses, not counting any units who ride horses and Pegasus/Kinshi. The avatar, Kana, and anyone else the avatar is the mother/father of also have natural dragonslayer weaknesses not counting Wyvern Riders. A max stat lodestar avatar still took a lot of damage from a single hit from an unforged Dragon Spirit. And staves. Hexing Rod, Silence, Bifrost (maybe), the one that prevents moving, etc.
  14. I'm okay with it, and I've also noted that Poison Strike (and similar skills I guess) has the same effect, just requiring you to be attacked by whoever has it. Though I do try to limit my usage of map challenges to support/weapon exp grinding and whenever they naturally appear.
  15. Pavise is more accessible than Astra for Effie!Mitama since Effie passes down Knight. Though do remember, not only are there countless castles that offer a number of skills for units, but there is also a skill request thread, so being able to ever get astra shouldn't be a problem.
  16. ...if that's the case, then no wonder they're falling behind. Azura has been healing off all that "even if it's just 1 hp" damage.
  17. Unfortunately, Illusion units cannot be captured, which all fightable Ballisticains and Witches are. AFAIK, the only units you can capture in a DLC map are the capturable bosses who appear in the Museum Melee map.
  18. Simply put, I don't know how to do it. In Awakening I could just wait until the first shop with Rescue is made available, get some gold from Golden Gaffe, and spam the everloving hell out of rescue staves until something good happens, but in Birthright/Revelations Rescue staves are severely limited in quantity, especially early on, so I just don't know what to do. I'm not even going to bother thinking about Conquest, though at least the only stafflocked user there is Elise... So how do I do it? My one guess would be to position an unarmed but likely to survive unit (Rinkah and avatar in guard stance?) in a chokepoint and let the enemy damage them while continually healing them with the staff user (avatar optional for the case of running out of staves), but I've no idea what map even offers such a perfect luxury.
  19. whenever my soleil paladin mans the shop, its only lances.
  20. Hate the mechanist's smug face when it's his advantage. choo choo, all aboard the fighter hate train.
  21. something about the generic swordmasters face is awkward to me, like this doesnt shout master of the blade more than it does commander of an army. is that a bad hing, well no not really. but that face isnt as swordmastery as it was in Awakening.
  22. Now that I think about it, Jakob is a bit of an ass to the Avatar to. He blatantly refused to do anything about helping the avatar become independent, saying something about serving the avatar being his only reason for living or something like that.
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