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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Really... The only 40% unit I had last time (trained up and at 5* anyway) was Nowi, who was a very competent unit throughout Ylissian Tempest. Now I only have Alm to get that bonus from, so I hope having a healer, a green nuke, an adept dragon, and a pseudo healer-attacker will get me through again...
  2. Same, I wonder what your Alm is? Mine is +Spd -Def, and has been fused for +1 hp and +1 attack
  3. Welp, had Nowi trained up last time, now I just gotta train up my Alms (+Spd -Def, +Def -Res) to prepare for a merge. Why does my luck only have to be good when preparing for the most stressful parts of my life... (Wonder what the best offensive set for Alm would be...)
  4. Yeah I'm only now noticing that (Shut up Tobin mislead me). Though now that I take a second look... I have to wonder what other "duos" would entail...
  5. Wow, I am suddenly glad I pulled those 2 5* Alms (+Spd -Def and +Def -Res) in the past without sending them home. Welp, guess I know what I'm working on next! Wonder what the best offensive Alm set is...?
  6. Just gonna do one pull thanks to free orbs! 2 blue and 1 each of the rest? I'll pull red, the least valuable, first! 5* Alm +Def -Res... The rest were Roderick, Cherche, Abel, and Lucius. They say you can hear the cries of anger of a sableye on the night of a moon...
  7. TBH, I'd kinda like bigger maps, not these small ones. I mean, I'm no FE Veteran, but I feel like not having giant maps to conquer is a bit of a... how to put it... NOT Fire Emblem thing to do? I'm not asking for anything like the map sizes seen in Geneaology of the Holy War, making it pointless to have anything but mounted units, but I certainly don't think it's that much to ask for. I mean, it's a smartphone/tablet game, scrolling around the map should be expected. Plus it would mean they could unload massive army raids on us.
  8. I think my first pull had a 3* Nino in it. Or it might have been a 3*R Robin... I don't remember which, I just remember using Robin and Nino very early on. ...speaking of which, why does Robin have a pulling cinematic in the first place? He can't even be 5* in anything but a focus banner.
  9. So here's my idea... Clarisse is clearly not the offensive presence that Bridal Cordelia is, but she does serve as a semi-debuffer. The problem is that she doesn't have the bulk to stand up to the likes of most magic users and popular Distant Counter users. My theory is, give her Darting Blow and either Windsweep or Watersweep. Because she isn't an offensive presence, more a debuffer thanks to her bow, it doesn't matter that she can't double attack. While it does mean you have to pick between the two sweeps, there are good reasons for both (Distant Counter users are powerful and can typically one-round Clarisse anyways, while Clarisse's Resistance means she takes a lot more Magic damage anyways. Her Speed would mean that she wouldn't be able to outspeed the major threats anyways (Ryoma, Nino, Linde, etc), which is why Darting Blow is given on top of a Hone Speed/Rally Speed buff (not Attack/Speed, as the one point difference matters). LnD3 would be decent to and boost the damage she does, but at the cost of surviving any enemy phase attacks. Fury could technically work as well, but the speed boost from it is not as big as the other 2 options. And of course Savage Blow because if your gonna debuff them, may as well hurt them as well. It's just a theory, and I'd like to see the problems behind it, because it all depends on the target Clarisse attacks, which while we can't guarantee a Ryoma Hector Nowi/Ninian Bridelia set or Magic Horse Emblem set... well, I'll leave it at that.
  10. Wow, I only picked Priscilla because she is my MVP... not even healer, just unit in general.
  11. Well Setsuna I feel is still relevant since she is faster than Bridal Cordelia, if weaker.
  12. So what can Clarisse do that other Archers can't? It looks like she is inferior to Bridal Cordelia, Cordelia being able to utilize natures and trading bulk for power and speed compared to Clarisse's slightly bulkier but slower and less powerful build, and her weapon is a ranged Dark Breath, but that's about the only thing setting her apart from everyone else. I can only really think she is a crippler over all else, maybe give her a Seal skill in place of Poison Strike and possibly Death or Darting Blow to ensure she can weaken or kill the enemy as best possible, but I'm not really sure otherwise. I'd like to utilize one of these Grand Hero units one day, but the only one I'm slightly interested in is Legion and Clarisse, both whom seem outclassed by other units.
  13. Oh my god I did it. How I'd start the map is moving Hector to the spot within range of the Green Cavalry Mage and Knife Infantry, but outside Clarisses. He would be buffed up by Eirika's passives, and then after moving in Priscilla would keep him semi-safe with Spur Defense. Frederick would be over to the right to lure over any unit he could. The Green Cavalry would die, Clarisse would break the obstacle, and it's usually about here I'd be screwed. But I simply had Hector stay in his position and let Clarisse come over to attack while taking as many hits from the Smokedager Infantry as possible. The Blue Mage Infantry would try to creep on Frederick, but... well, that never went well. At this point, Clarisse finally died, but now the Armorslayer Cav, Wo Dao Infantry, and Knife Infantry are going to come through the path and wipe me out, with the Armorslayer Cav just south of where the obstacle was, the Wo Dao Infantry in the space above, and the Smokedagger Infantry next to Wo Dao. I just... I pulled a classic Fire Emblem. I put Frederick to his right, Eirika to his south, told Hector to sniff flowers next to Eirika, and had Priscilla between Eirika and Frederick to heal them when nessesary. The way the enemies were, only Armorslayer Cav was allowed to attack, Wo Dao Infantry didn't move, and Smokedagger Infantry couldn't do anything. Armorslayer Cav would attack Frederick, Freddy would barely survive and do 5 chip damage, and once Bonfire was charged up, I could have Freddy kill the Armorslayer Cav, move Eirika in to kill the Wo Dao Infantry (who had like 9 or 11 health, so he was dead despite being on a Defense Tile). The most the Smokedagger Infantry could do was attack whoever for pathetic damage. Frederick moved in for the kill, and I just stared at my phone in disbelief that the most classic of tactic ploys worked in this game. Frederick, I don't know what you drink in place of mede, but you deserve a bottle on my tab. I have to add, this was quite the way to kickstart my Eirika's career. I had barely leveled her to 40 before tackling Clarisse. Now I wonder if Clarisse is any good compared to any of the crap Bridelias I have...?
  14. Is it worth it to drop orbs on expanding my maximum hero limit? I honestly never thought it would be a problem, but then again I didn't have so many inheritance fodder units at the time either...
  15. Is it worth it to drop orbs on expanding my maximum hero limit? I honestly never thought it would be a problem, but then again I didn't have so many inheritance fodder units at the time either...
  16. As much as I still love Nowi thanks to her amazing ability to trash Red units, who have a lot of dangerous players in their mist like Ryoma and the occasional Young Tiki, I am now glad I pulled that +Att -Hp Fae when I blew up a lot of cash on pulling. Though TBH I could care less about the tiers. I learned this in the best way possible: Cain. I mean, he is only A and yet my Brave Sword+ TA3 Cain wrecks the opposition with only some resistance. He doesn't even have maxed out skills yet! He's still riding on Dragon Gaze and Seal Speed 2.
  17. My god Infernal took a while to figure out. Nino and Cain are Honed/Fortified by Priscilla. Moved Nowi within range of the Red Tome Infantry. Moved Cain to the left of Nino and used Rally Speed on her. Nino moves in on right Legion and one-rounds him. Priscilla stands between Cain and Nowi. As expected, the Red Tome tries to attack Nowi, but takes damage instead. Priscilla attacks bottom Legion from directly below the wall for just enough damage for Cain to move in to Legions right and finish him off without receiving Panic debuffs. Nino one-rounds the Blue Tome Infantry from directly north of Legion, and Nowi once again moves within range of the Red Tome Infantry, to Nino's left. Red Tome Infantry is killed on enemy phase. Nowi moves to the left of the Red Sword Cavalry and attacks. Cain stays in place and finishes him off. Priscilla moves next to Cains right, and Nino moves to north of Priscilla. Legion is one tile below the Bottom-left defense tile, the Blue Lance Cavalry is on the bottom-right defense tile, and the Bow Infantry is directly below the cavalry. Nino, who at this point is within range of Desperation 3, one-rounds the Bow Infantry from behind the wall he is next to. Cain moves to a tile that is within Legion's range but outside the Cavalry's, and Nowi moves to where Cain was, which happens to be within the Cavalry's but outside of Legions. Priscilla moves to above Nino and heals her to almost-max. When the Cavalry attacks Nowi, he lunges her to below the wall. Nino finishes off the Blue Lance Cavalry, and Cain moves east of Legion and finishes him off. Nowi moves one space down, back to where she was, so that Priscilla can move between them. Legion moves to the bottom-right defense tile, probably after Nowi or Nino. Cain moves next to Priscilla's left. Priscilla moves to below Cain and heals him. Nowi moves to Priscilla's spot next to Cain and Rally Defenses him. Nino moves to where Nowi was, between Nowi and Priscilla. Legion moves in to attack Cain. Nowi moves... somewhere. Nino takes Nowi's spot, which happened to be within range of the new Blue Tome Cavalry, and finishes off Legion. Priscilla moves below Nino and heals her, while Cain moves out of range. At this point, the map ends because what chance did that Blue Tome Cavalry have against Nino? Let me say, it took so many tries to figure out what I had to do with my team. I even forgot turns 4-7 and replayed the map just to finish this play-by-play.
  18. I don't, but since I have 20k feathers, lots of heroes I can send home without worry, and a 4* Gordin, I might consider giving Quick Riposte to... I dunno, Nowi?
  19. Built up 20 orbs to do a free pull from Vantage banner (none of the Echoes of Mystery heroes interest me besides Athena for Wo Dao+), no blue summons, three colorless, decided that 5* Gordin could at least provide my Cordelia with a free Brave Bow+ for what it's worth. 5* Klein instead. +Res -Hp. UUUUUUUGH. This has to be the worst hero that could ever be 5* with an average nature.. Brave Bow+? Death Blow 3? Quick Riposte 3? So many heroes benefit from ALL OF THE EFFING ABOVE.
  20. Got more orbs as one last push to get something neat from Bridal Blessings... 5* Mah boi. +Att -Def Bridal Lyn... Spd -Hp. Eh, might be neat if I ever get Wrathful Staff for a semi-offensive threat. Bridal Cordelia that is... +Hp -Spd... well... um... that brings in even more losses than +Hp -Att... wow... 2 3* Shannas. Great, Desperation fodder! +Def -Spd Bridelia. Ugh... +Spd -Def 5* Boey... um... +Res -Att 5* Mae... okay... I got the final Blessed Bride, Caeda, and she is... actually decently natured! +Spd -Hp. Another +Att -Res Bridal Charlotte. Neat. 5* Sakura that is +Hp -Res. Intriguing... +Att -Spd Cordelia... would have been better swapped around, but that is honestly the best Cord I've gotten this entire time, so... 4* +Att -Def Tharja. Neat. 5* Rebecca. +HP -Att. lame. 5* Jakob. Eh. And there's my lot. Lots of feathers from all the junk I got, some interesting 5*s... I just wish it wasn't such a bittersweet feeling.
  21. So in my last batch of pulls I pulled out a +Spd -Res 4* Nino, which is pretty neat. My current Nino, who is 5*, is +Att -Def. What I'm wondering, would it be worth it to 5* the +Spd Nino and merge my +Att Nino into her? I understand that a faster Nino is... well, a nuke, but I've been getting very great results from my current Nino, and outspeeding things hasn't been that big an issue except in Tempest Trials. On the other hand, the merged Nino will be slightly faster and bulkier, letting her take more hits that she would not have otherwise survived. I'm currently also not sure what else I would want to spend feathers on, though I did pull a +Att -Res Cordelia... Just for the curious, my Nino runs Fury 3, Desperation 3, Hone Attack 3, Speed 1 seal, and Moonbow.
  22. True true, but at least in Arena everything is predictable to a degree. There is no telling what stupid boosts TT enemies will have, and in comparison Arena enemies I can glance at and know how to wipe them down. Hell, even Vantage Takumi being boosted I was able to find an effective way to take down without losing crucial units to finish off the rest of the enemies team. I've had to set up my units to survive attacks in TT so often I just do it subconsciously.
  23. Ugh... Tempest Trials has made fighting anything other than Horse Emblem or Flier Emblem teams in Arena trivial, I'm so used to stupid stat increases and sets...
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