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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. I feel like it'd only be a good idea for Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna. I jokingly suggested it in the past, but it makes more sense to only add it for the three "main" characters of the game, who otherwise have no way to increase stats beyond A slot skills, where the rest of the game's only limit is how much you are willing to pull.
  2. I've more or less decided that there is no way in hell I could make a character, even if they were pre-existing. ...but I can come up with weapons and skills, can't I? And maybe, if I say "go ahead and use my ideas if you please", it can help you guys make your own heroes? Weapons: Assists: Specials: So... yeah, I think whenever I come up with enough nonsense I'll come back, and people have full permission to... "borrow" the things I come up with.
  3. I accept that as fact, though I do have to add, Nowi only has 27 Speed at neutral. It exists largely to let her avoid being doubled, but most enemy Reds, at least that are worth anything, outspeed her anyways, and I honestly believe it isn't worth letting a TA3 unit in combat against anything BUT what they are at advantage against (unless we are talking weakened Blues or VEEEEEERRY weak and low res greens), so in most of the battles she'd be in, she winds up taking low damage per hit anyways. Heck, even a +10 merge Horse emblem Leo with Rauorblade+, Death Blow 3, and a +Att nature did 22 damage in the one hit he was allowed (in KageroChart calculator). Though it's just the opinion of a very average player. Thanks for the insight BTW. To be fair, I did only say "who you would expect to have Distant Counter in the first place", so who knows, maybe there's a person out there with Distant Counter on the highest Attack units in the game possible, and none of them happen to be Sword users. It's probably not a very good team, but hey weirder things can happen, right? I'd assume Ryoma CAN sneak a hit in if he is within Vantage 3 range, but then again so can Xander and Ike, and if they are in Vantage 3 range then they probably also have their skills ready, which usually spells death anyways.
  4. I do have a very slight issue with giving Enemy Phase Nowi -HP or -Res in that with -HP her overall tankiness is lowered and the threshhold for QR3 is tighter, and with -Res she takes more damage from Red Mages than usual, but on the other hand the extra damage is very slight, and I'd probably want to be keeping Nowi at high health anyways, so they're probably very inconsequential issues. Those are oddly specific scenarios that I either don't think will ever appear in Tier 17+ teams or I don't think I'd even let Nowi near to begin with, or at least not on Enemy Phase. TBH I forgot he was added until I watched someone on youtube pull him. If you have him built ala Klein, which I assume means Death Blow 3 and Brave Bow+, you could try throwing on Swordbreaker 3 to handle the three Distant Counter swords. Giving him Bonfire or Luna lets Leon kill Xander in 3 hits when it goes L > L > X > L, and that's from Bonfire/Luna being at 3 charge at the beginning of combat. Neutral full HP Ryoma is killed in only two hits, and neutral full HP Ike is largely the same story as Xander. Yeah he takes some damage from Xander and Ike, but unless you are throwing a low-health Leon at them he can take the hits, and besides low health Leon wouldn't even trigger SB3 in the first place. Axebreaker 3 would let him ORKO Hector, but he's really the only Axe unit you'd expect to have DC in the first place, where Frederick/Cherche will probably have very low speed in the first place and can't run DC on their common builds. Lancebreaker 3 would let Leon ORKO Camus, but again, he's really the only Lancer who would have DC in the first place. Effie, potentially the other one, cancels out Lancebreaker 3 anyways.
  5. So +Att -Spd Nowi. She's 4 star right now, but that's besides the point. What I'm wondering is, is she still viable with -Spd? 27 speed base isn't enough to double anything besides... armors and Brave users? It's only enough to avoid being doubled by anything with less than 31 speed, and while 24 is bad, it seems like Speed isn't important on Nowi, especially if you run Quick Riposte 3 on her, and ESPECIALLY if you need to have higher attack anyways. Besides, most all the important Red threats outspeed 27 speed by a longshot anyways, and any blues with less than 32 speed don't seem to be used. In running both Nowis through KageroChart's calculator, on One vs All, +Res -Def Nowi is 22W - 9L - 121D, while +Att -Spd Nowi is 36W - 12L - 104D. In All vs One, +Res -Def Nowi is 77W, 17L, 58D, while +att -Spd Nowi is 89W, 22L, 41D. In both cases, the extra losses seem to come from Green units who couldn't outspeed +Res Nowi being able to outspeed +Att Nowi. The additional wins meanwhile appear to come from Reds and/or Blues that +Res Nowi only barely left with around 1-6 HP, resulting in Draw (D) battles, though TBH it's hard to tell specifically. My current Nowi is +Res -Def if that helps. She also has Lightning Breath+, TA3, QR3, and Bonfire for damage addative skills, and normally has the Attack +1 seal. Also of note, if I do wind up going with +Att -Spd Nowi, my old Nowi will be merged into her, so the new Nowi will have +1 to HP and Attack. Smaller question but which would be better, +Att -Res SumTiki or +Att -HP SumTiki? No sets in mind, just in general.
  6. Now that I think about it... if I get told that Nowi would be a part of an event banner, I'd spend my money so fast...
  7. Man, no matter how you try to enter, you are putting your units within the sights of at least 2 enemies. I could see an Axe Cav blocking the Brave Cav, but beyond that you'd need a way to counter Lillina and Cecilia without dying in one hit, which I'd say is possible for Ryoma or Reinhardt because of fucking course it's Ryoma and Rein how the hell does everyone have a Ryoma/Rein but me.
  8. I wonder, if they're exhausting their Ylisse and Nohr resources in the summer in one go, does that mean Hoshido and a different FE country will be represented at Halloween/Autumn Festivities? Or will we have what happened with Bridal Blessings and has at least one representative from different FEs? Or will the game accept what it has become and over saturate with Ylisseans and Hoshidans/Nohrians?
  9. Taking Lunatic Stat Inflation into consideration, it almost looks like Valter will have enough Speed to avoid being doubled at worst, and can hit something around 37-ish speed if he has Life and Death 3, which he can viably carry since he has a Fury 2 effect built into his weapon, which can let him pack Desperation 3 or Vantage 3 effectively. And that doesn't take his great-looking attack into consideration, which might look in the ballpark of 30 or 29 base, assuming I'm calculating the stat inflation correctly. With the benefit of being able to use any 3-charge skill as effectively as a normal unit with Moonbow, Draconic Aura looks very dangerous on him. Bonfire can be just as lethal, but I'm thinking with LnD3 in mind, though Fury 3 can make Bonfire lethal as well. Of course, one charge Moonbow is cool and all as well. Coming packed with Panic Ploy 3 naturally though? That makes him valuable even if you don't want him for your team, at least in Arena play where Bladetome and HoneWard Emblem teams are jerks. I think he could be viable as a flying physical tank, though he does still face competition as a flying Lance unit from Cordelia, and as a Lance unit in general from the likes of Effie the powerhouse, Azura the Singer, and ohey Cordelia again. He also doesn't look to have the ability to pack a Brave Lance the way Cherche can pack a Brave Axe, since his Lance, at least in the photo, is making up almost a third of his attack power. ...as for the map itself, Xander can handle the Hammer Flier and Silver Archer, TA3 Nowi could probably handle the Red Mage and withstand the hit from the Firesweep Cav, and so long as the enemy doesn't have Drag Back, any greens should be able to take out Valter and the Firesweep Cav effectively. Still hate Infernal, not even gonna bother trying to figure out how to get around that when the day comes.
  10. Ah, voting gauntlet season, where choices don't matter, just pick the one with the biggest boobs, bam automatic Tiki victory. Or Robin if people like her damaged art enough.
  11. I'd say they didn't include Camilla to avoid saturation, but Xander... Though I'm not disappointed by any means. Maybe I can finally get Elise, even if it is as not a healer?
  12. I mean, fat chance anyone at whatever company will be browsing the web for fan ideas for how to alter their game and happen on this forum specifically, let alone they actually alter such stats, but hey. When applying Bladetome bonuses, bonuses to attack will not count (Rally Attack/Hone Attack 3 will show an increase of +4 attack, but in calculations only an additional 4 attack is added compared to 8, 4 from the attack boost and 4 from Bladetome bonuses). Desperation 1/2/3 trigger thresholds are changed from 25%/50%/75% to 30%/40%/50%. Sol Katti's built-in Desperation 2 will reflect this change, becoming 40% from 50%. Damage dealt by Fury 1/2/3 is lowered from 2/4/6 to 1/3/5. (this doesn't seem like much, but it could theoretically make it harder to get the bonuses from skills like Vantage or Desperation) When attacking at weapon disadvantage, if a skill triggers during combat, the damage dealt by the skill will also be lowered by the amount if the current triangle disadvantages (20% normally, 40% against Triangle Adept 3, so on so forth). This also applies to damage bonuses from Wo Dao and Dark Excalibur. Killing Edge, Killer Axe, Killer Lance, and Killer Bow all have their attack lowered to 6, Special Cooldown -1 effect replaced with effectiveness against Infantry, OR all Killer Weapons have Quickened Pulse effect alongside current Special Cooldown -1 effect (the first one could easily be added with Venin weapons). No word on if these should also apply to Hauteclaire. Savage Blow/Breath of Life also affect the unit who the skill is surrounding at 25% or 50% effect. This also applies to any weapons with the skills built in. Pass will also allow the unit to move through any terrain besides completely impassable terrain regardless of unit type. Distant Counter, Close Counter, and any weapons with the skills built in will increase Special Cooldown by +1. Lightning Breath will remain the same. Ruby Sword, Emerald Axe, and Sapphire Lance can stack with Triangle Adept. Triangle Affinity bonuses can only go up to 50% maximum. Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna can achieve 6*, with +3 to each of their stats at 5* and only one new skill, Folkvangr+, Fensalir+, and Noatun+, each with 20 attack and their built-in skills at level 3. (this is just for lolz, and was gonna be for anyone with a legendary weapon, but just imagine)
  13. I wasn't talking about the battle against Rudolf himself... at least I don't remember talking about the battle against Rudolf... I meant the majority of Alm's battles against the Rigelian forces leading up to the final battle against Rudolf throughout Echoes Chapter 3 and 4. Save for the brief detour to Fear Mountain and the Necrodragon nest of course, but either way.
  14. I don't care who we get, can we dress them all up as Kellam?
  15. I'm not going to respond to it all at one, because screw that. But for reals, there are better places to discuss/argue/banter about the games content. I'd rather talk about Berkut and his Berkut-ness (TBH he just feels gimmicky with his base set) when in Berkutland. But I did read it all, and I do have answers to it all. I'm just going to answer the last one with this: it is possible to have the SAME GAME MODE but with twists. Tempest Trials/Chain Challenge/Squad Assault should have proved that well enough. If I want a new game mode but the same game, I could be playing Pokemon right now (in fact I am). I'm just also the weird kid who has a bajillion thoughts and "ideas" for what can be added to a game, despite having no developing or coding history, a vague understanding of balancing fun and difficulty, and too many thoughts at once. I won't comment on the buffet thing (poor example for me anyways, I have a low spice tolerance), because my reasoning doesn't apply to buffets: the completionist in me. If I don't complete it, it eats away in me and I lose sleep over it. I'm still beating myself up over not getting Ursula, and I would have been devastated if I didn't complete the Alm/Celica battle in time (which I almost didn't). Alm/Celica only gave orbs as a reminder. ...I at least hope there aren't "buffet completionists" to my caliber...
  16. Jesus you made responding to this harder than it needed to be. It's the SAME extreme challenge every time. It's been the same every time so far. Legion had the most unique take on it, and all he had were reinforcements, ergo 11 units compared to 6. SO UNIQUE AMIRITE?
  17. No, you can still have such objectives without lunatic-boosting a units stats. Maybe I'm just thinking too ideally for a phone-app game to be more in-line with standard FE games, but you can still put twists on the ideas I presented. Slay a certain unit? Have a large army with average stats protecting one weaker unit who can't be reached easily, or don't make it obvious who it is among multiple units you need to kill (until a youtuber or dataminers reveal who it is and trivializes it all). Maybe they're pulling a Jedah and can only be attacked after a certain number of rounds of combat, or all other units on the map need to be killed before they can even be attacked, let alone damaged. Seize the throne doesn't need anyone on the "throne", and it doesn't need to be a throne at all, it can be anything. An army is just as capable of protecting a single spot as one super-strong unit who is just standing on it. Have multiple "Seize" points, have a seize point that needs X amount of turns to be considered "seized", have units "seize" the map by "running away". Pull a Battle Frontier over our eyes. Force us to use pre-made units with set natures and skill sets. Force control out of our hands and into the computer, hoping that your own units are strong enough to handle themselves (as opposed to the auto-battle we have anyways). Inflict status affects, stat/hp alterations, and other "fun" things to affect the flow of battle. Give us a choice of paths to follow in hopes of getting farther. Have one unit try to make it through by themselves. Have a "shop" between battles to allow for benefits to your army. All of the above with steadily increasing difficulty. I am literally listing off battle facilities in Pokemon Emerald. Holy hell, they could have pulled what they did in Berkut's final battle in Echoes and had the enemy recover HP at the start of their turn, forcing you to prioritize finishing off all or as many enemy units you can in one turn. ...okay yeah I'm thinking far too ideally for a phone-app game.
  18. Alternate win conditions are a thing, and some things FE Heroes haven't touched upon yet is the defeat of a certain unit or the seizing of a throne, ala main-series FE games. It's always been "defeat them all", "defeat them all in 5 turns", or "defeat them all without dying" or best yet "survive for 6 turns because one of the enemy is immortal and can't die anyways, so it's not like you can kill them all anyways". There might have even been "defeat them all without dying within 5 turns", but I'm also not sure. They also did reinforcements in Legion's GHB. They could do a sort of TT GHB where you face multiple armies in a row before reaching the final boss, kind of like advancing toward Rudolf in Gaiden/Echoes. "Boosting numbers" can be a way to increase difficulty, sure, but it isn't really a "fair" way to boost it, or for that matter a unique way.
  19. To be honest, there probably IS some way to beat it with the units I have trained up, but if there is then I clearly shouldn't be trying to figure it out at 3 in the morning. I feel like there are better ways to inspire difficulty than boosting some numbers though. At least within the limits of Heroes.
  20. I am not a fan of the direction they are going with Infernal battles. Not if they intend to combine over-inflated stats, over-the-top stat boosts on top of said stat, AND convenient enemy placement that forces the utilization of specific units or teams just to stand half a chance, all with the possibility of making strategies impossible to utilize because you can't get everyone together in one turn . And for what? An extra copy of the unit and some feathers. I'm not doing this. Forget the fact that my units aren't strong enough or that I can't figure out Lunatic or Infernal at 3 in the morning when I need sleep, the game is making it much harder to appreciate the "difficulty". I'm not wasting my stamina or my time on this any more.
  21. Real talk, I REALLY LIKE WEAPONS. Not like "I'm gonna go get the latest gun and shoot innocents at a mall", because that's a horrible thing to do and I hate hearing those news stories more than anything, even more than Trump news. Hell, I don't even like guns, I much prefer the blades, lances, bows, shields, stories of magicians, battle tactics... all of it from across time. I think it's part of the reason why I like Fire Emblem so much. Just looking at all the weapons available, the possibilities from the weapon and skill combos possible, thinking about the possibilities that an ever-expanding game like this has, excites me so much I often forget I actually have to play the game to make them possible.
  22. Nah, I'm good, just gotta go a few more rounds in the room with the leaf on the doorway and I'll be set.
  23. Spring: Yarne. It's too perfect. Panne would be another pick, but Yarne is just a lot funnier. Bridal: Eirika. My reasoning is that she was the "first" Bride in all of Fire Emblem (I think). I was legit disappointed they didn't use her. Summer: Libra. Not for any "special" reason, I just wanna see what they would try to make her-I mean him look like under the robes.
  24. Every time I look away, some weird thing is going on here. I might be on more than alcohol in that case...
  25. That... actually has some skill potential... Triangle Attack 1/2/3 "When 3 units with this skill surround an enemy, damage increased by 1.5x/2x/3x" anyone?
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