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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. I choose to instead have legendary DARK weapons crafted from the remains of Grima, legendary LIGHT weapons crafted as gifts from Naga so the armies of the Exalts of Ylisse have a means to combat a revived Grima because this is Fire Emblem why would it not happen, and legendary ANIMA weapons because why not. Heeheehee... the gears are turning... I'm gonna need some Owain-type person to come by and supply me with... "names",,,
  2. The closest to an original "Legendary" Lance in Awakening is Luna .The other "Legendary" lances are Gradivus, Gae Bolg, and Gungnir, all of which are in somebody elses possession (at least, let's assume we're one day going to get more Geneaology of the Holy War units, and they happen to be wielders of Gae Bolg and Gungnir) If I remember correctly, Lucina did use Luna in Project X Zone... but as a bride?
  3. Man I still don't know who to pick. I want them all, and I'm gonna be mass pulling in 2 weeks anyways (assuming the banner lasts more than 2 weeks anyways), but that still leaves me 2 weeks to spend with my chosen hero. I still need more Green units for multiple reasons, I am in full support of Mah Boi, the first mounted archer would make a great addition to my very bow-droughted hero stock, and Lucina looks TOO FREAKIN COOL WITH THAT LANCE.
  4. Just imagine Reinhardt's Dire Thunder is releasing Lightning Arrows, and the image should only require a quick edit involving sharpie boobs and maybe some stick protrusions coming from his tome.
  5. Roy is better than Cain in neutral nature offensive stats, while Lyn is completely unpredictable due to being the first (player accessible) Bow Cavalier in the game. Though from personal judgement, she will be a fine archer.
  6. Lyn did get 1st place for women, compared to Roy only getting 2nd. We won't know for sure until we can confirm ALL of Lucina and Ike's BSTs.
  7. Oooooh, I know what I calculated wrong. I forgot their weapons reward bonus stats. So then Roy has 32 base attack, and Lyn has 35 speed. Your assumptions also doesn't make sense, as the footage clearly shows the characters as they are being used as player units. There must be a new special "Brave" unit that has increased BST compared to other units of the same type, since they are units who won the Choose your Legends poll.
  8. There's a good chance, since most of our current banners will end before the 31st, and at that point the only banner left will be CYL. You get bonus points if you are using the character you are supporting, GOOD THING I GOT THIS ROY AND HECTOR JUST SITTIN AROUND MAH BOIIIS.
  9. I'm trying to observe their stats the best I can, taking away any attack coming from their weapons and assuming they are neutral nature... Roy Lyn Ike and Lucina's stats were never seen.
  10. Mah boi? Another Green unit? The first mounted archer? A freakin GREAT LORD? DAMN YOU ALL I WANT IT ALL. Thank god I'll be able to mass summon in less than 2 weeks... Geirskogul is also really cool can I just say.
  11. Why couldn't Selena be the one who rewarded orbs... she's the one I have at Level 40 5* already, I coulda been done with this Sacred Seals rerun hours ago.
  12. I was very close to giving you my opinion on the matter, but in the end it was very much not right. Something about using Oboro as an enemy phase debuffer with her default kit. There is always the possibility of someone giving you a bad opinion, and getting the opinion of someone who is clearly more experienced if and only because they spent more money might usually be the best option. And if the latter is describing of your situation... I dunno, that just seems oddly specific. Though we probably should expect a Slaying Lance at some point in the future, maybe even in the CYL Banner.
  13. Well would you rather get the best answer from someone who has "whaled" and has a better understanding of the game, or someone who's understanding of the game is limited to how good a unit can be with no merges to 2-4 merges at best, also never getting the resources needed to make a good Horse/Flier Emblem? In some cases, XRay giving you the "whaling" answer might even be for the best because it limits how many wrong opinions or answers you get.
  14. That'd be kinda better. Think of all the SP one could get from 160 levels, especially if you have the CYL units weapon as a Weapon Valor skill somewhere. I know I'd pick the Axe unit in a heartbeat.
  15. My own Roy has Iceberg, and I wasn't even thinking about it I just gave him the skill that'd add the most damage, so...
  16. I'm not even demanding they be good, just Roy have something fire-related, and even THAT is too high?
  17. They die if they get knocked off the edges of the map, and they get knocked away after any combat the enemy initiates. The higher their percentage, the more spaces they travel.
  18. Expectations: They better give Roy feakin Bonfire or Ignis, Fire Boost, or even Rising/Blazing Flame. It is CRIMINAL that he didn't get any fire-related skills on release. Same for Eliwood, but Roy still uses fire in his attacks in Smash Bros. ...now that I think about it, all the characters in CYL have appeared in Smash Bros in one form or another, so maybe they'll do something cool related to that...? Nah, not possible.
  19. You two are horrible and should be ashamed of yourselves. ...jk good one.
  20. Refreshing Bolt+ is probably the "best" option due to it's built-in Fury 2 effect at 100% hp, but after that... I'd have to wager Slaying Bow+ since it'd let you access your special faster and all other bows only have added effects when the unit triggers battle, if they even have an added effect. Firesweep Bow+ disables your own counterattacks as well so forget that with Close Counter, and Killer Bow is just the worse Parent unit of the far better Child unit that is Slaying Bow+. As for special, with Slaying Bow+, Ignis would be ready to activate on the second counter-attack if using Quick Riposte and add a solid 25 damage with a neutral Defense nature, where even with +Attack and Slaying Bow+ Dragon Fang only adds 24. Luna doesn't add consistent damage, so god knows how much damage is being added there. I dunno, Bows don't feel very enemy-phase built. Triangle Adept 3 is useless on Bow units, 2 range when most of the most powerful units in the game are 1 range limits A slot potential, and being colorless means that unless the enemy is using TomeRaven, Bow users are always taking the raw damage that a unit will output. Doesn't help that Gordin himself is too slow to avoid being doubled.
  21. I just had the wildest run of TT in a long time. Basically, in just the first round, I miscalculated the defensive ability of Nowi and she died. But in all 6 following battles, I was able to clear it with just Alm, Nino, and Priscilla, despite a number of times where Nowi would have cleaned up the map. Careful positioning of Alm and strategic murdering with Nino both let me make it all the way to the end with just the one unfortunate casualty. ...my Speed rank was C, but hey I still made it with just my initial team minus 1.
  22. I did exaggerate yeah, but at the end of the day, these guys are not "heroes". If they were like Henry or Peri, who while clearly kill happy still have a sense of moral or empathy, be it already had or taught to them by others, then maybe it'd be fine. I don't remember for sure, but I think there have been more... ambitious units across Fire Emblem, who were still good guys but did have their sights higher than the common farmer or army general. But we are talking assassins, conquerors, and crazies who in most games kill innocents/helpless or permit the slaughter of innocents/helpless for either their own personal gain or for shits sake. There are a few good apples, yeah. Xander and Camus are redeeming, Berkut and Lloyd may as well have been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and Navarre and Fobin are clearly not foes by any means, but everyone else would probably slit our throat and burn the body if they were told it'd make them king... or because they wanted to... or because they were contracted to... I'm down. So long as it isn't a bunch of cheapshots at how characters would look the opposite gender, then I'd gladly drop some dollars for orbs. Give them great outfits and style that still distinguishes them as the same individual, but cross-gendered and, in some cases, appealing to the opposite audience. Give me a good reason to "stare" at Odin or Roy, or to appreciate the build of Cordelia or Eirika.
  23. Part 5 hard has been stumping me for a while, but I finally got it beaten, and all it took was teaching my Frederick and Nowi Reposition and Hana Reciprocal Aid. My team. On turn 1 Hana would lure in Arthur for the kill, and be defended both by excessive Fortify Defense buffs and Freddy's Spur Defense SS, taking 7 damage. Turn 2, Nowi would enter the forest, Reposition Hana, and lure in the Lance infantry and Red Mage Infantry. Freddy would be next to her providing Spur, but no one would be below Nowi, so when the Lance Infantry attack and survives, he will knock Nowi away and bring in the Red Mage Infantry. Turn 3, Nowi finishes off the Lance Infantry thanks to Bonfire and Hana will murder the Red Mage Infantry. Everyone then shifts around. Turn 4, The Axe Armor is attacked twice by Hana. The first round brings her down to 2 HP, allowing Ninian to WoM in to Dance Hana to proceed to the second round, where she kills the Axe Armor. Hana is Repositioned by Frederick to the forest and Nowi is moved to Frederick's right. Turn 5, and this is important. Hana Reciprocal Aids on Frederick and Nowi Repositions him to 2 spaces above, allowing him to attack Faye. While Drag Back put him in range of Ninian's dance, Wings of Mercy would have guaranteed the dance and allow Frederick to kill off Gaius. I had to sack 3 positioning skill fodder units just to beat this one map. God I might have problems. Man, these maps aren't even hard per-say, they just demand you do it in a fast manor, which some units just don't do fast.
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