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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Always good to get a focus unit on the first pull. I got Lyn on the last orb. Just... that feeling of seeing the smoke and then seeing Lyn... magical I tell ya.
  2. Holy shit. holy shit. soly hhit. I GOT LYN ON MY FIRST PULL. Granted I had to pull +Att -Spd Beruka, +Spd -Def Cordelia, +Att -Spd Stahl, and +Att -Res Frederick to do it, but HOLY SHIT. And her nature is...! +Res -Hp. ...that is... better than -Att, -Spd, and +Def, but kinda lackluster compared to the natures the other 4 have. But now I don't have to pull Lyn as my one freebie! I can get Ike as I had kinda wanted more out of them all!
  3. Man, the minigame is quite relentless on Lunatic. Then again I don't think I'd ever expect less.
  4. So does anyone actually use the items in Arena Assault? I shouldn't be one to talk when I'm sacrificing units to secure a win, but I can get through all 7 battles just fine, especially now that I have a stock of greens to do it with (Who knew Narcian would be such a good Lance killer? I mean... probably him, but still.) Same. I should probably find out how to boost my arena score to escape that limbo, but I like where I am, being a Hoshidan Deadlord Noble, and usually I can scrounge up the needed bonus unit, so as long as they make the next bonus units the Brave heroes, we should both be good. So... the Takumi Harem? Nice. Shoulda been Azura in place of Olivia, but who's keeping track?
  5. Hooray, now we'll never see the orbs we want to see again! Honestly, I think we wouldn't even care which of the three we got if there was more balance or utility between the three. Staff users are great to have for Tempest Trials or Chain Challenge, but in Arena that slot is usually dedicated to a dancer to wipe out the enemy team faster. Dagger users might not have the best reputation, but they can weaken strong units for others to take down, which in this age of Lunatic and Infernal boosted stats could lead to more victories than usual if in the right hands. But those stat inflations don't exist in Arena, so DANCE wipe out etc. If Staves and Daggers had some strength that other weapons didn't have, maybe to make up for the low power of Daggers and dagger units Daggers always double attack and Staves just didn't halve the damage they did and had more combat utility than weakening a unit AFTER battle, then maybe we wouldn't care as much.
  6. Aaagh, the anticipation for the new banner is killing me. Why am I getting so excited and eager for a cash sink? I am 20 years old damnit, I should have higher priorities, like... contemplating how to properly store Halloween candy to make it last for until Christmas candy becomes commonplace! ...shaddup I'm an adult.
  7. ...look, the Raider Katana is good, and he had to die, and it's the only way Silas was able to double Takumi in Ch 13, damn his speed growth being so average.
  8. You know, I don't have THAT much of a problem with fanservice. I don't have a problem with the facerubbing in Japanese Fates for instance. I don't mind some of the more questionable outfit decisions made for the units in Heroes. It's just when fanservice is being applied where fanservice doesn't belong, such as when a units armor is decaying. I can appreciate a unit losing their shield or outer layer of armor and being left with a bare left arm or just their chainmail shirt or whatever, but in the case of Heroes most of the units are losing entire clothing in JUST the right places... or if your name is Bruno, your entire freaking chest... and it becomes more fansericy than it does a desperate struggle. I expect convenient loss of clothing in non-battle heavy anime, not on a battlefield. Some of the poses don't help either. I also didn't like Sophie's personal skill in Fates (well, not the loss of all clothing part anyways) and the Raider weapons (again, the loss of all clothing part), again, just because they don't belong in that setting, and in fact both can ruin important moments in the game (I am so sorry Takumi). I like the swimsuit scenes in Summer Scramble in Awakening, and the special outfit scenes in Fates Festival of Bonds, but those scenarios are much more lighthearted and silly compared to Nowi's outfit being damaged and about ready to fall off after taking 50% damage on the field of battle, or again I am so sorry Takumi. ...of course that's just me. I don't like a lot of movies or tv shows made for adults just because they try to be sexy when that isn't what I care about. If I want that, then I'll look for a show, movie, or game that is about that. It's distracting. And here comes the people who are going to tell me that Game of Thrones totally does need the sexy bits and why...
  9. Hayato would probably be a Green magic user since he hails from the Wind Tribe and starts with Rat Spirit... at least I think he starts with Rat Spirit... Orochi would probably be Red since she starts with Ox Spirit, which is very similar to Fire in a way... And Rhajat, while she does start with Ox Spirit, I would say should be Blue for variety sake.
  10. Fates could have handled Magic a LOT better than it did, but at least that was just on the Nohr side and we got the Chinese Zodiac and some ink drawings as magic on the Hoshido side... which won't translate well to Heroes if Hayato gets added to Heroes...
  11. Compared to your typical Fire Emblem experience, I think Heroes is a little on the shallow side. Yeah you have a large amount of favorite characters from across Fire Emblem (at least I hope they're favorites), but you really only get a bite size of who they really are. It's like the Einherjar of Awakening: you don't really get to know the real person, only shadows of them. No support conversations, a large amount of one-liners to excavate info from, and a 5* Level 40 confession seen that you could only see one time in-game, and afterward only on the wiki, before the Hero Catalog was introduced. The only way you'd ever get to know the unit for real is if you play their original Fire Emblem game, but I can say that FEH does a good enough job of introducing the characters to you. I never really cared for Nino or Priscilla before Heroes came out. Gameplay, it's simple but it is still fun. I do have a bit of a dirty pleasure in watching the battles be carries out whenever my unit (or the enemy unit if they are a non-generic unit) is triggering a Special, but I have that dirty pleasure in Awakening, Fates, and Echoes as well. I don't like the direction of Grand Hero Battles and their Infernal difficulty, but most other aspects I can respect. It is still Fire Emblem, you do still need to be tactical, and that i appreciate. But again, it's shallow. There isn't any of the excitement from getting that one needed Critical Hit/Skill Activation from other games, the thrill of seeing the boss monologue at you and then rubbing their monologue in their (usually) stupid faces. Everything goes along on a track, it's just a matter of you making sure the track doesn't end before the train reaches the station. The one thing I don't like, however, is the sexualization of some of the units. In other games, I can usually ignore it because I don't hold any attachment to the character. But Fire Emblem has drawn me in to certain characters, and the decay of unit armor as they take damage is cool and all... but only when it isn't used as an excuse to show as much skin as possible (I think we can all agree the worst offender is Bruno). This is just a personal complaint though, I generally don't like anything sexual in anything I play/watch if it doesn't actually add to the scenario. ...I don't think I answered the question properly. Yes I like how Heroes is going right now. It isn't as heavy a cash grab as it could have been, and it feels like the perfect trial run for anyone who might be interested in a character, and eventually a game.
  12. Given that Ike is the only one whose weapon does not have a Stat Up 3 built into the weapon, I'd say being Michalis but +2 Att and Speed is pretty good all things considered. Urvan and Beroc Blessing shut down two favorite teams of Arena play, so one would just need to make a good non-arena playset.
  13. This Grand Hero Battle has opened something up to me... Narcian is the only unit with 4* Lancebreaker 3. Arthur, currently the only other unit with the skill, gets LB3 at 5*. ...which is bull, because the skill he does get at 4*, HP+5, is also available via Donnel at 4*.
  14. Agreed. Even though my mages had to take a few hits to get down to their Desperation range, I was still able to win in only 3 battles (the first I lost because I didn't have a movement assist on my Eirika, the second I lost because I did a dumb and put my Ninian in the sight of the Green Mage Cav. So... yeah, Draw Back play OP plz nerf, not all the crap they've been nerfing to the ground.
  15. Just as a reminder, Narcian can be found on Chapter 9 Part 2 as a normal enemy, and is available at level 40 on Lunatic difficulty. Now if you will excuse me, I need to figure out how I'm going to burn through like 2 stamina potions before rage quitting Infernal... again.
  16. Doesn't Lyn as well? I mean, they WERE the top picked CYL male and female. If they do have the bonus BST that Lyn at least seems to have, then having all 3 passive slots filled just seems like one big bonus.
  17. Do we need to do the Bloody Mary thing and chant his name 3 times while standing tip toe in front of a mirror? Or does he have his own version of the chant where you just say something about how Heroes works that is incorrect or inconsistent?
  18. Can someone clarify how Urvan seems to work? I'm confused if, when it mentions consecutive attacks, it means any attack after the first (so if the enemy doubles Ike, sucks to be them), or it just means Brave weapons (so sucks to be Reinhardt). Also, does Ike seem like a good candidate for Distant Counter to anyone else if he renders Braves weaker (so Rein can't kill him even with Horse Emblem and Quickened Pulse Moonbow) and Horse Emblem+Flier Emblem novelty in any kind of combat with him, meaning he can take a hit from most Blade tomes and counter just as hard?
  19. I do believe... that this situation sounds very familiar for some reason... and I don't recall the previous situation having a very happy beginning...
  20. Are you saying we just cut open some guys/gals and just start shoving Grima's innards (or Nagas) into them and hope it works? Cause... did they even have good enough surgical techniques at that point in time? Or did they just say "so you have twelve new holes in your body where holes shouldn't be and also you took an arrow to the face, chest, and knee, it also seems you have Grima's left lung pulsating out if you... HEAL STAFF NURSE!" ...maybe we should just bring the Deadlords to the good side and give them some cool-sounding weapons instead.
  21. It'd be cool, yes, but I have one worry about such... Isn't most of the cast, at least as far as we know up until Christmas, already decided on? It'd certainly be very cool, but it feels like it'd be a good while before such a contest bears fruit, and who knows what will change by then. But I am all for it... at least so long as this game has my attention, which of all the games I've played on my phone so far, it has kept for 6+ months.
  22. A few days before The Sacred Stones banner expires, and the previous failed attempts to get a 5* and boosting my pity rate have finally bore fruit... ...5* -Def +Res Abel, also known as Brave Lance+ Fodder! Yay yay, rah rah, god freaking- Well, at least I was able to take advantage of the pity rate. 4* neutral Tiki for Bonfire fodder, and some 3* units that nobody cares about and also have crap natures anyways. Now I can finally feel motivated to train up my Bridal Charlotte and have part of a dangerous ally on the battlefield.
  23. I dunno, based on how we're getting the one free unit, it might use the same summoning mechanics as most other banners, something like inflating the Summoning Focus to 100% and then somehow locking in the orbs chosen... If we were just getting a free unit with a neutral nature, it seems better to just let us pick one of the four and then send them to us via Feh on the main throneroom screen.
  24. I feel like it might just be playing into the humor of Feh's statement though and shouldn't even be taken seriously in the first place.
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