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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Aaaaaaaaaagh. How are all of you having such an easy time with this decision??? You can't make me choose who to throw all the favoritism at, and yet I HAVE TO CHOOSE WHO TO THROW FAVORITISM AT. Nino is a precious angel who tears the battlefield apart, Nowi is my Awakening waifu who I have thrown all my trust at ever since I got her, Eirika has always made any unit she stands next to the most dangerous unit on the map, Priscilla might be a lowly healer but she is MY lowly healer and I trust her with my armies life because SHE IS A HEALER, Frederick deserves more marks of honor and glory than I'm sure he would ever accept, Alm has always been counted on to do his duty as healer AND sword slinging powerhouse, Caeda has always been helpful but it'd be awkward because ya know she's in a wedding dress and Marth and all, same for Bridelia but it's even more awkward when she has the title of "falls in love easiest in the army", Ninian has been my Dancer for ever since I summoned her and I haven't relied on anyone since- AAAAAAAAAAAA HOW DO YOU ALL MAKE THIS LOOK SO EASY.
  2. Doesn't seem fair to say that considering he soft reset the arena battles he was getting until he got a battle against all Axe units. Not even "Green" units implying Tomes or Fae, Axe units. And they all had high-ranking skills to boot... I'm willing to say he rigged it.
  3. Very quick question, is Heavy Blade/Blazing Durandal affected by the likes of Spur Attack/Drive Attack, Gierskogul, or any battle-initiating buffs such as Death Blow or Swift Sparrow?
  4. It's cool, can't expect everyone to understand sarcasm on the first reading. ...that last sentence wasn't sarcasm, it really is hard to get the tone of a sentence without reading it aloud, and it still results in mistakes, but that's a whole different topic. I'm not sure how "couples of people who end together" would work since we really don't have that many "canon" pairing to go off of, or at least not that many that either A: aren't already in the game, B; have at least one of the pair in the game already (so they'd just be in the banner all by their lonesome), or C; are immediately recognizable (Sigurd and Deirdre, Quan and Ethlyn are honestly the only ones I can think of off the top of my head). But then again, Canon couples barely even scratches the surface of the yet-to-be-featured FE cast. I'd probably get excited for an "early game axe unit you will never use again" or "early game brigand boss who you don't even remember" just because new stuff yay. I'd get excited over an Anna banner that was just "Anna from that one time where she was a Pegasus Knight, Anna from Awakening, Anna from Fates, and Jake as a Warrior". As Grand Hero Battle units maybe, but probably not as anything like Focus Banner units.
  5. It could really only be more blatant what the next theme will be if they just titled it "Path of Radiance", huh... Really doesn't help that the Quick Hero Battles have Black Knight and Nephenee buried in the files.
  6. I didn't say "as if we'd care about anything else" lightly. I didn't even know about CYL until a few months ago (and if I did, I'd have been voting for Nowi and Gregor), and I had to learn what CYL even meant just so I could partake in conversations. I suggest some Archetype banners. We could always use some more Jagens in this game, amiright or amiinsane?
  7. Guess we'll have to wait and see their future Summoning Focus plans... as if we'd care about anything other than Brave Heroes anyways.
  8. Given Lyn has exceptionally good Speed and fairly worthless Defense, that nature couldn't be any better if it were +Attack instead. Merging the two would result in even more speed for Lyn, so you should probably merge the Neutral Lyn into the +Spd Lyn. Unless you have a unit who needs Swift Sparrow 2, in which case use the Neutral Lyn on them and keep the +Spd Lyn.
  9. Most any unit who is viable on Horse/Flier/Armor emblem is just as viable on a normal team as they are in their respective team, save for very certain exceptions. They may suffer from lower total stat bonuses, but usually they can still make it through. Lyn especially is just as good on a normal team as she is Horse Emblem. 3 movement and 2 range with a bow is not to be doubted.
  10. Do not leave me to my own devices... Passive A slot: Passive B slot: Passive C slot: Specials:
  11. It's usually a little longer though, and Clarisse is already compensating for such with her sock, things and boots.
  12. I'm only now noticing, but... Clarisse's skirt is WAY WAY WAAAAAAY shorter than it is in the very little NMotE art there is of her. https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/c/ca/Kuraine_Artbook.png/revision/latest?cb=20101224063921 We are talking nonexistent here.
  13. In most cases yeah -Res is better on a physical unit than -HP. The only time you will be putting yourself at risk of magic attacks with a -Res unit is dragon units and Close Counter mages... and I guess staff users with CC to, but lol CC Healer. If your going up against a Dragon, then they're either Nowi or Ninian, who probably have Triangle Adept 3 and you were dead to begin with, or they're not going to last long against Draug. The only worry I have about giving Draug a Speedy Brave set is that he is an Armor unit, so he won't be walking to many battles on his own unless you have Amelia's Armor March. Of course that is what positioning skills are for. In the end though, I think anyone would pick -Res over -HP on Draug. His Resistance is on par with Frederick's Resistance, or Delthea's Defense. He's dead against most magic anyways.
  14. I wouldn't know immediately unfortunately. My debit is just what I entered into my account first, and it's always been what it defaulted to me using for all payments. It might be possible to enter a different payment method, but if it is then I don't know and I largely don't care (my debit is my only way to pay for orbs). So... yeah, sorry.
  15. If you mean a Debit Card for purchasing orbs, then yes you can. It's how I make my purchases in the game. A Tomeblade user usually wants to have as high attack and speed as possible, so Life and Death 3 is usually what people would want to put on it. Desperation 3 is usually the prefered B slot since it means that if the first attack doesn't kill, the follow-up usually will. Desperation pairs well with Fury 3, which while not as big a boost as LnD3 does maintain some level of bulkiness while also making it easy to get into Desperation range, and Reciprocal Aid/Ardent Sacrifice, both of which will let you instantly get into Desperation range. If you don't want to run RA/AD, then you can usually rely on positioning skills, especially if it's Mae's default Drag Back. As for C slot, it's usually whatever you need most. Mae's Resistance is usually good enough to make use of most Ploy skills against a number of units since their Resistance will usually be lower than hers, though your having -Res makes it a little shakier to use since it forces her down to 26 Res. I usually prefer Fury3, Desperation3, Hone skill, and Draw Back for what I believe are your undecided skills. If you ever want to use a different special, Glimmer or Draconic Aura will usually add a crap ton of damage on Blade users. My Bridal Caeda, built to be a Blade user, still uses Chilling Wind due to insufficient SP for Moonbow, but she makes good use of it and usually murders on triggering it. Hope this gives you an idea into Blade users.
  16. To be honest, I'd like him to be good to. I haven't even played any of the Tellius games (damn them being hard to find and not on my active hunting radar), but I'd certainly like to be able to use him.
  17. Merge +Res into Neutral. Ike does not have the Resistance stat to warrant taking a +Res nature, regardless of the -Stat. Neutral may be... well, neutral, but at least it isn't a nature that does nothing for the unit. So uh... you gonna post those screenshots to the forums?
  18. Nope. The consecutive attacks MUST come from the same unit. So enemy B's first attack will do full damage.
  19. Nope. The consecutive attacks MUST come from the same unit in the same battle. So enemy B's first attack will do full damage.
  20. Got 20k feathers again, having a bit of a tough time figuring out who to 5*... If any enemy were to do two attacks in a row on Ike, the second attack will do greatly reduced damage, no matter how much damage it would have done (even with skills). My Eirika once did 4 or 5 damage because of Urvan, even though Moonbow triggered on that hit. It basically cancels out any Brave weapons that would have dealt tremendous damage otherwise.
  21. Firesweep Lance+ does not replicate Wary Fighter. Firesweep weapons all have a sort of Windsweep/Watersweep effect built in where the enemy party cannot counterattack. This applies to both the enemy and the weapon wielder, so if Effie is attacking Xander, he cannot Counterattack, but if Xander attacks Effie, Effie can't counterattack. Firesweep weapons do not take speed into account, unlike Wind and Watersweep, so a unit can double against an enemy without them being able to retaliate. Effie would not be a good user, as she already suffers from low speed (you may as well just keep her default Silver Lance+) and Armor unit movement, so she just gets attacked by everyone. And again, Wary Fighter is not built into Firesweep Lance+. A good Firesweep Lance user would be someone like Tana or Cordelia, who have high speed and can double most units they fight, with Life and Death 3 and Hit and Run/Drag Back, since they won't be counterattacked they can strike away without worry and can retreat afterwards.
  22. So after my first summon (where I got -HP +Res Brave Lyn), I got together 20 orbs to do another summon. 1) Brave Ike, +Att -Hp AAAAA- 2) Fem Corrin, +Res -Def, Draconic Aura fodder yay. 3) Mathilda, +HP -Spd. Well at least I finally summoned her. Now I have someone with Cancel Affinity... to 5* and sacrifice to a colorless unit... 4) Ogma, +Res -Spd. Eh, someone to 5* for Hana. 5) Tharja, +HP -Def. I'd say Rauorblade fodder, but I don't have any good Red Tome users yet so... Vengeance Fodder? All in all, I kinda regret free summoning early now, but also no I don't because I can immediately merge and have like half of Ike's skills in half the time.
  23. Okay but holy crap Black Knight is coming to Heroes, and whatever his skillset is it ORKO's Brave Ike. So in trying to figure out the Black Knights stats, this is what I came up with... HP = 52 Att = At least 34 assuming he has a legendary weapon that does not increase Attack on being counter-attacked (it is the only way to deal 25 base damage against 35 defense Ike). Spd = At least 24-32, as neither Ike nor BK are able to double, though this could just be another Wary Fighter user. Def = At least 40 assuming that his legendary weapon does not increase defense when being attacked (it is the only way for Ike to deal 2 damage against him) Res = cannot be determined. BK has a Special that is ready to be used, and the following can be determined: It is NOT any form of Blazing xxx, Sol, Pavise, Aegis, Miracle, or Galeforce, as the Special is clearly adding damage to BKs attack. It is NOT Luna. Ike, with 35 Defense on being attacked with a Luna charged attack, survives with 1 hp. As such, it also cannot be Moonbow. It is NOT any form of Reprisal, as BK does not take enough damage to kill Ike with the damage boost. It is NOT Night Sky or Glimmer, as it does not add enough damage to kill Ike. It can, however, be Astra. It is NOT Draconic Aura, as it does not add enough damage to kill Ike. It can, however, be Dragon Fang. Bonfire adds enough damage to kill Ike, so both it and Ignis could be the skill. However, this assumes his Defense really is 40 with no external boosts. It is unknown if it can be Chilling Wind and related skills due to missing Resistance values. It is probably Astra since that's what his skill was half of if I recall correctly. Again, this all depends on if Alondite, which BK does have, and BKs base skill set do not grant Defense bonuses, though given the Defense+5 boost that Alondite gives in both Tellius games, he may have much less (probably Def +4 when being attacked, like how Berkut's Lance has Res +4)
  24. Wait didn't this already happen a few weeks ago? Lightning may not strike twice, but damn it it shouldn't strike in the exact same place with the exact same pattern a few weeks later.
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