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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Mass summoned, and it really wasn't that exciting, though I did get some notable units. I'll just list the most exciting units here... 5* 4* 3* 4 Elincias, 3 of them crap and one of them workable, 3 Nephenee past the first one I got, 2 of them are awesome and one of them will be used for SIing Wrath, no Oscars, and even though she wasn't even part of the banner, 3 Celica. I have to stop for now to make some purchases beyond the world of Askr, but I'm thinking I'll resume when I don't have much else to do.
  2. Got Ike on the last day of the Tempest Trial Mini banner. Got Mist this morning. Just got Soren as 5* to prompt me to train the Soren I already have at 4* but with a better nature (+Spd -HP) And Nephenee was the first unit I got from the Dauntless Crimeans banner. Besides some skill inheritance issues, am I set or am I set.
  3. Did a full pull on Tempest Trials banner cause I'm cheap. 3* Est (+Spd -Def) crap 4* Odin (didn't bother to check) Moonbow 3* Cecilia (+Def -HP) crap 4* Marth (Neutral) WTF And last but not least... Soren +Def -Res. ...as a 5*. I have a +Spd -HP Soren at 4* that I wasn't gonna use, so I guess I'll merge this 5* into him. So not only did I get a 5* on my first summoning session of the TT Banner, but I also now have enough Bonus units for the Tempest Trial to clean sweep EVERYTHING with bonus stats. The gods clearly have taken pity on me... ...that, or I AM THE LUCKIEST SUNNAVAGUN THIS SIDE OF THE FOREST.
  4. So the new Focus Banner for Tempest Trials... is literally just the original World of Radiance banner reskinned.
  5. Awesome, TWO clubs! Provided are proof of my Mist and about 3 different copies of Setsuna, Barst, and Hana.
  6. ...it's probably just arouse the foe and bash their head in.
  7. Sacred Seals and Sacred Coins share too similar names, plus I think someone mentioned datamined sprites featuring Sacred Seals with Bronze, Silver, and Gold borders where possible, so I'm inclined to believe they're going to be for upgrading our Sacred Seals. I like your idea though, but I'd think more "crafting skills" than "crafting weapons".
  8. I'll repeat, all I know about the laguz comes from skimming the FE wiki. I have never used a Laguz unit in my life, only Taguel, Kitsune, and Wolfsegner.
  9. That doesn't seem fair IMO. It'd make sense to just have "Hone Shapeshifter" buffs, maybe even merge them into Dragon buffs to just have an entire category of units who use breaths and stones to battle, with all breaths inheritable by magic users and all stones by physical users regardless of color (as breaths currently work). Got it.
  10. I think "sharp things on a stick" can be deepened into "different varieties of pointy sticks", as Swords probably have much shorter range than Lances and even then have to avoid striking the Lance shaft, where... I suppose if you are clawing then your fingers are more likely to be damaged fighting someone who is ramming their everything into you? I cannot see how "Tackling" and "Clawing" can be affiliated with colors, sorry. Point taken all the same.
  11. Perhaps, but at the end of the day, Beast-shifters aren't breathing fire, or wielding a specific weapon, or casting wind at the enemy. They're either tackling, clawing, pecking, or punching. All the "magic" or "affinity" seems to go into their transformation more than anything. Though if I am honest, I still haven't played any Tellius games, and probably never will until they're released as Virtual Console titles, so everything I know about the Laguz comes from skimming FE Wiki out of boredom.
  12. You know, as much as I'd like to associate myself more with the characters of Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, I was at Gamestop the other day and found a copy of Radiant Dawn used... for $70. That sucks. I'd like to be able to use some of the units in the games myself to get a better idea of the variety of units we could possibly have in Heroes...
  13. Thing about Beast shapeshifters is that, unlike the Manakete who can use more than one element and therefore can be classified as any different color, shapeshifters have no color association. They'd basically be Melee Colorless units in my book, with stones as their weapon of choice that trigger different effects. But I do NOT think they should have any color other than colorless.
  14. If I had to pick child units from Awakening and Fates (since second gen GotHW has too much potential for legendary weapon inheritance and it'll just confuse me) to be in Heroes, this is about what I'd go with:
  15. Mah Boi Roy. I've merged him into a better Roy later on (from +res -Def to +Spd -def), but not before he left his mark on the world.
  16. Titania would appreciate DC (her Res is pretty good for a physical unit), and to be honest she has a chance to be a TT focus unit.
  17. B!Ike may appreciate having a Breaker skill... however, I can't say which one. If the boss of TT is a Sword wielder, I'd run with QR or Wrath as you thought. Otherwise, give him the Weaponbreaker of the weapon type the final boss uses. If they're a Tome/Archer, give him Distant Counter if possible and run with Luna instead.
  18. Every child has a "canon" hair color that is used in all official art of the character, and said hair colors usually do not confirm or deny any shippings. I have yet to see anyone shouting "Severa has Red hair, therefore Gregor is her official father!" or similar, and the only reason people complain about hair color is because the color is usually quite out there and might not fit the character as well as other colors, so I really don't think anyone is going to care.
  19. Holy- Okay listen, I did a free pull thinking "Well, if a colorless stone appears I'll just take that and hope Klein appears as 4*, all is good" MIST appeared. +Def -Att. And I am assuming she will be a Tempest Trial unit. Who's the official "Pulled a 5* with a Free Pull" club president, I need to send my application in.
  20. I do have buffs available (Is Eirika considered overkill?), but my logic is, generally anyways, if a unit has base 30 speed or lower before equipping a Brave, they generally prefer Death Blow, where 31-34 depends on the unit, and 35 and higher is where the unit generally wants LnD3. Bridelia would hit 35 speed with Summoner Support A. Ugh... that's upsetting, having limited ways to take damage to be able to trigger Ardent Sacrifice. At that point it just seems better to let them take counterattack damage... Will her power levels be OVER 9000%?!?! Again, UGH... I've never seen Savage Blow on ANYONE in Arena Battles in tiers 17 and 18.
  21. I... what? I don't get these answers. Death Blow makes the problem WORSE without improving it. An extra 2 attack doesn't make up for the loss of 5 Speed very well, limiting what my Bridelia can double to... Brave Frederick and similar? I thought Brave + Death Blow was for slow units who didn't need the speed, and Brave + LnD was for the units who still have enough speed to initiate doubles on numerous units? And I'm not sure why Savage Blow would ever be used on Arena units.
  22. To be honest, I don't think it matters. If a kid is being diabolical enough to steal from their parents credit card, that kid was probably not taught the proper moral lessons needed for him or her to second guess their actions. They could be influenced by the wrong crowd to try to be "cool" by having all the best units they can. Either way, Nintendo isn't the kids parent. They have measures to counter against such actions, but they are a business, first and foremost. It's not up to them to try and put a halt to it. It's the parents job to. If a whale wants to spend thousands of dollars to get even one more Hector, that's their choice. So far whales haven't had any impact on how we spend our orbs to summon heroes (besides boosting the maximum unit roster), it's just a matter of "if you want the hero, then go ahead and summon away". Whether it's ethical or not shouldn't even be your worry. Judge all you want, a person is allowed to make their own mistakes without you telling them how to not keep making those mistakes. Let them learn the hard way, or let them live the way they want to live. It's not up to you.
  23. Opinion time. I got the feathers gathered up that were needed to promote a 4* Gordin to 5*... to sacrifice him to Bridelia to give her a Brave Bow+. My Bridelia (+Att -Spd), who already had Life and Death 3, Desperation, Luna, and Reciprocal Aid, now is +3 merge, leaving her with HP 38 - Attack 51 - Speed 33 - Defense 15 - Resistance 18. What I'd like opinion on, should I transfer my Summoner Support from my Eirika (who only had it because I didn't know who else to put it on) to Bridelia? I've issues with how the only good Bridelia I could secure has a -Spd nature, leaving her slower than other Bridelia and rendering her unable to quad against certain slower units. Also a previous question of mine was ignored.
  24. Do newer fans even care about any FE that was released before Binding Blade? I don't know if anyone would give a crap about Valentia if it weren't remade.
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