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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Robin, I was referring to Robin, but I am down for that to.
  2. If that's the case, then I am placing emphasis on the wrong part of the phrase. "Grand Hero" Battle vs Grand "Hero Battle". ...that's stupid, Here I was always hoping that there would be battles vs heroes of epic legends and then wondering why everyone I get from these battles have plans of world domination or gender bending.
  3. It just doesn't seem right though. Half the "heroes" from GHB couldn't be more clear villains if their tap-quotes spelled out their plans for world-domination, and I'm pretty sure some of their quotes do that already. It also doesn't seem right to have "Grand Hero Battles" without any of the "grandest" heroes from across 20-something years, even if "grand" doesn't mean that kind of "grand" in this context.
  4. Something I always thought about, Grand Hero Battles would, from the term, implies great battles against "grand" heroes. Heroes of Fire Emblem who hold great power. Marth, Seliph, Roy, basically any main "Lord" character or characters with Legendary weaponry, Instead, GHB are mostly against certain enemy characters. Navarre and Robin are probably the closest to "Grand Hero" characters so far, with Xander and Camus coming closer but also being enemy characters under the right circumstances. Everyone else are just enemy characters... At this point, it'd probably be better to call them "Greater Foe Battles" if we're not going to get any "heroes" for Grand Hero Battles.
  5. Well I went ahead with Anna as the unit I 5*... yeah Noatun is fun to utilize. Vengeance is also DEADLY. Almost 20 extra damage from a skill with the same charge time as Bonfire or Ignis on a unit who takes damage as the way to trigger her weapon... Anna should consider running a Bloodbank. Anyways, thanks for the insight.
  6. 1) Ah damn. 2) I expected him to be expensive, which is why I wondered. I'll probably have to share some skills between the two before merging them, damnit... I'm okay with the feather cost though. Weeks will go by by the time I ever get another Hector, I guarantee that. 3) That... is very niche sounding. 4) I do wonder why I'm so invested in Clive, but hey I've done weirder. Anyways, I do have a slight problem in the Anna vs Legion debate, in that Legion is just plain good, I do not deny that. But Anna sucks in 4*. Her attack is so low, she needs buffs to deal any noticable damage, and I seriously think she NEEDS Noatun to begin dealing damage. Legion I'm sure can make-do in 4*, but hey I am seeking opinions for a reason.
  7. A few questions. 1. Do we know what the Arena Assault coins do yet? It's been two weeks and I still don't know what to do with them. 2. In training Clive, would it be better to start with the 4* unit or the 5*? I generally think it'd be better to start with the 4*, but I'd like opinions, especially if they come with a good reason. 3. Is there ANY good and applicable use of Windsweep3 or Watersweep3? I'm asking as a person who failed to get Phantom Speed. 4. I'm reaching 20k feathers and need to know who among the following would be best to 5*: Anna, Legion, and Clive (if the above answer leans towards 4*). My situation right now is that I have very few Green units trained up (Hector, Fae, Nino, Frederick, and SumTiki. Anna is 4*, and Boey is in training, and both have literally no skill inheritance) compared to the 12 Reds and 8 trained Blues I have. Anna would get much stronger if she were 5* since she will get Noatun, Legion will just be good by default, and Clive... well I'm still adamant about both using him and having him be good. I wanna mention, I will be able to have a big summoning session in about 17-20 days, so I will be able to 5* more units (I do have +Spd -HP Hana, but I'd rather wait to 5* her for now). I'd just like to think about the NOW compared to the IN TWO WEEKS. I will summon from the CYL banner is it actually turns out to be worth my time, but otherwise I'll just summon from whatever has the best units to summon from.
  8. What would you say for his non-Arena A passive? TA3 might be an option since it just makes him all the deadlier to Reds while doing not much else to his Green matchups, but otherwise... I dunno, the Shield skill that disables Flier bonus damage might be nice. I can see why QR would be best now, at least in the following hypothetical situation: Assuming Valter gets in position to target a Sword unit with less than 40 speed, he will ORKO the Sword and have Bonfire built up, which means he can then go target the Blue or Dancer (who is probably Blue anyways) and one-shot them at best, and at worst have them be too weakened to be a plausible threat (unless they're Vantage Xander or some bull like that). Tiki and Young Tiki aren't that common in Arena, and most Red Mages have him down to nothing anyways, so I can't see many other Red units other than Swords on a typical color-balanced enemy team. In fact, the one big issue with QR is that QR3 is a 5* skill, but if it's just the one kill you need then QR2 works anyways.
  9. Ah... leftover from when I had the A skill listed as LnD3 that I overlooked, my bad. In that case, a skill that triggers at low percentages WILL be better. Fury 3 guarantees he takes 10 post-battle damage, so Quick Riposte 3 won't be an option for more than one battle without Healer support, and any Breaker skills will only work for about 2 battles before Valter has to either heal or hope he can finish up in one more round of combat. Either something like Vantage or Desperation or a positioning skill might be best. Windsweep or Watersweep might also be good since he doesn't have the speed to double anything with less than 31 Speed, which most top-tier units have far more than that, but it's just enough to trigger Sweep skills. Escape Route 3 might be a good option to let him teleport to a mage who couldn't finish their battle and take the kill for them to go target someone else.
  10. So anyone come up with a set for Valter? He seems like a good contendor for Fury 3, Desperation, and Bonfire while keeping Cursed Lance and Panic Ploy, maybe with Reposition instead of Ardent Sacrifice... Also took a few tries to beat Lunatic (as in, I had to use a Stamina Potion in my attempts), but eventually I figured out my positioning mistakes and had Nowi, Xander, Nino, and Frederick clean house.
  11. All this talk about what they could shove Xander into, and yet here I am remembering the Fates 4koma where Elise imagined Xander as a Songstress. You know the one.
  12. Um... soooo... I came across a glitch... I was doing Chain Challenge for the new paralogue (the 6 battle challenge), and I initially lost to the 4th battle on turn 7, with the enemies you see on screen being alive at the end... I... have no idea how this happened, but the Sword Cavalier was on top of one of my units and I could change his position, but not of Frederick, who wound up below Ninian... Frederick couldn't be moved until Ninian took her turn on not-Frederick's space.
  13. Decided to update since it's been a while. Even though I haven't gotten him yet, I am pretty much guaranteed to be getting 5* Clive today, so... take that as you will. I'll just list all of my units and add any notes I feel like making. The following are 5* units I remember once having, but have been sacrificed for one reason or another.
  14. Maybe it's just because you are getting more Orbs than in the first few months of the game? I know myself that it sure doesn't mean much to me getting more and more 5* units when 4 of them have been Alm...
  15. ...I was expecting panty shots, not this... this... LEWD stuff. Ah great, now I'll never be able to look at sweet innocent Nino- AAAAAAA, IT'S ALREADY AFFECTING ME, HALP, HALP, MAN DOWN, MAN- I am better than Bane... I am... GEROME.
  16. ...well now I know where the luck I needed to pull anything but another Alm went... Yes I am still exceptionally bitter about that.
  17. That is NOT the body of a 17 year old young woman. And it's alright to sexualize Nowi, right? She's only 1,000+ years old. *sirens* now if you will excuse me, my calling as a Masked Lolicon of the Night awaits.
  18. So as it turns out, Twilight of the Gods is not an edited version of said track to remove the beginning part entirerly, like what you'd expect Smash Bros to do, rather the track just starts at the moment the epicness begins.
  19. Okay I am officially frustrated. This is the 4th time I have pulled a 5* Alm on a banner that isn't even his own, and he destroyed my pity rate on the Hero Fest banner. I could have pulled literally anyone else as 5*, anyone would have been fine, at least they have skills worth inheriting. But no, it has been ALM, ALM, ALM every fucking time I get a 5* from a red orb. Also +Att -Spd 4* Leon and Klein the Death Blow 3 fodder, yay a unit to turn into a Brave Bow+ wrecker and a unit who I can finally sacrifice to the shrine of Frederick and make him even more destructive than the Lord he reigns over... or give him to Leon and wait for some Brave Bow+ fodder... On a different topic, is there a unit who would benefit heavily from Windsweep 3? I'm not sure if I just wanna merge this 4th Alm into my current Alm or give someone Windsweep 3...
  21. Everyone says the stuff about SS, but I stopped playing at the first Fog of War chapter just because I was getting sick of it across the 3 GBA titles...
  22. They also are classified as a Paladin and General in Binding Blade and Awakening, which is technically reflective of their promoted classes in Blazing Blade... but then again, I'm starting to wonder if they decided to base them off their final classes rather than their base just so they could logically wield Durandal and Armads, where the only possible logic for Amelia is "we've not had a new Armor unit since Zephiel, who'se been in the game since day 1 just not as an available unit, FIX THIS NOW."...
  23. Now that I think about it, this is the first time so far that a unit is in a class other than what their base is, not including seasonal characters. Amelia started as a normal Infantry Lance user in SS, and here she is an Armored GENERAL with an Axe. At least, she is if we ignore Raven using an Axe, which Hero's can use, Faye being an Archer when she can never possibly be one, and Lachesis not having a horse... for some reason.
  24. Well this is exciting and all, but I do have higher priorities... Tana might be the most interesting of the units, but her lance is a VERY enemy-phase oriented lance, and I'm not sure I'm a fan of Nidhogg being a Legendary-Bow with the effect of an Owl tome. I wonder if Ephraim, Eirika, and that dude with the Cursed Lance will be in the paralogues?
  25. Honestly, for a game series like Fire Emblem, I don't think there's really any other game series that would "fit" with the general atmosphere or setting of FE. Unless they were being explicit in how silly they want to go, the last thing I'd ever expect to see is generic blue haired lord dude #47 commanding an army of Mario, Meta Knight, Roy not our boi, Reyn, either a Bisharp, Aegislash, or Bisharp using Aegislash as a weapon, and a bunch of Pikmin in tiny knight outfits. ...that'd just be the early-game army to, no telling what nightmares would be from other kingdoms. Can we actually get some art of that, I can't draw to save my life.
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