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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. What... what did I miss? Did I fall asleep and sleep-keyboard mash myself into a forum about home furnishing on accident? And everyone has the same names as the people on Serenes Forest?
  2. Damn, and I though $600 was pushing it for a game that can be F2P compared to just getting a standard FE title on the e-shop for $40...
  3. I counter with Logic Ploy 3, Logic -5 when stubborness <1
  4. I don't like using money if there isn't a special event going on! ...it just so happens that whenever I do have spending money there is a special event going on.
  5. Peri (+Spd -Att) is starting to look a very expensive unit, what with her level up SP going towards LnD3 and Brave Lance, only recently getting Brave Lance+, and still needing a B slot, C slot, Assist, and special (Night Sky won't cut it for long). I don't have a way to get her more SP except from grinding Chain Challenge. Though TBH, Nowi (-Def +Res) was a nightmare to get to where she is now. At first it was just Triangle Adept 3 and Bonfire I needed to give her, and I managed. But then I gave her Vantage 3, which took up most of the SP she got from Ylissian Tempest Trials. But THEN I got a 5* Klein to give her Quick Riposte 3, which was EXPENSIVE. I couldn't effectively SP Grind her since Chain Challenges weren't a thing yet, and Valentian Tempest Trials weren't out yet, so I had to slowly and painfully grind it out on training maps. It wasn't until TT came back out that I could even get QR2, and she STILL needed some work done to finally get QR3. Forget that Fortify Defense and Rally Resistance took their own routes to achieving.
  6. Forget that, much easier to find stuff to ramble on about for a game who actually has "end game" content. Thanks for nothing, Fates.
  7. Given a few days, can anyone confirm if Cancel Affinity is the latest hit that's sweeping the nation (aka becoming common on colorless units)? Shame that Cancel Affinity was revealed very soon after my plans to build TA-Raven Sophia formed...
  8. LF> Stickman Banner, Stickman versions of Fir, Subaki, Barst, and Wrys. In all seriousness, I kinda wonder why they haven't done a banner featuring the characters done by a certain artist, such as Amagaitaro (Clarine, Catria, Genny, and Nino) or AKIRA (Hector, Lon-qu, Olivia, Raven) It's completely coincidental I listed artists with powerful units, I just picked the first 4 I saw with 3 or more units under their belt (not including GHB or TT units)
  9. Tis an unfortunate fate for the one who does not forsee his own needs. ...or her own needs. I'm not discriminatory. He is. And yeah I did that to. That or I used him for a while, thought he sucked, and sent him home. Or that might have been when I pulled 5* Priscilla. Or maybe I had Priscilla inherit his Live to Serve 2? Who cares, I still get him often from colorless pulls, and I'm not hurting to replace Priscilla any time soon (because my options are Sakura and Bridal Lyn, but I digress).
  10. Kinda wish Hero Merit didn't cap at 2k, if and only because it feels like an interesting way to calculate unit usage. My only max HM units are Priscilla, Nowi, and Nino.
  11. I don't care about all that "need specific character" nonsense. Every good IV unit or 5* pull is still magical for me, and I've been playing since a few days after FE Heroes went live. So... yeah I'm a full 20 puller regardless of banner.
  12. 2 Summer Tikis in the same pull. One is +HP -Def, the other is +Att -Res. This is on top of the +Att -HP Tiki I pullled earlier. So many melons I can't take it.
  13. The only way it could get any more twisted is if Zacharias' Lance was just a giant Twizzler. With two smaller Twizzlers as the lance head. But really, this is the kind of storytelling/plot convenience/whatever you need to not have sad people you use to wow kids younger than four, not a community of hopefully grown adults and teens, some of whom can be quite critical of the smallest details.
  14. So uh... did anyone else see that "twist" when the game was basically just released?
  15. Holy crap this took forever to figure out (without help) and I only manage it a half hour before the event is set to close. Eirika Nino Bridal Caeda Alm I'm still not sure what went differently, but I would first have everyone move to the right and stand next to Nino to stat buff her, one person just below the entrance so that she could then Draw Back to the spot below the Green Mage. Usually this would cause the Blue Cav Mage to go down and break the blocks anyways, but for some reason this time Alm stood in his way, and he stood in front of the blocks instead. I was trying to build up SP to get Fort Res 3 on Bridal Caeda, but forgot to before the reset, so Nino couldn't kill the Green Mage in one round and took a lot of damage, enough to warrant Alm healing her up and being incapable of much more battling. At this point everyone was in an upside down T formation in range of the Lance Cav, and I had to move Bridal Caeda onto the bridge to let Nino kill it. Alm moved next to her, which was within range of the Axe Flier, to one round him on enemy phase. But now Alm and Celica are within range to blow on my army and win. Caeda and Nino both took down Alm from where they were already standing, and Celica, who was in the doorway, had her way blocked by Eirika, the only one at full health, fast enough to not be doubled, and had enough Res to take a hit. On my turn, Eirika moved in to attack Celica and Drag Backed her to within range of EVERYONE. Though fortunately, only Caeda was needed. It is honestly a miracle I won that battle, and I still don't know how I pulled it off at the last minute, but hey 4 orbs. I'm not complaining.
  16. Am I the only disappointed one no one has LnD3 or QR3, meaning no one has the chance to be able to give either skill at 4*?
  17. (+Spd -Att) Peri has actually managed to pull her weight despite only having Brave Lance, LnD3, and Night Sky. Giving her a boost in power has let her ORKO most of the reds she has encountered, and while there was like one or two non-reds she couldn't kill, they were left severely weakened and easy to pick off. That sacrifice of 5* Jaffar and Abel is looking more and more worth it every battle, and I couldn't be happier. Another waifu on the road to victory. From the looks of it, I'm slated to go from Tier 17 to Tier 18. Can't see myself going nuts with merging, but this is nice. 4 orbs and 1.8k feathers every week so long as I keep up this pace will be welcome.
  18. Wait you were waiting for someone else to start to? Damnit, I had the new topic page pulled up and everything. Anyways, the only difficulty I had was panicking when I saw skill inheritance units combined with the usual BS stats they give units when they need difficulty. Otherwise, I was able to steamroll everything.
  19. Oh god, not looking forward to every enemy having Renewal 3 just to replicate the effect that damn bonfire had. Hope there aren't reinforcements either.
  20. Yeah Sophia looks the most accessible and best options for me (no Spring Camilla, don't think I'll be able to make a Cav Team anytime soon), which is great because, going through the calculator again, almost all of her matchups (given +Att -Spd, +4 attack, and Moonbow) against colorless and greens resulted in OHKOs even without Moonbow, which only boosted her wins. I'm sure Spring Camilla and Rein would get more, but Sophia just has the most team freedom in that case. What makes it all the best for me is that I used to use Sophia when I was but a noob at the art of Heroes, and liked using her. But only now am I able to see the potential. Reinhardt can't wield a hammer effectively! ...wait.
  21. Is there an objectively "Best" -raven TA3 user? One that is just as effective on the defensive as they are on the offensive? I feel like it might be best to make a unit on that concept sooner or later, since Bridelia won't be able to be attacked quite so easily on the defensive. The unit I was looking at when thinking of it is Sophia, since she does have mixed defenses, high attack, and a stat that is easy to sacrifice to boost attack, but then I remembered that blue units are probably just as common as reds. (preferably, I'd rather not be told that a GHB or seasonal unit is the best, but if they are unobjectively the best then go ahead and mention it. I'll just be very very sad.)
  22. To be fair, the Fire Emblem is really just a plot devise that does whatever the writers need it to do. The seal of a dragon? Done. The crest of a royal family? Done. Some goddess whoopla from a game god knows I'll ever own a copy of? Done. A chainsaw sword that doesn't even appear in 2/3 of the games it hails from? Done. I mean, what do you even do with a plot devise like that when Mila and Duma are already dying and Duma just needed a good stabbing with a fancy Wyrmslayer? Just throw her on the pile with the others, I'm sure Glacies will be relevant one day.
  23. I'd actually like to see them make 4* variants of the seasonal units and add them to the banners they are a part of, separate from the Bonus Unit chance, just so we have better odds of getting these special units. Anyways, my listings. Olwen. Objectively, she is worse than Reinhardt. Maybe not as a Blue unit (she seems like a good fit for Blarblade on a Cav Team), but certainly as a Dire Thunder user, and her skills aren't even anything to lust over in the first place. Karel. I've never seen a Wo Dao in my life, and I never realized the reason why might be because the only one who has it (before Athena I mean) was locked to 5*. Rebecca. She does NOT deserve to be up there. At ALL. She is 3* material, a unit you pull early on and use because it's all you got. Luke. I hate his face, and he is the only one of the 4 Archanea Cavaliers to be exclusive to 5*. And I thought Cain and Abel being pullable as 5* was bad enough already. Nowi. She might be my MVP unit, but... I'd like to pull her a little more than I actually do. They're only available once per difficulty, and they don't have natures last I checked, so a more desireable unit like Cecilia will only be average.
  24. Wings of Mercy. My usual gameplan is to bait in the enemy in hopes of letting them break themselves on me, but there are times where my unit just barely misses the ORKO, and then WoM triggers and one of two things happen. A) Azura restores their turn and they kill a unit who, proviously, was out of their range, or they just kill the weakened unit they just attacked. B ) the WoM unit just comes in and kills my units. I kick myself a lot for never paying so close attention to the enemy skillsets, but it hurts a lot when it's Wings of Mercy. Who thought that skill was a good idea... And the thing is, it's just the skill. The strong units that people have been mentioning usually aren't that big a problem for me unless they are able to just SWOOP in and ignore the fact that they are still at spawn.
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