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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Dark Mages only begin to appear in Chapter 5, after you become capable of training, and most will end up using Flux early on. Mages with Focus generally find themselves in close proximity to other enemy units, so the skill can't activate. Unless you draw the mage alone on purpose, this shouldn't pose too big a problem, especially since the only mages in the early game that carry Thunder appear in Chapter 4, one chapter after Spotpass or Reeking Box training is unlocked. Zeal fighters only gain 5 crit, and are fairly inaccurate/lower in skill anyways, plus you are given an abundance of Sword wielding units early on. There is a reason why Zeal hardly ever gets use. Gamble Barbarians will lose some of their hit rate, and don't have much skill anyways. As with the above, swords are still their enemy. All in all though, the critical rate just winds up not being high enough to be too big of a worry, especially if you are capable of ganging up on enemy units. ...oh my, I'm not even on topic anymore, let alone talking about what I came here for in the first place. I apologize, I meant no harm to the thread.
  2. That is true... Though typically it is fairly predictable to know where or where they will appear based on dialogue, especially since the bosses of this game always seem to feel the need to shout the fact that reinforcements will appear at some point. For instance, Chapter 7 has Wyvern Riders appear around where Cordelia first appears, and she states that more will appear soon. Chapter 9 has more Wyvern Riders appear just behind where the army first spawns, and the boss exclaims that some troops are missing. And I guess there's Yarne's paralogue chapter where enemies spawn on the opposing side you chose to fight, or both if you choose to attack both. And then theres Grima's teleportation sigils... But typicaly, enemies appear in stairs and fortresses when reinforcements appear. Though I can't think of many more...
  3. They only ever seem to appear in forts, so it's not like it's impossible to predict them. The annoying part is that sometimes, reinforcements are carrying droppable items, which REALLY agravates me, because I can never remember which ones carry them until AFTER they appear. The only ones I can remember for sure are the Speedwing and Armorslayer in chapter 9 from the reinforcements that appear in the top-left forts, and they spawn so far away from my group by the time they actually spawn.
  4. Actually at first I was talking only about Armsthrift, which really doesn't get to leave a very large impact until 35 luck and higher, when the activation becomes 70%+, aka long after you begin training. But even early game, luck simply doesn't leave that much impact. Skill only increases critical rate by 1 for every 2 skill, and luck increases your critical avoid by 1 for each point of luck you have. Myrmidons will be tiresome in that regard, but in terms of the hardest chapters in the game, they only appear in the Prologue chapter, and I don't believe Mercenaries have enough skill to warrant very many criticals, only enough to warrant the ability to hit.
  5. Mark basically didn't exist, simply handled all of the tacticianing. His story impact was largely nonexistent, in fact skipping Lyn's story allowed for there to be NO Mark. And based on my research, most tacticians in prior and future Fire Emblems have either had more of an impact on the story, or were downright playable characters anyways (but never in an explicit Tactician class) And yet Mark was well liked anyways, which could easily be seen by his/her interactions with the Lyn Story characters after reuniting with them in Eliwood and Hector's stories.
  6. Pair Up with Lord, Great Lord, Myrmidon, Swordmaster, Griffon Rider, Priest/Cleric, War Cleric/Monk, Villager, or Dancer. Make sure support level is A and over, also make sure the pair up unit's Luck is at 30 and higher. All of the above should net a unit 6-8 additional luck by being in a pair up, even the unpromoted units. Throw on a Tonic, and bam over 50 luck for any character, even if their luck max modifiers are -5 or lower (which should be impossible to achieve) And if we are going to talk the hardest part of the game, it is of course the path leading up to chapter 3 and chapter 4, when grinding is impossible, battle preparations are not available, and... I coulda swore there was a third thing... Ah well, maybe someone with more experience knows what that is.
  7. I really only look at growths as an issue on characters who have absolutely terrible growths, such as Stahl or Vaike in Resistance, Maribelle in Defense, etc. On an Avatar with Speed as an Asset and Luck as a Flaw, the growth percentages are as follows on a Tactician/Grandmaster: Hp: 80% Str: 50% Mag: 45% Skl: 55% Spd: 65% Luk: 50% Def: 40% Res: 30% Of course, those values change depending on the class. Plus, the Avatar has the advantage of every single class for their gender under his or her belt, so no matter how you feel you need to set up your avatar, be it defensive tank or impossible to hit, you will more than likely end up with max stats by the end anyways. I know people say that the maximum stats aren't that big an issue, but really, when the game makes it possible to train for a near infinite amount of time and build up those stats with bad growths anyways, and also stat boosting items such as the Seraph Robe, Tailsman, Goddess Statue, etc, I really don't see consequence in setting growth rates to the side UNLESS I decide to challenge myself and not grind at all AND not utilize Second Seals, something which I would never consider for a serious Lunatic run. In my opinion, every one point can make the difference between defeating the enemy earlier than expected, surviving with one hp left, getting necessary criticals, and their polar opposites, which can lead to Game Over. Growth rates just don't have that same level of consequence except for the beginning of the game, when grinding isn't possible until chapter 3 (Spotpass) or chapter 4 (EXPonential Growth DLC).
  8. The following refers to Max Stat modifiers... Speed Asset, Luck Flaw lowers the Avatar's Str, Mag, and Luk by -1 while keeping Skl and Spd at +2 and +4 respectively and leaving his defensive stats alone... reminds me of Sully, but with slightly less Luk and more Spd and Def. On Morgan and Nah, this equates to +1 Str, Mag, and Luk, +2 Skl, +3 Spd and Res, and +4 Def. With Dragonstone+ bonuses, the following is what an Avatar!Nah/Nowi!Morgan Manakete would look like: Str: 52 (equates to 64 attack power) Mag: 42 (equates to +21 attack upon successful Ignis activation) Skl: 42 Spd: 42 Luk: 46 Def: 57 Res: 53 And of course, that can only go higher with Tonics and Support bonuses. But more importantly, it makes them undoublable, Brave weapons/Celica's Gale aside, AND they become rather hard to hit, which can be made into impossible to kill with healing skills. My only real issue with that is what it does to the Avatar, but like I said, I feel like what happens is that they become a second Sully, which... I actually don't know what that means as a whole, what is the opinion of Sully as a unit anyways? ...I spent so long making my post that I didn't even notice this appeared... ...at least I wound up coming to the same conclusion?
  9. So go for Ignis on Avatar!Nah and Nowi!Morgan if I choose to leave either in Manakete, but don't rely on manakete's in Apothesis...? If I choose to not pair Avatar with Nowi to make an Avatar!Nah/nowi!Morgan, then have Nah focus more on supporting her husband, focus on utilizing Vengeance for dealing damage, but keep her off the front lines if she can't do something her husband can't? ...in that scenario, Henry seems like a perfect fit due to passing on both Troubadour (Dual Support +) and Dark mage (Vengeance), with the added bonus of Thief for whatever reason... ...I want to make sure I'm not misunderstanding, sorry... ...wait, what Asset/Flaw combo should I do for an Avatar/Nowi combo (since that is my primary goal in the end (from a personal and emotional level instead of gameplay level like I would have preferred at first, (and as much as it pains me to admit to such) I need to be with Nowi...))? In most of my out-of-game experiments and research to see what works best for Morgan and Nah, I usually do Speed Asset, Defense Flaw because of the skill and speed boosts that may help in early game, when weapons are generally more likely to miss than mid to late game, when you have had the chance to grind units, purchase useful weapons and gear/find good stuff from Event Tiles, and allow for units to build supports with one another. But I am willing to adapt to whatever is recommended, though speed asset Manakete Nah/Morgan wind up with 42 speed after Dragonstone+ bonuses (I checked), which is about the amount required for most all units with no additional speed modifications to be unable to double them (barring Brave weapons of course), which I feel is a pretty good bonus.
  10. I feel like Awakening places more focus on things such as Lunatic/Lunatic+, Apothesis, and Future Past, choosing to go for a more cookie cutter plot in exchange. Your story, while pretty deep sounding and paying homage to past Fire Emblems, just wouldn't work with how Awakening placed higher focus on the above, which ergo forces the player to have all the units they can access without letting even one die, and then letting those units make even more powerful units (the child characters). What you have down, however, could work for a whole new Fire Emblem instead, if that means anything.
  11. Can someone tell me if Tombstones appear if a character is killed on Casual mode? I haven't been able to find anything that says so, though I have read there are statues of characters in this thread (somewhere), though that's about all I know otherwise.
  12. ...Based on what I have been reading, people generally prefer Donnel!Kjelle and Gaius!Noire over other combinations, and Nah is the only other child character, Lucina aside (who has 4 of 5 potential playable mothers giving her the proper classes), who cannot have the Troubadour/Pegasus Knight classes without specific fathers, both class branches possessing notable skills. And Manaketes are fairly good units, possessing high Strength, Defense, and Resistance stats thanks to Dragonstone bonuses, though Speed and Skill could use some work even after Dragonstone bonuses, and magic is increased to for some reason... plus, Dragonstones can't be forged... ...So I have been wondering: What could Nah and Morgan do as Avatar and Nowi born children that other, usually better Avatar born children can't do, Manakete status aside? And the above not possible, what can Nah do otherwise? And would Morgan benefit from a Nah bred specifically for that thing? (please note I am unable to do DLC maps outside of those contained in the Golden pack, as I cannot obtain them at this current time)
  13. You can get infinite Goddess Staves via Infinite Regalia, as with all Regalia/Personal weapons. Indeed, there is only one of each Falchion. One normal Falchion, which you exchange for the infinitely better Exalted Falchion, and the Parallel Falchion, each being bound to their respective characters. This really only affects your ability to use the Spotpass/DLC Marths in the same maps that have both Chrom and Lucina deployed, though Chrom is force use in most maps, and his max stat modifiers aren't exactly anything worth noting, so the Marths can usually make for good alternatives, assuming you can get past the lack of support options and proper Lord class. Lucina really depends on her mother and if you decide to leave her as a Sword wielding class.
  14. So... I guess it's a simple case of no der, stat boosts gimme 1 billion. It seemed weird to me before that it was never mentioned in any guides I've seen, so I kinda began thinking that they were glitched where the stats weren't truly applied or something... Plus for some reason I thought you couldn't stack multiple stat boosts from different tonics/confects (Not like stacking Strength Tonic and Gaius Confect, I mean like Kris' Confect and Gaius' Confect), though I did check to make sure of this before posting, and I was wrong (fortunately).
  15. I've not been doing this long enough to properly know why myself, but I don't really see anyone mention the stat tonics, candy confects, and Tiki's Tear no matter whatever is being asked. I know +2 to whatever stat doesn't seem like much of an increase, but in most cases it might be the difference between doubling an enemy (I mean, you only need 5 speed more than the enemy), surviving with even just one HP, or just hitting slightly harder, if at all. Plus, some of these boosts can increase max HP, which is impossible otherwise. Perhaps your VERY particular about the activation of Miracle and Armsthrift and want that small extra boost to bring said skills activation up to par/all the time? Also, the boosts aren't affected by stat limits (they are treated like support boosts), and they are available in infinite quantities in quite a few of the armories in early chapters (the earliest being Chapter 3 armory). Not to mention those units who have terrible growths in certain stats (Stahl = Resistance, Avatar in whatever the flaw stat is), so by the endgame those units wind up having those stats being in the tens or twenties if not properly trained. Besides, Rally Play is definitely a thing people recommend, and those give +4 to whatever stat the rally skill is, save for Luck, Spectrum, and Heart. What is wrong with an extra +2 that can be applied before you even begin battle? Is it just the tediousness of using so many stat boosters on your entire active army? Does buying so many Tonics eat up funds (even though it doesn't seem to go up in price like the Reeking Boxes do between difficulties)? Do people think the boost just isn't large enough to be considered worth it? Or perhaps it's just that it isn't mentioned because no der, stat boosts gimme 99 of everything? Could also apply to Barracks stat boosts, though those are just too random and eat up too much time waiting for the units you want to be boosted....
  16. By one having so-and-so's blood, I mostly mean that the powers of so-and-so are coursing through the veins of a bloodline, which seems similar to Jugdral's descendants of the Twelve Crusaders. So the Exalt's powers are in the Exalted bloodline, allowing for his or her descendants to preform the Awakening to unseal Falchion's power. This bloodlines powers may be powering Ardent, allowing for it to effectively nullify Sable's powers, though since Ardent never leaves the presence of the Exalted line save for when they hand the gems over to Basilio for safe-keeping, this isn't clearly known. Grima's bloodline seem to mostly be made up of failed vessels of Grima that ends at the Avatar, who can vessel Grima. This bloodline may be capable of powering Sable, allowing for it to corrupt Plegia's ruler or, if my theory were correct, all of Plegia and/or the Grimleal. Though again, the gem is never in a presence where such can be effectively proven. And Naga's bloodline is... well Naga's bloodline. If the current Naga dies, Tiki is meant to take her place, as seen in the Future Past DLC. Otherwise, it seems to be pretty much the same as Person A being the descendant of WWII Veteran S
  17. Though the only character in the game with Naga's blood is Tiki (and a Tiki mothered Morgan), it may be that Argent was empowered by the blessings of Naga entrusted to the Exalted line, that or Argent is directly powered by the Falchion, who's powers can only be sealed away rather than dull over time.
  18. I'm assuming the similar posts are a mistake on your part... And I can honestly say that what you did seems like a very, VERY bad mistake to make on literally all levels. Relying exclusively on a whole two units when maps can have upwards of 50 enemies at a time is just begging to have the world and the sun against you. Frederick I can kinda understand for up to chapter 4, but not Lon'qu... You are better off buying the Golden Pack DLC and getting all of your units up to par as soon as possible.
  19. One possible theory, if my line of thinking were followed, is that Sable has stronger powers when in the possession of one with Fell Dragon blood, as Validar does. So even after centuries have passed, the Fell Dragon's blood would keep the stone empowered, or heck even make it MORE powerful. I mean, Grima alone is quite powerful, and Validar is fairly scary himself in his final stand. Though I've been wondering why it is that Chrom isn't effected by Sable/Darksphere's corrupting effect... if the above were true, then Sable lost it's power when Validar died. The Avatar themselves doesn't seem powerful enough to empower the stone...
  20. Thing is, there aren't all that many recruitable enemies in the first place. Gaius, Tharja, Cynthia, Yarne (sometimes), and Gangrel (who doesn't even attack). Plus, they all have unique map sprites, and especially notable is that all but Yarne are alluded to being a pretty big deal in their recruitment chapters, and Yarne shouldn't take too long to put two and two together (There should only be one other Taguel in the entire game, Panne, Morgan aside)
  21. True true, though Wellspring is the only place in the entire game, Streetpass battles aside, where enemy units can pack Lethality, also enemy Manaketes/Taguel.
  22. I don't believe it's so much that Validar is corrupted so much that PLEGIA is corrupted. Though Gangrel states that he was Grimleal in name only (though I wouldn't put it past him to keep a few secrets even if he is all depressed), it just doesn't make sense why an entire country would want to put trust into a dragon who clearly only cares about destruction, unless they were all pulled in by the powers of the Darksphere/Sable. Tharja and Henry may only be the way they are because... well they were never truly affected by Sable, given they seem to have been the way they are their entire lives. Heck, that might even explain why Gangrel is super depressed when he is found: Because he had awakened from his stupor, and realized the atrocities he committed. ...though yeah we may just be talking straight out the bum with all this.
  23. That seems like it could pose a problem at Wellspring of Truth if you don't have literally any weak units to act as filler (aside from Spotpass and the occasional person who doesn't properly set up a streetpass team), though such a challenge DOES seem kinda fun if not insanity inflicting...
  24. Anna Say'ri Tiki Basilio Flavia Gangrel Emmeryn Walhart Yen'fay Aversa Priam Really depends on what you need, be it from support bonuses, what Morgan inherits, and the units usability. For instance, Emmeryn would be best considered in a Pair up scenario because she has access to Dual Support+, which brings her Support level with the Avatar up to Lv 9 (+20 hit, +15 everything else) without any additional factors. Tiki could also make for a good Pair Up unit because Manaketes offer STR, MAG, DEF, and RES buffs when paired up, which strengthen at S Support. Aversa can be considered a good Morgan Inheritance unit because of Shadowgift, though this does mean you need to plan on using Morgan as any tome wielding unit BUT a Sorcerer. All of the Spotpass units offer pretty good stat modifiers for non-child units, so whichever you choose as a parent depends on what you need Morgan to do. All of the Spotpass characters aren't quite as good as, say, Anna because they come near the end of the game, meaning you need to keep Avatar unmarried until you unlock the Grima chapter, ergo all the Spotpass Paralogues open up. Of course, all of the above depends solely on what you set up the Avatar to do.
  25. One thing I wonder about if were talking canon pairings, would anyone consider the oddity of Cordelia or Ricken's S support conversations with the Avatar as noteworthy? Because they're the only two who don't have "Id: Serenity" play instead of the standard "Ha! Yes, it will take some getting used to" or whatever it is. Of course, it could just be a developer mistake, though the Avatar seems JUST right enough to fall for Severa's C support schemes.
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