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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Hm... I should probably elaborate why I'm not a fan of Duel!Ephraim/Lyon. Remember Reinhardt and Olwen's alts? Remember how stunningly different they were from their original incarnations, except no they weren't they just got caught in some wind and made a real lazy effort to shoo it away when their pictures got taken? Sure his outfit is a little different, but not to any degree that I was able to tell at first glance. This isn't even giving them a different weapon type, crap he doesn't even seem to have a majestic wind to ride off of, he's just here and so is Lyon, as well as Reginleif. Not a different move type, not a different weapon type... it's literally just Ephraim again.
  2. I would prefer that Ephraim smacks the spit and teeth out of his foes by swinging Lyon around, because that is honestly what I envisioned Hector doing with Lilina (er... using her as a weapon, not smacking his foes with his... actually I'll just keep quiet.) @XRay... ... ... ...so yeah, nothing interesting in this banner, think I'll just use my Forging Bonds tickets and be on my way. Not even gonna bother buying orbs to exhaust a pity rate or some lame excuse, cause I got a convention coming up in two weeks that I need to save up for.
  3. ...the fuck is this Dual Hero? ...sorry, but at least Hector had a cute daughter to carry around. This is literally just Ephraim and Lyon standing next to each other. The EXMove dual skill is slightly interesting I guess, but otherwise not interested. Tethys looks dull and bland and all around not interesting, which is a shame because she is gonna be the demote without question, and she won't even bring anything new (which is to say, any previously 5* locked skills or weapons) to the 4* pool... Gerik... so he brings not just DB4 to the pool, but also makes Sudden Panic a little easier to summon for, and also Firesweep Axe. [insert "it's been 3,000 years" PKMN XY AZ GIF here]. Only problem is... well, the Firesweep Axe looks kinda ugly in my opinion. I mean, I've never been that big a fan of how the Firesweep weapons look, but the Axe just... meh, if we're judging banners by the looks of the units weapons, then Gerik failed to even pull a straw. Ewan is getting the Lugh treatment, which is to say "make him bland and uninteresting, but also give him one valued skill so that we don't have to demote his Bladeserpent tome". Ephraim and Lyon... well, like I said, I'm not interested. And as for Ross... I dunno, he's gonna have trainee growths and Gen3 stats, so that should count for something good, right?
  4. @BoaFerox @Anacybele I do not claim to know anything about the Amiibo chips, so for all I know they are compatible with smart devices, or it's somehow possible to connect a 3DS NFC reader to a smart devise... I dunno. It'd be neat, and new players who want an extra leg up and already have an entire wall dedicated to their opened amiibo collection could enjoy the benefits of a ton of random units and... uh... a bunch of swordies, one Red and Blue dragonstone, and two tomes (three if they ever made a P2 for Robin). Or heck, one-time battle effects would be nifty (Scan Mario to cast Growing Flame, scan Pikachu to trigger Blazing Thunder, scan Bayonetta to raise the age rating, etc.) if maybe giving an advantage to players with the right amiibo. It'd be neat, though I'm not gonna hope for anything. The Gold Points thing would be great, though TBH I wouldn't use it myself. I mean, Gold Points can be used to purchase things on the eshop, including game DLC. I purchased Megalovania in SSBU with them, and I consider that a pretty good deal compared to another shot to get no 5* units. ...wait did that come with a costume or something?
  5. ...wouldn't it be neat if you could get units from Amiibo somehow? Like, use the Alm amiibo to get Alm, FE!Chrom to get Chrom, and a draw of any 3* or 4* unit from any other amiibo. Nothing overpowered, especially considering that the FE amiibo in existence are of characters who aren't exactly considered overpowered these days (well... Alm and Celica are awesome, Lucina still has a good amount of merit, but they're also still just Gen 1 units...), especially considering how these days most amiibo will cost a couple arms and legs to get one in pristine condition, and still costing a pretty nickle for a used rare one. ...I dunno, I ordered the amiibos of SSB Kirby, SSB Dedede, SSB Meta Knight, SSB Luigi, and Alm/Celica recently (all used or in damaged boxes because I like my arms and legs), and looking at the ones that were delivered so far makes me kinda wish they did something for you in more games... not like it'd give a big advantage to amiibo collectors or anything (the ones who open their amiibo boxes), unless you consider having a bunch of fodderable 3* or 4* units an advantage.
  6. Let's all in America give a giant siiiiiigh as Daylight Savings ends and we lose an hour (gain an hour? I never understood this damn thing). So now the Event Calender being off by a day for the last month should be good and fixed, and the daily reset is at 11pm PST.
  7. Thinking about it, Kana's weapon might incorporate a Noontime/Sol effect, given the name... So far, similarly named weapons have had effects similar to their namesake specials.
  8. Apparently. Cause why would Shiro or Siegbert, two units who not only have outdated prf weapons but weapons with effects that are now on normal (seasonal) weapons, need refines when we can just jump right to Kana, the most alright I guess dragon in the game?
  9. New weapons coming for Athena, Gordin, Subaki, and Female Kana! ~Athena's default weapon is the Wo Dao (Special Dmg +10). ~Gordin's is the Brave Bow (Attacks twice when initiating, Spd -5) ~Subaki's is the Sapphire Lance (Triangle Adept 3) ~FemKana's is the Water Breath (Def/Res +4 when foe initiate, Range Adaptive Damage)
  10. New weapons confirmed (finally)! This time it'll be Athena, Gordin, Subaki, and... FemKana?
  11. Oh clearly it was... ...uh... ...the bonus comics from that FEH Manga character book or whatever it was? You know, when Kiran wanted to breathe and live inside Feh before getting his arm broken by Feh and his life ended by Bruno and pre-Thrasir?
  12. Byleth sure has been in a lot of these lately... probably more than some other equally important characters... Not that I wanna go through over 100 of these just to tally each heroes appearance in them...
  13. ...so anyways, think we'll get the next Update preview tonight with new weapons and refines? Now that Lute has a refine to her weapon, that means the other Farfetched Heroes are on the table, meaning Mia and Joshua (Dorcas... might get cheated out of one for having a DC weapon...)
  14. Got the Leif! Yep... he looks freaking cool in his artwork. Also he's +Res -Def, which... I said I could take -Atk, and the game didn't give me that, so I'm thankful for that at least. ...I also decided... well, I use her a lot... guess I'll have to return to the 5* +10 thread much sooner than I would have wanted to... ...so I got VALBAR +Def -Spd! Oh and Legendary Azura the last copy I needed to make her +10 I guess, but VALBAR!
  15. Shit I need Leif so badly. Not even because he's basically THE BEST UNIT, just because he looks so freaking cool. Gimme -Atk, I can take it. Colorless is a good summoning. Legendary Alm is still one of the best bows (now he shares this title with Leif), and Fallen Tiki remains a force to be reckoned with. Green is alright. Nothing particularly interesting to me. Blue is okay... but I don't wanna pull Blue cause I know I'll then just wanna try to +10 LegAzura (she's +9). I guess I can make Blue my secondary summoning choice... Red is... eh, but it's not the bored kind of "eh", it's the pained "eh". Valentine Ike is good, LegRyoma is scary with the right skillset, but seeing Palla brings back bitter memories of +10ing her and not getting one +Atk asset... As for Leif's stats... yeah he looks eerily like what Reinhardt strives to be, and it's scary to see that we now have a Prf ranged Brave Weapon with Dual Phase Brave effect and also a Follow-up nullifying effect... because Dire Thunder is still just a Player Phase Brave weapon. How many bets that his base Atk is 8?
  16. ... ...they should just make them permanent. Every week, one of the twenty rounds of Weekly Revival. I mean, if they're just gonna get rid of every Gen 1 unit from new hero banners, they may as well...
  17. @XRay Speaking as someone who obtained every unit up until the second Three Houses banner, +10ed like 50 units (most of which were 5* exclusive or limited banner units), and also bought a house (well co-bought, me mum had a wish and I wanted to help)... that's overkill. I mean, I don't even use most of my +10 units that often (Innes was used maybe like twice since his initial +10ing), and most units don't need that heavy a skillset. Fury Desperation and Moonbow on a Slaying weapon, Reposition and a Hone for support, that can get a unit miles. Hell, most 5* units can get by just fine off their base skillset. Though I fully admit that perhaps I'm underestimating or flat-out not understanding the needs of a whale... I can't claim to call myself a whale despite my history, just a guy who really likes some characters (Selkie, Witchy Nowi), wants to do odd things with other characters (Walhart, Wrys), and then got kinda unlucky trying to do those other two things (Nyofai Fjorm, Flora) while most of the rest of my army were on a slow boil for banners and banners until oh wait I can +10 them now (Mia, Brave Celica, Innes). Then there were just those units I wanted to do because POWER is the BLOOMING FLOWER (Soleil, Brave Ike and Lucina) and those that wound up +10 because honestly? Fuck assets and flaws. (Elincia, Santa Ephraim, Spring Palla)
  18. Well this is insulting... ...why does the enemy get a Red Bow but not us?! ...oh B!Ike and B!Lucy cheesed this. Very, very easily I might add. ...so what's up with Conrad's art? He has a mask in his icon, but not in his full body portrait, despite the two being the same art otherwise...
  19. Duo unit where Vaike is being dragged by the foot by Miriel, who uses him as a weapon because then "The Vaike can crush his foes himself!" They would introduce Death Blow Ultimate, which is just Death Blow 3 but it has a picture of Vaike for the icon, and no other skills because Vaike forgot to pack any.
  20. Literally the only reason I can think of is that it'd be a 240 sp skill, which is worth at least double what just slapping Spd +3 in the A slot would be. One other thing I can think of is that it doesn't actually add +3 Spd to your skill, so you can avoid Chill Spd. ...these are actually really shoddy reasons to take this over Spd +3, and you know LnD3 is still a good skill if one of the oldest.
  21. Don't forget Azama! "Why bother fighting for our lives when we're just gonna be revived anyway? You guys can go fight for your honor or rocks or whatever it is this time, while me and these three will eat crackers and sleep." Without checking for myself (because if I do I'll just want to reread all of Setsuna's supports again...), I believe it was between Saizo and Setsuna it was said, because he was trying to mold her into the ideal retainer because of the exact things you said (except cooking... cause Hinoka can't do that either). In fact, Hinoka herself told Saizo to give up. ...man, between Setsuna and Azama, Hinoka has it kinda rough doesn't she...
  22. First off, one Green, went for it, 4* Sheena, eh least she's worth more feathers than 3*. Second, decided to buy one more orb pack... so I can get through the first summon tickets. 3rd ticket in, got Forsyth +Spd -Res, so... eh. ...but also Kjelle +Atk -Res, which GEEZ OKAY I GUESS. Current Kjelle was +Def -Spd no merge, so uh... seems a little overkill, but sure why not. Forsyth I can live with or without really. Nice to have my SoV MVP, but there's just too many Lance Armors now that he's kinda just gonna meld in with the Armor Lance hive-mind...
  23. ...heh, when you think about it, Python kinda just threw together some cheap skillset probably so you wouldn't want to summon him. I mean, it has about the same amount of thought put behind it.
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