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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Christmas isn't even here yet, what are we all doing returning so soon? You can't be serious. I mean, what do we know about Aion? He thought he was cool and smart, then Kishuna screwed him over. Not much to go with, is there... A brown cloak should do! Hoo, boy. That sounds like it's going to be fun. Does that recruiting requirement involve buying him a set of reasonably colored clothes? I sure hope it does. I'll have to get used to the rearranged numbers again. Seriously, how is he this good? I smell an MVP in the making. Keep eating those levels, you chummy bastard, you. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that boosts defense. Am I a genius or what? I'm truly sorry. On the other hand, maybe all this luck you're not having will happen to go to my own LP. Nah, I couldn't possibly wish such a thing for you... or... could I...? Jesus Christ on a bike, is Safy the only... safe bet, when it comes to levels? Huehuehuehuehue... eeheh... ah... hah... hahah... eheheheheheheheh...! I'm sure that was quite... soothing for you. Eh? Eh?! Heheh! I agree that you'll need a summoner to help summon the courage to continue after these level ups! Bwahahahahah... the song's still going, sorry... Somehow, this is even more beffitting of the song than any of the terrible puns were. I wonder why. That sounds like a great sight to behold. I always felt Klimt was, alongside Glen and Orson (granted, I still love Orson even though I feel he could've gotten so much more screentime, but...), one of the most painfully underutilized characters in FE8. Please, do use him. Oh, thank fuck, at least he won't be joining us with his very non-green hair. Have fun being free, Rennac. Don't get yourself killed out there. Strength. Give her strength. However, give her lower speed. That is the fee she must pay for the power. Hwahahgahahgcoughcoughcough You might want to rethink that final statement, now. Jeez, those puns were horrendous...
  2. Part 1 - The best character. First part, everybody! Just a heads-up, it's going to be a rather long one. I want to get to Verje inmediately, and give you a taste of just how plot-heavy this game is, so yeah. Bear with me. I mean, most of the pain's going to be on my side, as I have to copy words. A lot of words. Before we begin, two things. First, I like the amount of "never played this"s that I've been seeing. This game has some pretty interesting (and shocking) stuff in it, so if you'll allow me, I'll be glad to be your guide through it. And hey, give it a shot yourselves if you want. It's a good game. Besides, since so many of you don't know anything about the game, maybe, just maybe, I won't kill everyone's favourite characters this time around. Or maybe I'll just introduce someone to their new favourite and then kill him/her... Whatever the case, I would like to reiterate my petition that this thread is kept spoiler-free. If you want to say something to me regarding future events, use spoiler tags and warn everyone that there's spoilers in there, and then it'll no longer be your responsibility and Eclipse won't ban us all. I will do the same in my replies. Second, I am disappointed that the first comment wasn't some doofus asking why Zeiss is in the prepscreen. Real letdown here, guys, I expected more from the veterans. Alas, for shame!
  3. Okay, so. Starting real great already. I tried to make a poll regarding the Leteena event, but... somehow, Serenes decided I really didn't want to ask that question to the people, and the poll didn't get published alongside the update. And now it's not letting me edit the OP, so... fuck me, I guess. Tell me if you want me to do the Leteena event, is what I'm saying. Jesus, can't I even start a thread right?
  4. Sony? In my Nintendo forum? Why, yes, and allow me to tell you why: It is because this game... ...isn't COD... ...or anything else made by EA, for that matter. Quite on the contrary. It is... ...ready when you are, game... FIRE EMBLEM ON P S 1 Okay, that was a lot less epic than I thought it'd be. Well, anyway! Remember me, anybody? I'm-- ...what do you want now, game? What in the world is this? I haven't even pressed anything! Oh, okay, it's playing itself, I see. Who even is Imperial? Well, in any case, back on topic. Remember me, anybody? It is I, Saint Rubenio, self-proclaimed worst tactician ever and part-time universe destroyer and mass genocider. A year ago, I played FE12 and it was horrible! Then I played FE6 and it was probably the worst run of that game that anyone's ever had the audacity to record and publish on the internet. I have decided that the time has come for me to return and crash yet another train repeatedly until it turns into an indescribable wreck of massive proportions, leaving behind a myriad of orphans, widows and other, similarly depressed people. With any luck, it won't be quite as terrible as FE6. Bring on the questions that nobody will ask, but I will respond to anyway! Ruben, rules. Rules, right. In my first LP, I broke every single one of my self-imposed rules, and in my second LP, I outright forgot to make any and just sort of made them up as I went. Let's see if we can do this right this time around, shall we? - For starters, obviously, this is an ironman run, which means I am only allowed to reset when the game forces me to via game overs. If anybody dies before the game over, they will be used during that chapter, but will be killed off / benched for life afterwards. - On the matter of resetting, I'd like to make one exception: since this game doesn't allow for simple formation editing (instead going for the clumsy old "move people's names around to move them on the map!" system), I will allow myself to reset at the very beginning of the map, before making any moves, so that I can arrange the formation to my liking. - All deaths will be counted, with one exception, which I will explain if it happens. Suffice to say, if it does happen, it really won't be much of a death at all. - While I will be using Warp, outright warpskipping is, for the most part, disallowed. Once again, there is an exception, this time because I don't think I have the heart to face that chapter without warpskipping. We'll talk about it when we get there. - Narron is banned Dude, I don't even know who you are. What's all this talk about destroying the universe? Should I call the cops? Please, don't. The truth is, in my past 2 LPs, I sort of winged a fanfic to go with the main story. Initially it was only a lame self-insert, but it started to evolve until I completely lost control of it. I will continue the story in this LP, so if you haven't read my other LPs, you might be a little lost. Don't worry, though, I'll try to keep things understandable enough, even if I will be referencing my past works (if I learnt anything in my FE6 LP, it's that I cannot stop myself). Ruben, what is the Leteena event? That question is mostly directed at people who already know the game, but here's a quick recap: the Leteena event is shit. The long answer is: the Leteena event is bullshit. You need more? Fine, I'll humor you. See Xavier? Well... not quite that terrible, but it's up there. The only purpose it serves is to make the player's life more miserable, and as we know, readers like to make the LPer's life miserable (at least my readers liked it a lot in the past), so please, vote away. Will we get to choose things for you to do? For the most part, I'll use any units I want, and in the event of alternate chapters, I'll show both and go with whichever run I like better. However, there are some pretty big decisions in this game that I will let you vote for. As well, you are free to suggest units for me to use, as I don't really have any preferences. Hopefully, you won't choose something ridiculous, like Narron. Or Narron. What is your stance on spoilers? I don't like 'em, so please, if you want to talk about things that haven't happened in the LP yet, put a big fat spoiler alert first and keep the content hidden within spoiler boxes. Of course, I already know pretty much everything, but surely somebody won't, so think of the children. Your last LP took ages to load every time. How will you handle things this time? Tear Ring Saga is about three times more text-heavy than FE6 or 12, so I'm going to change things up a bit: instead of just dumping a thousand screenshots of text in every update, I'll do what professional LPers do and write the dialoge manually with mugshots and all. For clarification's sake, I shall be using my trusty old Barlowe portraits to speak my mind during dialogue. This might change down the line, so don't take it as gospel. Or anything else on the OP, for that matter, if my last LPs are anything to go by... What will be the schedule for this LP? Like last times, there'll be none, and like last times, it'll probably change over the course of the LP, likely for worse. I'll try to have an update out within 3-4 days of the last, more often than not, but I am currently studying a programming course right now (shut up, you care), and in a couple weeks I have The Week (you know the one, that which has exams every single day because teachers are bad at organizing and coordinating) and Smash Ultimate comes out on top of that and I want to see if Luigi has really been nerfed to oblivion, so things might change. Man, I picked the worst possible time to start this, didn't I? Off to a great start, I see... and just you wait until you see the first chapter, which I've already played. There are six enemies, for crying out loud, and things already went as badly as they could've possibly gone! Why me...? Ruben, why don't you like Narron? I used Matthis in FE12. And Wade in FE6. Let that be the answer to your question. Now, before I finish up the OP, allow me to put a DISCLAIMER here for everyone to see: this LP will feature profanity, blood and gore, black humour and probably unhealthy amounts of character deaths. Viewer discretion is advised, because God knows I won't be able to be discreet. With all that out of the way, and without further ado, I think it's time for the tears to begin flowing as I fail terribly to be good at Tear Ring Saga! ...ergh, in a few days. See you then!
  5. I find quite the guilty pleasure in using Tomas in FE12. The guy's probably the most forgettable character in the game, having only just in FE11 earned the honour of having his own face rather than being a clone of Gordin or a Sedgar lookalike, and yet, I've used him twice or thrice over the course of all my runs of the game. That's more times than I've used Sirius, Palla, Malicia, and especially Catria, whom I have never even used (please accept my apologies). His bases are atrocious, but with a B rank in bows and amazing growth rates, if you have thousands upon thousands of gold to spare, he can use the base arena to get up to speed and become a hilarious Sniper. Add to that the fact that if you use him for a few chapters he grows confident enough to try and shoot the avatar's big foreheard three times in a row, and you've got an absolute joy of a unit to use. Also, his hair's dumb and I love him for that. Matthis, too. He's terrible. Certainly better than he is in FE11, but he's still the worst cavalier in the game by a mile, and even if he's better than he used to be, he still feels like a Shadow Dragon character that was thrown among the powerhouse central that is FE12. But I actually like him as a character (I know, that's a rare sentence to read), so I once decided to give him the growth drop and see what happens. Well, this is what happened: Not gonna lie, I've had a lot of respect for the guy ever since. I enjoy using bad units in general (using the same team of top tier units every single time is boring as heck), but these two are the first to come to mind. Tomas especially, Matthis is a bit more fickle, but with his growths, Tomas is pretty much guaranteed to become hilarious if you actually bother with him, more so than other FE12 prepromotes.
  6. Top tier, amirite? Also, no, I have never played heroes and I have no idea how it really works, I just wanted to roast myself a little. I have so much speed because I am an expert at running away! I'm not sure if this is against the game's rules or not so I'll just sneak my way out and let someone else try to write me a nicer entry. Tada! EDIT: Oh, so it turns out by trying to be a goofball and make my own entry I followed the rules to a T without having read them. Okay, good. Then I shall tag, uh... how does one tag again? @Unknown Gamer11 please tell me I did right. Nice, seventh try's the charm!
  7. Ah, don't worry man. Real life comes first. You continue this whenever you are able to, don't worry.
  8. Yeah, I did it by myself in five mins. I only feel a little proud... Actually, I don't seem to be getting any, which is strange because I've long since deactivated Adblock for Serenes. How peculiar... am I really so unpopular that people don't want me to buy their things?
  9. That is all, I'll show myself out now.
  10. I guess so, SD has some really stupid shenanigans, but with Cirosan's patches it improves a whole lot. Even without them, I still think it's a pretty good game. You can never go wrong with a game where Wrys is recruited in the first chapter. Hey, not all of them, I wouldn't want to hog the spotlight. Just... do Orson justice somehow, okay? That is all I ask. It's never stated, but it's one of those things that everyone just considers a fact because it makes sense. MacGregor was important enough to be tutoring both the prince of Grado and the prince of Renais, it's sensible to think that he might've gotten to know Lyon's plans somehow. And that he would consider the poor father enough of a threat to have him killed... Maybe you could replace both siblings with their flashback versions. They have green hair there, at least. They do a good job making you feel for them. By making Ephraim call Eirika plain. I can just imagine Lyon sweating bullets, desperately fighting the urge to scream "NO SHE'S NOT!!" Poor guy. He didn't deserve what happened to him. He really didn't... especially not in Ephraim's route, that one's painful to watch. Which is a shame. Innes's first reaction to seeing the siblings alive and well being to antagonize Ephraim for no reason at all and to ignore Eirika was absolutely hilarious. Except for the fact that they had their arses kicked about five minutes after this, and then they had their arses kicked again in the river chapter until only Syrene was alive? But then again, Innes's is awesome for a Sniper, and most important of all, they have the Boulder. Not in this game, of course, but... I think his con and stache are huge enough that they trascend the existential plane of FE8 and invade other realms. What I'm trying to say is, next time someone without green hair joins, replace them with Moulder. Or maybe you could make him replace Fomortiis as the main villain. It makes perfect sense: he's pretty much the complete opposite to green hair that there is, his being the most sane, realistic hair in all of Fire Emblem. Also, he's the Boulder. There can be no mightier threat than he. That means Eirika is fine, sadly. Stupid girl, ruining the stakes! Honestly, though, Caellach is great. He and Valter are my favourites from FE8 after Orson. I love how he just casually admits to having murdered Joshua's mom to his face, and how he just casually admits to wanting to usurp the throne of Grado at some point to Lyon's face. He's really casual, that one. He's a great character. He's also got green clothes. That was enough for-- you know what I'm getting at. This is giving me Roy-Merlinus vibes. C'mon, Merlinus, I wanna fight and get in trouble! There'll be no danger! You'll see! Okay, okay, I get it... Wait, what's that? They're attacking us?!? Guess we have no choice then! To arms! ...grumble grumble... Hah. Cecilia in a nutshel. Seriously, she gets killed three times over by Zephiel and in the next chapter she's up and about again. In the fucking desert. This woman's a trooper! If you make her friendzone him, I'll forever be grateful. After I'm done choking to death in laughter. She's terrible, Elincia! Jeez... sure hope nothing bad happens to either of them... if it did, I'd surely... lose my head over it. He's smaller than you are, Raigh, how is he... You've got a ways ahead of you, Lotsin, but I believe in you. Why did Alec say the same thing twice? And, more importantly, why did Kyle ignore it? You just could not resist, could you?
  11. Well, you never go to bed without learning something new. Or in this case, get up from bed. Thanks a lot for filling me in on this, everybody! Now Samson may become even more ridiculous. As if he needed a nosferatu axe on top of his 80 use Schram... EDIT: I just found out it's not a nosferatu axe, but a vulnerary axe...? Oh, well, it's still more accurate and lighter than the Dolharken, I'm sure it'll have its uses.
  12. Most definitely, it's a really fun game. Yes, only Marth can visit things. It's... mediocre. Neat. And why... why do you hide an axe within your doublet* Nope. Not buying it. That isn't a worthy fate for my favourite secondary villain in FE8. He will come back, or else I'll be mildly annoyed. Maybe when the next person without green hair arrives you could swap them out for Orson? His clothes are green, that was enough for Orsin. Wait... A Pugi-shaped Loptous tome with the nosferatu effect. It's something Riev could pull off, he's mad and knowledgable enough for it, it fits Orsin's newfound affinity for dark magic, and the Pugi's probably the thing he wants the most in the world right now, after DeviantartOCman claimed it for himself. Nosferatu is just there because everyone knows bosses with nosferatu are dumb. It makes perfect sense! Fun fact: "tirado" in spanish means, among other things, "really easy". How ironic. Japan never ceases to amuse me with its obsession with slapping spanish words on people as names. I look forward to seeing my friends' reaction to this guy. The wall is from another world also. Pffft okay that was the dumbest statement in this thread yet, I wager. No, Alec, you're talking about Bors. Bors and his chin are the ones we can truly rely on. It's the scythe of death! I will translate, I know my japanese. "Hah hah hah! Those fools will never see the reinforcements coming! Men, open the door so that they may ambush the unwitting enemy! I am truly a brilliant strategist! Surely there's no way anybody could be eavesdropping on my conversation with myself, therefore it is safe for me to laugh evilly: hah hah hah hah hah cough cough... hack... urk, my thoat... I'm getting too old for this... men, cease your opening of the door momentarily and bring me a glass of water...! ...glub, glub, glub... Ah, much better. Good. You may proceed to let the reinforcements loose. Hah hah haaaack, cough cough, not again aaagh...!" Funny how you can say so much with so few japanese symbols. Hey, on the bright side, he's going to get more strength than any thief deserves to have. Breaking the HP cap already? Ah, japanese hackers and their stat inflation fetish... Honestly I'd sooner take Cavalier Raigh than... well, 13 speed is very Cavalier, too, so... Where was I going with this? It's the first of the run, or have I missed any? In any case, good on him. Now he can get to the frontlines faster so that he may be outperformed by Kyle and Sain. Ah-ha, awesome. Ah-ha, awesomer. I knew I could count on him. I think Bors might be siphoning everyone else's growths. Can't say I'm too angry about it. He only needs to proc move now and he's set. Also, as for his promotion, Great Knights get move but Bors's chin can only be properly contained by an armor as ridiculous as his hairpiece. Bring on the General, I say! Arden can go Great Knight so that he may have a niche beyond being an inferior version of Bors. The... 7 of death? Cavaliers really like their math, don't they? Scratch what I said about Arden earlier. If he goes Great Knight he'll just go from being "worse Bors" to being "vile Kyle". Why, yes, I do feel slightly proud of myself. Every LP has its trend. For me, it was death. Be thankful you're only running short on a stat. Understandable. They're the most likeable people in your team currently. Can I just say I forgot Eirika exists? Because I totally did. Whoa. Sorry for forgetting about you, Eirika. No need to bring down Sain's growths further, Bors is already good enough at that. You better do. He's going to show everyone up (except Lotsin and Bors), crap skills be damned. C'moooon only two more level ups before he gets more levels than HP... I believe in you, Lugh, don't leave me hangin' now... He never mentioned Orson. Just thought I'd say that. Still not buying it. I like to think he was going to betray Renais here too, but then he just fell in a random battle because plot retreats stopped working as a result of the whole dimentional mishmash, and Tirado had to find some other guy to impersonate him. Orsin just so happened to be in the area. Of course, that is the non-canon explanation, because he's alive and he's coming back. Fun fact: ever since he watched the scene where Saleh asks the team about Myrrh in chapter 5, one of my friends is convinced that Lute will be the one to recruit Saleh. Just saying. It really does make more sense here. Hey, that's pretty good! That... isn't so good. What if one of the teams got screwed? What then? Does Seth pop out of nowhere to solo the route? That would be a very Seth thing to do. Also, separating Raigh and Lugh is a dickmove. Cool, looking forward to that. Maybe make Bors and Lotsin discuss how it feels to be the greatest units in the game? At this point, Lotsin would start to catch on to Bors's evil plan to claim everybody else's growths for himself, and he would go on to spend the rest of the game trying to find solid evidence of it until, at the end of the game, Bors turns out to have only been trying to help out the gang by increasing their growths with his chinish powers, but he went overboard and increased them beyond the magic number, 255, causing a glitch where everyone's growths looped back to zero. The reason only his own growths remained busted was that he was so humble he didn't want to make his growths better than everybody elses, thus saving himself by a stroke of luck. That's when Lotsin and Bors would reconcile and become the best of friends forever. Man, I put way more thought into that than I should've.
  13. So, I was playing Tear Ring Saga today, with the latest translation patch of course, and something rather strange happened. I was in chapter 21 (here's the map for convenience, courtesy of fireemblemwod), Marvin was alone fighting the one Great Ogre who's just below Kranion at the start of the map while Neuron distracted the Witch Dragon. Neuron and Kranion were duking it out in the two green tiles, while I'm pretty sure Mario and the Ogre were in the two red tiles (I might be a little off, but I'm certain it was around that area). He got hit once, and I thought he was screwed, but then he miraculously managed to steal his opponent's axe (I'd forgotten he even had that skill, given how much more reliable Mug is). So far, so good. Here's where things get interesting. Since Kranion had blasted a good chunk of the Ogre's heath while fighting Neuron, and it could no longer defend itself, I just had Myron kill it for the heck of it... and all of sudden, Martin got a Blessed Axe out of nowhere. As soon as I got a chance to save my game, I went back and tried to replicate this by moving Morgan around the area, waiting and rewinding if nothing came up. I was not able to get the axe this time around. The reason I am making a thread about this is that I had no idea you could get that item in map 21. Heck, I can't even remember if the weapon's obtainable elsewhere at all! I've also done a little research and none of the main FE sites that I know (the wiki, serenes and fewod) say anything about a Blessed Axe in chapter 21. I don't understand, is this something I just didn't know about but is common knowledge otherwise, or have I randomly found a hidden item/glitch of some sort that nobody else knew about? Please, if anybody knows more, do tell me. (Also, yes, I am using Luca. Yes, he's worse than his sister. Yes, he's going to die for her to get kills)
  14. Not quite. One doesn't english and the other isn't the type to come out and make LPs for everyone to see. If anybody is going to suffer through another LP of this crap series, it's me. Doggone it... That man summoned the 2 of Death to kill Eirika. Bors is hilarious. I'm glad he's outperforming Arden, 20% move growth be damned. The Lady Sword? Ah. Murray. He's a strong contender for the most generic, forgettable boss in this game, which is a shame, considering FE8's throwaways tend to have more personality than those of other games (Carlyle, Aias, Tirado to some degree, Pablo... come to mind). Of course, you couldn't resist, could you? Whoa. He's definitely stepped up his game since he got killed by a crippled soldier after getting 5 levels of just skill in a row. Danved's in this game? Fuck this chick. When does he arrive? Bors won't be pleased. Get it? 'Cause his armor is golden? Hahah... who cares about Arden and his megamove? Bors has the greenest hair in the whole game! Bors, you're the only one worthy of being the main Knight of FEGreen. Don't let the title screen convince you otherwise. Nice girl. Also, it was at this point where I thought "hey... I know that mountain...!", so I went back and realised that this is fucking Matthis's map from FE12. Matthis, man. What a legend. Fuck the public opinion, he's FE12's best General cav. A shame he doesn't change the fact that this map's horrible. Especially not now that he's not there anymore. Still not as good as Kyle, He Who Shan't Leave His Lord's Side. Can we just say he's this game's Dougy? He went almost as far as Dougy to stay by his liege's side, that's for sure... He can still get more levels than HP. I believe in you, Lugh! You've got to be kidding me... He had one in FE8. For shame, Murray! Why don't you sell Nephenee? I'm sure you'd be able to get a Luna tome or two in exchange if you pressed the shopkeeper enough. Ah, Orson. My favourite non-Lyon villain of FE8. Is that too much of a spoiler? I don't think so, considering the man looks almost as wrecked as Riev. UnknownGamer, you have to make this happen. Please. It'd be so awesome... and it'd make more sense than Orson just sort of popping out of nowhere, blade in doublet, ready to backstab people he never was allied with to begin with.
  15. I believe in him. Lot shall prevail! No, it's the nickname Karin gives him upon recruiting him. Her reasoning is that Olson sounds more fitting for a commoner than Ilios does. I'm going on a hunch here and bet she's the one to recruit him. Wait... what? Why would they do that? There's a female Ranger in the original game, and Neimi didn't turn into a guy when using swords. It would've been so easy! Holy shit that's the most unbalanced thing I've ever seen. It's... magnificent. Then they proceed to never use it in the actual chapter. A shame. It would've been so much fun to fight a teleporting Novala in the mist... On second thought, I'm glad he's dumb. That chapter's enough of a pain as is. Fun fact: I recently got my two best friends to play FE, and soon, we're going to all play Ironman FE8 together. I look forward to seeing how they do in this one... I even convinced one of them to play in hard mode, since this is his second FE! She also has less con (which more or less ensures her speed will be lower than his) but 8 more levels to catch up. However, given how low the Soldier caps seem to be, I'm not sure that'll make much of a difference. Don't think I ever have. Why would I pass up on a chance to grind Moulder up a little? Maybe Lotsin has a higher target chance due to him being a Deviantart OC. I think it makes sense, myself. Jeez, Elincia's hilariously good for this part of the game. Are you sure Sothe is the Jeigan and not Elincia? She's not looking too hot right now. Best get up to speed, girl, preferably before Echidna joins and takes the "best waifu" spot. What do you mean, she doesn't have green hair? Her clothes are green, that was enough for Orsin, so why not Echidna? This Raigh wouldn't have needed saving... keep it up, my friend! At this rate, he's going to have more levels than HP. How ridiculous is that? Not even Lilina, man... I always sorta wished Novala was recruitable, just because he's green and I like green. At least the other Shamans in this game have nice looking palettes. May I remind you that my Lot also lacked strength but still was the best damned unit in my team? I still believe in you, Lot! You can do it! That makes two of us. Ahahah... excellent... Hmmmm a Cavalier, eh... and Abel is in this game... it's going to be Abel, isn't it? Either Abel or Oscar, but I'm feeling Abel more. I suppose we shall see!
  16. I missed an update. Nothing that can't be fixed easily. Awesome, I'm a genius. Next time, Nino will join. The genius said so, so it has to be the truth. If it isn't, make it so. He did in the original game, too. It never did make much sense. Soooo for starters, Wolt's awesome in this game. Also, if Greenasha overthere beat Lugh in HP, I'd laugh really hard. It has begun. Hwahahahahahah... unlimited POWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAah, sorry, I was just... enjoying this moment. I'm happy for you! Huh, so the FE4 boys are the Forde and Kyle stand-ins. Except... Kyle himself refused to leave his game! I'm so happy for him. Also, can we just take a moment to appreciate that Olson is replacing Orson? I don't know about you, but I find that to be highly amusing. Also also, this guy is fabulous. What, did Karin tell him bright pink clothes are more lordly? Jesus Christ... but at least his hair is green. That's going to be fun. I really like his palette. It's like Cecilia if she was a Mage Knight instead of a Valkyrie. And also a man. That was less fun than I had anticipated. Arden, my man, you'd best get some moves if you want to surpass Megachin of the Stachehair. Kyle didn't just refuse to leave his game; when the creator attempted to bring him down by forcing a shit skill on him, he also refused to give in and be bad! Astounding! Noooooo He-man is a traitor! Sorry, that's more or less faithful to his artwork. They're a darker shade there, but still pink.
  17. Thank you all for the nice words! I really appreciate all the (unwarranted) praise. Here are some things I wanted to reply to in detail. Sorry for the delay. With any luck, one person will read this. It's not that important, anyway.
  18. Awesome! I'll be honest, I was really worried when you just suddenly disappeared. It made me fear the hack would die right here, with the end within an arm's reach. So much so, in fact, that I ended up playing through the pre-release version. I just couldn't wait! I finished the game a couple weeks ago. Knowing that the final version is actually coming is very reassuring. Better late than never, that's for sure. I think I'll play through this one again once the final version is released and write up a review based on both playthroughs. There are a few issues that I have with the pre-release that might be fixed in the final version, so it'd be unfair to criticize the game for those without knowing whether they'll be fixed or not. Here, I'll leave some of them here, just for the heck of it. (Warning, big spoilers ahead) Even with those problems, though, I still really enjoyed the game. I look forward to giving it another playthrough in the final version! Maybe I'll ironman it this time, to spice things up.
  19. Hey, thanks. For me, it started with just a throwaway joke about characters retreating after getting killed. Then I started making lame little intros. Then I wrote a plot. I also said this at the beginning. Oh, to go back to being a naïve guy who just wanted to make a LP... things were simpler those days. I wasn't a college dropout yet. Blue-green I can sort of wrap my head around if I try hard enough, but... Orsin's hair is pitch black, for crying out loud! Headbands aren't hair! Why is Nephenee's sprite so much better than Elincia's? Are these japanese hackers trying to tell us something? Well, hello there, my man. Ready to become the MPV of yet another LP in this forum? Also, can I just say the description made my day? 'Cause it made my day. He better get the Pugi or I'm reporting this thread. Now I'm curious. Do use her. She's about to have more strength than skill. Who are you and what have you done to Eirika? Whatever the answers are, keep it up. Wolt's doing good. That's cool. Show them what you're made of, Wolt. There is noching like a knight getting speed. Sadly, though, his movement continues to chine by its absence. So... hold on. They've got Merric, one of the most iconic mages in the series who also just so happens to have green hair, and they go and add this completely unmemorable buffoon over him? Okay, you do you, authors, I guess... Amazing. Those are the sort of levels I'm used to when it comes to Lot. These ones... not so much. You're still the best, Lot. He's already better than he is at base in FE6, while being 4 levels lower than his base FE6 level. That makes me very happy. No kidding, that's preposterously unbalanced! Level 1 trainee with bases befitting of a level 5 tier 1 unit? Why not!? All for everyone's favourite soldier waifu! Not to mention the fact that her growths are too good, too. I just love how much Eirika stands out in these cutscenes. Now, I'm going to make a baseless prediction and bet that the next unit we'll get is... Guy! Let's see how wrong I am.
  20. On the contrary, I like it. Do update away as long as you can. 3 might. That's all I see. I feel you, man. If you leave a white hole in the middle, here's my advice: think of something funny to put in there. Sounds similar to my story, except Raigh was the one to actually win me over more than Lugh. Still one of my favourite characters in the series, although he's not alone there. I couldn't possibly choose between him and, say, Frost. I love Summoner Knoll. I bet I'd like Summoner Raigh even better. Wait... NPCs are orange? C'mon, why didn't they make them blue? You disappoint me once more, GreenFE. A few more of these and I'll be forced to start calling you CastorFE. That doesn't make any sense, the tome's got a weight of 1. Either he has 0 strength and I just didn't notice or something's wrong with that sentence. Whoa, FE6 blinking frames. Very trainee stats right there, Wolt. Also, Lugh did have 1 strength, so... how, exactly, was he losing AS from Fire? Am I missing something? If you employ some imagination, that death quote looks like he's blowing air with his eyes closed. See, the lower lines are the cheeks full of air, and the upper ones are eyes. I don't know. Just a random thought on this death quote from the guy that didn't even get a unique sprite. Make me proud, Raigh. Don't let crits take you again. Soooo basically they just copypasted their support and turned it into a recruitment conversation, then added in some line about the bracelet he stole for no particular reason. Joy. Ergh... what's with the random font change? Well, in any case. I look forward to seeing the next replacements. Maybe we'll get, I don't know, Matthew and Serra instead of Lute and Arthur. I know, neither of them is green, but at this point, I expect anything. Good update, I liked it.
  21. Guess I'll just respond to two updates instead of just one. No, no, forget about Fiora, what do you mean they forgot Tomas? Tomas is as green as it gets! He's fundamentally green! How dare they forget about him? No, actually, she just tries to paper-thinly disguise the fact that she's Eirika of Renais if she visits the village with Selena in it. Selena quickly catches on to the fact that she's not just any common joe, and the best Eirika can think up is "Erina, the mercenary". It's about as pathetic in game as it sounds. Cecilia! Are you serious, FEgreen? Why does nobody respect Cecilia? Right, I'd forgotten she has the power to get killed three times over by the main antagonist of the game and still live. Maybe she's a distant relative of Frey? His eye's still solid in here too, I see. Injokes! Fun fact: in the fanmade hack, Order of the Crimson Arm, one of the characters is just a recoloured Bors with his hairdo turned into a moustache and Gonzales's hair thrown in to replace it. He's one of my favourite characters in the game. The first time I read this, I thought "more defense?! But she already has 10! I've never had such a tanky Eirika!". Then I looked again and realised that's luck. Stupid magic, ruining the perfectly good order of the stats in the level up screen. I'm sure it's just as useless for physical units as it is in Archanea! Nice. Crits don't just kill you when they're performed by the enemy. Crits suck, even when you are the one to get them! Crits are fair and balanced, to be sure. This guy's pretty good, isn't he? Except for the low magic. His magic is too low. Bench. I wouldn't complain, that's an unbelievable amount of strength for Eirika. What she truly needs is green hair. Elincia? I have no idea who this is. I'm a Fire Emblem fan! Do it. Fiora's got blue hair. She does not deserve to be in FEgreen. While at it, you could replace Eirika with Elincia or something. Wait, where's Moulder's replacement? I should've known these japanese hackers could not possibly find a worthy replacement for the Boulder himself. Which is bad for you, as it means you get no healer. Personally, I like the way FE12 balanced them better. Higher weight just means only the fastest and/or biggest units get to be ridiculous, keeping great units just as good as always while further hurting the lesser ones. With low might, nobody can just barge in with a javelin and destroy everything, because even with high strength, the low power of the weapon still matters. Of course, DSFE had forging, but let's not dwell on that. Oh please, they're just grasping for straws at this point, and we're barely a couple chapters into the game. That's clearly black! Seriously, does this mean green clothes also count? Are we going to get Lot, just because his shirt is a really pale shade of green? Man, it'd be awesome if we got Lot, but somehow, I doubt that's going to happen. That's a really good Eirika. I'm happy for you. Although I bet Eph is still going to be better. He's a thief now? C'mon, that's very unlike Raigh. Raigh'd get into her good books and make her take pity on him so that she'd give him the bracelet, just "for research". Knowing Eirika, that could very well happen. Let's not talk about the fact that he now has dissasembling powers. Pretty sure that ought to be the game, I've never seen anything like that. It would be a shame if... something happened to them, would it not? So Lugh is Neimi. I'm not sure how I feel about that.
  22. ... ... ... .................. ........................................... Part 53 - The fall of the dragon and the demon. I just read the first page of the thread, for old times' sake. It's amazing to see how nobody, up to and including me, expected the axe siblings and fucking Marcus to become the MPVs of this LP.
  23. I don't know if I'm all that happy with someone being inspired by my LPs. They blow. I know nothing about this game, so I suppose I shall be discovering it alongside you. This is going to be fun, isn't it? "Sort of" green? That's as blue as it gets! This is a sham, all of it! Why couldn't Fado be the main Lord? His hair is actually a sort of bluish green, and even his armor is green! He'd be perfect! You disappoint me, FEgreen. Maybe he's just a special Thief Lord. He snags everything the enemy has! Ahem. My apologies. Personally, I don't find that to be so bad. It's handy to be able to take screenshots of the overworld after moving your entire army. With autoend turns, you just can't do that. FE.png Please tell me this game forgets about Tomas. It would make me very happy and very sad at the same time. Incidentally, if Tomas is in this game, please do use him. That's all I ask for.
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