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Everything posted by DLNarshen

  1. Congrats! It feels awesome to break that 5K ceiling. =) This is a a good bonus rotation for both of us it seems.
  2. I didn't find any back when I first wanted to do it, so I made my own using the game's asset collection, which can be found here. I uploaded mine if you wanted to try them out, but they're made to be used with iPhone screenshots reduced to 70% of the original size, so they might not be suitable depending on the device/software you use.
  3. I actually saw you in the rankings at one point this week. "Hey, there's a familiar name!" x ) If I get to a point where I can stay in tier 20 even with +0 bonus units, then yeah, Hinoka will probably be taking a vacation from the arena. Damned 5-star exclusives. =( @Javi Blizz Oh, I actually have to input the merge numbers manually. I made a template with all the possible merges and level number adjustments, so I can just paste them over the vanilla screenshots.
  4. Season 61 Results: Score: 5,066 (New Record!) Defense: 618 (New Record!) Rank: Tier 20 --> 20 Changes from last week: -Shanna got another merge (+2 to +3) -Shanna got Aether I'm on a roll. I wasn't expecting three weeks of this bonus rotation, and now the next one will have Narcian as well...two more weeks of hopefully staying in tier 20. Needless to say, I'll be taking advantage of this as long as I can. Scores will probably be a little more inflated than usual with Fjorm back in the mix, but I have more merges for Shanna waiting, as well as the option of having her equip a double rally if things get really out of control. Arena Assault: Rank: 4,462 With Shanna's merge count continuing to rise, it makes sense to start using the full team now instead of using Fjorm/L!Ike as a score crutch. Previous Season Results:
  5. @mampfoid Out here making my man look weak! Nice work.
  6. Not at all! I won't always respond, but I do enjoy watching special clears of some of the game's harder content -- especially if it involves fliers lol
  7. @mampfoid I'm sure it still took a lot of planning, but you made it look super easy! I was wondering how it was going to work with only two Galeforcers after Roy failed to kill the Armor in one round, but leaving only Azura in range of the Cavalier to suicide on was clever. I'm really interested in seeing what Lloyd gets for his refinement. I upgraded him since I'll eventually upgrade every GHB character, but sadly he rarely sees deployment. He desperately needs DC in his current state to fulfill any serviceable niche, but I don't see them putting that on any refinement upgrade. It's reasonable to assume its base effect will be upgraded to be more in line with similar weapons like Gleipnir, but the refinement is anyone's guess. A Breath effect maybe?
  8. My luckiest banner is still the Sacred World (Amelia, Tana, Innes, Seth), where I got every focus unit in a little over 100 orbs or so. I also pulled every focus unit on Brave Heroes, but that probably took 300+ orbs. As for unluckiest, I threw around 70 orbs in an effort to get Olwen on the cavalry banner a long while back, and couldn't get anyone before I decided to cut my losses. I didn't keep track, but I spent way too many orbs trying to get a (then) second Hinoka on the Flier Boost banner back in October, and while I did finally get one, I only did it through paid orbs. Before I didn't mind spending a tiny bit every now and then, but that left such a bad taste in my mouth, and got me to swear off spending money on this game for good. Ultimately I consider myself fortunate that I don't have any horror stories of spending 300+ orbs and not getting what I want.
  9. The BHB-esque maps were a nice surprise. Aside from maybe Ch. 11+12 chain challenge, that was the hardest 4 orbs I've ever earned. o_o As much as I think a colorless-dragon-flier would be a nice to have, it's really hard to get excited about alts, especially since the last Grima was barely a month ago...
  10. You and me both. I don't care what their stats, weapon types, skills, etc, are. If I can get both Leif and Nanna I will make them work somehow, bad natures or otherwise. I've been waiting too long for this.
  11. Thanks! I wholeheartedly recommend any kind of investment in Caeda. Even before her weapon refinery upgrade, she has put in so much work, and flier support turns her into a monster. I know you're a fan of flier teams as well, so I don't think you'll regret it. =)
  12. Season 60 Results: Score: 5,064 (New Record!) Defense: 612 (New Record!) Rank: Tier 20 --> 20 Changes from last week: -Shanna got another merge (+1 to +2) -Shanna's skillset was almost completely revamped Shanna, unfortunately, sees the least use out of my main team, and so there's still room for improvement where her skills are concerned. I generally prefer EP combat, and so I reworked her skills to cater to that. Desperation is filler for the moment, although it works quite well with Fury and her 45 unboosted Spd. I'm actually thinking a Def-refine might be better for her, but we'll see. As a bonus, I decided to record some matches this week in the 722+ score range, if anyone wanted a general idea of how the team functions in practice. Fans of FE6 might enjoy this one :) Arena Assault: Rank: 5,137 Ouch. Shanna probably wasn't worth as many points as Hinoka even with the right blessing, and I got seriously low-balled on top of that. Previous Season Results:
  13. March Update: 92 Uniques, and 39 either merged or foddered away. I haven't summoned at all this month, so I've been making due with strengthening my main team and promoting random GHB characters.
  14. Catria is cute, and is the one I'd want the most out of these. Not enough to dip into the orb stash, but maybe if there's multiple blues on my free summon. Chill Res is going to be amazing fodder too, and it's something I've been dreading ever since they introduced the Chill line. Just imagine Reinhardt or one of his teammates with it. Can't just throw a Julia haphazardly in his range and expect her to live anymore.
  15. Season 59 Results: Score: 5,052 (New Record!) Defense: 608 Rank: Tier 20 --> 20 An exciting week for me, if only because this arena cycle marks the first time I've been able to run the full Narcian's Angels team in the arena! Everyone here has been a bonus unit in the past, but not since this team was first assembled around 5 months ago. This team gets me through every Infernal GHB/BHB challenge, and they tore through the arena in much the same way. Being able to use every member of the team and it being neither water nor earth season, I had the perfect excuse to try and stay in tier 20. Narcian equipped his double rally normally reserved for AA, and Shanna opted for Atk Smoke 3 instead of her usual Quickened Pulse. Thankfully I didn't have to burn as many crests as I did in my first bout with tier 20, and we stayed in with around ~900 ranks or so to spare. Shanna will get another merge, but I expect it will be closer next week with blessings coming out in full force again. Arena Assault: Rank: 3,929 Previous Season Results:
  16. 414 here. Gacha can be fickle, so I'm saving every orb I can get. ; (
  17. In the era of TT stat bonuses, FH!Robin has got to be worst final boss yet for auto-battling. Bulky as hell, and his entire skill set might as well be one big middle finger to the aggro-happy AI.
  18. One-rounding a Myrrh with a lance unit is pretty bonkers ngl
  19. Never been happier to have a +Atk Donnel sitting on my bench. Even as a 4*, the kid makes a mockery of this TT. o_o
  20. Season 58 Results: Score: 5,014 Defense: 608 Rank: Tier 19 --> 20 No changes from last week. Michalis is a unit I've had for a while who sees steady use in other PvE modes, but haven't found the place to use him in the arena for quite some time. Normally he equips Moonbow or Noontime, but in this case I'll take the extra 100 SP worth of points. As expected, he was far more capable of dueling Nowi and other dragons than Takumi ever was, and the extra flier support was appreciated. Arena Assault: Rank: 4,057 Fun fact: This season marks the 30th week we've had AA. 30 weeks of tip-toeing around oppressive meta units with the lesser of our barracks. I just hope I have the strength to last at least a year of this. Previous Season Results:
  21. It will absolutely be the new spring seasonals versus the old ones. No reason to be vague about it if involves characters already in the game.
  22. Needed to rearrange some skills, but Narcian's Angels come through once again! I think I figured out what was making the audio not sync up properly in my phone captures, so hopefully that will make my videos a little more watchable. I inherited Axebreaker 2 from a spare Eliwood on Caeda, but in hindsight I could have just used the QR seal to get the same effect. Oh well, maybe it will come in handy one day.
  23. It could mean that they're asking for individual rates, yeah. Like when one opens the "Details" tab under a banner, each character would have a percentage listed alongside their name and epithet. Experienced players know that summoning rates vary slightly depending on the colors and number of focus units, but this is not explicitly stated in-game. As this reddit thread also points out, the issue could also be that summoning rates are not listed on the orb purchasing screen, and therefore not in agreement with the " prior to purchase " part of Apple's policy.
  24. It's possible that Apple is starting to enforce their policies disclosing lootbox drop rates from back in December. "Apps offering “loot boxes” or other mechanisms that provide randomized virtual items for purchase must disclose the odds of receiving each type of item to customers prior to purchase" Perhaps Heroes' generic, misleading summoning rates were not up to Apple's new standards? Of course, the reason for the delay could be much more benign, but it is a little suspicious that other gacha games like Brave Exvius have also had their iOS updates delayed this month...
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