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Everything posted by TheNiddo

  1. Its called "saving the most popular characters for when the sales start to drop" Tellius won't be around in large numbers for a while probably. Chilll.
  2. Frankly we just don't really know. Its a twitter post in a foreign language. They were trying to condense info into very tiny posts and things don't always translate over to English well before that post size limitation even. I've seen two very different interpretations of what was said on their twitter, both equally valid. There's no real point in planning imo until its out. Just don't send anybody home and lets find out what's what then.
  3. Fem Robin isn't great, though every now and then I manage to drag some usefulness out of her. Sitting at 4,218 score with 4* 40 Fem!Robin, and then fully maxed out Male Robin, Takumi, and Fem!Corrin. Fem!Corrin helps a lot, with -Res on anything she targets, and then -speed and -attack on everything else. Best I've done is only 2 units loss. For your team: experiment with taking out Takumi maybe? I mean if you haven't got a good combo yet, you've got nothing to lose by rotating out other units and seeing how things go. If you have any Goad Calvary units could go for a full Calvary team.
  4. From what I remember, healer in slot 1, dancer in slot 2, Effie and Robin in slots 3/4 (matter less as they have access to the exact same squares). Had Robin snipe Ursula while Effie moved up. Robin pulled back the turn after and took out the knight through the wall... I think there was a turn wait in between the Ursula attack and starting to go after the knight to make sure the ninja couldn't hit her. After that it was just using the healer to keep Effie topped up and being careful with my movements/making sure Effie wasn't in danger of dropping below 50% HP and getting doubled due to multiple attacks. Would recommend almost any other healer, Azama sucks for actual healing numbers.
  5. I pulled it off with a Level 31 4* Effie, Level 40 4* Fem!Robin, Level 21 3* Olivia, and a Level 25 4* Azama. Followed the Effie strat outlined before. She just had enough HP and Defence. If she had one less of either one she would have gotten doubled post heal at a key point and I would have lost the map. It is nice that you don't need 5*s at all for this map. Doesn't even need Level 40 4*s: Fem!Robin probably could have pulled it off somewhere between 30-35 depending on her RNG.
  6. Keep in mind that once the Skill Inheritance is out, you'll probably see Takumi + Vantage everywhere as Gordin can pass it to him. That pretty much kills your three listed options (haven't mathed out the Klein versions vs Takumi versions, so he might be in the running still with the right IVs. But Takumi vs Takumi is always tricky before factoring in Vantage). Male!Robin is barely holding on as it is against that (Goes from "almost any IV" to "pretty needs to be +Speed or +Def, can't be -Attack and ideally not -HP) and really needs to plan it out well due to Vengeance. You need somebody who can drop a 1SK on Takumi, or barely take any damage. The other problem with farming greys is.... outside of 3 specific ones for general use (the ones you have listed), and one or two for skill inheritance.... they range from "meh" to "Horrible because its a healer and healers are no use in the higher arena range which is a range you'll hit rocking all 5*s. Also wasting a 5* summon on a healer feels horrible."
  7. They have. And they suck. https://i.redd.it/g32cnuani7iy.jpg *5 LVL40 stats; HP: 35 ATK: 35 SPD: 32 DEF: 22 RES: 30 Weapon at *5: Blarwolf+ Mt: 10 Range: 2 Effective vs cavalry unit. Skill: Rising / Growing Thunder Charge: 5 Before combat this unit initiates, foes in an area / in a wide area near target take damage equal to (unit's ATK minus foe's DEF or RES). Passives: Slot A: Death Blow 1 / 2 / 3 Grants Atk +2 / +4 / +6 if unit initiates combat. Slot C: Threaten RES 1 / 2 / 3 Inflicts Res -3 / -4 / -5 on foes within 2 spaces through their next actions at the start of each turn. The only thing that might be a placeholder is the Growing Thunder: like 4/6 of the upcoming GHB characters have that as a special. So hopefully for at least some of them it was a placeholder.
  8. -HP is the second best bane for Robin to have after -Res. +Attack is second best boon for Robin to have after +Speed. Pretty good, I'd say go with him.
  9. Male Robin, Nino, or Sharena. Chrom only if you're hurting extremely badly for Reds period. Depends on the IVs of everyone though. Like if you had a +speed -res Robin I'd say Robin for sure.
  10. Something something, legally required to have such a system in place in South Korea due to addiction problems that happened over there and one does not simply not have a Gatcha game not available in one of the largest markets for it. Or however it was it worked.
  11. I'd love to drop Fury on Anna. She currently has 41 HP/45 Attack/38 Speed/22 Def/28 Res for a total of 174 points Fury would move her up to 41 HP/48 Attack/41 Speed/25 Def/31 Res, with a total of 186 points. And her A slot is the open slot, and Bartre has it (who is another green axe footman, so if that type of restriction applies she can still get it). She naturally has Vantage as well, so with Fury she's going to be hitting that range sooner. But 48 attack + 41 speed + Vantage + Wings of Mercy from her axe is just nasty. Hector for comparison has 52/24. Hana has 52/41, but no Vantage, awkward Obstruct, and significantly worse defences. If you can flat out replace skills, I'd drop Spur Res for either Savage Blow or Threaten Attack. And Swap/Pivot for her assist.
  12. You'd have really low arena scores, as neutrals have the lowest amount of points. Male!Robin would crush you. Hector you wouldn't have to worry about... because your team's ranking score wise would be so low you'd never run into him or any other knight.
  13. Nino needs people who apply buffs to power up her tome. Spur skills don't work, have to be Rallies or Fortify. The only one of your characters that does that is Lissa, but that's tied to a cooldown. You also don't want to use healers in arena. So you don't really have a way to power up Nino atm. Raven is decent, not amazing but certainly usable.
  14. Linde is much much much better than Lissa. Don't ever take her out of your lineup. Nino is great if you have people to buff her. Cordelia is a solid unit but gets destroyed by Takumi. Marth is an all around solid unit who can take out dragons for you. Lyn, Linde, Raven, Marth might be your best bet. Nino is a better character but you don't really have the right team to support her in that role.
  15. He's going to be a Grand Hero Battle character, not a Focus. As in same thing as Fem!Robin and Narcian. Same with all of the other characters with stats put up on Reddit: they were found in the game file specifically because they are Grand Hero Battle characters.
  16. More like good thing everyone has a Fem!Robin Though frankly I don't expect to see him in arena much. His arena score is in the 150s: too low to make up for for anyone trying to get a high placement.
  17. According to the IV Calculator site, you can in fact have more than one Boon/Bane. https://fireemblem.gamepress.gg/fire-emblem-heroes-iv-calculator They have it listed as confirmed info.
  18. He is. Close but... wasted potential sadly. Weakest arc in a FE game where the villains never get a chance to shine. To me, magical development could include Siege tomes. Maybe tomes with effectiveness as well (like bonus vs horses, fliers) or magic infused ballista. Make it so for a long part of the game, only the enemy has access to those types of tomes while the heroes only have the more standard type. Could also included magic weapons like from Tellius: Wind Edge, Flame Lance, Thunder Axe. Don't make the enemy only use those kinds of weapons, that would be a nightmare. But always a few on every map, don't go crazy with them until the last few maps with that villain is still alive.
  19. Takumi yes. I regularly take on two without Robin dropping below half HP. As long as my Fem!Corrin can survive one round against one of them (she's speed blessed so she does) while they're bunched up they're all going to lose 5 attack/5 speed. After which Robin, Takumi, and Lyn clean up as needed, mainly Robin. Hector would be easy though I've never had to try: take Roy in with somebody to rally his defence. Just one defence rally should let him take no damage or 1 damage per hit. Have Olivia give him extra attacks. Done.
  20. Were you directly beside the lake, or to the lake's upper left? Upper left and the lancer shouldn't hit you.
  21. That would be Tharja again @ Armend It might be more fair to put it this way: If the Tharja is -attack/-speed your probably going with Lilina. If the Lilina is +attack/+speed and your Tharja's bane/boons don't touch attack or speed in either way, it depends exactly on your team options.
  22. Hrm yeah I missed the boon/bane first time around In this case, Tharja for sure. Lilina does nooooot like -Attack
  23. I'd put Fem!Robin and Merric on roughly equal terms. Both have more defence than res, both have so-so attack and speed. Merric has more HP, a tome effect that I would rate as being slightly better, and an AoE. Fem!Robin has B Tomebreaker and Ingis. They're both pretty much just sitting there waiting for the right meta. But in the right meta they would be what Male!Robin is now, though slightly less so in the case of Fem!Robin due to not having IVs and thus not able to end up with more speed (which she would really want).
  24. Depends on team build. Have a bunch of buffs you're willing to put on Tharja? Then her. If not, Lilina.
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