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About Anacybele

  • Birthday 05/05/1991


  • Member Title
    Sylvain is best and cutest redhead <3

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    Fire Emblem obviously, drawing, writing, video games, graphics, singing, other stuff
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

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  1. So how do you like my new sig and avatar? Also, do you know who the character between Captain Falcon and Kirby is? I know you know who everyone else is in my sig.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Randoman


      I'm glad you like it. Yeah, I fixed up the 50 character pic from before and replaced Lucas and Wolf with Tingle and Dr. Stewart (that's who the person after Captain Falcon is). He's one of the 4 original F-Zero racers in the first game, and the only good guy racer (since he's not out to harm any innocents) among the 4 besides Captain Falcon.

    3. Anacybele


      Ah, I see! But why not one of the bad guy racers? I mean, there are villains playable in Smash Bros. too. Bowser, Ganondorf...

    4. Randoman


      Well, Captain Falcon and Dr. Stewart are the only two that are referenced in each and every game, even Maximum Velocity which features a brand new cast. In Velocity, Captain Falcon's son is playable while Dr. Stewart built one of the playable vehicles: the Silver Thunder. Even though Pico and Samurai Goroh were among the original 4, they didn't have any mention or references in Maximum Velocity. Not even Black Shadow, the series' main villain is mentioned in Maximum Velocity.

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