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About Anacybele

  • Birthday 05/05/1991


  • Member Title
    Sylvain is best and cutest redhead <3

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    Fire Emblem obviously, drawing, writing, video games, graphics, singing, other stuff
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

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  1. the basics required are essentially free https://www.twitch.tv/broadcast

    even encoding and publishing for uploading to a platform like youtube can be done through windows movie maker, which is included with a purchase of windows

    the high end hardware to minimize processing time, and extras to really make the stream standout are probably expensive though; you're right about that

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Anacybele


      But how would I use an app on a laptop to record a Switch game?

    3. buttmuncher.ops


      connecting your console through USB ports. a budget option is to record to a camcorder, then USB that to the PC

      for quality of life to console gamers, that's where the expensive hardware comes in, and actually costs money ;/ PC gamers got it significantly easier in terms of budget, i'm sorry :(

      hope you get the job !

    4. Anacybele


      Oh, I see. I might be able to do that. The USB port thing, I mean.

      And thanks.

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