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Caliban of Sycorax

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Posts posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. On 3/15/2017 at 0:25 PM, AsukaDrag said:

    Well, Skill is useless, anyway, so it makes no difference.

    I'm pretty sure the absurdly high Skill is a result of me trying to make the enemies have decent hit rates on your characters, but maybe I went I tiny bit overboard:)

    I'll probably readjust it in the next patch whenever that is.

    That actually makes sense, and I do like the fact that you can't just rely on dodges and instead have to actually strategize about who to attack with whom. That being said there is such high enemy density in the chapters that it's very easy for your units to be surrounded and killed.

    I took the 3A route, and I actually love the idea of the poisoned gas in the forest. However, it is quite hard to navigate with the poison, especially with the points where you are forced to navigate your units in a straight line where the poison hits in several points. Either widen the path for the allies, or indicate where the poison will be coming from can fix that issue.

    I had to re-start because I lost too many units (I wasn't going to reset for the female shaman or Tansy because, frankly, they're garbage). So I will try to adopt a new strategy that can minimize the poison damage. That said, the female shaman (I don't remember her name because she died the turn she was recruited) spawns in a terrible spot. She doesn't have the stats to survive the enemies and has limited movement due to being surrounded. There is little reason to keep her alive due to this (rescue with Tansy, maybe? but once again, garbage).

  2. Unless Delmud's dad is Beowulf, it is important that his father get the Chagall kill in Chapter 3 to gather the Silver Blade from him, and then never let it go. This is easy if Finn is his father because he is leaving at the end of the chapter anyway. In my experience playing Genealogy I have paired Lachesis with three different dads, and they are the only dads necessary to discuss here: Azel, Finn, and Beowulf. All three fathers net Pursuit which both kids greatly need. The kind of Delmud you want depends on his father, but he's best with Finn or Beowulf due to having better Strength (although Hezul will give him that no matter what). Azel allows him to use Magic Swords to some degree of success, but several of the Generation 2 children also use Magic Swords well, so there may be some competition there (Arthur, Tinny, Seliph, Fee, etc.). Overall Delmud is one of your better units once he gets going especially if he has that Silver Blade.

    Nanna is a mounted healer who can actually fight back. Finn and Azel make her the best, especially Azel, since she will actually have a decent Magic stat. Once Leif promotes the two of them can run around the map on their pretty little ponies and destroy everything with the POWER OF LOVE. A great candidate for a Magic Sword as well, Nanna really doesn't need much to get going. She starts with Relive as a staff which nets good EXP and will get any other C-rank Staves from Lachesis as well as whatever swords she was carrying (which, due to Hezul, is helpful for sure). Keep Prayer Sword on her unless Finn is her father or give her one of the Magic Swords.


    Delmud gets a 7.5/10 from me, and Nanna gets a 8.5/10 from me.

  3. 3 hours ago, Shin said:

    Claude by a fair bit. Lana has no real business fighting and having access to A staves from the get-go is far more useful than the ability to use Elfire.

    Yes, Claude is the better overall dad for Lana (especially since she can get the Rescue staff from the Chapter 5 conversation). I just like having Azel!Lana destroy everything with Elfire.

  4. On 2/2/2017 at 4:59 PM, CappnRob said:

    Jamke is good for Lester but bad for Lana? Lana will always be at least as good as Aideen, so that seems a bit weird to me.

    Jamke!Lana has low Magic which can be bad for healing with non-recover Staves or using status Staves. Also she has less combat capability (not that you're using her for combat anyway) due to her lower Magic stat. High HP is pretty nice though.

    That being said no one really pairs for good Lanas because she's almost always good. Azel!Lana is the best of them but that isn't saying much, especially when Azel!Lester kinda blows.

  5. Just now, eclipse said:

    Tower grind.  If there's one resource I'm not short on, it's badges!


    Sharena seems like she has some growing-up to do.  She's okay for now, but I hope the story helps to develop her.

    I pretty much live in the tower but it loves giving me more and more Verdant Badges. -_-

  6. Sharena was in my original party and I'm still using her quite often. I just was able to promote her to a 3* unit (god, those Azure badges are annoying to find) and she's already doing well. I also have Female!Corrin who is obviously superior, but I may be able to swap the two once Sharena is back to par with the others.

  7. I'm so glad you enjoyed the hack :) "I found the gimmicks after a while" boring/tedious after a while maybe? I thnik you forgot a word.

    haha you actually missed out on a hidden "desert" restore staff and perhaps a white gem from 2-5.

    Again, i really appreciate the feedback.

    i just meant that I discovered the gimmicks on how to defeat the chapters, not necessarily an opinion on them.

    Desert items? I had a feeling that they were present my my dumb self didn't bring Tyren and I don't have the patience to use anyone else.

  8. Finally went and finished the patch, and it is fantastic for sure. The updates to the writing have been fantastic thus far and I love the direction Bram's character development is going.

    I found the last few chapters to be quite challenging, especially with Sirens being able to use Lances and Magic, and really only having about 3 units that can reliably tank mages. Nonetheless I loved the addition of Tide Shock and Frostbite, which helped me tremendously in the last two for sure. I found the gimmicks after a while, especially utilizing the units that don't move, but it definitely was a welcome challenge.

    One thing that might help is having either A) more gold available or B) a droppable Restore staff. I know that they are buyable in 2-3, but gold is a bit of a commodity in Bloodlines and I was more focused on supplying weapons and Mend staves. Even just one droppable Restore may help with the Sirens and Jellies more, although in all fairness none of my units were ever in too much danger. I'm sure I missed a few hidden items and droppables as well and I'll definitely be going through again to see more.

    I wish more physical units could reliably battle mages, I gave Nobia the Honeycomb and she became a fairly reliable mage tank especially with her great speed, but everyone else still took double-digit damage from them. I'm sure more units will come who can be more reliable mage killers, and I certainly anticipate them.

    Nonetheless, I'm still a huge fan of the patch and can't wait for more.

  9. Save most of your BEXP for Elincia since she has only 3 chapters in FE9 to gain levels. Most of the GM's will reach those levels on their own, same with Jill. Be sure to give all of your mages staves on promotion so they can spam (plus, the bonus to their eventual RD staff levels can help). I agree with not bothering with Sothe and Tormod. Rolf as well, as he is a ridiculous burden in FE9, and Shinon is far superior (even without any transfers). If you're focusing on Rolf that is less BEXP for others since that's pretty much the only way he'll be 20/20 when you have others to train as well. Astrid if you truly want to, as she has Paragon and will gain levels quicker. She should be bottom priority, though.

    Here's how I see utilizing these units the best:

    Priority combat, little to no BEXP:






    Mostly combat/staff usage, moderate use of BEXP:







    Mostly BEXP, little to no combat/staves:


  10. Are there support endings in this hack?

    In the support table in the first page, there are indications of who has a paired ending.

    The ones I unlocked in my first playthrough were:



    Emilia/Kendrick (they are the Pent/Louise I believe, so I think their ending is automatic whether or not their A is reached)


  11. Lilina's new portrait kinda scares me.

    Her face is just so blank and stoic, which doesn't really fit her personality.

    Not to mention the fact she doesn't really look Roy's age anymore.

    I'm gonna assume Roy would also eventually get an update to match the art style.

    Will Lilina be getting a Prf tome as well? Seems like lots of characters are getting personal weapons; Lilina seems a perfect fit for one. please with a def boost

  12. All valid points, and I think Caliban's promoted class could be called Warrior King, depending on how you develop his character.

    That sounds like an interesting premise; the story revolves around Caliban and Margaret becoming stronger warriors on top of their current strengths: Caliban is tactical while Margaret is a skilled diplomat.

    Statistically Caliban has higher SKL, DEF, and RES than Margaret while she has higher POW, SPD, and LCK; both of them are also fairly tied on HP.

  13. 1) Only the one thief. That chapter isn't bad actually if you huddle on the right side with the treasure chests. Trying to hold the starting area is a bit of a trap. Its not that much more difficult than the early defence chapter in PoR imo.

    2) I've heard of Res bugging out when you get units back, but not Skill. O_o

    I split my units into two teams, with Edward going after the locked door and another 6-MOV unit going after the top chests. I also had a healer on each side, which helped.

  14. Just my opinion, but you may want to make four of the names simpler. Cataphract should be changed to Axe Knight (because Kieran was an Axe Knight and he's the MVP), and Cuirassier should just be Sword Knight (like Fergus from FE5!). Stradiot ahould just be Lance Knight (because Finn and Oscar.). Turcopole should be Bow Knight (because Astrid and Selfina). Just my opinion, but you may want to consider it. Also, Duke Knights should be Lance-locked, in keeping with Duke Knight tradition, like Quan, Finn, Glade and the other two numbnuts from Thracia.

    Other than that...

    OMG GENERALS CAN USE BOWS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! HAPPY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But why are there no unpromoted Armor Knights?

    The names are up for debate honestly, I just want to have something that makes class names better than just "____ Knight".

    Duke/Dame Knights having Lances and Swords is mostly to balance them, every promoted horse knight has their base weapon and the weapon their base is strong against. Silver Knights having Lances is a nod to FE9 and FE10, plus I am leaning toward Caliban getting Bows when he promotes (both Caliban and Margaret will have a horse when they promote).

    I am debating how to properly use Generals, given that I don't know if I want to implement a "each weapon knight" or just have Generals use everything like in FE4. Right now Generals are the reverse of horse knights where they receive Bows and the weapon their base is weak against upon promotion (Bow Generals have Axes and Lances). As for the lack of unpromoted armor knights, I haven't found a proper place to put one in the game, although one may make an appearance. My big fear is this becoming another Horse Emblem, as I want every unit to have some form of use in the main game.

  15. Chapter 10 is a fairly easy chapter minus when you have to fight one of Julius or Ishtar before Miletos. Hero Sword!Celice should be able to take Ishtar provided he has a few rings (Barrier, Speed, Power, Leg). Chapter 10 also has kids to rescue who grant 100 EXP, so use that opportunity to level up a few of your units.

    The final chapter isn't that hard minus the Pegasus Trio who appear after you conquer Freege (as well as Ishtar and her army). There are a lot of status staves and siege tomes so be prepared with your healers. Celice/Aless will be doing most of the fighting so keep their weapons repaired.

  16. FE6 Chapter 14 and FE7 Chapter 26/28 (Arcadia/Battle Before Dawn) are by far the worst for reasons stated above. The only other GBA chapters I massively dislike are the FE6 Gaidens, because they are incredibly tedious, have ridiculous amounts of seize tomes and status staves, and are almost always warpskips for me.

  17. Path of Radiance is a great overall story. We see Ike mature from a young mercenary to a seasoned veteran and viable commander. He becomes more worldly and knowledgeable by encountering and befriending people from different nations and races (see: Lethe, Jill, Reyson, Tormod/Muarim, Kurthnaga). Ike and co. are also brought into the war through interesting methods (while they seem to not be invested at the beginning, their chance encounter with a Daein force and Elincia force their hand) versus the "oh hey we're at war now let's fight" method that is prevalent in other Fire Emblem titles. POR has great characters and development of said characters. It presents some of the best character arcs in the series, especially Ike and Jill. Unfortunately the endgame has a few holes, namely shoehorning Elincia toward the end as well as the sudden MacGuffin of the Medallion. Also, as mentioned earlier, Ashnard is quite a pathetic final boss given that the entire story focuses on Ike versus Black Knight. I feel like they planned all along for him to come back in the sequel and so they just threw in a few teases, but then realized they needed a final boss, so Ashnard was created. At the very least Ashnard should have had a hand in Greil's death, thus giving Ike more of a connection to him. Ike himself doesn't even recognize Ashnard when he finally appears in Endgame. Ashnard ordering the Black Knight to kill Greil would have made the Ike/Ashnard connection better.

    Radiant Dawn has its good points, namely the beginning with the Dawn Brigade and Elincia's arc in Part 2. The Dawn Brigade start as mythical figures almost, and their deeds actually seem to back this claim. They free Daein from oppression and drive out Begnion. Unfortunately the Pelleas and Black Knight arcs ruin this, as they drive away from the main story. Pelleas is more of a burden than a good character, and he drags down the Dawn Brigade as a legitimate force of liberation and instead makes them his bitch. The Black Knight was just... no. Once again, characters more important than the main character showing up and undermining her role, but because Micaiah is the main character the attention is still forced on her even though she really shouldn't have it. Part 2 is, honestly, the best arc in the series. Elincia's growth as a character is one of the best and it really explores some interesting themes. While some of the chapters in terms of gameplay are not the greatest, it provides a great story that makes you actually enjoy the characters. Everyone in this arc seems to have a relevance to the plot, and it wasn't a "shoehorn random Path of Radiance characters into the game again" excuse like some of the other parts of the game (Danved excluded). Part 3 is when the game begins to go downhill. The Greil Mercenaries' introduction starts fairly strong, and they have a bit of an excuse to participate in the war. When Daein gets involved--it gets bad, and quickly. Micaiah is elevated to the status of a god with no reason, and the Daeins become somewhat of zealots blindly following her. We're reaching cult-like status here with them. Anyone who questions Micaiah is quickly shut down and accused of treason. Pelleas is an absolute joke of a character and the only reason I select option 3 is because I want a Dark Magic user. This part is where Path of Radiance characters are shoehorned in to bring them into the plot whether or not they are actually relevant. All of Elincia's character development in Part 2 is gone because the game decided to throw her into the plot again even though realistically Crimea should be focused on its reconstruction and its reconstruction alone. The Blood Pact is not fleshed out enough and is the MacGuffin of this game... and like Lehran's Medallion, it's also not fleshed out enough, so you don't care enough about it. Part 4 is where everything also completely derails, making Micaiah and Ike like gods even though they don't deserve said treatment, and completely ignores everyone else in the game. Part 4 is just ridiculous on top of bullshit, and then the ending. THEY LITERALLY KILL A GOD. After the game says that Ashera and Yune cancel each other out and cannot destroy each other.

    The less said about the terrible support system in FE10, the better.

  18. If you're good enough to not require Raquesis on the battlefield, you can power level her with the Return staff and promote her around chapter 3's end.

    And once she hits a decent level she can start utilizing the arena as well.

  19. I've always thought Sophia was worse than Wendy due to her awful join situation. At least Wendy can break a wall and hold back so she doesn't die, and can even perform minor contributions in her joining chapter with little harm. Chapter 14, on the other hand, is basically designed for Sophia to die and you have to move around extremely carefully to prevent it.

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