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Caliban of Sycorax

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Posts posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. I almost always feed the civilians exclusively to Tiltyu.

    I have two problems with the Gen 1 list right now. The first is Lachesis being in High. Just because she promotes into the best class doesn't mean much when she's an absolute terror to train. She's in a class where it's very hard to train, especially in her join chapter where it's all spears, and she's way too fragile to trust in Prayer range over someone like Fin who can actually kill stuff. She's stuck on foot so she won't really be reaching people to even heal them for quick EXP. Fin should have the Elite Ring first to promote quicker. Lachesis doesn't have the cash to buy it unless she gets all the villages and Dew gives her his money, which screws Aideen and Ethlin. Aideen needs it to repair her staves, and Ethlin needs to buy the Pursuit Ring. Here's her biggest problem: she basically has to promote before mid-3 to deal with the Cross Knights. When promoted? Lachesis is awesome in combat, and Silver Bow!Lachesis can solo the Cross Knights without even standing on a forest. The problem is that she's so damn hard to train that any reliable method costs lots of turns or forces you to baby her which means you're not putting effort into better units (Levin, Fury, Beowulf). Even when she promotes, what staves are we giving her? Nanna can't take anything over C rank, so they all disappear. Mounted Reserve/Silence/Sleep are nice, I guess, but those are expensive, and MK!Lachesis is more needed to do combat or glue herself to her future husband. I think she can go below Dew.

    My other issue, and this is minor, is Midir>Fury. I get that Midir has an amazing earlygame, but he falls off quickly, and that's when Fury picks up. She gets the Hero Lance from Fin mid-3, right around the time that lots of enemies show up that she can kill with said lance. Wing Clipper!Fury is a great choice for taking down the Deetva/Pamela squads, and Fury kills the Meteo Mages and Dragon Knights in 5, two things Midir shouldn't be doing (he can snipe the DK's from a distance, but he needs to constantly canto away because they can--and will--hit him). Fury can also provoke the Freege units early for a faster clear of 5, something else Midir doesn't do. 4 and 5 are where Fury shines; Midir is useless in both.

  2. Fury: Right above Lachesis, perhaps (why is she so high, anyway? Training her is a chore and ideally she isn't promoting until late 3/early 4). Fury has exclusive rights to the Hero Lance if Fin pairs up (pretty likely as he's a great father) and has flight (not as important in FE4 but still warrants mention). She's got good combat and Pursuit with incredibly high Speed. I'd place her right below Fin because she essentially serves as his "replacement". She also shines in 4 against basically the whole chapter, especially with a Wing Clipper.

    Claude: Low. Very low, like below Azel low. We already have Aideen, who is most likely promoted and paired, and has virtually exclusive Warp/Libro rights. Claude's only real contributions are Valkyring an ally (that may have needed to be sacrificed early on to clear an objective faster) and Rescue!Lana.

    Briggid: Sniping Pegasus Knights in Chapter 4 is Briggid's best contribution, and Ichival does give her nice combat. But she joins late and in an awful join position. Ichival tends to cost turns to get, and being on foot means she isn't killing that much with it. I'd rank her in the higher half of foot units, so Mid is best for her. Just below Noish perhaps.

    Holyn: Another "great combat but on foot" unit, Holyn is probably best right below Briggid because he does have great combat capabilities and also is one of the better physical fathers. Luna is like an extra Critical, and he activates often enough where it's useful in his combat.

    Ayra: She's also got great combat, but is a little tougher to train than Holyn. Nonetheless she's one of the better foot units, and swordtwins. Keep her right next to Holyn, and possibly place her directly above/below him.

    Aideen: Although she starts on foot and is a bit frail, Warp is hers for the keeping, and that's useful for Chapter 2 and also leveling her up in general. It's not hard to have Aideen promoted, and she can at least defend herself without dying. Libro and Restore are also most likely going to her. Aideen's your main staff unit for all of the first Generation, and the staves she usually carries are all very, very necessary. Rank her high. Above Lachesis even.

    Jamka: Definitely in the lower end because he costs turns to recruit, but he has great combat, the Killer Bow, and insane skills.

    I'd order it something along these lines (note that this is just me adding the new units and not moving any others around):

    Sigurd Tier:


    Top Tier:


    High Tier:









    Upper Mid Tier:




    Mid Tier:




    Low Mid Tier:



    Low Tier:




    Bottom Tier:


    Best Castle Guard Ever Tier:


  3. I'd put Faval right below the Swordtwins. Ichival is nice combat and while he's a pain to recruit, he's got a lot of uses in 8 and 9 by sniping Dracoknights. I wouldn't split any of them up because they're all around the same.

    Lex!Tinny and Azel!Tinny may be able to hold their own in Low Mid because they at least can be salvaged. Others may be in Low right above or below Sharlow. If we're not separating any of the Tinnys, either Low Mid or right above Sharlow in Low.

  4. Note that sword skills only pass down to Lakche, Skasaher, Patty, or Leen. So if you pair Holyn or Dew with anyone other than Ayra, Sylvia, or Briggid, Luna/Sol will not be passed down.

    As for good pairings:

    Aideen: Jamka is arguably her best pairing because it's quick, nets Lester a Hero Bow, and gives both kids Continue and Charge. Lester will need a Skill Ring and possibly the Pursuit Ring. Lana is good no matter what. My last Jamka!Lana was very tanky. Azel!Lana is the best Lana, but Lester is useless with that pairing.

    Ayra: Noish passes down Critical and Charge which the swordtwins use very well. But he only passes B Swords to Skasaher, whereas Holyn can give him A Swords (and Balmung glitch is always fun). Any physical father is good for the twins, they're the least fuckable children.

    Lachesis: Beowulf is their best father overall with Pursuit/Charge and passing Delmud A Swords. Fin's Prayer is welcome as well as the speed boost to Nanna. I have Fin kill Shagall in Chapter 3 to give Delmud a Silver Blade.

    Sylvia: Claude is her standard pairing but Dew is also a solid choice because it lets Corple actually level up fast (Bargain and money from Patty/Daisy will give him a quick access to the Elite Ring).

    Fury: Levin produces the best kids overall. Magic Tank!Fee and also a +5 STR conversation she gets are welcome, and Holsety Sety is wonderful. Noish makes a good physical Fee, and Sety is hard to fuck up. Claude!Fee is great with Magic Swords and is a flying B Staff user.

    Tiltyu: Lex!Tinny is god, and Lex!Arthur starts out strong. He'll need the Pursuit Ring to stay good once he promotes, and maybe a Magic Ring. Otherwise, Levin. Azel is a meh choice, but if Lex and Levin are taken, Azel will be a decent enough dad.

    Briggid: I love my Holyn/Briggid because Faval breaks the HP cap, and Patty can use B Swords. Any dad with Pursuit for Patty is a good choice.

  5. Who else wants the second Power Ring BUT Fee? Claude!Fee is quite a great unit for all of the listed reasons. She can still fight competently with the Hero Lance (who else uses it besides Fatherless!Fin?), uses Magic Swords VERY well, and mounted Libro/Warp/Restore is helpful.

  6. If I'm not mistaken, isn't Celice fixed? Like, no matter what you do when you hack FE4, he'll always have Major Baldo/Minor Narga? Or have I just been out of the game that long? I recall Celice and Julia always having the same Holy Blood/Growths/etc. while the other kids would, in fact, be affected. I believe Leaf/Altenna may be the same, but I'm not 100 per cent sure on that one.

  7. well we're not letting Ethlin take the Elite Ring with her because Sigurd needs to pass it to Celice, and that's more important.

    I don't know who would ever give Ethlin the Elite Ring over the Pursuit Ring. Leaf can just buy it later once Celice/Arthur/etc. are promoted.

  8. Dew probably won't have the Pursuit Ring by that point because Ethlin wants it to pass down to Leaf. I do agree that he can hold them off with just the Elite Ring, since he only needs to hit them to steal their cash. I'm sure there will be plenty of other allies nearby who can land finishing blows on the Cross Knights while he's tanking them. Silver Bow!Lachesis, it's your time to shine!

  9. While I'm at it, I'm going to respond to a few other of these listings. Responses in bold.

    Sigurd Tier:

    (The greatest unit in Fire Emblem history. Enough said.)

    • Sigurd

    S Tier:

    (The paragon of the game. Units highly reliable who do require almost none, or not any resource at all or team to do a certain job. Not using them makes the game more difficult.)

    • Sylvia
    • Lewyn As others have said, this is a definite no. Levin is a foot unit, while yes he destroys with Holsety, he doesn't get it until late in the game, and it usually costs at least one turn to acquire. He has no chance in hell of getting the Leg Ring, so there's no chance of him catching up to the horses, ever.
    • Lex Lex has Elite, so while he doesn't require as many resources to be good, he lacks Pursuit, doesn't take any priority for the Pursuit Ring, and is axelocked. He's great in Chapter 2 for parts of it, but that chapter is the Fin show, not the Lex show. The Hero Axe also costs turns. Lex is good, but not that good.

    A Tier:

    (Great units. Solid combat units, or supporting units who are integral in the game. They have an important impact in the game, and they barely need resources to work effectively and reliably.)

    • Ayra Someone once commented to me that Ayra can't kill a unit X amount of times over with Astra if she can't reach said unit. Ayra has overkill combat but no horse to reach combat with. This is a game about movement, and Ayra can't reach the main objectives fast enough. She's best relegated to cleanup duty, which unfortunately doesn't warrant her being that high.
    • Holyn Suffers the same fate as Ayra.
    • Quan

    B Tier:

    (Good units. Useful units who are reliable on their job, but need some help to stand out or have flaws that prevent them to stand out.)

    • Finn Much higher. Fin is the second MVP of the first generation. When Sigurd isn't killing it, Fin is. He has the almighty combo of Pursuit and Prayer. Even when facing WTD in his first two chapters, Fin is able to use Prayer to his advantage and kill most anything. He arguably contributes the second-most in Gen 1 after Sylvia. He can solo Voltz' squad in Chapter 2 including Voltz himself with the Hero Lance that is exclusively his (unless he gets paired, in which case it goes to Fury) and Prayer. He takes priority over anyone else for Voltz' Elite Ring to reach promotion level, which is quite easy for him to do. Yes, Fin suffers from that stupid availability, but he's around for a good chunk of the first generation, and he's contributing in all of it. I would honestly place him right below Sylvia.
    • Jamke
    • Briggid Ichival isn't that good. Sure Briggid kills things with it, but by that point, everyone is killing things. I don't think that makes Briggid that special.
    • Ferry
    • Adean Exclusive rights to Warp, Restore, and Libro? How is she this low? Just because she starts low-leveled? That's bullshit. She's on foot but her staves have 10-range, and she's your only warper until Lachesis promotes; fun fact, Nanna can't get Warp unless you do Claude!Nanna, and why would you ever do that. Warp is glued to Aideen. She's necessary for warping/returning Sigurd to various castles, as well as anyone who's promotion-primed. Promoting Aideen is not hard, either. Spam Warp a few times (Chapter 2 is warp friendly after Anphony is captured) and she's good to go. With Dew giving her nearly endless cash, repairs are also not an issue.
    • Ethlyn Ethlin below Aideen is utter crap, and that's the tip of the iceberg. Ethlin is your only healer until MK!Lachesis who can keep up with Sigurd and co. She gets a free Return which is basically hers until she leaves, and that gives her a lot of time to use it and gain easy levels. Combat wise, she's not doing much, but who cares when she's one of Gen 1's dodgiest units? You can at least not freak out over protecting her like your other healers. While she's not healing as much as Aideen, she's healing enough. Worst case? Give her the better Relive. But she does just fine with Live. Did I mention the fact that she is basically guaranteed the Pursuit Ring?

    C Tier:

    (Decent units. They don't contribute a lot, but aren't a net negative. They need help to work and are not very reliable.)

    • Beowulf
    • Alec
    • Claud
    • Noish
    • Midayle

    D Tier:

    (Mediocre units. They require a considerable amount of work to do a certain job without affecting the playthrough negatively.)

    • Raquesis
    • Azel
    • Tailto

    E Tier:

    (Units who affect the playthrough negatively since they require a lot of resources to be useful. In some cases, they have no redeemable qualities. Using them makes the playthrough more difficult.)

    • Dew
    • Diadora
    • Arden

    A group of members in this Fire Emblem group helped contribute to this list. Thoughts?

    Enough people have contributed about Dew, and the other points are pretty minor. Plus, it's late and I have work in the morning. But feed off of that what you will.

  10. Dew can't give gold if he can't live a round of combat outside of early axe users.

    Magic Sword!Dew on a forest is surprisingly good. At range he doesn't suffer WTD against Javelins, and he gets oodles of experience to utilize his killer growths. Plus, as said, he only needs to hit things in order to take their money. Those are very high odds when he wields the ridiculously accurate swords and only needs to chip enemies that stronger units can kill.

    Plus, Dew is a great father choice because he passes down Bargain and his awesome growths. Given that half of the sons (and Patty) use swords, he can also give them some decent inheritance.

  11. I'd like to bring up a new topic since we still have several Gen 2 units to place:

    Where can we put Corple and Sharlow? Obviously pretty low due to their painintheass recruitment and low level, but I feel like they can bring some lategame use. Levin!Corple and Claude!Corple (lolanyotherpairings) are probably going to be of some use due to either Holsety or Valkyrie/Reserve spam, and Sharlow nets us a Berserk Staff that we can use in the Final Chapter.

  12. Miledy is still gamebreakingly broken even in NM.

    As others said, Lugh is very good in this chapter, as he can take out Manaketes and Wyverns with relative ease. Same with Ray, although he's not promoted so he may need some assistance. Have Lugh be your main killer/backup healer and you'll be good. Those pesky Sleep users almost always target Sophia first, so be sure to either rescue her or have someone with Restore handy. As others said, the Boots, Silver Card, Guiding Ring, and maybe the Speedwings are the treasures you most need. Your team is leveled enough where you should be able to clear the chapter with several turns remaining. I've done it within the limit and gotten all of the treasures.

  13. Yeah, it's probably not worth it. I think it only cost a couple turns (since Aideen warped Claude/Briggid/Tiltyu back to clear the arena anyway, which I think is reasonable) but it was nice for Delmud to inherit it.

    Yeah, in my last run I had Nanna inherit it (Seliph had the Earth Sword). Azel!Delmud could use it well, same with a Magic Ring!Patty, I assume. If there's a viable strategy to get it without wasting millions of turns I feel that it's safe to assume we can get it. Is there any leeway onto how many turns we're looking for? Or, perhaps, how many turns can we save if, say, Delmud has the Wind Sword at the beginning of Gen 2?

  14. I was at work today, on my lunch, about to re-open my room. As I was walking down the stairs (this was outdoors, about 15-20 feet off the ground) I was taking my phone out of my pocket. It immediately fell through one of the cracks in the stairs and onto the ground, shattering both screens. It is now completely unusable. I talked to one of my co-workers and she said that if I talked to Apple (this phone is about 2 months old) I'd be able to get a new 5c for a reduced price. It helps that I work for Disney.

    Does anyone have any other advice? Been in this situation before? Confirm/deny that Apple can help me?

  15. Has anyone experimented with using the mine trick, that lets you control the enemy turn, to siphon weapons for yourself? The scenario I had in mind is in FE7/Blazing sword chapter 17x. Fargus and Dart will not attack player units unless attacked first. On hard mode the enemies have a number of killer weapons an an Elfire. If during the enemy turn they traded those weapons to Dart would he still have them in his inventory when he joins in chapter 19?

    No, Dart joins with a Steel Axe, Hand Axe, and Torch. The only way to get items via mine glitch is to trade them to a unit whose last item is droppable.

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