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Everything posted by SerenadeofWisdom

  1. Yeah maybe that way we can get Lucina without getting the Amiibo wishful thinking...
  2. Personality and appearance wise definitely Fates Anna without a doubt!
  3. still isn't phenomenal for her that should be used for someone else since there are better skills to pass.
  4. Rinkah doesn't give good skills and Classes for her so pass, Nyx!Foleo is pretty good, Mozume!Seigbert is ok, Kinu's are good still think Azura or Setsuna are better for her Setsuna for Zero makes Eponine have the best speed.
  5. good point Kinu has enough skill on her own also I think Sakura!Matoi is a great alternate for your mag asset you probably gonna have to A+ Syalla if you want Breaking Sky also Sakura's hair color is my second favorite for her almost matching her Canon hair color.
  6. I definitely see more characters other than Anna being added later human Lilith and Lala needs to happen!
  7. no unfortunately....at least she gets rod knight and herb merchant secondary classes.
  8. Anna is more magic based also +mag/-lck is excellent for this pair.
  9. Yup definitely predicted past maps to correspond to the class you get too bad they're easy maps.
  10. Yeah I made a topic about it in another forum and yeah it's very likely with Azura, Oboro, Jakob and Odin since royals had their time.
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