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Posts posted by ChickenWings

  1. Chapter 11: Chocolate Kills a Tyrant and Brings Peace, More At 11



    Due to Risen, I can't access the DEF tonics I need... Stahl, Sumia, and Cordelia get SPD tonics, Stahl and Gaius get STR tonics, Tharja gets a SKL one.

    Cordelia uses a Goddess Icon and Talisman. 

    I set up the army to make sure Stahl and Sumia can go as near as the enemy range as possible.


    Operation: Marry Gengrel to da Ground! begin!

    Chocolate and Chrom go to enemy range to fight a Mage and the Sage. Before they engage with the enemy. Libra gives Chocolate a Ward charge.


    Beam her up, Libra!


    Since the merc has Counter, I unequip Sumia before sending her to his range. The good thing is that not everyone around him all moves, including the Hero unless you step into their range. Better to fight a few enemies now and worry about them and the stronger ones later.

    Two wyverns on both sides of the map approach the Shepherds. Chocolate can safely bust out Nosferatu if the silver axed one has Counter. Unfortunately, Tharja isn't at tanking level just yet, so she can't. Short axed ones can just die. I always try to make sure Tharja and Gaius handle them. Gotta keep that Wyrm killer sword on Gaius when they engage one!

    I always keep a highlight on the Hero as he can butcher my army with his merry little band.


    With the wvyerns and first reinforcements dead, more reinforcements pop up in the 3 forts. 

    Finished with her side (turn 3 reinforcements too), Chocolate is able to go upwards and is in range of the Hero (he and his squad have begun moving). Unfortunately, the Hero and his squad have Counter. Chocolate crits the Hero, though.



    Her HP was dangerously lower than this after the second guy...


    Thankfully, it takes a while for the fort reinforcements to reach the Shepherds, and I made sure in each turn, Chocolate was in a position more north than where she started, so she is able to reach the north reinforcements. She is able to weaken the Speedwing Hero, but with Aegis+, Sumia had to finish the job. The other combat teams help deal with the other two guys. 







    Oh yeah, there were these 3 guys. They were quickly killed by the Shepherds.

    I had Lissa go down to Rescue Chocolate to near the Mage forts and then have Libra rescue Lissa (Olivia Danced Lissa to get her out of enemy range). I did this because I really wanted that Large Bullion. I had to kill the thief, but without bothering the Loser Gangrel Squad.


    She's taking his lunch money!


    Last reinforcements show up, and the last turn reinforcements catch up to the Shepherds. Thankfully, there was a way for my 3 combat teams to engage an enemy each in phase safely.


    Too far4army.


    Like the Loser Bridge Mountain Barb, there was a Loser Lone Fighter who was dumb enough to start far from his teammates.


    Loser Lone Fighter in his natural habitat!


    I wanted Stahl to kill him, but he couldn't. Gaius could always use a kill, so I separated Chrom so Gaius can pick up the Levin Sword and kill him.


    ...Died to a Levin Sword Attack from 0 MAG



    Preparing for the showdown against the Loser Gangrel Squad!


    I wanted the Goddess LAWLcon, so I sent Sumia with Gaius to go retrieve it while Chrocolate fought the Loser Gangrel Squad. A lone fighter went near Sumia and Gaius. Good, because this is a Rout the Enemy map.




    I love that I got pictures of the fight against Gangrel!



    Spoilers, Chrom Dual Guarded.






    YEAH! Chcoclate is the queen now! With her Exalt Husbando!





    - Shepherd team good? Shepherd team good!

    -Armorslayer? SUCCESS!

    - Speedwing? SUCCESS!

    -LAWLcon? SUCCESS!

    -Large Bullion get? LARGE BULLION GET!

    The level ups:












    PS: I need 3 second seals, but not I don't have even one and Anna sucks!

  2. On 9/29/2018 at 11:07 PM, SuperIb said:

    I just saw this thread and now I'm emotionally invested.

    Well, time to make it more emotional.



    I enjoy Fire Emblem Awakening Lunatic mode, but I never completed Lunatic+ for the 2 1/2 years I owned it. I dropped Fire Emblem Awakening for a while in 2017. By accident, I stumbled onto the translated drama CDs summaries. I liked what the second CD was about. I watched it. That CD was hella beautiful, but it was this part in particular:

    ...That made me go: "I want to do a Lunatic run with all of these guys. Except Virion because he wasn't fighting. But Henry? Sure why not? He technically was fighting too. I pull it off with avatar Sushi in a Lunatic run. I wondered if I could also pull it off in Lunatic+, so I get help from one of the best Lunatic+ players ever, @Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi to help me guide this team of losers scrubs to victory. No kids, not even Lucina. I pulled it off in Lunatic+ Casual. I want to do the same in classic, but I wanted to do a playlog as I enjoyed seeing the playlogs here. So here I am, doing a fun challenge for y'all to see. Hope my fun continues to ooze onto this thread!



    PS: Virion is a pain in the booty to train up in Lunatic, it's not easier here.

  3. Chapter 10: ...


    This one took a while. I kept getting the reinforcements wrong and getting someone killed. I did complete it twice, but the first time had such bad level ups, I started over. This map is good enough that I don't care.

    Stahl, Sumia, Cordelia, and Tharja all had DEF tonics, all but Cordy had SPD too, and Tharja had a SKL tonic.


    I wanted to see if I could get all the thieves. I prioritized the MS thief as Lissa could really be a Sage now. (She was lvl 18.) SPD tonic allowed Sumia to double the thief holding it. I couldn't aim for all 4. I thought it would be dangerous to go for the medium bullion, but I ended up getting it.

    How it begins:


    I send SumDrick to go double the MS thief. 


    Lissa gets the MS, and becomes a Sage.


    Libra (with backpack Rickey) Rescues Sumia to safety.

    Chocolate kills off the only Counter enemy in the column:


    Since no enemies have Counter nearby, I send Stahl to attack the bullion thief... And thanks to Cordelia dual strike, he actually gets the bullion! 


    Tharja switches Stahl's weapon so he can better be able to dodge and tank any axes. She doesn't kill the solider. Panne had to come in and take the him out. THANKS GAIUS!


    Unfortunately, I attract 3 Wyverns nearby, one is very weakened by Cordy. The other combat pairs of Chromcolate and Gaius/Tharja killed one, including SumDrick and their giant sack of SKILLLLLLLLZZZZZ!




    Unfortunately, it meant a healer had to tank an attack. I put Lissa because why not? She totally could. (Should've put Libra instead.)

    I sent Chocolate to take care of nearest  barb. They weren't close enough to the healers to help.



    Give me a few turns, Lissa! D:


    Due to miscalculations, I had Lissa in range of 2 enemies a soldier and a short axer barb who could have killed her. Luckily, 38% isn't very high.




    Combat brigade comes and saves the day! Lissa kills the last soldier near her.



    He was the last guy, so i wasn't worried. 



    The faces of many regrets....



    During the reinforcement turns, I put Sumia and Freddy on the right bone piled fort to stop the east wyverns from tearing into the gang. Sumia could've died to a wyvern and short axe barb, but axes miss a lot (she was unequipped).

    In turn 7, enemies appear in all empty forts, so one appeared in the bottom middle. He was a Counter barb.



    I was so worried about a Silver Axe Wyvern, but then I remembered Tharja can just hit him without retaliation... (Other one is a trashy short axe wyvern.)


    Not very scary.


    See? It takes him twice to kill her...If I don't use a Concoction...


    I forgot if he was critted...

    Maribelle needs all the exp she can get!



    Now. Where do I put Chocolate to bait the Mufasa squad?


    Oh, right there!

    Cordelia took put the top soldier. Tharja took out the highlighted barb, Sumia helped weaken the other barb, leaving Cordelia with both a barb and a soldier (both would not be able to kill her). Solider didn't die, so Gaius was treated to a poke.








    Sumia and Tharja weakened Mufasa for Cordelia to be able to kill him....



    Heroes: SumD**k

    Turns: 31 (Maribelle was doing spot clean healing.)



    -Lissa to Sage? SUCCESS!

    -Bullion get? Bullion get!

    -Gaius to C swords? SUCCESS!

    -Kill all thieves? FAILURE!

    -Cordelia in D swords? FAILURE!

    PS: There are so many level ups, I need to do another post!



  4. 2 hours ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

    In theory, Bandit Insurance would be the Ylissean army, except Emmeryn decided they don't need one, so oops. :P:

    Yeah, well Emm is dead now, so Chrom gotta start charging!:kefka:

    2 hours ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

    That's... odd. Enemies are programmed to gang up on units they can kill in Awakening. This is more akin to GBA or Tellius behaviour. Did Tharja happen to need the Nos heal to survive (if so, I suspect the enemy thought he could kill her without accounting for Nos)?

    Most likely didn't account for Nos. 

    2 hours ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

    Nice. I like that your Sumia has already hit a power level where she can get away with face tanking bow damage (it's a little early in the game for non-Robin fliers to be doing that).

    Thanks to a renown Robe, tonics, and good Freddy support. It all goes to hell when she starts supporting Henry, though.

    On 9/28/2018 at 5:07 PM, Shadow Mir said:

    I would use "SUCCESS!" and "FAILURE!" instead for goals. But that's the Smash talking.

    I like those sounds. Let's do eeeeeetttt!

  5. Paralogue 2: Villages Seriously Need Bandit Insurance...


    I was gonna do chapter 10 after doing chapter 9, but Tharja isn't very strong and the Para 2 enemies are about the right stats to defeat, and help Cordelia's Sword rank get going.


    Tharja had skl, luk, def, spd tonics. Cordy had str, Stahl had str and def, Sumia had str tonics.

    If the closest northwest barb has Counter, I put Stahl at the highest tile to be able tank a hit.


    How it begins:


    I'll sent SumDrick to go to the village, so I had to keep an eye out for Archers.

    Since the melee northwest forest enemies didn't have Counter, i was safely able to send Tharja to fight a barb (with Nosferatu on).

    I sent Sumia near the river to chill. She faced a barb and mage.

    Anna crits a barb and frees up a tile where no enemies can go on. Sumia goes there.


    I accidentally had a half weakened Cordy near a barb and a mage who could have killed her, the mage went for Tharja instead tho, clearing the left side of the enemies. Stahl in front quickly goes northeast and is able to take out a barb.

    Luckily thanks to Counter, Anna only was able to take out 2 enemies and weaken another. Sumia goes to the Archer nearest to the village. Without Luna+, he won't kill her. (Freddy ends up dual guarding her.)

    I wasn't worried about Tharja facing the archer since I just had her Nos him.tsvQF2J.jpg


    3 barbs and an archer close in on SumDrick. I make Sumia face the closest barb to her with a Javelin (he had Counter). Chromcolate takes down the archer.

    Neither of the two barbs had Counter, but both did have Luna+. I forgot to equip Freddy with a sword before saving the village, so I had to risk his death. Surprisingly, he was at full HP with no barbs left after accidentally skipping EP.


    HOW ARE YOU OK??????? 

    I highlighted Victor's range so Tharja can challenge him by himself. I forgot Tharja has stinky luck, so she had a 9% chance of getting critted.


    His Wrath was triggered afterwards, so I made sure a lot of people were adjacent to her before she faced him again. She crit killed him. Hue.




    I used Stahl/Cordelia, SumDrick, and Tharja/Gaius to beat the other barbs with Victor. Tharja got to beat that lone loser bridge barb who thought it was a good idea to start far away from his teammates as possible.... Beginning on a mountain...



    -Tharja with improved stats? SUCCESS!

    -Gaius STR level up? FAILURE!

    - Better sword wexp for Cordelia? FAILURE!

    -Physic get? PHYSIC GET!


    The level ups:





    PS: I did this map while in a car. So sorry if I don't have as many images.

  6. Chapter 9: Why Does Everyone Try to Die?!?!?

    Long Post!


    I put STR tonics on Stahl, Sumia, Cordelia, and Gaius (unfortunately, he didn't get to battle even once). The former 3 also received a DEF tonic. Gaius also received the Energy Drop from chapter 8. 


    I set up my army to make sure everyone can pair with someone who can easily move in the sand. The Mage can take out anyone who dares try to hurt the boulder soldiers, so he has to die first!


    I send Cordelia to try to kill him. Even if he didn't die, I made sure Lissa Rescues her to safety. (Thankfully, he died.)


    Sumia goes and deals with the closer boulder soldier. Even with Counter, the other soldier prefers to attack in the 2 range. She is able to kill the closer soldier before battling the ranged soldier.


    Counter isn't as annoying if it is on enemies who prefer to range attack. So I don't worry too much if the archer only has Counter. I move Chromcolate with caution if there are a lot of Counter enemies or a lot of Luna+ around, I wip out good o' Nosferatu! If both were present in a lot of enemies, I make sure they only face up to 2 enemies that they can defeat. There would at worst, only be a weaken soldier and 2 other guys to face. I had to bring out the Nos!




    Libra's bullies have to be at least distracted so Libra doesn't die quickly, moreso if Counter is on one.

    Sumia is able to go near the Dank Mage range and kill him if he doesn't have Pavise+ on EP. She isn't able to handle two guys at once.


    Unfortunately, the highlighted enemy has Counter, I had Chocolate equip Nosferatu. I realized Chrom is weak because I never give him stronger weapons to use until late game. He's at a good rank for Killer Edges. It does make a difference in that Chrom Dual Strike kills the enemy!




    (Dank Mage had Pavise+.)

    Gotta keep a close eye on Tharja as well, moreso if your characters have a 1-2 range weapon on. Don't want to kill a stan future team member!


    Since Libra was weakened significantly, he kept using his Concoction to survive. A Counter Wyvern attacked him, but full HP Libra survived.

    Pegs take out the Bully Libra goons:



    Not gonna lie, I banked on Stahl taking out a Wyvern, thankfully Killer Edges are sharrrrrrppppppp!






    It's time to play the game Dogpile: Kill It With Magic edition!


    Chocolate goes to the highlighted area where she can face 2 Counter Silver Axe Wyverns (with Nosferatu on). 


    I thought Short Axe Luna+ wyvern rider was scary, but he wouldn't be able to kill anyone at EP (not even Lissa). Luckily, he gunned for Tharja and she critted him.




    That's a nasty combination on him...


    (Luna+ was the last skill)

    Before she battles him...



    Thankfully, Chromcolate were able to weaken him for Tharja to deal the final blow!



    Heroes: Chrom and Chocolate 

    Turns: 15



    -Stahl and Cordelia reach C support? YEA!

    -Gaius and Tharja reach C support? YEA!

    -Rickey achieves C support with Maribelle?!?! :o


    The level ups:








    PS: Lone non Luna archers don't kill the pegs thanks to tonics and Cav bonuses. HA!


    PSS: Freddy wants to marry Sumia, but I won't let him... :c

  7. Chapter 8: How is No One Sweating in This Chapter????


    Long post!


    I put tonics on Chocolate, Freddy Bear, Sumia and Cordelia. First two had DEF and RES tonics, while the pegs also got STR ones.

    Cordelia got a Beastkiller +1 MT, +1 HIT called "Buttkiller" to help deal with the Cavs.

    How does everyone see and hear what Gregor and Nowi are doing?? I'm reminded of a partucular duel... (scene begins at 3:50)

    My set up:


    Since Sumia had better stats and higher support, I was going to send her to either the 2 closest Dank Mages or the Myrmidon and the Nos DM. She was sent to deal with the Dank Mages. As long as both didn't have Luna+, she can survive both attacks. Cordy dealt with the other two guys. However, Cordy wouldn't have been able to take both hits, so Chocolate had to deal with one of them. Cordy then unequipped her and got to deal with the DM. Panne dealt with the closest Fighter. Easy as he didn't have Counter.


    Cordy was one 1 HP away from 1KOing the first Cav, so Nowi had to help. (She was safely away from the enemy range too!)


    The Fighter closest to Sumia had Counter, so she and Cordy had to beat him. 




    Thanks to sand, only the DMs could move well and both were quickly taken care of by the Pegs. Cordelia became strong enough to 1KO the cavs. All but Maribelle were those who can safely walk the sand. (She quickly paired up with Lissa, however.



    Everyone moved into the left sandy area so the enemies can slow down even further. 







    I miscalculated how much damage Cordelia could damage the MS village Arcwind DM and she could have died in EP. Thankfully, Chocolate killed the Fighter and Sumia killed him.


    Chocolate the Sorcerer!


    How to bait the SS blocking Grimleal patrol:



    Defeat the Dank Mages!



    I used the bones to help move around the slow patrol.

    Killer Edge Myrmidon was the last standing.... He ded.






    I had a hard time going over who to kill the granny, but Cordelia has less chance of critting (tho boss had Pravis+). Sumia helped a little anyways.


    The level ups!








    -Promote Chocolate? YEA!

    - Get Cordelia to lvl 10 for SS? YEA!

    -Good level ups for Sumia? YEA!



    PS, chapter 8 was peg lunch buffet after all. Chocolate only killed 2 enemies in this chapter.

  8. Chapter 7: I Forgot How Most of it Went, But It Was Mostly Chocolate Clearing the Plegians...


    It has been a while. I got distracted by a lot of things, but I'm back for now!

    Unfortunately, Stahl was not strong enough with a Kellam B support to wield the Wyvern killer sword.


    Thanks to Panne pairup, Gaius could at least double the Wyverns, but he couldn't take the ones that had Counter. Unfortunately, most of them did have it, and Gaius could not get a level up...

    (....Hey, is he paired up with Stahl????)


    Choclate cleared the army in the valley and most of the wyverns:




    Level ups:






    I'm worried about Stahl's strength and speed and Sumia's defense...



    Gaius with a good stat increase? NOPE!

    Cordelia safe? YUP! 


    PS, I'm really glad I did save the chapter 7 images on Imgur when I did it 3 months ago!

    PSS: I'm gonna write down in a diary what happens in the successful chapter completion so I can better know what to say.

  9. 1 hour ago, IfIHadToPickADude said:

    You play through a Fire Emblem game and you cannot reset when a unit dies (this requires you to be playing on classic mode in later games).

    That reads like fun! Imma try a high deploy, ironman mode for Lunatic. File is deleted if Chrom or Robin die or if I try to reset.

    Imma go for my usual rules:

    No DLC/grind

    No bonus box

    No barracks or sparklies (unless I HAVE to be on that tile)

    Renown to 1000

    Will add that I can't go to Anna shops!


  10. Chapter 6: One of the Few Defend maps

    Finals were awful....

    I knew "Marth" was a lady. I knew back in Smash Brawl, yo!


    This is a hard map. Pass is an absolute pain here! I couldn't use my go-to Lunatic strategy as there aren't enough characters on one side to block off the Pass mooks. So I sent Chromlate to the left and recurit Gaius onthe second turn, then safely killing the left side. I put Freddy/Sumia and Stahl/Kellam on the right with Miriel. Stahl fought any Fighters, Freddy fought Cavs, with Sumia helping out against DMs.

    LONG TERM GOAL FOR GAIUS: Marry Tharja ASAP, get to lvl 10 ASAP, get him SS'd to Myrmidom (because it actually gives him more STR). 

    It is extremely unlikely he'll be able to even scratch Grima, even with the coolest swords. He'll only do damage if he gets Swordfaire, and that's too hard to get on him and takes needed exp from the front. I could attempt Tiki and Endgame paralogues to train him up. His bonuses are hella good though, they're exactly what Tharja wants!


    Setting up!


    Sorry sweetie, you gonna get jumped by a bunch of mooks!


    I really should have had Lissa here instead of Miriel, she could take a hit and heal up.


    See what I mean? Stahl wasted a Vunlnerary...



    Goals for the chapter:

    -Sumia to C Lances? CHECK!

    -Stahl strong enough to take out Wyverns for chapter 7? NOPE!

    -Evil magician in my Premonition dream dead? YEA!

    -Chrom/Chocolate marriage?





    Level ups:







    P.S. Pass can go drown in a shallow puddle!

  11. 3 hours ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

    Yeah, one does. A highman that initially leans heavily on Robin and wants to utilize more kids can often have her able to SS out of Sorc around C11 while still raising as many as two other combat pairs, though. Every earlier step toward Galeforce also makes it safer for raising everyone else (or, if lucky, getting to a point where Robin has so much raw bulk that she can distract the enemy indefinitely while the other player units pick them off one at a time).

    Oh no wonder, I'm not using kids, so that's why I take a bit longer for GF.

  12. I totally forgot to talk about something and that is:


    General benchmarks for Grima:

    -Anyone attacking to achieve 55 Atk or more (it may actually be 53 ATK minimum). This is easier for those in the front as support bonuses rule. Since he has good STR growths, great Lance rank, and the Gungnir, Stahl has an easier time than Sumia and Gaius. Sumia can achieve it if she can get at least 34 MAG after tonics and rally if she holds Valflame. So Sumia just needs at least 28 MAG, not impossible, but probably hard. Gaius has a difficult time getting to this goal as there is no +5 STR sword I know of, meaning Gaius needs over 30 STR (before tonics and rally) to just dent Grima. I usually don't bother.

    -Front hitters to achieve 50 or more SPD. Grima has 45 SPD. This is why Chrom, Stahl, Sumia, Gaius are supporters as all can provide +SPD as soon as they join.

    Team Scrub benchmarks (for those on the team so far) :


    -Always be ahead in stats against the enemies of that chapter. If she can one round enemies at this point, I'm good. She totally is.

    -Get Gladforce as soon as possible. My low end is before chapter 17, high end is before chapter 19. Since I use a lot of combat characters, my avatar doesn't go Tact 20 -> DM10+ ->Sorc 15 to DF until at least after chapter 12, where there is conveniently an SS. Chapter 19 is a nightmare on Lunatic+, but becomes eaiser if there is at least a GF user.



    - Stay in a class where he can use his Falchion.

    -Pretty sure he should have 15 STR and at least 25 SKL to do accurate, minimal damage to Grima (after factoring in Charm, Hexthema, Solitary, everyone next to Chocolate).

    -Damage as hard as possible. Cram gettin' them late Energy Drops and Secret Books if needed!



    -Get Rally MAG ASAP. Extra MAG always welcomed.

    -Get Rally SPD ASAP, preferably before Henry joins. While it is always helpful, Henry has a much eaiser time getting going if he has Lissa rallying him with it.



    -Keep Chocolate alive in early chapters.

    -Try to S support Lissa. Without tiles, this is harder to do. I should make her Resuce Freddy here and there.



    -Maintain good STR and SKL.

    - Get Defender as soon as possible. Paladin bonuses are sexy, Defender makes them sexier. 



    -Maintain good MAG. Easy in the maingame up until Grima as most enemies have garbage RES.

    -Be a DF before chapter 13. DF bonuses are what Henry wants to be decent in his joining chapter.

    -Get Gladforce ASAP. Low end is before chapter 20, high end is before chapter 23. I may get it on Sumia before then, but that's only if I show her some favoritism.... Maybe.... Yes, I can even get GF on Sumia in this Lunatic+ highman run.



    -Get Rally RES before chapter 17, where the magic users begin to be less restricted in their movement, are promoted, and ride horses.

    - I could find her a husband, but most maps only allow up to 13 people, making it hard for Maribelle to find a husband. If only she could S support Lissa or Olivia...

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