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Posts posted by GrayClouds23

  1. I would say Holy Bowman. She actually does very nicely in it. You should give it a try. Though on Conquest, your forced to give her the Great Merchant class until she gets the Easy Life skill to help out with the tight budget on that route.

    I had no problems with budget do to dlc cheating LOL, nah I got it mostly for pvp. I will do that in my english playthrough though of conquest, thanks for the heads up. shes one of my fav characters in terms of stats.

  2. I'm really sorry if its a bit of a spoiler, but I dont want to discourage you from playing the game. Its that fake incest you see in a lot of anime type things, which is kinda annoying... But yeah, this game has very good gameplay. Probably my favorite fe in terms of gameplay, I hope I can see you on the PVP front of things maybe?

    EDIT: You also cant marry siblings to other siblings.

  3. The person above you, however, DID specifically say it was disgusting and was primarily towards them that particular comment was directed. That said, people are going to like and dislike characters. Some people dislike my favorite characters for what I feel are pretty shallow reasons, but I don't really care. But comments like "it's disgusting other people don't like her" or "makes no sense why people don't like her because she's great" just come off as being dumb. Reasons that you may like a character (great personality, pretty) are in no means objective.

    I HAVE seen people here and elsewhere speak of their own opinions for liking characters as if it were objective, speaking down on people who don't share that opinion, and it's getting annoying. Just a little. Maybe.

    Makes sense, people on the web are so like that though. I just tend to ignore things that annoy me.

  4. Agreed, this doesn't need to be its own thread.

    Have you guys considered that maybe, just maybe, some people don't like her type of personality? I don't mind a sense of humor, but Orochi comes off as rather mean-spirited in some of her supports, which is a massive turn off for me. I may not see the appeal in her, but saying that it's "disgusting" other people may have reasons for not liking her makes YOU sound like you're disgustingly intolerant. She never did well for me as a unit either when I played Hoshido and third path.

    Her voice is nice, though.

    Whew bro, I did not say it was disgusting. Just kinda sad, I can understand why people dont like her. I don't like Velour, and most people give me a sour look when I say that, but it's just my opinion.

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