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Everything posted by Eltoshen

  1. Oo, pretty. 5 is my favorite if only for simplicity's sake. And the typography. I also liked 7 for the same reasons.
  2. Wow good work on these. I love the vector/texture concept.
  3. o hey i remember the first contest that was ages ago. i'll try again just kidding this is way too hard and i suck lol
  4. Bought it and the pool party ziggs. ziggs skin was not worth it. Also, support Teemo is shit. He scales with items, and that's the only time he's useful. Not a support champion. Pure AP top works, but against certain bursty champs, you're going to need Liandry's or just sit on a Haunting Guise so you don't die in one combo.
  5. I've been playing Twitch/EZ in every lane top/mid/bot sigh the stompfest is insane. Gonna give ADC Thresh a try soon. Sitting at around 1.6k wins, 1.6k elo atm.
  6. So I had a Hitachi external harddrive that just malfunctioned on me. It's happened in the past when I dropped it. This time is the same. First time the data seemed to be wiped completely. This time, I was able to get it (the harddrive and its files) to show up for a bit until I restarted and it refused to show up at all. It's been making weird sounds when I try to boot it. What would be the best possible way to disassemble it and possibly restore the data? If anybody has ever had to do this before, any advice would be appreciated.
  7. Did bots suddenly develop a brain or were you guys trying out troll builds and ended up feeding them levels lol.
  8. Mmhmm, none taken. It was Ashe vs Ashe blind pick, we were kinda fucked when she got 6 kills in lane and could initiate from across the map. Well, I guess you could say an unfed Ashe can do the same, but I mean that'd explain why our Ashe lost the lane to begin with. Jungle was busy trying to gank me, so it's not exactly like she was a focus.
  9. Hey twins I just had a feeding Ashe in a mirror lane that ended up snowballing the enemy to 14 kills.
  10. Lux is so amazingly good. People don't play her mid as often because she can go support and still do amazingly well. That's the only reason why we don't see her much, if only because so many people want mid.
  11. meg's all u can eat fish fillet definitely can c it happening
  12. This is Japan, man. Just look at their anime. Besides, if anything she'd be a half asian/half black.
  13. Hah, very well. Complex dynamics aren't exactly things easy to argue about.
  14. I actually am curious: what exactly does a pair of relatives being in love have to do with you or affect you in any way? Is this some Oedipus complex in action? The defiance of its validity due to your own fears that you might hold the same feelings for your own relatives but need some sort of barrier to convince yourself that such feelings of love among your own family members isn't sexual? This is actually quite common, and has a lot to do with people dismissing homosexuality. Because bromance! Your excuse sounds like the typical "it's a long established rule that we've been taught by society" (and the bible) mindset that many used to discriminate against people who stray from the heteronormative--straight, white, privileged.
  15. If grown adults are into each other, incest or not, I don't see how it's anybody's prerogative to interfere with their feelings. Nobody said they're going to be having their own kids.
  16. The fact that you'd "rather support" shows that you, in general, are against anything to do with homosexuality. And please, it was well worth it. Finally outed you and your true feelings and you can't even deny it.
  17. I don't understand how I got warned when you look at this post. I call them when I see them, and if that last statement isn't homophobic then I don't know what. I mean calling incest 'plain gross' and then stating she'd "rather support homosexual pairings" like they're in the same sort of category.
  18. Anacybele is a homophobic douche, it's something you learn.
  19. Steal Anivia's blue and you've essentially gimped half her utility and aggressiveness.
  20. I caught a bunch of rares already it's going to be fun once I can be bothered to get 40% and max out in BiS gear, hah. cheetah cub so cute.
  21. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/darksorrow/Siwon/advanced Leveling is tiring.
  22. When you even suspect somebody might be toxic, just mute them.
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