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Posts posted by claire

  1. A very smug Gengar

    my avatar

    Yuugiri please.

    can you draw Ellie Goulding <3

    Go all out on my characters, if you want. I like seeing other people's interpretations.

    (Just don't make them the only focus on this thread. Others might not like that very much XD)

    Draw Mario! And draw a character Sin and Punishment 2 for me <3

    holy crap that charlotte drawing was cute!!

    er…draw say'ri, if you want? :o

    draw the Murderess from xenoblade X

    the sugar smacks frog

    do it

    Draw Adrian Andrews.

    and then I can ask to let you let me credit you and use it as my avatar

    Dribble and Spitz? (if you won't take my previous request :v)

    for reference!!

    edit: i'm gonna split these into 2-3 images tho

  2. hey, pichinu youre back!

    and this is the part where pichi upstages me because i dont have a tablet lol -w-

    i have no problem with that but yeaahhh that thread rly made me realise i need a tablet ;^;

    EDIT but um the sensitivity on your tablet died now really? how long did you have it?

    srryyyy i just needed some fresh ideas ;;

    oh it's not permanently dead, it just means i have to reinstall the driver and then restart my PC so it's more of just a nuisance. it only happens like once every two-four weeks tho which is normal


    edit: also everyone i'm working on everything i just like to do it all in a single image

  3. uh you should ignore the Shulk being punched by DK one

    I beg you

    otherwise that previous drawing was really really good.

    online shulk players annoy me ssometimes so maybe it depends on how lazy i am

    Draw your favorite anime character


    Dont ruin my moment lol. Your a great drawer piichinu, wonder how you would draw Ike? Where is Jennifer from? Game, Anime?

    i'll try out ike i think!!

    Then how about Robin?

    If that's still too difficult then mario will do fine.

    As always thank you!

    ofc i love robin, and no prob

    awww you'll do fine :v

    your art is adorable~


    Draw Cirno

    will try

  4. Wow, I think you look really nice with braces. I actually really like braces and your's look really good. my love irl wears braces

    I think you look great in general. (also your profile picture is Nohr's best girl so there's a double win)

    they're hard to see tho since the top ones are porcelain and don't show up, but thanks!

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