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Posts posted by claire

  1. Your school is weird bruh why do you have finals after winter break like literally princeton is the only school i know that does that and even then it's only semi-excusable because it's a college but like bruh you're in high school why would they torture your holidays like this.

    not like I'm doing any better because I'm just going to be studying for the mcat all break but I brought that upon myself sooooo

    Every other school around us has them before break but my school won't change it so we r kinda stuck

    GL with that, my cousin's taking that too, he said around January I think?

  2. I have to write up 4 formal lab reports from labs I've done from the past month

    I'm missing most data and have like no notes

    This is due Friday

    On Thursday I have to write a reflection on why my pride and prejudice essay was bad (everybody does)

    I also have a test and a three page AP Econ current event thing due on that same day

    Then on Monday I have to have a book finished for English class and reflect on it (?????)

    I also have to decide on a book to read + a topic to write about for a 7 page essay due in january

    THEN after Christmas break I have finals

    I just can't get a break I'm going 2 cry

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