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Posts posted by claire

  1. im really passionate about myself...like im really pretty and cute, i have a perfect body and im super witty. im also good at everything? im good at certain sports, im good at art, im amazingly smart, too. on top of that im rich af??? like sure it's my dad's money but i can spend it??? i genuinely think im a gift to this planet. and my friends must be extremely grateful for knowing me. im way too generous and i dont know i guess im just perfect

  2. sometimes i stay up until 2 am saying that ill start my 4 page paper but then i dont

    and then i wake up at 4 am and dont actually start until 5:30

    then by 7 ive only done about 45 minutes of work because i like talking to people

    finally i get into the car and try to type my paper on my phone on the way to school and in my classes. i then print my paper during the 5 minutes we have to get to class because for some reason the classes where my stuff is due are never after lunch when i need them to be ?¿

    the last time this happened was yesterday tbh

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