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Posts posted by PowerVZ

  1. I would give my pitchfork to Tatiana. I really like her unique Fortify spell, and that's the only way to max out her stats.

    Otherwise maybe Clive would be my second candidate, as my Mathilda desperately needs a support partner, cuz he might be better in other classes than cav..

    Not going to give it to Lukas though, as his support list is rather limited and the character is pretty boring imo.

    Heard that Clair's villager design is pretty neat, so if you get extra pitchforks, check it out ! :)

  2. 3 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

    @PowerVZ That's a cool team, it's neat that you're making use of Draug haha. One thing you could do is give Hone Speed or Threaten Def to Draug; I know savage blow is cool and all but if you think the speed would help, I think he's the best candidate to give it since, as you said, Fortify Res helps the other teammates a lot, and Draug being a frontliner means he'll have the best opportunities to have his Threaten be useful (Threaten skills aren't as useful on ranged units unless they can tank a hit or two IMHO). Also don't despair over your Nowi's IVs; as of the april update you can transfer them over to another Nowi via merging if you get a better one! (...I think?? correct me if I'm wrong on that, someone)


    So we're now getting on the serious part : building my Draug haha.

    Giving him Threaten Defense 3 over Savage Blow 3 seems like a good idea, especially because my team is all about tanking and OHKOing foes. (Kagero/Lilina duo in the near future). But right now i'll wait to pull a 4* Peri since I don't want to get rid of my 5* Raven to get the skill. (He's my Brave Axe+ skill fodder)

    Also would you advise me to replace Renewal 3 by Quick Riposte ? Because if Kagero is getting Ardent Sacrifice, and Lilina is getting Breath of Life 3 then I'll have a pseudo healers that can keep my tanks alive.. !

  3. 6 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

    @PowerVZ, I wouldn't worry too much about your Nowi, actually. Even at -Atk, with Triangle Adept and Quick Nowi handles opposing reds just fine, which are a pretty big threat to her and her team more than anything. That, and you can always pass it on to any Nowi you get in the future. You don't even have to grind the SP again!

    And good point on the overlapping C Hone Atk on your team, though Hone Spd still isn't something I recommend. My vote goes to Threaten Def instead. Mages shouldn't give you too much trouble if you have Kagero + Dancer, and Res isn't the best defensive buff to begin with.

    I guess Threaten Defense 3 maximises Kagero's damage output, if combined with Death Blow 3, I'll try this out. I'm afraid Kagero will never stand two spaces away of any enemy though, and heck, that C skill doesn't matter anyway she wrecks anybody she has deal with ! 

  4. 13 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

    Don't use Poison Strike, since dead units don't take damage from it. If you're truly keen on using Vantage and can make it work with your team, I won't stop you.

    What skills do your Nowi and Draug have? From what I'm aware, both units prefer to doubleattack through Quick Riposte rather than through actual speed advantage, so I don't think Hone Spd would work for either of them. Olivia as the Dancer shouldn't be attacking or getting attacked, not to mention her speed tier is also mediocre.

    Overall, I would say Hone Atk fits your team best for Kagero's C.


    Sorry for the late response!


    Here are my Kagero's teammates  :

    -Atk +Res 4* Nowi : definitely not perfect IVs and i gave her TA3 (RIP Roy). I regret a lot.

    Neutral 4* Olivia : no skills inherited, I just use her as a dancer and atk buffer.

    +Atk -Res 4* Draug : I invested a lot on him skill-wise. And I intend to give him the Wo Dao+, Renewal 3 and Pivot once i'll have the opportunity to do so, He's a beast.

    I guess Hone Atk 3 is always useful but I already have it on Olivia. And Hone Speed 3 would possibly allow Nowi not getting doubled every time she engages the fight. But I feel like Fortify Res 3 is more useful here since my team is very vulnerable to mages, do you agree ?

    13 hours ago, ILikeKirbys said:

    Alright, so with Kagero/Nowi/Draug/Olivia... Since you already have Hone ATK via Olivia, I would say that the best C Skill for Kagero on this team would be Fortify DEF or Fortify RES, depending on whether you want to patch up your teammates' lower RES or further buff their higher DEF. This stays the same once you add Lilina to your team, but I could see Lilina wanting Fortify RES to take on enemy mages.

    And yeah, as BANRYU said, stick Ardent Sacrifice on Kagero. Do you have a Florina or Donnel you can pluck it off of?

    Sorry I took so long to respond, the forum ate my last attempt to respond.

    Hey ! Thanks a lot for your advice I put Fortify Res 3 on her and I feel like it's a good idea since my team is so frail against magic.

    Hmm, concerning getting Ardent Sacrifice, I didn't get any Florina/Rebecca/Linde since i've started playing, but got some Donnels. However, he doesn't learn it ! :(

    Also, sorry for the late reply, I was out today and couldn't write a clean post without my computer. Anyway thanks a lot for your help ! :)

  5. 3 hours ago, ILikeKirbys said:

    @PowerVZ Okay, so +ATK/-HP Kagero with Life and Death 3 at max level should have...

    28 HP | 43 ATK (48 with Poison Dagger+, 53 vs Infantry) | 37 SPD | 17 DEF | 23 RES

    ...Looks like you have one hell of a mage-killer here, between the 48-53 ATK and her still-passable RES. And with Vantage, she can take on tanky mages and one-shot them on their turn, which is extra nice! For her, I would say that the best C Skill is probably a Hone or Fortify skill, since you said she's on the back line a lot and thus could buff up your other units until it's her turn to attack.

    Although, what is the rest of your team that you're planning to run Kagero with? Because your Kagero's basically complete even without a C Skill, so what you should use for that slot really comes down to who you're running alongside Kagero, in my opinion.


    @ILikeKirbys Yup, the stats are correct. (Except the vs. Infantry number)

    Right now i'm running Kagero with Nowi and Draug as tanky frontliners, which also have a good damage output and Olivia who is meant to Hone Atk the others and allow Draug/Nowi to protect their allies or Kagero to assassinate someone else.

    I plan to replace Olivia with Ninian or Azura and get a strong red mage (LILINA <3) by switching Nowi out. I'll obviously make sure to have some ATK buffs in my team to boost Kagero.

    I like Vantage. Baiting an enemy mage in Kagero's range, killing it and then be invincible to ranged attacks by making sure she's not getting in range of any front attack. I don't have Ardent Sacrifice yet but I plan on giving her that skill over the one she has right now (Draw Back). Not that convinced about Reciprocal Aid as a Vantage proc engine, as my Kagero only has 28 hp and I rarely see my other units going below that amount of hp.

    3 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

    Wouldn't it be 72 Atk vs infantry?

    @PowerVZ Kagero is too frail to make good use of Vantage, especially since her low HP cap leaves her vulnerable to getting OHKO'd before you even factor in LaD 3. Kagero doesn't benefit much from her B passive, so keeping the default Shurikenbreaker is fine. C Passive is flexible though Threaten Defense 3 and Hone Atk / Spd are my recommendations, depending on the rest of your team.

    However, since your Kagero is +Atk, I'm putting in a vote for Death Blow over LaD 3, since Kagero should be KO'ing infantry in one hit. Otherwise, she becomes a liability against ranged units. If you want to maximize your mileage with Poison Dagger+, consider running Hone Atk on one of her teammates. With it, she'll hit 79 Atk vs infantry, which is enough to OHKO any neutral infantry up to Tiki (Adult)'s bulk in one hit, so about 35 Def.


    Hope this helped.

    @MrSmokestack Hi, thanks for your help.

    As I said earlier, I like using Vantage as her B skill, as I always make sure to protect Kagero from frontliners with my tanks, and Ardent Sacrifice will allow me to do so more effectively once i'll get it. Moreover, that HP bane means I only need her to lose 7 HP and i'm good to go. I also got Poison Strike 3 that's ready to switch in if I'm not satisfied, your thoughts about that one ? 

    Death Blow 3 over Life and Death 3 seems like a good idea, but I don't have any way to get the skilll right now (No 5* Hawkeye/haven't upgraded Ursula yet), so i'll stick with L&D for now (RIP 5* Jaffar).

    About her C skill I like the idea of running a Hone skill but i'm still wondering which one between Hone Spd 3 and Hone Atk 3 I need for my team (Nowi, Draug, Olivia, Kagero)

    Also forgot to mention she got that Draconic Aura which allows her to break even armored units, which is awesome !

    I'll definitely post screenshots of my screen once i'll be able to play the game. (Server down right now)

    Anyway thanks a lot for your help !

  6. Hello people !

    I'm building my 5* +atk -hp kagero and wondered what C skill would be optimal on her.

    I considered giving her the Threaten Def 3 skill but I feel like it will not proc that much due to kagero's positionning, as she's often waiting in the backline. I also thought about have her inherit the Breath of Life 3 skill, but again i'm not sure if any of my units would happen to stand next to her while she's out slaughtering enemy units...

    Her current A skill is Life and Death 3 and her B skill is Vantage 3. She really shines vs AI and in Arena too I'd like to give her the ultimate C skill to get her to the top !

    Thank you in advance for your advice ! (Also sorry for the bad english, i'm french baguette)

  7. Okaaaaaay, finally i managed to get that 4* Ursula.. after using my 5 energy potions that is.

    My team was consisting of 5* Takumi, 4* Clarine, 4* FRobin, and 4* lvl26 Olivia. (Others are all lvl40).

    So FRobin take Ursula out the first turn, and then is useful to take out the green armored knight later, as Takumi acts as a tank and shoots the ninjas down without worrying to take too much damage since they don't double him. Clarine works as a bait for ninjas, qs they don't ORKO her, thus reducing their atk stat, then heals a lot thanks to her skill. Olivia is vital in this map because bad positioning can cost you the game, plus, she allows Takumi to shoot more people without getting in their range, and Clarine to heal even more while recovering herself thanks to her skill.

    General strategy, it's all about taking out Ursula right away, then the armored knight, while constantly have an eye on the top ninja who is deadly, and be sure to have somebody which can take on the red cavalier as he's strong and mobile.

  8. 1 hour ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:


    These two quotes pretty much sum up the two conflicting sides of what I want to do. I'd like to support the game because it's fun enough, but Orbs are at a pretty unfair price for the amount required for a summon. I don't want to just throw money at it anyway because that sends the message that such pricing is okay. So, I guess for the moment I'm waiting around to see if the price drops at all.

    100 % agree

  9. 11 minutes ago, bun said:

    Releasing heroes, I'd assume. 5-star heroes get you 1000 feathers, so if you're lucky with summons (but don't care to keep them) you can get a lot of feathers that way.

    Seeing how much 5* star heroes he have in his roster, i doubt he got the feathers that way, unless he spend a f***ton of money in this game.

    Maybe he's some kind of partner of Nintendo which provides him the feathers he needs to promote the game ?

    He's obviously hacking imo.

  10. 6 minutes ago, The Geek said:

    You don't need one.  It says in the tweet that all FE Heroes players will receive 10,000 feathers if that post is retweeted at least 10,000 times by 6:00 PM Pacific time on the 7th.  It's already reached that benchmark so now we just have to wait for tomorrow evening.

    Alright, thanks man ! I'll wait patiently then :)

  11. So as everyone know, we get 5 feathers per day just by talking to one of our chatacter, but then de can also get 5 others by pressing one of our friend's chatacter that appears in the bottom part of our base.

    Need confirmation : do we get 5 feather + 1 feather per friend we have in our friend list ? Cuz if so, i'll add the entire world in my friend list to get those stupid 20000 feathers.

    Thank you in advance for the reply


  12. 3 hours ago, Rezzy said:

    Your new team is a bit Magic heavy, I'd have at least 2 Physical Units, so you don't get walled by Mages or High Res characters.

    I find Healers are actually pretty easy to level, since they get XP by healing and don't have to worry about taking XP away by attacking enemies.

    Ok, I should I replace 4* Lilina/RED for a 4* Chrom/RED. 


    49 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Based on my experience with the game so far, you want a good variety of movement types (at least one cavalry and at least one flying) and a few movement-based support skills like pivot and swap. That will help your team move more freely and not get caught up due to the limited movement range in this game. You also want full weapon triangle coverage, and that includes a mage with a raven tome for effective damage against colorless units. And you definitely want a healer.

    Healers are squishy, and doesn't deal damage (even with a spell they don't have enough attack), the debuff and the heal is decent though, but is it worth a character slot when you can bring a bulky damage dealer instead (I'm comparing the healer to Takumi since i'll obviously run 1 character of every color) ?

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