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Everything posted by chococoke

  1. I mean I'm pretty sure I've acknowledged this before, but Pats fans are some of the worst fans ever. I'm in a Patriots Facebook group and the amount of dumb shit I've read since I joined 2 months ago is mind-boggling. Also any "football" fan that says that about Peyton needs to be kicked in the scrote. Also WRT Flacco, I'm hoping that him and Marc Trestman will somehow clash violently and result in a bad-Eli year for him. I think he's due for one
  2. Note: I never said it was inarguable that Tom Brady was a better QB. I just said here's an interesting read. Sure, they barely won all 4 - what the hell does that matter? If things go the Patriots' way in every playoff game since 2001, they could have 7 SB victories (I'm still incredibly salty at Manning's only successful season, and the Super Bowl that year was the AFC championship, not against Rex Grossman 2 weeks after) (EDIT: That year is a pretty good example of Manning leading a successful comeback against the Pats. He also did it in '09 with the help from a certain aggressive 4th down call) The Ravens barely won their second Super Bowl. In fact, they had a substantial lead and almost blew it. Does that make the championship any more/less valid? Honestly, I don't believe Tom Brady is the best QB of all-time. Even in his prime and with one of the greatest deep threats of all-time, he was still pretty rough when attempting the deep ball. Brady absolutely IS the best short-intermediate passer in recent memory, which is obviously worth something considering he's also the most accomplished QB
  3. I'm sure once A-Rodge is in his late 30's he'll make it into comparison articles
  4. Here's an interesting read re: Manning v. Brady http://www.coldhardfootballfacts.com/content/no-debate-facts-show-tom-brady-better-than-peyton-manning/31873/
  5. From my completely objective standpoint: -Hines WAS one of the dirtiest WRs I can remember (if not top of the list.) His habit of hunting DBs grew old pretty quickly. Thanks for posting that Jarret Johnson highlight, LR -Polamalu was certainly an above-average safety in his prime (although really just as big hitter, I don't remember him ever being better than serviceable in coverage) but no safety in the game (past or present) compares to Ed Reed. Not only was he arguably as cerebral as offensive guys like Peyton, but he could play single high and still manage to make a play on either fucking sideline, somehow. Pretty glad that guy's gone, hopefully Baltimore's secondary will just remain awful for the rest of eternity. Bonus opinion: fuq Ray Lewis in his stupid stabby face Also, Raven, did I catch you referring to Peyton Manning as the greatest QB of all-time in that post? Brahhhhhhhhh
  6. Also upset my team's QB will never have a unibrow as powerful as Joe's (pre-waxing of course)
  7. Ana, did you even read the articles about Rex's comments? First of all, he was joking when he said the game was terrible. He was then asked about the Pats' SB championship with regards to deflategate, and he basically said the Patriots earned the championship and that it was a great game. You literally quoted the first thing he said and didn't look at his comments as a whole, for whatever reason
  8. I think Rex should bring the Bills onto Hard Knocks this season. I'd love to watch them in training camp
  9. Oh TRUST me, I absolutely revel in "the Washington team" fans' misery. Also it's comical that the Browns have 2 first round picks again this year. Maybe they won't completely blow it this time?
  10. Exactly what I was implying. Haslem is next on that list. Everyone knows Snyder is the worst owner of all time. You and I know because we both live near the team and their miserable fans
  11. Don't forget, the Browns almost beat AFC runner-up Indy, and basically made the stop on 4th down to clinch the game until Dan Herron spun out and got the 1st. Two things held them back this past year: QB play and a shitty owner (he's honestly the worst in the NFL this side of Dan Snyder) Brian Hoyer is barely replacement level talent, and played like a true back up QB this past season: starting out modestly enough, before eventually falling flat. Then we get to Haslem, the new Brownies owner. He more or less made the team draft Manziel in the first round, and for what? To sell jerseys and bring fans. No respected scout had Johnny rated higher than a mid-late round prospect. It's really a shame, too. I've always kinda rooted for the Browns. Considering I'm not really a huge fan of any of the other teams in the AFC North, I always pull for them in intra-division matchups.
  12. I'm actually a fan of Rex, I think he's a good coach and I honestly believe the Bills will make the playoffs this year (and are certainly more of a dark horse to take the AFC East than at any point in the past 10 years, imo.) Also, Raven, eat poop. Bernard Pollard is scum Just kidding, obviously. I may be just a tiny bit biased. Now that I think about it, every team in the AFC East will have an impressive defensive line next season, in terms of on-field talent. If there's anything that can win a game regardless of the circumstances, it's a powerful D-line that can control the game. Of course, I feel like I've said that in half of my posts in this thread. Sry not sry Also haven't mentioned them specifically yet but Patz rool etc
  13. Erik is best. Appears in 2 games and also one of the few units who can put a hurt on Marcus in FE7 early game
  14. chococoke

    Valentines Day

    Valentine's day is kinda BS in my eyes, nothing more than a cheap "holiday" created to give flower and chocolate sales a nice early-year boom. The first time I had a girlfriend on Valentine's day, I didn't buy her anything. Which in retrospect was incredibly stupid and I have no idea what I was doing. Luckily my then-gf decided not to break up with me. Swag This year I'm seeing someone, but we aren't technically in a relationship. Plus I'm actually heading out of town on Valentine's day so she'll have to deal. I'll probably take her out the weekend after or something and buy the romantic crap when it's on sale. EDIT: What's wrong with knowing when you were conceived? It's not like you have to watch a video of the act or anything
  15. Right that's who I must've been thinking about, for whatever reason. McPhee and Ngata alone would change a defensive front so it'll certainly be fun to see who throws money at em
  16. I meant Pernell McPhee, no idea where the fuq I got Ellerby from. And I honestly think Wilfork will be cut if he doesn't take a pay cut. $8 mil for a mid-30's fat man is a lot of dough
  17. I'm excited to see how teams makeover their Defensive Lines this offseason. There are an insane number of quality D-lineman free agents (Suh, Ellerby, JPP, James Houston to name a few) and also a lot of edge rushers in the upcoming draft. I also wonder which team is gonna pay Suh the JJ Watt-money that he wants
  18. Absolutely. This definitely became a thing when Aaron Hernandez was brought into the league as a "move" TE. He also played some H-back and was split out wide often. The Patriots' current fullback, James Devlin, actually never lined up as a TE. He was a pretty decent lead blocker though and also fought for extra yards - minus the fumbles anyway EDIT: Also, it's important not to forget regarding Ben that Todd Haley masturbates to screen pass plays every single night
  19. Ben does have a lot of weapons to work with. However, he's also a top 7 or 8 QB, and is one of the most underrated in the league
  20. Well some teams don't even use a fullback in today's NFL, especially with the amount of passing/rules that give an advantage to passing. In more cases than not, the QB is the one who makes the WRs, and not the other way around. Having good WRs obviously helps the offense, but a great QB will improve any WR's numbers. Though I guess it's kind of a feedback loop of sorts
  21. Trust me when I say WR is honestly one of the least important positions on offense. I should know, I've seen some WRs nobody has heard of put up some pretty ridiculous games over the past decade and a half or so. Even then, Baltimore's receiving corps isn't actually half bad. If Torrey Smith is retained, then the Smith Bros. form a nice tandem of possession receiver (Steve) and deep threat (Torrey.) Throw in Marc Trestman as the offensive coordinator and I believe that Baltimore will have the best chance of winning the AFC North in 2015. Throw in an impact player or two in the secondary and this team is truly frightening and should push for a top seed in the AFC. As for my Pats, I'm hoping for an interior O-line selection in the first round. We're lucky this Super Bowl didn't turn into the past two against the Giants given how Michael Bennett was pressuring Brady on every other snap or some shit. Solidifying the inside of the O-line should absolutely be a priority for Bill this off-season. ----- Since I haven't really been around in a few days... how about that game? I'm not gonna lie, when Kearse caught that ball, I got up and walked out of the room so I didn't have to watch a replay/listen to the Tyree comparisons (not to mention the entire broadcast from Al/Collinsworth sucked my anus honestly) I honestly thought Lynch was going to score on that first down run, though I wasn't comforted at all by the fact that he was stopped fucking inches away from the goal line. Naturally I was yelling for Bill to take a timeout. Camera pans to Bill, staring forward with a look I had seen in quite a few losses in the past. Tick tick tick Of course, I don't need to go into detail about how elated I was when Malcolm Butler came down with the ball. It's truly fitting that insane preparation through practice won the game for the Patriots, despite being that close to another Super Bowl lost on a miracle play and a "curse" most likely being born. Nobody repeats but us, can't wait to defend the Lombardi next year and try to repeat once more EDIT: Dick LeBeau to the Titans? That should be interesting, given the lack of talent on their defense
  22. The NBA All-Star game is important because defense is basically nonexistent. The MLB All-Star game determining home field advantage in the World Series is one of the dumbest things about USA sports today, imo
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