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Posts posted by chococoke

  1. Triple post oh noezzz

    Chapter 18 (3/58)

    Quickly discovered an optimal strategy, but a few things usually prevented it from working. One of these things was Lowen dying. He died pretty often, being tasked to guard the stairs and shit. The other really annoying thing was mother fucking ZOLDAM CRITKILLING MARCUS UGH, I swear to fucking god that fuck always critkills me every playthrough. FUCK. Anyway, everyone got a solid level up or two, aside from Prissy, but that bitch never levels because she's a cunt. Turn 3, Marcus ORKOs Zoldam etc. You all know the rest. Quality shopping is done, ready to take on the Dread Isle and Darin's bitchass.

    Hector  11.27     28   13    9    9   6    14   4   A Axe
    Marcus  08.20     35   15   18   12  11    13  11   S Lance A Sword A Axe
    Lowen   08.62     31   10    8   11   7    10   1   C Sword C Lance
    Erk     08.77     20    8    9   11   7     4   6   C Anima
    Prissy  05.60     18    7    7    9   7     4   8   C Staves
    Kent    09.64     26    9    9    9   4     8   1   D Sword D Lance

    Lowen is growing nicely. I'm glad I RNG abused that speed level up for Marcus in 17x, because he still has yet to proc Strength or speed outside of that. Cocks. Kent is also starting to fail me, that ass.

    Chapter 19 (8/66)

    Pretty easy. Lowen chills up north with Oswin and Dart, who tank like men, while Lowen does his thing with the Killing Edge. Gonna promote him soon so he can sling axes, AKA devil axe (I'm a risky bastard) Everyone headed toward Uhai. Standard people killing stuff takes place, with Marcus chewing through a full use Javelin before reaching Uhai, and 3RKOing with the Silver Lance. Simple enough, gg Uhai.

    Hector  11.66     28   13    9    9   6    14   4   A Axe
    Marcus  09.61     36   15   18   13  11    13  12   S Lance A Sword A Axe
    Lowen   12.07     33   11    9   11   8    11   1   C Sword C Lance
    Erk     10.40     21    8    9   12   7     4   6   C Anima
    Prissy  06.30     18    7    8   10   7     4   9   B Staves
    Kent    10.59     27    9    9   10   4     8   2   D Sword C Lance

  2. it gives the impression that you're wearing a backwards cap and wear intentionally baggy jeans

    are you going to be saying *CENSORED* next?

    How do you derive this racist term from bro?

    I will admit, I'm the kind of person who DOES say bro. And I do wear a backwards cap from time to time. And I'm rushing a frat next semester. So you hate me?

    Honestly though, I don't sling bro too often, though I do say it from time to time.

  3. Double posting because I'm a bastard

    Chapter 16 (10/45)

    Lyn fail squadron is annoying. Barely managed to keep everyone alive down there, with Kent doing his best to hold off the Mercs and Pegs at once. Which was NOT easy, at all. Marcus killed a lot of shit, once again, and leveled. Health and resistance. I'm slowly finding out that Marcus proccing speed is VERY important in a HHM draft run, as he is still borderline doubling a lot of shit, that he would be ORKOing if he had 12 speed. Which is frustrating as fuck. UGH anyway, everyone got some solid exp, everyone actually managed a level up in this chapter, which was kewl.

    Hector  09.03     26   11    8    8   6    14   2   B Axe
    Marcus  05.24     34   15   16   11   9    10  10   S Lance A Sword B Axe
    Lowen   08.62     29    9    7    9   6     8   1   D Sword D Lance
    Erk     05.71     18    8    7    9   5     4   6   D Anima
    Prissy  04.37     17    6    6    8   7     4   7   C Staves
    Kent    06.41     24    9    7    9   4     6   1   D Sword D Lance

    Lowen is very close to C swords, so I'm gonna go ahead and give him the Killing Edge next chapter and get his sword rank up as fast as MFing possible. Marcus is going to level next chapter, and if he doesn't proc speed I'm going to claw my eyes out.

    Chapter 17 (10/55)

    2 attempts. Fun! Everyone got solid level ups. Missed out on the Silver Sword, but then again, who doesn't. I basically blitzed up the middle with my 4 mounted units passing around Hector like a cheap prostitute. LOL FUNNY JOKE. Marcus assaulted the throne room, and equipped the Hammer and waited in front of Bernard. He survived with 1 HP after being hit at 33 displayed by two different fucking javelin knights. Retarded. He critkilled Bernard, leveled up, and got fucking LUCK AND RESISTANCE. FUUUUUUUUUUCK. Hector seized on turn 10.

    Hector  09.92     26   11    8    8   6    14   2   B Axe
    Marcus  06.59     34   15   16   11  10    10  11   S Lance A Sword A Axe
    Lowen   09.53     30   10    7   10   7     9   1   C Sword C Lance
    Erk     07.85     19    8    9   10   7     4   6   C Anima
    Prissy  05.04     18    7    7    9   7     4   8   C Staves
    Kent    08.09     26    9    8    9   4     7   1   D Sword D Lance

    Dicks. So far, Marcus has leveled a whopping 5 times, and has procced the following:

    3 HP

    0 Strength

    2 Skill

    0 Speed

    2 Luck

    0 Defense

    3 Resistance

    Can anyone please appreciate how retarded he is turning out? 0 Strength, Speed, and Defense? Those are like the ONLY stats I look at when a character levels up. UGH.

    EDIT: Did 17x in 4 turns, RNG abused a level up that included speed for Marcus, etc. I'm kind of too blazed right now to write any more about that chapter.

  4. I was intrigued with the series when I first caught a glimpse in Super Smash Bros. Melee.

    I was also a subscriber to Nintendo Power, and a fan of Advance Wars. Nintendo power basically said Fire Emblem was like Advance Wars. At age 12, I acquired the game on Christmas day, 2003. Later bought 8, 9, and 10.

  5. Chapter 15 (7/35)

    Wow. This took a while. I managed to create an optimal strategy after about 5 dry runs, one which included a sick level up for both Erk and Lowen. About 30 tries later, I finally managed to clear the map. Here's what happened for each unit:

    Hector: Moved South, toward Sealen, hand axed a few archers and actually managed to overcome WTD to kill a few mercs. This was the cause of much of my frustration, as he had to hit with about 50-55 displayed on 2 mercs.

    Marcus: ORKO'd a soldier turn 1, then went south and drew out Sealen, killing him in 2 turns.

    Lowen: Ran Northwest with his sword out and killed some fighters. Sword rank going up!

    Erk: Killed a knight and a myrmidon, and also got an awesome level up, as mentioned previously.

    Prissy: Healed as needed

    Oswin: The usual

    Matthew: Got both chests

    Oh yeah, Marcus also got a level up. It fucking BLEW. Health and Skill. He's still at base speed, and it's causing me MANY problems.

  6. Chapter 14 (9/28)

    This would've been much easier if Marcus had procced speed. He'd actually double everything he was borderline on. Basically, Serra and Lowen went by Erk while Marcus shot down the middle with Javelins. Oswin managed to lure the 2 bastard pirates away from Prissy's village and toward Marcus, who was busy raping everyone. Accidentally lured Erik with Lowen, but he dodged a crippling Horseslayer shot and chipped back. Erk hit him once and Marcus javeline'd da hell out of him. Marcus barely managed to get into range to kill the 2 cavaliers on turn 9 EP with the horseslayer. If that dumb motherfucker procs speed I will dance a jig, because until he does I'm going to be miserable. Also, Lowen is training his sword rank so that he can use the killing edge and stop sucking offensively.

    Hector  06.43     24    9    7    7   6    11   1   B Axe
    Marcus  03.41     32   15   16   11   8    10   9   A Lance A Sword B Axe
    Lowen   05.71     26    8    5    8   4     8   1   D Sword D Lance
    Erk     02.64     17    6    6    7   4     3   5   D Anima
    Prissy  base

    Sorry, Horry, I stole your format. Because it's beautiful.

  7. But Marcus kills the whole Map...

    Yes, but it's hard for him to kill everything at once, especially when there are pirates who need to die, as well as bandits to the northwest and a few fun cavaliers next to Erik.

    But I think I've figured out a strategy that will work. We shall see.

  8. Yes. I did it in this very draft.

    Did it involve a lot of RNG killing?

    EDIT: Fuggit:

    Chapter 11 (7/7)

    Western route taken, Wire killed on enemy phase. That only took about forever. Red Gem stolen on turn 7. Hector got a shit level up but MEH he hates me anyway.

    Chapter 12 (5/12)

    Stupid RETREATING BANDITS I had a perfect 5 turn set up the first time WITH SHOPPING, and then a bandit that was supposed to suicide on Lowen decided to retreat to a fort. Wonderful. Anyway, Hector gets an ill level up to start the map, and then stood on a mountain and handaxed fuckers like it was his job. Marcus did his usual antics of killing off all but 3 enemies in the south before heading north. Basically, nobody could miss an attack or else it would lead to at least 1 more turn added on, sometimes even two, and that's just unacceptable (even though I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose regardless -____-) Lowen actually managed to do some quality shopping, AKA selling the Rapier and buying an Iron Lance and Iron Axe. GOOOOD SHIT.

    Chapter 13 (7/19)

    This one wasn't too bad. Went west across the snag, fucking shit up and shit. Oswin tanked like 1,000 people, he's such a champion, as always. Excited to get 2 new units next chapter. Lowen got minimal experience, Hector gained a kind of crappy level, and Marcus gained a level of only HP. Woo for crappy growths already. I'll update stats after I finish chapter 14.

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