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Posts posted by chococoke

  1. Yes, skip the story, and for the love of all that is pure, do NOT try to impersonate everyone's voice. I think my least favorite part of the majority of LP's is how the LPer will impersonate every character. It gets.... irritating...

  2. So, earlier today I was at my girlfriend's house. I was helping them clean because I'm a nice guy, and it's what I do. I brought over a plunger since they lost the only one they formerly had. (ITSA ME, MARIO)

    Anyway, so at some point my girlfriend's dad was getting really mad at her. This was because I had accidentally lift the plunger outside, instead of bringing it inside. He was getting very, VERY angry, and I heard the following line from him: "By keeping the plunger out here, you're being inefficient and reducing the amount of work we could have been doing."

    Then it hit me.

    My girlfriend's dad is dondon

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