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Posts posted by chococoke

  1. 14

    Dorcas takes out the two flanking soldiers. He joins the rest of my cohort charging toward Erik. Erk mightily kills 2 soldiers, before being slain by a cavalier. He will be missed greatly. Anyhoo, Marcus chips Erik with the silver lance, bringing him down enough for Dorcas to land the boss kill. Guy cleans up the south, consisting of 2 pirates, 2 peg knights, and a cavalier. Good shit.

    9 turns, 30 total.

       	level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
    Hector  06.86  23  11  06  09  03  09  03    
    Marcus  02.56  32  15  16  11  09  10  09
    Osw1n   12.35  31  13  09  06  04  14  04
    Guy     05.60  22  07  11  11  06  05  00
    Dorcas  07.66  33  11  08  06  04  03  00    

    What the hell is up with Hector? He now has as much speed as my level 20 Hector... eff DAT. Also, 3 resistance procs? Balls on my chin.

    Anyway, reasons why I picked random people:

    Oswin: I like this guy. With a few speed procs, he will be legit, soaking up everything people swing at him and murdering motha fuckas.

    Sain: This guy as a paladin is awesome. Superior movement, lots of strength, speed grows fast. All around legit pick.

    Guy: Wanted a primary sword user, plus with his killing edge he could easily become my boss killer. I was having difficulty picking between him and Legault, given Legault's decent combat ability and his thief utility. Guy has better availability, killing edge, better combat. Decided on him.

    Canas: Needed a token magic user. Figure I'll promote him early to give him that +4 AS and staff use.

    Dorcas: Wanted another axe man for when Hector stops his growth. And I hate Bartre. My 12/02 Bartre in my HHM draft run has as much speed as base level Dorcas. Fuck Bartre.

    Rath: Bow user, is fast, promotes and gets swords which should be awesome.

    Vaida: Well, she can fly...

    Wallace: Actually usable, given the rest of my options (Geitz, Renault, Nino, etc.) He'll be underleveled, and awful. Oh well! Good meat shield.

  2. 13

    Everyone went south. Marcus got the mine, Matthew recruited the newest member of my team: Guy.

    Hector had the speed to ORKO the boss, but missed his second attack on enemy phase. Marcus snagged the bosskill for this reason, and I skipped shopping, which I will probably end up regretting. Fuck it, I'll shop on chapter 16. A lot.

    9 turns, 21 total. I'll do 14, update stats/reasons why I picked the characters, then call it a night.

  3. 12

    This one is a LITTLE BIT EASIER THAN IT IS ON HECTOR HARD MODE. Dorcas fuckin' critted an archer on 47 displayed hit and 3 crit. I already love him more than I love Bartre.

    Hector and Oswin handled the north. Marcus ran up there to help out. Dorcas killed a bandit and an archer. Hector has 7 speed at level 4... in my HHM draft, my Hector is level 20 and has 9 speed.

    Skipped the secret book of course, that thing is stupid. Marcus barely missed the boss kill on turn 4 EP. Oh well. Osw1n got the boss kill on turn 5, I'll take it.

    5 turns, 12 total.

  4. I think the issue with HHM drafts is that people fall into the Jeigan trap and use Marcus a lot to get through early chapters fast, neglecting their other units who are more limited than they realize which gets them screwed over later.

    Problem is, a lot of people have issues with the fact that early on, they don't have many other options besides the usual Marcus/Hector.

  5. Yeah... I got screwed over by status staves in the FE 6 draft as well (My only magic user was Lugh... with E staves). I actually believe that staves might be the best 'weapons' in the series. Heal/Physic, Restore, Sleep/Silence, Warp/Rescue... all of these staves make the game MUCH easier.

    At least I didn't have to deal with WTF fast Valkyries and Druids with near-capped Magic and Luna...

    If I could draft again, I definitely would've gone for Lucius before someone like, say, Bartre. At least when Lucius promotes, he gets C staves immediately. I figured drafting Erk would help in that department, but when he's my only Res hitter on the team, I need him to attack more than I need him to heal.

    I also somehow ended up with only a 12 use heal staff in my convoy when Erk promoted. That didn't help.

  6. I thought I had been fucked for the past 2 levels. I really AM fucked for this level. My only magic user, Erk, has E staves. Great. All of the Valkyries can double my entire team. Awesome. My Pally trio has actually run out of ranged weapons to use, so the fact that every single magic user can decide to 2 range or 1 range my units is ridiculous. That's great, too. I have no restore staff, no pure water, my strongest unit has 7 resistance thanks to the talisman.

    Combine all of the factors listed above with the fact that there is an abhorrant amount of crossfire thanks to all of the long range tome users and staff abusers, and I really think I've hit the end of the line now.

    Oh yeah, the druids flanking Linus have 29 Magic and Luna. As well as staves. What the fuck is wrong with this level?

  7. Oh shit. Hell yes.


    This strategy took a shit ton of refining, but I got it done. Everyone went right, I decided to give up on the treasure on the left side. I charged down toward Ursula, planning on killing her with a tagteam of Swordreaver!Marcus and Ironlance!Sain. Marcus critted and ORKO'd her, so I left him down there to mop up the mercenaries. I used Pent's A staff rank to rescue Zephy from danger, so 4 turn penalty there, but no matter. Jaffar did me a solid by killing a shit ton of enemies, including one of those pesky heroes.

    16(15) turns (+4 penalty,) 185 total.

    Oh yeah, you know that treasure I gave up on? Both thieves ran toward the unopen Delphi Shield and I killed them both, obtaining the Brave Lance and Boots. FUCK YEAHHHH.

    I'm thinking boots on Sain? I already gave him the speedwing and the talisman, he's pretty much my boss killer and I think he could be the guy I use to kill Linus next chapter. Oh yeah, time for a MAJOR shopping trip. Wow I'm so excited to have beaten this level. Oh yeah, and before I forget...


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