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Posts posted by chococoke

  1. Did you meet Tanith?

    I can honestly say I've been looking for her every time I've gone. I will admit that Thursday I did not go to the gym, and instead went twice on Wednesday. I have yet to see Tanith look alike since our one magical encounter. I probably won't end up seeing her until mid-January, as I'm on winter break starting Thursday morning. Apologies.

  2. The 'jokes' in your 'humourous' dialogues reveal to me that you are the kind of guy who doesn't get punched in the face often enough. Thank the gods for spoiler tags.

    Other than that, you're playing through Lyn Mode...nothing really to say.

    Agreed with the bolded. Have you just discovered 4chan? Could you use "lolwut" a LITTLE bit less, maybe? In all seriousness.

  3. First things first, train 1 cavalier in Lyn mode. Just pic one and dump pounds of EXP on their silly little noggin. I usually go with Sain, but you can't go wrong with either, really.

    EDIT: By the by, the bow users in this game DO suck. The best is probably prepremote Louise, and even she has a few issues of her own.

  4. Thank you for your positive feedback. I actually thought my character endings were amusing. Shame the actual character endings in this game are so pathetic.

    Yea, IDK why they made Idoun as pathetic as she is. My guess is that the harder the game, the more pathetic the final boss(Inversely, the easier the game, the harder the final boss.)

    If that's too theoretical to accept, think of it this way. FE6 HM is mind-stakingly hard(the only games that are more difficult are FEDS H5 and FE3DS Lunatic), but Idoun is a complete joke. Compare that to Hector Hard mode, where the enemies are jokes that even Marcus(as shitty as he is) could trivalize, but the Fire Dragon takes forever to die unless Hector/Eli/Athos gang up on it and does 39 damage regardless of defense with perfect hit.

    The only exceptions are the DS games, where Mediuth has godly stats(especially in FE3DS Loony mode, 99HP/60Atk/30AS/30Crt/40Def/30Res? Jesus Christ.)

    EDIT: I will be doing a hard mode Let's Play of this game soon enough. But not now because I need to mentally prepare myself, and choose my team. I will also be doing Sacred Stones(because I can do two Let's Plays at once.).

    Excuse me for noticing you using the words "Marcus" and "shitty" in the same sentence, which also didn't include the word "isn't." Seriously? Have you ever attempted a HHM run without using Marcus?


    I didn't have to read the post to know that you did.

    I just saw the title and nearly died from all the grammar fail. "I have an issue." And even if you wanted to use a little poetic license, it'd still be "I gots myself an issue." No apostrophe.

    Quit your trolling, scum.

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