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Pete Rose: Baseball Legend

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Everything posted by Pete Rose: Baseball Legend

  1. I really hope he/she isn't a perfect paragon of virtue that always makes the morally right choices. I'm soo tired of this in Fire Emblem games. The MC can still be the "good guy" but it'd be nice if he/she has more of an actual character arc.
  2. Macross/Macross: DYRL They're both equally amazing for slightly different reasons.
  3. Brown isn't even human. What are you feeding that man? I want the Steelers to smoke Seattle but them loosing would help our playoff chances. I'm torn
  4. Consistency is the biggest problem, on both offense and defense. That Steelers game really hurt too. The team hasn't played the same since.
  5. Wow the raiders fooled me into thinking they're a decent team this season... I supose it's nice we're better than the 49ers at least.
  6. It's a shame the OVA is so mediocre. I tried to pretend The Heroic Legend of Arslan(the one from the 90s) was a Fire Emblem anime when I first watched it. It sort of worked... I mean the girly prince dude was sort of like marth I guess...
  7. haha sweet I guess I'll save it then. You could probably swap out all the Pete Rose/baseball specific parts and it would work for anyone.
  8. Hi I'm Pete Rose. If you're not familiar with me I'm a baseball legend that should be in the hall of fame because I hold the all-time record for hits, games played, and plate appearances and I'm pretty cool guy and I may have gambled on my team as I was the manager but that's not important right now. I'm a big fan of FE. I've played all the games to some extent although I've only beaten four of them. My first exposure to the series came around the launch of FE7(probably in 2004 or maybe late 2003) when my friend at the time came over and brought FE7 with him. It looked fun so he let me play it. I instantly fell in love and bought it for myself. I've been a fan ever since. So yeah, this site has been a good resource for me in the past and it seemed pretty cool so I joined. How are y'all doin?
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