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Pete Rose: Baseball Legend

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Everything posted by Pete Rose: Baseball Legend

  1. It wasn't a joke when I said I knew nothing of him. I fucked up but my point still stands. The field is weak and Rubio is the only Republican that can still win based on the way Americans generally vote.
  2. I admited to knowing nothing about Walker. A pbs story I saw a few weeks ago said he was surging but I guess not. You HAVE to pander to the radical Rublican right to win the primary. Moderates dont always vote in primarys so kowtowing to the far right is necessary. It's a big flaw in our electorial system to be honest. By the time someone gets to the general election they've shot themself in the foot trying to win the primary. He only needs to slightly moderate his stance on abortion honestly. Romney was popular enough in 2012 while being mostly anti-abortion(except in a few cases). If he's going to stumble somewhere, it'll probably be on immigration. Will he probably lose to Hillary(or Sanders) in the general? Yes, but he's the only one with a remote chance. The Rebulicans have an incredibly weak field of canidates this year.
  3. It doesn't matter how much corporate backing a crappy canidate has, at the end of the day he's still a crappy canidate. Jeb Bush is proof of this. My gut tells me Marco Rubio is the only repulican with a legit shot at getting in the white house. Let me run down the list real quick: Rubio is decently experienced in politics and he seems to be the most moderate canidate. The one who plays it safe usually wins in the end. Being Cuban helps a little too. Paul is too Libertarian for the very much Authoritarian religious right to jump on board with him(unless he's willing to compromise on a lot of his core values). Trump is too divisive within the party. The republican establishment REALLY hates him so at best he'll split too many votes. Carson seems like a decent guy. People would not want him as their president however. We also never elect people without political experience like him. Cruz seems to have also pissed off a lot of the more center leaning republicans. Walker I'm unfamiliar with. He might be a long shot. Everyone else doesn't matter. The Democratic race is much more straightforward. Unless Sanders pulls a rabit out of his hat, Hillary will win because she has more coporate backing and she will drown Sanders in ads. It's a shame too because Sanders would suite the democratic party better.
  4. Favorite: Assassins and Berserkers/SwordMasters. Giving them killing weapons and gambling is fun. Least: Mage/Sage. They almost always end up being dissapointing when I put a lot of effort into training them. Plus, the other magic user classes usually are soo much more interesting.
  5. I heard a theory that Brown was trying to emulate jumping on the flag pole like you do at the end of Super Mario bros levels. That's hilarious if true.
  6. I had a hard time finding all the FE games(except Shadow Dragon for whatever reason) at any brick and morter retailer in my area. Unless you were at Wallmart day 1, it was a long process of calling up all the Gamestops/Gamecrazys to see who had what. Still better than buying any of these games today on Amazon however.
  7. After a day of being mad, I have finally made peace with myself and my terrible choice of a team. My team sucks. But at least they suck respectably. And sometimes... Sometimes... That's all you can ask for.
  8. KOF12 seemed to poison the well for the franchise. I liked it but I remember it being critically panned for how small the roster was(I think it was because they created a brand new game engine?). It got a bad reputation and when KOF13 addessed the complaints, people had already moved on so it didn't sell as a result. It also wasn't advertised that well if I recall. If it's a late 2016 release date they might be able to get the graphics to look satisfactory. Graphics aren't a dealbreaker for me but if it's gonna sell it needs to look better. At the end of the day, I'm just happy we're even getting another KOF game. I thought the series was done after 13. That's something I noticed as well. The animations are missing the impact the earlier games had. I imagine that's relatively easy to fix though.
  9. No Chizuru on that list :( Joking aside, it looks to play pretty well so far. Seems to be about as fast as KOF13 and that game played at a pretty good speed. The only thing I can complain about are the graphics. I hope it's early because those character models look pretty low poly for a PS4 game. Also, It's a shame they forwent sprites in favor of 3D models. It's understandable given their limitations but SNK has always made gorgeous sprite art so it will be missed.
  10. I hate how this team somehow finds new ways to throw away games You're welcome Chiefs I expect a Christmas card in the mail from all you Chief fans
  11. 900 year old Charles Woodson is somehow an above average safety. EDIT: What a throw! Carr for MVP(not really but he's our mvp)
  12. In Baseball and Basketball I can think of 1 or 2 exceptionally bad referees/umpires. In Football I can barely think of 1 or 2 decent ones.
  13. Go Pack go lol The Lions remembered how to play football it seems Edit: Wait a minute, we've got a game here
  14. The English voice acting will be good enough for me most of the time. Voice acting performances in games aren't usually amazing so good enough will suffice. I'm also perfectly fine if they don't dub something over at all. I can then practice my crappy Japanese at least. The Japanese voices seem more natural the majority of the time(mostly due to them not having to match lip movements and being able to record the voices before production), but unless it's a really stellar Japanese performance or the English dub is really awful I stick with the English. I do hate how they always seem to draw from the same pool of English speaking VAs though. I like a lot of these actors but a little variety wouldn't hurt. Maybe we'll start seeing different VAs now that a lot of the established ones went on strike. I'd be suprised if the strike does anything though tbh. Voice acting is very competitive so publishers will probably just hire people that aren't any worse outside the union and the old VA's will come crawling back eventually.
  15. Beat the Cheifs dammit! It's gonna be hard but there's nothing I want more. On a side note, a lot of deceptively good matchups this week.
  16. Poor Browns fans. The football team moves and 4 years later they win the Super Bowl(this would have been the first in Browns history lol). ...And they're probably gonna lose to that team tonight too. Is there any sports city as snake bitten as Cleveland?
  17. I can't come up with an order Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword Silent Hill 3 Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Phantasy Star 2 Banjo Tooie Theif: The Dark Project Donkey Kong Country 3 Resident Evil/REmake System Shock 2 SSBM
  18. Ouch I feel for you. It's probably gonna get worse now that the Cardinals/Seahawks is more of a rivalry. At least you can make fun of the them and their "12th man" when you beat them lol Having lived in Arizona briefly, I've seen first hand how much they hate the Steelers there. They had more contempt for them then they did for the 9ers and Seahawks(it's probably different now since the landscape of the NFL has changed so much). The equivalent would be if I hated Tampa Bay more than the Cheifs or Broncos lol.
  19. I hate the Seahawks because during these dark times of crappy Raiders teams, a lot of "fans" jumped ship and started rooting for Seattle. If you're gonna banwagon another team at least banwagon the other bay area team dammit. I've also hated Pete Caroll since his USC days(I hate USC too, I hope they are doomed to suck forever). Them loosing the super bowl in the fasion that they did was the happiest I've ever been during a football game. I'm not sure whether I like Sherman or not. He's a prick but I do like his honesty when it comes to players issues. EDIT: wow rip undefeated season Pats
  20. I don't blame Tomlin honestly. Either way he looks good if it succeeds, and if it fails he gets all the blame, whether it was the smart choice or not. If it's 4th and 2 or less I think you go for it. If it's more kicking is the smarter move.
  21. It's a toss up. Usually you trust your defense to make a stop but I didn't watch the whole game. If the defense was looking bad, I think you have to go for the TD, otherwise you take the FG.
  22. Gabbert took a sack in the worst possible situation. They were moving the ball pretty well too. Anyways, the Raiders looked ugly but we won somehow. A win is a win I guess. Seahawks vs Steelers is going down to the wire... EDIT: Ouch I think I jinxed it.
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