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Posts posted by Nimbostratus

  1. As days of travel pass, the terrain becomes increasingly mountainous. The deep valleys and tall peaks create narrow paths, too narrow for a large army to march through - normally this would be to Jinin's benefit, but it seems the hobgoblins were smart enough (or maybe dumb enough) to find a way around that. Still, enemy contact is minimal - then, Rivas spots walls in the distance.

    "Fort Minkai..." He signals the party to stop moving. "My sister told me this fort was taken about three weeks ago. There are probably still dozens of hobgoblins in there.. but there's no way around it.."

    His eyes alight with determination. "So, get ready for a fight."

    Chapter 2


    Investigate the ruins (R7)
    Reach the left side of the map (at least 5 units must be in the A column) -OR- Defeat all enemies

    Optional Objective
    Use the catapult (J17)

    Party members may start anywhere within the blue rectangle (R18-U20). Lloyd, Phyllis and Feline are neutral units until someone recruits them.


  2. [spoiler=Rivas & Sweetgrape C support]Sweetgrape walked up to the prince. "Hey you, can I ask you something?"

    Rivas appeared to be practicing archery, firing arrows at a tree. "Yes?"

    "Why did you spare me?" asked Sweetgrape. "We were enemies on the battlefield, attacked each other, and I was kicking your butts till you hid behind some guards, and even so you still healed my wounds, and offered to help.... why?"

    "You were only fighting for them because they made you. Because they threatened your crew. I can certainly empathize with that."

    "Suuuure you can," was the girl's sarcastic response. "Listen here, you better treat me nicely when we find my crewmates, they will have your head if they learn you did bad things to me."

    "I'll keep that in mind." He begins to nock another arrow, but then stops and gives her a curious look. "But how did a girl your age become the leader of a 'crew', anyway?"

    She glared at him once he mentioned her age. "You DARE to doubt me because I'm a child?"

    "Mm." He gave her another thoughtful look. "On second thought, you are quite formidable in battle. I suppose I shouldn't judge you based on your age."

    Sweetgrape seemed ready to lash out in anger, but then decided to change her tone quickly. "Ahem, yes, it's good you see that. Anyways, I'm going to go count the gold you paid me, see you in the next battle."

    "It'll be good to have you on our side.." Rivas chuckles softly and returns to his practice.

    In the meantime, Rivas also buys an Iron Sword.

  3. "It'll be plenty. For now, consider this your signing bonus." He hands a bag of gold to everyone.

    got 1000 gold (per character)

    Shopping and supports are now available!


    Refer to the Shop tab of the spreadsheet for items and prices. Please post in the thread or PM me with what you're buying, so I can deduct the gold from your character.


    Collaborate with someone, write out a conversation or situation between your characters, and post it in the thread. For the moment, you can have as many conversations as you'd like, but only two of them can increase your support ranks, and you can only increase one rank per character until the next chapter.

    Different ranks will require a different number of conversations. Getting C rank requires one conversation. Raising from C to B requires two more. Raising from B to A requires four more.

  4. "You mean saving your crew, right?" Rivas turns to Sweetgrape. "And how exactly do you intend to do that all by yourself? They're probably guarded by a horde of hobgoblins. There's little chance you would survive." He shrugs. "If you want to go on a suicide mission, be my guest... or you can join us and we can save them together."

    "And besides," he adds. "There's gold in it for you if you accept." He glances at Rhianne while making that comment as well.

  5. After a moment of catching his breath and tending to the wounds of Miyako and Sweetgrape, Rivas looks around. "I hope our future battles will go more smoothly than that... because unfortunately, my journey is far from over. To stop them, I must venture into Kaoling itself... If you're willing, I'd like to hire you all to accompany me. What do you say?"

  6. [spoiler=Chronicle 10]sWCoTLG.png

    "War god," he had heard someone call him once.

    Despite taking losses, Dervus still achieved victory and advanced on Untide, the capital of Maletta.

    In order to focus on defending their own country, Dalkia annulled their alliance with Maletta. Nevertheless, the capital of Maletta projected a fearsome presence. One could keenly feel the darkness of its violent past. And now, the emperor ordered the Grandall forces to advance yet again...

    One single soldier, with sword held high and eyes determined, charged ahead of the ranks as he shouted his order.

    "War god," he had heard someone call him once.





    We never fully learn what's going on here, but my best guess is that Mooncalf was the would-be assassin...




    ...and that Kierkess mortally wounded her.


    Kierkess: "Is something wrong?"

    Hyle: "...No."



    "Listen up, men! We're going to end this here! Move out!"


    Everyone on the team for this chronicle has a weapon that does chip damage to blocking opponents. You'll see why pretty soon.


    Kierkess: "Now, Hyle, would you be so kind as to join them?"

    Hyle: "What!? Kierkess, how dare you mock us!"

    Kierkess: "...You don't seem to understand your position, Hyle. He has already assumed full control. And I don't think you're in any position to complain, traitorous pig."


    I've played through this several times and I still don't know what's going on here.


    Kierkess: "It would have been a death sentence under normal circumstances, but our king is merciful."

    Hyle: "Our king? What are you talking about!? Where is King Demuth!?"



    Demuth: "True king!? You must be mad! I am the king!"

    ????: "Let's not get over ourselves. Who do you think allowed a pawn like you to make it this far?"

    Demuth: "D-don't be absurd! Where are the guards!? Someone! Anyone! Seize him!"

    ????: "There's no one left to obey you."


    Man, this guy is a jerk.


    ????: "...Grandall, eh? Those pesky fools are always getting in my way. They shall all pay with their deaths!"



    So, Chronicle 10. We're halfway through CotS but this chronicle just might be the hardest one in the whole thing. Fighting these two at the same time would be bad enough.


    This makes it even worse. It reduces all of your attacks to chip damage- hence why I brought guard-penetrating weapons. Every little bit counts.



    Meanwhile, Aeneas guards the rear.


    Welp, here we go.



    Demuth already has a ton of health. The damage reduction is just insult to injury.


    But he's still very much beatable; you just have to stay on the offensive.


    Hyle, on the other hand...



    The AI is in full Asshole Mode for this fight. It will read your controller inputs. It will block and counter things it shouldn't be able to. It will ruin your day, no matter who you are or how good you are at this game.


    Finishing him off with Ailian was surprisingly easy, though. Perhaps his AI doesn't know what to do about Sickle users?



    Hyle: "Leelia, forgive me..."

    Kierkess: "What, you're already dead? You're useless."


    So I just finished one of the hardest fights in the game, losing 2 of my characters in so doing...



    Count the health bars, folks. That's eight characters coming at us, all at once. And that's not even counting Kierkess, who we'll have to fight afterward.

    So, yeah, this is gonna be fun.. Let's get started.


    The only nice thing about fighting these guys is that now the stronghold condition works in your favor. But their attacks still hurt a lot, even with their damage reduced.


    Three left.. plus Kierkess.


    Well, that went well.


    He says something different every time you approach him, which is interesting, but not worth screenshotting.


    Took two tries, but eh.

    Now it's finally time. Mr. 'Kingslayer' has a lot to answer for.







    I love the music for this battle. It's the same music that plays during the climactic battle in the main game's storyline. For CotS, though, we're only at the midway point.


    ...haha, he killed himself. RIP. :v:

    But anyway, in case it wasn't obvious by now, this is the 'King Chester' who was mentioned in the prologue.


    ...somehow I doubt we've seen the last of him.

    Next time, we return to the Dalkian front.

  7. so let's just assume Rhianne is attacking this guy too

    Rhianne vs. Guard: 72 vs. 88 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Guard takes 8 damage
    Guard counterattacks! 2 vs. 60.5 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Rhianne takes 8 damage

    Party gains 2 XP
    Rhianne gains 2 Anima XP

    "I... surrender." The armored hobgoblin drops his weapon.

    Party gains 5 XP

    [spoiler=Level up!]Rivas gains HP, Spd
    "...That was underwhelming."

    Douglas gains HP, Def, Res

    Miyako gains HP, Spd, Def

    Rhianne gains HP, Str, Mag, Spd, Res

    Sweetgrape gains Skl, Def

    Chapter Complete!

    (Sweetgrape may now join the party)
    (Loot from the battle: one Iron Lance and three Vulneraries)

  8. Rivas stays where he is for now.

    Enemy Phase

    Guard moves to Q11 and attacks Douglas
    Sweetgrape moves to Q10 and also attacks Douglas

    [spoiler=Attack rolls]Guard vs. Douglas: 83 vs. 63.5 - Miss!
    Douglas counterattacks! 74 vs. 68.5 - Miss!

    Sweetgrape vs. Douglas: 2 vs. 78.5 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Douglas takes 10 damage
    Douglas counterattacks! 48 vs. 61.5 - Hit!
    Sweetgrape takes 4 damage

    Party gains 3 XP
    Douglas gains 3 Lance XP

    Other Phase

    Royal Guard 1 moves to P13. The two seem relieved that the battle is being won.

    Player Phase 12

    Rivas charges over to R10 and glares at Sweetgrape. "Surrender!"

    Sweetgrape rolls her eyes at him. "Feh, you're only alive because you ran behind your stupid guards, but now that you're in my sight..."

    "You're wounded now, and outnumbered. Don't be a fool. You can't win."

    Sweetgrape shakes her head. "If I surrender here, my crewmates die. I hate following orders... but... hmph! Just die so I can save them, will you!?"

    "I'm sorry. I can't do that..." Rivas readies his sword. "But, if you survive... I'll help you save them."

    Rivas vs. Sweetgrape: 14 vs. 92.5 - Hit!
    Crit roll: 49 vs. 5.5 - no crit
    Sweetgrape takes 7 damage
    Sweetgrape is knocked out!
    Party gains 15 XP
    Rivas gains 3 Sword XP

    "Let's finish this." Rivas narrows his eyes at the enemy Guard.



  9. [spoiler=Chronicle 9]Ls3Q8Q2.png

    The intro of this one is ... weird. It's a lot of dialogue without any indication of who's saying what. Behold:



    Although on second thought, it's probably just Girardot and Emperor Strife talking to each other.





    ...a certain other moon-themed character, perhaps?




    "For all their talk of democracy, things have hardly changed on the inside. Maybe they would have destroyed themselves in time, without help from us or Grandall..."





    Oh come on Meiga, it's not as if we're not used to this by now.


    Aeneas has the right idea. Let's do this thing.




    Oh hey, look who's finally decided to join us.


    Xiaoxin is actually Girardot's son, though neither he nor Girardot know it. If this were a Fire Emblem game, he'd probably be a Mercenary or a Myrmidon.

    We've also recruited the three Halteese characters from the last chronicle:




    I can't be arsed to think up stories for them, but Kanon is an obvious Archer (she has a quiver of arrows on her back), Ailian seems like the Assassin type, and Leraje looks pretty Mage-like.


    The middle stronghold is the only one that gets attacked in this chronicle, so we can just pile everyone up in there.

    First up, three unnamed Dalkians.


    Easy peasy.



    These two named Malettans don't fare any better, and the other enemies retreat back into their strongholds.


    ...why are there five people in here?


    Oh. Well, this is awkward.


    And here she comes.




    Hyle: "Kierkess... so you're here, too..."

    Kierkess: "My forces shall lend you their aid. Give my thanks to him. Anyway, consider this a greeting. Go play with them a little, boys."

    Hyle: "I haven't heard anything about that."

    Kierkess: "If my forces aren't of any use, feel free to just let them go. Now, then, I bid you my leave..."

    Hyle: "..."


    Heal-Do: "Don't concern yourself with those fools. It's not our problem."

    Elua: "I wish they would just get it over with already."

    Lupi: "As long as they don't get in our way, I don't care. Let's go."


    Anyway, Luna and her lackeys aren't nearly as tough here as in Chronicle 6. Aege is the only one who really poses a threat.




    That's that. Now let's take care of the guys sent by Kierkess, whoever that is.



    Rapier would probably be #2 on my list of favorite disciplines :D

    Now only Hyle and one generic remain.


    This battle with Hyle is fun. And you can't spell fun without FFFFFFUUUUUUUU.


    The AI cheats pretty blatantly in this fight. Hyle can block even when he's supposed to be vulnerable (immediately after attacking) while blocking does absolutely nothing for you.


    It's cool though, Kanon's got this.




    Next time, the mastermind reveals his master plan.

  10. Enemy Phase

    Sweetgrape attacks Douglas
    Guard moves to O11 and attacks Rhianne

    [spoiler=Attack rolls]Sweetgrape vs. Douglas: 99 vs. 78.5 - Miss!
    Douglas counterattacks! 29 vs. 61.5 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Sweetgrape takes 4 damage

    Guard vs. Rhianne: 47 vs. 60.5 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Rhianne takes 8 damage
    Rhianne counterattacks! 63 vs. 78 - Hit!
    Crit roll: 83 vs. 2 - no crit
    Guard takes 8 damage

    Party gains 4 XP
    Douglas gains 2 Lance XP
    Rhianne gains 2 Anima XP

    Other Phase

    Royal Guard 1 moves to O13
    Royal Guard 2 moves to P14

    Player Phase 10

    "Quickly, get behind the royal guards!" Rivas calls out.

    Rivas moves to S14.



  11. Rhianne vs. Brigand: 34 vs. 82 - Hit!
    Crit roll: 98 vs.
    Brigand takes 9 damage
    Brigand is defeated!
    Party gains 5 XP
    Rhianne gains 3 Anima XP

    Enemy Phase

    Guard moves to N9 and attacks Rhianne
    Sweetgrape moves to N13 and attacks Douglas. "I was told to kill anyone in blue, I guess you will do just fine!"

    [spoiler=Attack rolls]Guard vs. Rhianne: 29 vs. 60.5 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Rhianne takes 8 damage
    Rhianne counterattacks! 87 vs. 88 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Guard takes 8 damage

    Sweetgrape vs. Douglas: 6 vs. 78.5 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Douglas takes 10 damage
    Douglas counterattacks! 13 vs. 61.5 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Sweetgrape takes 4 damage

    Party gains 4 XP
    Rhianne gains 2 Anima XP
    Douglas gains 2 Lance XP

    Other Phase

    Royal Guard 1 moves to N10 and attacks Guard
    Royal Guard 2 moves to P13

    Royal Guard 1 vs. Guard: 66 vs. 69.5 - Hit!
    Crit roll: 96 vs. 1.5 - no crit
    Guard takes 3 damage
    Guard counterattacks! 65 vs. 84.5 - Hit!
    Crit roll: 75 vs. 1.5 - no crit
    Royal Guard 1 takes 0 damage

    Player Phase 9

    Rivas moves to N14 and levels his sword at Sweetgrape. "Hey! Why are you fighting for these hobgoblins?"

    Sweetgrape gives him an angry look. "What's it to you? And who are you to be asking me that?"

    "My name is Rivas. Look, we don't have to fight. You're not one of them.. they're probably forcing you to fight, aren't they? Please, just drop your weapon and we can talk this out."

    "Quiet, you! If I kill enough of you, my crewmates will be set free!" She fuses a Flux spell into her sword. "Prepare to die!"

    "...ah, that's why..." Rivas frowns and prepares to defend himself. "Fine. I'll try not to hurt you too badly.."

    Rivas vs. Sweetgrape: 85 vs. 92.5 - Hit!
    Crit roll: 35 vs. 5.5 - no crit
    Sweetgrape takes 7 damage
    Sweetgrape counterattacks! 18 vs. 74.5 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Rivas takes 10 damage
    Party gains 2 XP
    Rivas gains 2 Sword XP

    Rivas suddenly realizes he has made a terrible mistake.



  12. Rhianne vs. Brigand: 91 vs. 82 - Miss!

    Party gains 1 XP

    Rhianne gains 1 Anima XP

    Rivas curses under his breath, then moves to O15 and attacks the Dark Mage.

    Rivas vs. Dark Mage: 24 vs. 98.5 - Hit!

    Crit roll: 42 vs. 7.5 - no crit

    Dark Mage takes 9 damage

    Dark Mage is defeated!

    Party gains 5 XP

    Rivas gains 3 Sword XP

    Enemy Phase

    Brigand flees to O9

    Guard moves to L10 and attacks Royal Guard 1

    Sweetgrape moves to J13

    Guard vs. Royal Guard 1: 38 vs. 84.5 - Hit!

    Royal Guard 1 takes 0 damage

    Royal Guard 1 counterattacks! 19 vs. 84.5 - Hit!

    Crit roll: 87 vs. 1.5 - no crit

    Guard takes 4 damage

    Other Phase

    Royal Guard 1 ignores the guy who just plinked his armor and instead moves to O10 to attack the Brigand.

    Royal Guard 2 moves to T13 and finally drops Servant 2. Servant 2 looks a little disappointed...

    Royal Guard 1 vs. Brigand: 87 vs. 78.5 - Miss!

    Brigand counterattacks! 39 vs. 95 - Hit!

    Crit roll: 81 vs. 1.5 - no crit

    Royal Guard 1 takes 3 damage

    Player Phase 8

    Rivas looks around and quickly formulates a plan. "You deal with the brigand" he says to Rhianne. Then, to the Royal Guard: "You engage the other knight. I'll deal with... is that a girl? It is. A human girl. What on earth..?"

    Well, no time for that. Time to get ready.

    Rivas moves to N16, equips his bow, and uses a Vulnerary.



  13. Enemy Phase

    Guard takes Sweetgrape's cue and moves to I11.
    Dark Mage moves to O15 and attacks Rivas
    Brigand moves to O14 and attacks Royal Guard 2
    (Thany may post Sweetgrape's action)

    [spoiler=Attack rolls]Dark Mage vs. Rivas: 42 vs. 73.5 - Hit!
    Rivas takes 8 damage

    Brigand vs. Royal Guard 2: 18 vs. 98 - Hit!
    Royal Guard 2 takes 2 damage
    Royal Guard 2 counterattacks! 26 vs. 58.5 - Hit!
    Brigand takes 9 damage

    Party gains 1 XP

    Other Phase

    Royal Guard 2 finally decides it's time to stop fighting and moves to Q13.
    Royal Guard 1 moves to M10 and glares at Sweetgrape and her guard.

    Player Phase 7



  14. Indeed, Chronicle 8 can be difficult because it involves rescuing characters who will die if you don't reach them quickly.

    [spoiler=BIG DAMN HEROES]xvZJdpY.png

    When they arrived, the Halteese capital of Epistema was already in ruins. The sky was filled with cold, dark clouds, and the dwellings were mere heaps of smoldering ash. Not only were there no signs of human life, there were not even so much as wild dogs tearing at the corpses.

    "The Maletta army!? Were they the ones who sacked the city?"

    Without warning, the Malettan forces attacked Dervus' unit, and for all practical purposes, they were now at war. The flames of a new conflict had been lit.





    What the hell is going on, and who's 'him'? Who is the mastermind behind all this?


    Oh geez.





    This chronicle requires you to act quickly. You must save the Halteese soldiers before they're killed, then defeat the oncoming Malettans.





    Oh god, the plot, it burns.


    Looks like we got here just in the nick of time. Know what that makes us? BIG DAMN HEROES, SIR!



    "Defending the lives of others may mean giving up your own... not that I don't admire that!"




    There are three named Halteese characters on this map. Save them, and they will join your unit.


    That's one


    That's two


    Hooray, we saved all three!



    All of the enemies on this map are named and have tough AI. But thankfully, I wield the awesome power of savestates :v:



    Sittin' in a tree?



    Unsubtle foreshadowing is unsubtle.



    Anyway, we managed to save the Halteese generics, too.


    I cannot say NOPE strongly enough.



    So these two bosses are all that's really left now.



    Neither do I.


    u wot m8?


    All of Hyle's attacks are guard-breaks, which makes it easy for him to kill you very quickly with combos. He also hits very hard and has a lot of HP.



    Well, I guess there's something to be said for teamwork.





    "I'd heard that the great Girardot had taken a certain cadet under his wings, but... I never expected it to be one who would preach humanity in a time of bloody war!"


    Yay! :v



    Dear Princess Celestia...



    Hmm? ... So I guess Riese is a war orphan?


    Anyways, that chronicle's done. Next time we'll take the fight to Maletta.

  15. Rivas moves to N16 and attacks the Lancer

    Rivas vs. Lancer: 4 vs. 77.5 - Hit!
    Crit roll: 92 vs. 5.5 - no crit
    Lancer takes 9 damage
    Lancer is defeated!
    Party gains 5 XP
    Rivas gains 3 Sword XP

    Enemy Phase

    "...yes ma'am." Guard lumbers up to E11, following Sweetgrape into battle.
    Brigand moves to O17 and attacks Miyako
    Dark Mage moves to O14 and attacks Miyako
    (Thany may post Sweetgrape's action)

    [spoiler=Attack rolls]Brigand vs. Miyako: 60 vs. 68 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Miyako takes 11 damage
    Miyako counterattacks! 52 vs. 84.5 - Hit!
    Brigand takes 10 damage

    Dark Mage vs. Miyako: 2 vs. 71.5 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Miyako takes 9 damage
    Miyako is knocked out!

    Party gains 3 XP
    Miyako gains 2 Dark XP

    "Ahh!" Rivas yelps as he sees Miyako knocked out. "H-hang on, I'll help you!"

    Other Phase

    Royal Guard 1 moves to O9
    Royal Guard 2 attacks Dark Mage

    Royal Guard 2 vs. Dark Mage: 42 vs. 78.5 - Hit!
    Crit roll: 86 vs. 1.5 - no crit
    Dark Mage takes 7 damage
    Dark Mage counterattacks! 16 vs. 86.5 - Hit!
    Crit roll: 58 vs. 1.5 - no crit
    Royal Guard 2 takes 2 damage

    Player Phase 6

    Rivas quickly applies a Vulnerary to Miyako. She's still in no shape to fight, but at least now she can flee the battlefield.



  16. Rivas moves to O15 to finish off the Raider.

    [spoiler=Attack rolls]Douglas vs. Scout 1: 37 vs. 60.5 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Scout 1 takes 8 damage
    Scout 1 is defeated!

    Rivas vs. Raider 2: Autohit
    Crit roll: 40 vs. 4.5 - no crit
    Raider 2 takes 20 damage
    Raider 2 is defeated!

    Party gains 10 XP
    Douglas gains 3 Lance XP
    Rivas gains 3 Sword XP

    Enemy Phase

    Raider 1 ignores Rhianne, choosing instead to move to Q8 and attack the knight who killed his comrade.
    Dark Mage moves to O9 and attacks Douglas as well.
    Lancer moves to N15 and attacks Rivas.
    Brigand moves to M15
    Guard stays where he is
    (Thany may post Sweetgrape's action)

    [spoiler=Attack rolls]Raider 1 vs. Douglas: 93 vs. 89 - Miss!
    Douglas counterattacks! 24 vs. 55.5 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Raider 1 takes 7 damage

    Dark Mage vs. Douglas: 51 vs. 77.5 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Douglas takes 8 damage
    Douglas counterattacks! 65 vs. 67.5 - Hit!
    Crit roll: 37 vs. 1 - no crit
    Dark Mage takes 6 damage

    Lancer vs. Rivas: 63 vs. 79.5 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Rivas takes 12 damage
    Rivas counterattacks! 52 vs. 77.5 - Hit!
    Crit roll: 73 vs. 5.5 - no crit
    Lancer takes 9 damage

    Party gains 6 XP
    Douglas gains 4 Lance XP
    Rivas gains 2 Sword XP

    Other Phase

    Royal Guard 1 moves to Q7 and attacks Raider 1
    Royal Guard 2 moves to N14 and attacks Lancer

    [spoiler=Attack rolls]Royal Guard 1 vs. Raider 1: 85 vs. 61.5 - Miss!
    Raider 1 counterattacks! 56 vs. 95 - Hit!
    Crit roll: 18 vs. 1.5 - no crit
    Royal Guard 1 takes 2 damage

    Royal Guard 2 vs. Lancer: 10 vs. 72.5 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Lancer takes 8 damage
    Lancer counterattacks! 83 vs. 77.5 - Miss!

    Player Phase 5



  17. "Please stop calling me that." Rivas looks at Miyako with mild annoyance.

    Enemy Phase

    Raider 2 chases Miyako to O14 and attacks.
    Lancer moves to M15
    Raider 1 moves to O8 and attacks Rhianne
    Scout 1 moves to O8 and also attacks Rhianne

    [spoiler=Attack rolls]Raider 2 vs. Miyako: 16 vs. 68 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Miyako takes 11 damage
    Miyako counterattacks! 40 vs. 82.5 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Raider 2 takes 10 damage

    Raider 1 vs. Rhianne: 94 vs. 71 - Miss!
    Rhianne counterattacks! 97 vs. 80 - Miss!

    Scout 1 vs. Rhianne: 85 vs. 80 - Miss!
    Rhianne counterattacks! 48 vs. 80 - Hit!
    Crit roll: 46 vs. 1 - no crit
    Scout 1 takes 9 damage

    Party gains 5 XP
    Miyako gains 2 Dark XP
    Rhianne gains 3 Anima XP

    Dark Mage moves to M11
    Brigand moves to M10
    Guard stays where he is
    (Thany may post Sweetgrape's action)

    Other Phase

    Royal Guard 2 moves up to P14 and attacks Raider 2.

    [spoiler=Royal Guard 2 vs. Raider 2]10 vs. 56.5 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Raider 2 takes 8 damage
    Raider 2 counterattacks! 87 vs. 98 - Hit!
    Crit roll: 96 vs. 1.5 - no crit
    Royal Guard 2 takes 2 damage
    Raider 2 attacks again! 53 vs. 98 - Hit!
    Crit roll: 54 vs. 1.5 - no crit
    Royal Guard 2 takes 2 damage

    Royal Guard 1 falls back to T7 and drops Servant 1 behind him, effectively removing Servant 1 from the map.

    Player Phase 4



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