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Posts posted by Nimbostratus

  1. Rivas moves to M18 and visits the servant quarters. Inside, he meets an old servant who gives him a warm smile. "Prince Rivas. It's been a while... you're here to warn me about the attack, right? Don't worry. I've already evacuated everyone else. As for myself... well, this is the only home I've ever known. I'd rather stay here."

    "Are you sure?" asks Rivas. "If they get their hands on you..."

    "At my age, you don't fear death so much anymore." He chuckles softly. "But thank you for your concern. Here, take this. I think you'll need it more than I will."

    got 400 gold (per character)

    Objective 1 complete!

  2. Rivas considers Miyako's idea, then nods. He moves to K15 and attacks Scout 2.

    [spoiler=Attack rolls]Miyako vs. Scout 2: 22 vs. 75.5 - Hit!
    Crit roll: 82 vs. 1.5 - no crit
    Scout 2 takes 10 damage

    Rivas vs Scout 2: 1 vs. 91 - Hit!
    Crit roll: 81 vs. 6.5 - no crit
    Scout 2 takes 11 damage

    Scout 2 is defeated!

    Party gains 7 XP
    Miyako gains 2 Dark XP
    Rivas gains 3 Sword XP


    Enemy Phase

    Raider 1 moves to N6 and attacks Douglas
    Scout 1 moves to N5 and attacks Rhianne
    Raider 2 moves to J14, taking cover amidst the trees
    Lancer moves to J13 and does the same
    Brigand moves to I10
    Dark Mage moves to H11
    Guard stays where he is
    Sweetgrape stays where she is

    [spoiler=Attack rolls]Raider 1 vs. Douglas: 62 vs. 89 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Douglas takes 6 damage

    Douglas counterattacks! 14 vs. 60.5 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Raider 1 takes 7 damage

    Scout 1 vs. Rhianne: 26 vs. 80 - Hit!
    No crit (0% chance)
    Rhianne takes 8 damage

    Rhianne counterattacks! 3 vs. 81 - Hit!
    Crit roll: 100 vs. 1 - no crit
    Scout 1 takes 9 damage

    Party gains 6 XP
    Douglas gains 2 Lance XP
    Rhianne gains 2 Anima XP


    Other Phase

    Servant 2 runs to R14. "H-help! Please help!"
    Royal Guard 2 moves to S14 and rescues Servant 2.
    Royal Guard 1 moves to Q7 to see if he can help. He sees Douglas grabbing a servant. "Here!" he cries out. "Here, bring him to me! I'll take him someplace safe."


    Player Phase 3



  3. "At least they're willing to help..." Rivas sighs. What has he gotten himself into...?

    He readies his sword and moves to L13.


    Inside the quarters are a pair of female servants. "They...they're coming, aren't they? I can hear them..."

    Rhianne tries her best to comfort them. "Get to the palace. You'll be safe in there."

    The two women smile. "Yes, of course, dear. Thank you. Take this for your trouble." She hands Rhianne a small wooden figure. "Supposedly it's a good luck charm. I don't believe in luck much myself, but perhaps it'll help you."

    got a Goddess Icon


    Scout 1 moves to J6
    Scout 2 moves to J15
    Raider 1 moves to H6
    Raider 2 moves to H15
    Lancer moves to I10
    Brigand moves to H10
    Dark Mage moves to G11
    Guard stays where he is
    (Thany can post Sweetgrape's action)


    Other Phase

    Two servants stand outside, readying their axes to chop some wood. Upon seeing the approach of the enemy, they wisely decide instead to run like hell.

    Servant 1 moves to O5
    Servant 2 moves to O16

    The royal guards stay put. Their orders were to defend the palace, and that's just what they're going to do.


    Player Phase 2


  4. [spoiler=Chronicle 7: A New Plot]FJshHvx.png

    We have received reports that the Halteese Republic has invaded our country. In light of this, here are the new orders for Dervus' unit.

    I. As of this moment, officer Dervus will turn over command of the Dalkia offensive to Abelia.

    II. Dervus' unit will attack and penetrate Halteese's western defensive wall.

    III. Advance into the Halteese capital and secure a route to the capital.

    IV. Await the arrival of the main Grandall forces and support them when they arrive.

    That is all.

    -Emperor Strife




    "Telling us to break through that on our own is like ordering us to die."


    "They just won't let us be heroes."


    Geez, who did we piss off to earn this kind of treatment?



    Oh well, at least we'll have Girardot's help.


    Girardot is famous both for his military career and for his love of birdwatching. If this were a Fire Emblem game, he'd be a Jeigan.


    So here's the map. Although this chronicle isn't what I'd call easy, it's definitely a breather between the last one's crazy bosses and the next one's ... well, you'll see.



    Well, can't say I disagree.


    No fancy strategy needed for this chronicle.



    Just beat a few generic attackers, then take the enemy strongholds (also manned by generics).




    These three strongholds are the 'defensive wall' we were told about. They -would- be intimidating, if their occupants actually stayed inside them. But, most of the time, they'll come out to attack your strongholds instead.



    The easy part is over; here they come.





    So, with the wall strongholds empty, all that's left now is to defeat the bosses.


    Here's their stronghold-



    And here are the two characters we'll need to defeat.


    We could also fight Rock but I think I'll pass on that.


    Let's see how the rest of the team does without Dervus.



    Pft, that was easy ...



    Well, damn. Guess we gotta fight him again.




    What's going on?





    Oh dear... it seems the plot has arrived.





    Plot is a four letter word, you know...


    She was tough, but nothing too crazy.


    I don't know either, but I doubt "making friends" is high on the list of possibilities...



    Next time: The Plot Strikes Back

  5. Act I
    Chapter 1

    In the throne room of Jinin...

    "...I understand, Father. I won't let you down."

    Rivas' true feelings were ... mixed, to say the least - but he knew he had to be strong. If he failed Jinin in its hour of need, he wouldn't have a family or a home to return to.

    He turned around just in time to witness the approach of two travelers, one in armor and the other in robes. Were they here to help...?

    "Prince Rivas!" cried a royal guard, interrupting his thoughts. "Your Highness, come quickly! Ayajinbo is under attack!"

    "They're here!?" Rivas growled. "How could they reach this far...?"

    "I don't know, Your Highness. It's not a large force... but if we don't stop them, they'll kill the palace servants!"

    Rivas steeled himself and nodded slowly. "I see..." He glanced at the visitors. "I'm sorry to ask this of you, but we're very short-handed right now. Please lend a hand, and I'll pay you once the battle is over."

    Meanwhile, a woman walked around the palace grounds. She'd been in Jinin for a few days, looking for work. Now, hobgoblins were crying out in the distance ... it looks like work has found her.

    Behind the bulk of the enemy force stood a young girl, guarded by a man in armor. The girl was approached by a shifty-looking priest. "You need to be stronger, my pretty. Hold still." He waved his staff in her general direction.

    Sweetgrape reacted with confusion and drew her sword, demanding to know what the man was doing.

    "You're going to fight for us, aren't you?" He cackled softly. "This spell will make you stronger." And she could indeed feel herself becoming more powerful.

    The young pirate sulked. "I don't fight for anybody. But.. I actually do feel stronger.. what's the catch?"

    "Simple, girl. Kill anyone wearing the colors of Jinin. If you don't.. you know what will happen." The priest then turned to address the rest of the raiding party. "You know what to do. Get to it!"


    Visit the servant quarters (M3 and M18)
    Protect the servants
    Defeat all enemies

    Rivas, Douglas and Miyako can start anywhere within the blue rectangle (Q7-T14). Rhianne starts as a neutral unit and will join when talked to.


  6. Hi there! I certainly don't mind answering questions. I like to help :)

    You don't need to read the whole PDF, but you should at least skim through enough to choose a home nation for your character.

    The player limit will be somewhere around 12-15.

    And sure, I can probably arrange that- just PM me once you have a character concept.

  7. A Fire Emblem roleplay based on this Pathfinder setting

    [spoiler=Plot]The peaceful nation of Jinin is under attack!

    Neighbor state Kaoling, ruled by evil hobgoblins, has launched an invasion- and with Jinin already recovering from two prior wars, their timing couldn't be worse.

    However, all is not lost. The remnants of Jinin's army have rallied behind the Shogun's three eldest children. Through their efforts, what was once a full-scale invasion force has been reduced to a handful of small guerrilla bands-- but the Shogun has vowed that he will not rest until not even one hobgoblin remains on Jininese soil.

    Unfortunately, that vow has proven exceedingly difficult to fulfill. Several hobgoblin warbands still occupy some of Jinin's most fortified structures- and at this point, Jinin's forces are too few and too fatigued to truly defeat their foes.

    Luckily, the Shogun foresaw this possibility, and has a secret weapon. After his elder children embarked on their campaigns, he summoned his youngest child, Prince Rivas (whom almost no one knows about) and ordered him to invade Kaoling, to eliminate the threat at its source. With few actual soldiers left to offer, the Shogun has instead supplied Prince Rivas with a significant portion of the royal treasury's gold; enough to raise a makeshift army of mercenaries and conscripts.

    And so, determined to save his homeland and make a name for himself, Prince Rivas sets out...

    Character Creation

    This game will use the traditional Fire Emblem stats, but character classes will be player-made. To make a character, simply choose the following:

    Name: Your character's name
    Age: duh
    Gender: (snarky comment about Tumblr goes here)
    Class: Choose a name for your character's class
    Race: Can be whatever you want. Has no effect on stats. If you aren't familiar with Pathfinder races, check here.
    Nationality: Where is your character from?

    Aspect: Choose one
    Foot- a standard foot unit; 5 move
    Armor- wears heavy armor like a Knight; 4 move; +2 free Def, +1 free Con; vulnerable to anti-armor weapons
    Mounted- rides a horse or other land mount; 7 move; vulnerable to anti-cavalry weapons
    Flying- rides a pegasus or other flying mount; 7 move; ignores rough terrain; vulnerable to bows and wind magic

    Weapon(s): Choose one or two
    Light magic
    Dark magic
    Anima magic

    Stats- Assign points to stats. Characters with one weapon type get 50 points to spend; characters with two get 45. Each point spent on HP and Con increases the stat by 2.
    Note: Maximum starting stats are 30 for HP, 12 for Con, and 10 for everything else. (max 12 Def and 13 Con for Armor units)

    Growths- Assign 325% worth of growths. No stat may have a growth over 75% except HP, which can go up to 125%. No growth rate for Con.

    Con: (weapons will use FE8 stats unless otherwise noted)

    Affinity: Listed here

    Appearance: feel free to include as much detail (or as little) as you want

    Background: same as above

    Other Notes: Preferred recruitment method, etc.

    As an example, here's my character:

    [spoiler=The Lord: Prince Rivas]Name: Rivas
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Class: Samurai
    Race: Elf
    Nationality: Jinin

    Aspect: Foot
    Weapon(s): Sword and Bow

    Stats and Growths-
    HP: 18 (50%)
    Str: 7 (50%)
    Mag: 0 (0%)
    Skl: 7 (75%)
    Spd: 7 (60%)
    Lck: 3 (25%)
    Def: 4 (40%)
    Res: 4 (25%)
    Con: 8

    Affinity: Fire

    Appearance: Youthful and handsome, with light brown hair. Has a few battle scars, but nothing disfiguring. Often wears samurai armor, like a rank-and-file soldier- if he didn't introduce himself as a prince, you'd probably never guess he was one.

    Background: Fourth child of the shogun of Jinin, Prince Rivas never got much recognition or royal treatment. He joined the army to prove himself, becoming skilled with sword and bow.


    Characters become eligible for promotion upon reaching level 10. However, the maximum level is 20, so it's probably best to wait until then.

    Upon promotion, a character can:
    -change their Aspect
    -gain a new weapon type
    -increase their stats

    You get 9 stat points to spend on promotion bonuses. If you choose to gain a new weapon type, that costs 2 stat points.

    As with character creation, each point spent on HP and Con increases those stats by 2.

    Here's an example-

    [spoiler=Rivas' promotion: Samurai Lord]New Aspect: Mounted
    New Weapon: None

    Stat Increases:
    HP +2
    Str +2
    Skl +1
    Spd +1
    Def +1
    Res +2
    Con +2

    (it's not necessary to have your promotion planned out in advance, but it is recommended)

    Stat Caps

    65 HP

    16 Con

    35 everything else

    (this may be subject to change)

    Shared XP

    All characters will gain XP for all actions taken. 2 XP for each successful heal or attack, 5 XP for each kill, 1 XP for everything else. Weapon XP will not be shared, though this might be subject to change.


    This being Fire Emblem, death can happen; but it won't be as hard to prevent as it is in the games. When a player character is reduced to 0 HP, they'll only be knocked out. They can be healed by using a staff or by giving them a Vulnerary (or other healing item). Once healed, the character retreats. But if a knocked out character goes unhealed for 2 turns, they die.

    I'd like for most of the planning and communication for this game to be done over Skype. After you sign up, please PM me your Skype username. If you don't have one, please PM me anyway and we'll work something out.

    Well, this is something I might need help with. I mean, I'm not a dunce or anything, but I'm not very good at Fire Emblem number-crunching. If anyone would be willing to lend a hand, please PM me. (I could probably use some help with map-making too, if anyone would be so kind.)

    So, I think that's everything...? I feel like I'm forgetting something, but nothing else comes to mind at the moment. If you have any questions, please feel free to post 'em here. Otherwise, feel free to go ahead and sign up. (Don't worry about items; I'll sort those out.)

    [spoiler=Accepted Characters]Rivas












  8. [spoiler=Chronicle 6]sFDeUhS.png

    They defeated the Dalkian forces and continued their push through the outskirts of Revless, the capital of Dalkia.

    "Once we make it through here, we'll be at the capital. Let's go!"

    Abelia's face showed no hesitation. What was it that made her so strong?

    Dervus could see the deeply-colored trees of the five strongholds that were the gateway to the Dalkian capital. In contrast to the vicious battle that would soon erupt, they appeared beautiful in the moonlit night.


    Map. This is a very straightforward mission, with four generics and five bosses. The generics attack your strongholds, while the bosses stay in their own.





    These four are Luna's elite, Four Elements-themed lieutenants, the "Klessirpemdo"- and if you have any idea what that's supposed to mean, you're doing a lot better than me.



    No way around it, I suppose. Let's deal with the generics first.



    Even the generics in this mission are pretty tough. They will attack any time they see an opening.



    But you ain't seen nothing yet.





    Each of Luna's lackeys has a special condition in their stronghold which tips the battle in their favor. Not that they need it- they all have tough AI too.


    Lizardman might be worth fighting. Since he's not in a stronghold, his HP won't regenerate between fights. But, first things first.


    Let's deal with her first. Her element is Fire and her arena is the molten cave we fought Luna in. This makes it relatively easy to win by ring-out.


    Aw yeah Aeneas is da man.


    Never go up against Grandall when death is on the line!


    Let's fight Elua next. She's the second-easiest to defeat, although that's not saying much- Lupi is the only one I've ever been able to beat without losing anyone.



    ...that took a lot of savestate cheese.

    Well, now comes the hard part. We'll fight Lizardman, then the other two and Luna.


    Jeez, he won with only 2 hits.


    Holy crap Abelia might actually ...


    Oh. Well at least he'll be easy to finish off now.


    And Abelia gained a level for her trouble.


    Dervus finishes the job and gains 3 levels.


    Aege is one of the most infuriating characters in the game to fight- not only because she uses Iron Sword (which is an incredibly OP style) but also because of her stronghold ability, which creates mini-earthquakes that interrupt whatever your character is doing and leaves them helpless for about 2 seconds, which is more than long enough for Aege to swoop in and kill you. The only way to avoid this is to jump or be in the middle of a throw animation when it happens. The only really dependable way to beat her is with a quick ring-out, so let's hope Aeneas can do what he does best.


    I... you... wha...


    No seriously, what? I did that without savestates. That's... that's amazing.


    Heal-Do's arena is very slippery- whatever direction your character is moving in, they'll keep moving in it- so it's pretty easy to accidentally kill yourself by slipping out of the ring.


    Aww, well, at least that was pretty close.


    Close enough for Abelia to finish the job.



    Now only Luna remains, and she is much harder to beat than last time.




    Luna's a pushover compared to her lieutenants, but she still does a lot of damage with each hit and takes a lot of hits to defeat, so you need to be careful.


    Or, y'know, just ring her out.


    Let's see what we won~


    A new fighting style! :o


    And money, of course.

    The fighting style we unlocked is Steel Fan, which uses war fans. Dervus can use this instead of his tambourines. I haven't used this style much, but I'll try it in the next chronicle just for giggles.

  9. My strategy was to leave at least one soldier behind (I think the main character can't be KOed without a game over, so probably it was he), charge with everyone and keep respawning in case something goes wrong against a boss.

    That's pretty much the only way to beat some of the later chapters, tbh. (And it's usuailly not Game Over if the main character dies, but it is on some chapters.)

    [spoiler=Chronicle 4 and 5]14Ehgij.png

    Several days later, the Kingdom of Dalkia suddenly declared war, claiming to retaliate against an attack by Grandall soldiers.

    "Looks like they want to go to war so badly, they'll use any trick they have to justify it."

    Dervus couldn't believe what his comrade had told him. During the battle they had just fought, Grandall soldiers had been spotted mixed in with the fleeing brigands. In other words, it was a setup.

    Human greed... real war... a mind-numbing fear of the terrible sights to come...

    Even so, he did not want to lose his future. So for now, he would take up the sword.


    So, it's a setup, but who's responsible for it? Was this a false-flag operation by Dalkia, or...?

    Anyway, we're bringing Meiga along for this one.


    Have no fear, the player character is here!


    She looks a bit young to be a military commander...

    Anyway, the chronicle begins with a horde of Dalkia soldiers swarming the northern stronghold, while Luna heads toward the middle one.


    Yes, you're seeing this right. There are four guys piled on here. But they're all generics, and with an arena that lends itself to easy ring-outs, Aeneas has little trouble.



    Seeing this, Luna decides to change her plans.




    Luna is one of the few bosses who fights you in one of your strongholds instead of staying in her own. She's pretty quick with that sword...


    ...but still no match for Dervus.


    Luna sounds the retreat, and all of the remaining enemies fall back to their main stronghold.


    Except for this guy. Characters from the main game are scattered through CotS as bonus bosses. They're hard to beat, but they reward a lot of EXP to your characters, even if they lose. However, it's a bit too much hassle for me, so I generally don't bother.


    Let's give Meiga a chance to fight.



    Why thank you.





    Meiga's fighting style is another one I've not had much experience with. He took out the generics, but can he handle the boss?





    That was actually pretty easy. Let's move on to the next chronicle.


    It was his first victory. Faced with the horrors of war, however, he felt the word "victory" had little meaning. And what was granted to them next was not time to grieve, but an order to counterattack Dalkia.

    Attacking in order to defend. Could anything be born of that but hatred?

    A familiar voice answered his doubts. "Why do you hesitate? Don't you want to put an end to this fighting?"

    It was Abelia! Was she part of the reinforcements?

    "Now, show me what you're made of."

    Dervus steeled himself and ordered his troops to advance.



    "This place was mainly used for commerce in the past. But now that we're at war, if we don't protect this bridge, it will have a dramatic effect on the main army's ability to advance. We've managed to take control of this stronghold on our side, but who knows how long that will last..."


    "Destroying a bridge or two wouldn't be any great loss. We'll need one team to protect the bridge and one to go take out the enemy's main stronghold."



    Sweet, so it looks like Eurydice and Abelia will be joining us for this mission.


    Abelia grew up in an aristocratic family. She is a gifted learner, but she sometimes lacks common sense. If this were a Fire Emblem game, she'd be ... a Cleric, maybe? She seems the type, somehow.


    Eurydice is from a far-away land whose economy is in shambles. Most of the pay she earns is sent to her struggling family. If this were a Fire Emblem game, she'd probably be a Pegasus Knight.


    Map shot. Dervus will watch the western front while the others defend the bridge.


    Who's this douchebag?

    Anyway, the chronicle begins with the bridge being stormed by three Dalkia soldiers, who learn a very important lesson:




    Don't mess with Eurydice.


    The other side of the bridge is guarded by this fellow. Let's see how Abelia does against him.


    Another important lesson: don't bring drums to a swordfight.

    Well... unless you're Dervus.

    Speaking of Dervus, let's have him deal with Roin now.


    Dervus can be seen here attacking the stronghold. Roin is the guy on the horse over there. Looks like he's going to attack our western stronghold instead of defending his own.


    Meanwhile, Dervus defeats a generic and this lady who ... has teeth on her mask?


    Now Eurydice will deal with this guy.


    Iron Sword is so wonderfully cheap.


    Now, this is hardly fair.


    I mean... there's only three of 'em.



    And finally Riese gets some action too.



    Two bonus bosses on this map.

    Anyway, all that's left now is to take their (empty) main stronghold.


    You sound like a jerk.


    Now Dervus and co. prepare themselves to strike at the heart of Dalkia...

    Incoming difficulty spike. I'm gonna have a bad time.

  10. In this chapter, we fight some bandits. This is totally a Fire Emblem game.

    [spoiler=Chronicle 3]kPNs7Oi.png

    Dervus had graduated from the academy. He was now a commander. He and his comrades swore allegiance to their country, and to one another. That would be their bond.

    Dervus was entrusted with a border garrison. He would be the wall that protected his country.

    Now that he had become an officer in the military, he stopped to reflect on himself. What was it he truly wanted to protect? His home? A peaceful life? The ones he loved? Or...?

    "We've received information that a group of what appear to be brigands have been sighted near the border! Find and capture them!"

    The atmosphere changed instantly, and tension spread. Dervus steeled himself for his first real battle.






    Well, geez. Way to spoil the mood, you guys.


    Ooh, a new guy!



    Sweet, and there's another Fire Emblem tradition followed: fighting bandits in the first mission(s).


    Meiga is a career soldier and a man of few words. He has an infant son and fights in the hope of creating a truly peaceful world. If this were a Fire Emblem game, he'd be a Mercenary or Myrmidon.

    He'll get a chance to show his stuff soon enough. But for now, I'll stick with Aeneas and Riese.





    The first wave is down, time for another.




    Pfft, you call yourself Loki? The Norse god would be ashamed.


    At this point, the rest of the bandits retreat into their main stronghold.


    NO U





    Something looks familiar here...





    Meh, I'm sure he was no one important. :v:



    Next time, things get serious.

  11. If it's the character I think it is, they're actually introduced in Chronicle 4 and return in Chronicle 6 (and a handful of others). Chronicle 6 is the first really challenging one, IMO.

    [spoiler=Chronicle 2]5AuYT03.png

    The final test- a test of command ability under real battlefield conditions- was about to begin.

    "This is the last time I get to play with you baby birds. That's right, this is your final test! Don't expect me to go easy on you!"

    The General is to be his opponent!?

    Depending on his performance, Dervus might even be entrusted with troops to lead in the field.

    If he failed, he would never see battle. That would be the safe route, but it would mean denying the very reason he was here.

    Today, this baby bird would leave his cage, step onto the battlefield with his life in his own hands, and begin to fly.


    Map shot.


    And here they come.



    These are the two recruitable characters. Whichever one we defeat first is the one that gets recruited. So, that being said...


    Xiaoxin! I choose you!


    It's super effective!


    With Xiaoxin defeated, Jinkai retreats back into the nearest stronghold. Aeneas and Riese will battle the two characters there while Dervus takes the other one.




    Oh Aeneas, I love you.


    'sup Rufus.


    Peace out.


    And now it's time to face Girardot himself.




    This battle with Girardot is a taste of things to come. He does a ton of damage if he hits you; and if he hits you with a combo, you're pretty much screwed.


    See the chunk he took off my healthbar, there? That was only two hits.

    Yeah. That could have gone a lot worse.




    Not flawless, but close enough to please me. :v:
  12. Cool. Thanks for watching~

    [spoiler=Chronicle 1]O2p81L6.png

    For what purpose, for whose sake do men raise swords against one another?

    Parousia Military Academy, Grandall Empire.

    Dervus stood among the officer cadets that had lined up to the booming voice of their instructor, General Girardot.

    "The practice battle will now begin!"

    The face-off would be between Abelia- the sharpest woman at the academy- and Dervus, who would be taking command of a unit for the first time.

    "Don't worry. Since this is only practice, we'll let you keep your lives when you lose."

    Just practice...? No. If Dervus lost on the battlefield, there would be no tomorrow for him... Defeat was not an option.



    How very eloquent.


    So yeah, we have a new character. Time for more backstory speculation.

    Riese was caught one day stealing supplies from an Imperial army camp. She injured 6 men in her escape attempt, one of them being General Girardot himself. Rather than execute her on the spot, Girardot chose instead to conscript her. If this were a Fire Emblem game, she would be a Thief.


    Here's a look at the map.


    This is the first of many chronicles where enemy units will attack your strongholds. Usually it's best to defend them as quickly as possible.


    Let's see if Riese can defeat our first named opponent. the Grieve Edge discipline uses bladed shoes, the closest this game has to a weaponless fighting style- it's fast and quite unpredictable, so it's often troublesome to fight against.


    But there are plenty of ways to out-cheese the cheesy AI. including liberal use of savestates


    Next up was a nameless Iron Sword user, who was surprisingly more of a challenge.


    Abelia gives bad advice.


    Time for Aeneas to test his might.


    Not bad.


    Showdown time.


    En garde.


    ...Was that really all your might?




    The next chronicle has two recruitable characters- the catch is, you can only recruit one of them. The options are a Katana+Shuriken user or a Chinese Sword user.

    ...it should be noted at this point that Chinese Sword and Chinese Blade are not the same thing. Chinese Blade uses a jian, while Chinese Sword uses a dao-like broadsword. These two disciplines really need better (and less confusing) names.

    Anyway, I chose the Chinese Sword user, though he won't actually join the party until Chronicle 9.

    Next time, we face our final test.

  13. For a long time, all I knew about Fire Emblem was the fact that Marth, Roy, and Ike were featured in Smash Bros. Not anymore though. These days I'm a big fan of the Fire Emblem series, and that's largely thanks to Soul Calibur III.

    "Wait, what?" you might say.

    Well, you see... in addition to the standard fighting-game mode, Soul Calibur III also came with an extra mode called Chronicles of the Sword, which was more like a strategy game- and, in retrospect, very much like a Fire Emblem game.

    I wonder... Has anyone else played this? Am I the only one who's so oddly nostalgic about it?

    In any case, here it is, for your viewing pleasure.

    [spoiler=Prologue (warning: large images)]QmmpWlO.png

    This is my character. He's a Dancer, which gives him a variety of fast, flashy, acrobatic fighting styles. (For the curious, the full list of character classes and the weapons they can use can be found here.)

    Once character creation is done, we begin with the plot:


    Unnecessary subtitles are unnecessary.



    but everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked




    The four characters shown here are all important characters in the CotS story. I'll point them out as they appear in-game.



    See that funky axe-like thing 'King Chester' is holding? Remember that. It's important.


    ...wait, so we're a soldier of the Empire? Aren't Empires generally the bad guys in these things? Hmm...

    Anyway, each Chronicle begins with a title and a little text crawl. For this one, I'll just type it here.

    Prologue: The Art of War

    Two opposing swords of foreign origin... With no knowledge of their true powers, man worshipped the swords as a symbol of wealth and authority. Nations have destroyed each other over the swords, and countless wars have been waged.

    Blind to reason or justice, man once again learns the art of war. And in time, he too will learn...

    Ooo, foreshadowing. :v Anyway, here we go.


    Wake up, Crono!


    Am I in trouble? D:


    Oh, okay, it's just the tutorial.

    (also, Girardot is the guy on the far left in the four-character image above.)




    Despite what Girardot says, there is no permadeath in CotS. Which is good, because the AI characters are sometimes ridiculously hard to beat.

    Anyway, we're then treated to a wall of text about objectives and whatnot. It's simple enough, really. Each CotS map is marked by strongholds. Your characters can be used to defend your strongholds or attack the enemy's. Most chronicles have the objective of 'occupy the main enemy stronghold' which means, once you do that, the map is beaten- even if there are still enemies left on the map. Some other chronicles have 'defeat all enemies' or 'defeat a specific enemy'.


    Here on the Briefing screen we can create characters (but I won't be doing that) or equip our current ones with new weapons or outfits. The outfits don't matter much, but the weapons do. But weapons must be bought with in-game gold, which is earned as we progress through CotS.


    We can also change our characters' unit type, which can have some influence on how each map is played. To be honest, though, I normally just have everyone as Bandits, which are fast-moving and good at attacking strongholds.


    And here is our first unit, Aeneas. Who is this guy? Well, there's really very little character development in CotS, so this is just a guess...

    Aeneas is the main character's friend and training partner. He's not in the Academy because he's more of a follower than a leader, but he is a very capable soldier. If this were a Fire Emblem game, he'd be a Knight or Cavalier.


    Here's a look at the map and our characters' starting positions. Not really important on this map, but strategic positioning will be far more important in future chronicles.


    This stronghold (and all the other enemy strongholds on this map, besides the main one) have the Poison effect, which gradually saps the HP of both fighters.

    Oh, and before I forget...

    that plays throughout most of CotS.


    Each time a stronghold goes down, a Decisive Battle ensues. This means you must defeat the character(s) inside the stronghold in a battle
    . It is still a fighting game, after all.




    The Lance discipline used by Aeneas has long range and sweeping attacks, which makes it hard for those with short-range weapons (like this guy's Wave Sword) to get close enough to get a hit in.

    Also, all of the enemies on this map are generic nameless soldiers. These guys are easy to beat. Named characters have more HP and tougher AI.


    A ring out is not always an instant victory in CotS, but it does take off a sizable chunk of the victim's health, so it's always nice to score one if you can- and the Lance discipline is good at doing that, too.


    Victory is ours.

    Characters gain XP and levels as the game goes on. The max level is 99, but the final boss is only level 63. There's only one level 99 character in CotS, and he's a bonus boss.

    Anyway, time for the next stronghold- let's see what Dervus can do.




    This soldier has the same voice as Aeneas. In fact, there are only four voices for each gender, so don't expect to hear a lot of variety in this game.


    Well, that was easy. If only FE dancers could fight like that. :v


    When this happens, you have the option of entering a fighting-game battle or letting them duke it out on the map. Usually the former is preferable, since your character will probably lose less HP that way.


    Dervus kicks his butt.


    Meanwhile Aeneas defeats this guy.

    It might be hard to see at this angle, but his 'shuriken' is giant (about the size of a shield) and attached to his back- and inexplicably spinning. Ridiculous though it is, Katana+Shuriken is a fun discipine to play with.

    Two more fights left. The next one is Aeneas vs. a fellow Lance user.


    The AI surprisingly toughened up a bit for this fight. Usually I can get a Perfect against this girl. No such luck this time. Ah well, at least she didn't beat me. :v


    And now, the last stronghold.


    This guy doesn't say anything- Rapier users are almost always silent.




    "This is gonna be great!"


    It was great. For me.


    And with that, victory is ours!


    And our reward is clothes :v: Character parts are unlocked as characters are recruited. These parts are the ones worn by Aeneas.


    You also earn gold at the end of each chronicle. You get extra gold for fulfilling the bonus conditions, which are different in each chronicle.. and increasingly hard to fulfill.

    So there we go, that's the first bit of Chronicles of the Sword. More to come soon.

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