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Everything posted by Abvora

  1. No, your points about Xander were more about him as a character than what he said (short of "the speech is filled to the brim with hypocrisy"). And my posts weren't about Xander's character, so I didn't see a reason to argue against them (I don't like arguing about him anyway since he's really controversial, maybe even more than Corrin, and it just leaves me exhausted). I mean, I definitely see where your viewpoint is coming from, but just because the character delivering the speech may or may not be cowardly/hypocritical/etc doesn't make their points any less valid. I think the tvtrope term is something like Strawman Has a Point? It doesn't make him look more three-dimensional, but it does show that he's not flawless and perfect in the eyes of the fellow inhabitants of his universe. They (and Xander and Ryoma, in 6 and 13) have a reason to get angry with him, and they do, and it's justified. A flawless, perfect character would either be instantly forgiven, or the people who are angry would be portrayed as extremely petty and shallow for daring to feel anger at such a being. What cause does Yukimura have to believe Corrin? Attacking makes him look emotional, but I wouldn't say it makes him look stupid since he doesn't have any reason to believe him. He'd actually look more stupid if he did. All he knows about Corrin, right now, is that he may or may not have been responsible for Mikoto's death (he's never absolved of that on this route), "turned" on Hoshido at a crucial moment, and is now showing up at a fort which is apparently very important, either as a hospital or as an actual defensive point. The logical thing to do is not listen to him and not let him into your very defensible fort where you're hiding a princess of your nation.
  2. When was Yukimura's hostility being portrayed in a bad way? No one on his side calls him out for being a dick, no one on Corrin's side calls him mean, the game just has him lay into him, rightfully so. Yeah, his words are really venomous and Corrin's trying to get him to listen, but that's in-character for the latter (I can't speak for the former since Yukimura barely has a character), and I honestly can't blame him for reacting so hatefully, since everything went downhill after Corrin left. And wouldn't it be more unrealistic if he didn't try to arrest a traitor the minute he sees him, or was super nice and happy to see him again? And even before he starts going into the invisible enemies "nonsense", Yukimura's and Orochi's reaction makes it clear they think he's foolish and naive for thinking they'd be willing to listen to him after his betrayal.
  3. > Ryoma saving the day from a boob joke by showing his own manly chest I knew there was a reason I liked you.
  4. That infuriates me so much because that was a prime opportunity for character development and they threw. it. away. They do kind of call him out for being so trusting and then they just backpedal into saying "but keep doing it" which is agh. But like, I mean when you get to the endgame of Conquest, and Xander basically lays into Corrin for being so naive and gives him that big "there is no justice" speech. Or at the start of Revelation, where basically everyone yells at Corrin for not picking a side and afterwards, where you have people like Yukimura and Saizo chewing him out for saying "I'm not going to tell you anything, but trust me, k?" And so I can actually be on-topic: I love Hana. I love her design, I think it's super cute, and I think her personality is sufficiently fleshed out when she's not talking about Sakura. Like she can be surprisingly girly (Hinata and Hayato), she has a role model (Ryoma), she's super blunt and opinionated (Keaton), etc.. It's just most people first see her Corrin support, which is easily her worst, and that just sends their opinion of her downhill.
  5. Fates has Corrin being great because of a prophecy or some other, which is, y'know, dumb, but it's so recurrent in media that I've given up complaining about it. The Chosen One is nothing new--Buffy Summers, Harry Potter, Aragorn, etc, were all put in their positions because destiny said so, and I really don't think being a chosen one automatically makes you a sue. He's got plenty of competence. That idea of using Zola's abilities in Birthright, for example, was pretty smart; imagine all the possibilities with an illusionist on your side! The only reason it didn't work was because Zola was a traitor, and Zola hid that well enough to fool Takumi the Skeptical. Or beating the Rainbow Sage's trials, which are lauded as something so difficult, only four people in recent history have done it (possible all history, I can't remember). Beating Ryoma one-on-one, figuring out the traitor in Revelation, his handling of the Ice Tribe rebellion, those were all good feats; he's plenty smart and talented with a blade, just crippled by naivete. It actually does make sense why he's in charge most of the time. Revelation is obvious; he's the one who split off on his own and united the two armies. In Conquest, it's because Garon has him off doing his own thing while his siblings handle other tasks, and by the time people more fitted to leading join up, they're invading and are pretty much stated to divide command among themselves. For the first half of Birthright, he's leading a strike squad in search of Ryoma while Yukimura commands the main force fighting Nohr. Ryoma should take over in the latter half, but that's really the only place where it doesn't make sense for him to lead.
  6. I personally think Robin was super bland and boring, whereas Corrin's naivete made him a better, actually flawed character. And yeah, his background screams Mary Sue, but he's really not. He messes up too often and gets called on it, unlike Robin who never received any crap for Emmeryn or that stunt with the Valm fleet. While I don't think either is a Sue since they can't do everything, I do think Robin is closer to being a Sue than Corrin since his worship comes from people who barely know him (unlike Corrin's, which mostly comes from his siblings) and he doesn't get called on his mistakes. And why do people call him whiny? I went into the games expecting to see Shinji Ikari 2.0 and he really only complains a few times, and only in Conquest--not at all in Birthright and Revelation.
  7. Azura exists, y'know :P I like M!Corrin more for the opposite reasons--that soft, non-macho personality is endearing on a guy but irritating on a girl for me, because it plays with gender stereotypes. Men are told they're "supposed" to be Strong and Tough and Unemotional, so having a male protagonist who is very emotional and pretty nice and sweet, and has those things praised as his best traits, is something I enjoy a lot. Whereas with f!Corrin the same personality just comes across as Same Old Same Old since it's very common among media females.
  8. Because Fem!Corrin gets a pass from actions/things people deem irritating about M!Corrin either because she's hot (from guys) or because girls self-insert themselves into her and hold her up as some super special goddess (from girls, of course). If you think I'm joking, just check out her portrayal in fanart/fanfiction. Meanwhile guys seem to have a harder time self-inserting themselves into M!Corrin, from what I've seen, since his personality isn't typical macho (which is fine since he's actually not a self-insert, he's his own character).
  9. Laslow/Peri: http://ticolog.tumblr.com/post/144602823256/%E4%BB%8A%E6%97%A5%E3%81%AE%E3%81%8A%E7%B5%B5%E6%8F%8F%E3%81%8D%E3%81%AF%E3%81%BE%E3%81%A0%E3%82%BF%E3%83%B3%E3%83%96%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%81%A7%E3%83%94%E3%82%A8%E3%83%AA%E3%83%A9%E3%82%BA%E3%83%AF%E3%83%AB%E3%83%89%E6%8F%8F%E3%81%84%E3%81%A6%E3%81%AA%E3%81%8B%E3%81%A3%E3%81%9F%E3%81%AE%E3%81%A7 M!Corrin: http://ticolog.tumblr.com/post/144856482076 Sakura and Elise: http://ev-bordeaux.deviantart.com/art/Sakura-and-Elise-607686697 Awakening characters try to help Robin: http://grinserabe.tumblr.com/post/131239060047 Keaton/Selena: http://yurakumaotter.tumblr.com/post/144907319576/tsun-tsun-dere-dere-headcanon-they-became-less Soleil: http://sonyaneko.deviantart.com/art/Soleil-612019202 Azura: http://theologicallyy.tumblr.com/post/143607245963/seafoam M!Corrin and Kanas: http://ticolog.tumblr.com/post/143318151331 Kiddie Justice Cabal: http://tattahitori.tumblr.com/post/145132976758/justice-cabal-forward-march-new-background-for Silas/Mozu: http://cleris4ever.deviantart.com/art/Silas-and-Mozu-in-the-Evening-606671754 M!Corrin/Azura: https://twitter.com/pkbuttcheeks/status/700176192528199680 Felicia: http://karladiazc.deviantart.com/art/Felicia-Fire-Emblem-commission-611707733?src=MC_deviation_stack Fates character collection + some Tokyo Mirage: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=56976740
  10. It's not letting me vote? I voted on the reddit poll, so maybe that's why...
  11. Ryoma/Shigure: http://pastebin.com/Hs0suCxj I ask again that people please check the masterpost on the front page before posting requests. If something has been translated, it will be up there. Not checking can cause the people translating to waste their time on repeat translations.
  12. Mozu/Midori: http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/145135600572/could-you-please-translate-ninaperi-and Peri/Forrest: http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/145134748857/firstable-thank-you-so-much-for-whats-have-done EDIT: Hana/Sophie: http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/145136049832/could-you-please-translate-hana-and-sophies
  13. Anankos has better feats of power (time/space travel with ease, creating black holes, restoring a dead kingdom to life from another universe) compared to Grima. Additionally, people forget that according to lore, the Yato is the only thing that can kill Anankos, like Robin is the only one who can kill Grima; he wouldn't lose "because he can't kill him" since Grima can't kill him either. Between the two he seems smarter, since Grima apparently could have revived himself all along but didn't because??? while Anankos was actually setting the stage to manipulate humans into a war. He's also a better character than Grima. So Anankos gets my vote.
  14. Hinoka: http://fordindigo.deviantart.com/art/Hinoka-611934116?src=MC_deviation_stack Azura: http://manaketechar.tumblr.com/post/144796033754 Soleil, Setsuna and Mozu: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Fates-Girls-Don-t-Look-at-Explosions-611797392 Camilla: http://stevedsteve.deviantart.com/art/Sweet-Camilla-611792055?src=MC_deviation_stack Siegbert/Sophie: http://daikaisho.deviantart.com/art/courting-611862769?src=MC_deviation_stack M!Corrin/Azura: https://twitter.com/141hio/status/736596487040176129 Tharja: http://fireemblemawakening.tumblr.com/post/144977170086/jaeon009-ive-been-looking-through-my-old Azura: http://gzeidraws.tumblr.com/post/144556585673/azura Adult Fem!Kana sprite: http://4ourside.deviantart.com/art/Adult-F-Kanna-611848369?src=MC_deviation_stack Adult Male!Kana sprite: http://4ourside.deviantart.com/art/Adult-M-Kanna-611929442?src=MC_deviation_stack Dragon!Corrin: http://xrainingrose.deviantart.com/art/Dragonstone-Fanart-611547318?src=MC_deviation_stack Subaki/Hana: http://decentarte.deviantart.com/art/i-m-yours-611448089?src=MC_deviation_stack M!Corrin/Azura: https://twitter.com/aisutabetao/status/736599048983957504 Fates characters + flower symbolism: http://shapouf.tumblr.com/post/143870179591 Hinata, Oboro and Takumi: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52224097 Chrom: http://instantlylefttrash.tumblr.com/post/144989277907
  15. Nothing too surprising. I wish Subaki hadn't dominated Selena's poll, though I was kind of expecting him to. At least I know of two others who like Subaki x Nyx, I'm not alone That said I was expecting Arthur to be higher for Beruka.
  16. I like how Corrin pre-emptively cut off her S-support with Kaden by giving her a tail so she doesn't have to snuggle with his anymore. Dragon boy's not letting him steal his waifu :)
  17. It's never said. Anthony says there's nothing living in Valla, but Anthony's a lying piece of crap anyway who may have just said that to keep Corrin and co. away from any resistance groups. Since Corrin gets crowned ruler, there have to be some Vallites left. I personally believe it's a mix of rebels who weren't able to escape, refugees who fled to Hoshido/Nohr but kept their heads low, and freed slaves who were being used by Anankos as training fodder for his undead soldiers.
  18. Not a fan of the incest joke on the left, but Silas being the "embarassing childhood friend digging up embarassing memories" makes up for it. The one on the right is one of the best yet, so deliciously meta, pointing out the very stripperific Nohrian armor (I think this is the only time I've liked a boob joke).
  19. I consider Heirs of Fate and the kids non-canon anyway, so this doesn't bother me. Also, I find it morbidly funny that
  20. Sakura/Mitama: http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/144969659387/thanks-for-translating-the-elisesoleil-dlc
  21. Robin's mother: http://www.deviantart.com/art/You-re-still-my-son-and-that-will-never-change-611253917 Hinoka (CQ spoilers): http://gatchayam.tumblr.com/post/144952526229 M!Corrin: http://gzeidraws.tumblr.com/post/144912239908/messing-around-with-corrin-headshot Comic making fun of the Nohr Prince promotion to Nohr Noble: http://lethalityrush.deviantart.com/art/Class-Change-611308852?src=MC_deviation_stack Corrins and Azura: http://superartwhore.tumblr.com/post/141979744481/you-are-the-oceans-grey-waves-so-like-im Jakob/F!Corrin: https://twitter.com/AmaoMiyuki/status/731143239630086144 Subaki: https://twitter.com/AmaoMiyuki/status/696309448977965057 Azura: http://manaketechar.tumblr.com/post/144796027159/permission-to-upload-this-work-was-granted-by Niles: http://dareedseee.tumblr.com/post/144930357498/felt-bad-about-leaving-the-other-one-unfinished Olivia and baby!Inigo: http://darkgreyclouds.tumblr.com/post/144933981472/honey-show-them-how-strong-you-can-be-do-not Peri: http://shikasghost.tumblr.com/post/144880240964/you-know-what-would-look-great-on-you-the-blood Charlotte and Siegbert family interactions, based off the Child Festival DLC: http://star-cider.tumblr.com/post/144895737321/i-remember-reading-their-hoshido-festival M!Corrin/Azura: https://twitter.com/pkbuttcheeks/status/724471576570126336 Xander and Leo: https://twitter.com/AmaoMiyuki/status/695600786361876484 Queen Ismaire: http://oeilvert.tumblr.com/post/144819962652/ismaire Dragon!Corrin and Azura: http://na-nyeko.tumblr.com/post/140682783996/heres-a-dragoncorrin-booping-azuras-nose-bc-i
  22. My favorite of the kiddies has some really great crit lines, but the sheer amount of anger in the latter half of "An encore? If you insist!" makes it the best, easily.
  23. Xander/Charlotte, Leo/Sakura, Niles/Camilla, and Laslow/Peri topping satisfy me; disappointed but unsurprised by Elise winning Odin, but at least Selena's second; Keaton/Mozu being first is good, but it looks like Keaton didn't get as many votes compared to the others. Beruka and Effie have relatively good scores for Arthur and Benny, too. I'm surprised Setsuna did so highly for Niles, their support wasn't all that impressive from what I recall. Or was there something I missed?
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