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Everything posted by Enaluxeme

  1. Of course, the support between the parents must make sense too. However, considering the father/child supports is most certainly not silly, as some make absolutely no sense, like Yarne accusing Lon'Qu of talking too much with other women. Regarding Vaike x Lissa, it's one I considered too. Honestly both Lon'Qu and Vaike make sense. I just went with Lon'Qu for the Chon'sin myrmidon problem and that little scene with Lissa when you recruit him (which is basically the only one not involving Chrom x Sumia). Since both are good candidates, let's see if one of them is needed somewhere else. For Lon'Qu x Olivia, I want fo point out that Lon'Qu isn't shy at all, he has gynophobia caused by a traumatic event. Still, it's a pairing worth considering, as Inigo starting with a killing edge is most suspicious for a mercenary. Anyway, this topic is going out of control quickly, so I propose to slow down a bit. Let's start by the pairings in the first post, does anyone have a problem with then or a different opinion he/she can back-up (aside from Vaike x Lissa)?
  2. Everyone has their ships. I personally like Kellam with Miriel more than with Sully, but that's not the point of this topic and posting lists of names will not bring us anywhere. Please everyone, give some sort of proof for every pairing, and let's discuss them one by one.
  3. This may not be the first topic of its kind, but please bear with me. I recently found this topic, which has a similar goal to what I had in mind for a bit: trying to figure out what father makes more sense for every child character. I wouldn't say "canon", for every pairing could be considered canon, but basically... Yeah. So instead of necroing that topic I opened this. What we are looking at to determine a good father-child combination is mainly their supports and in general all the supports of the child to see if they inherited some quirk that can be linked to a specific father. Also interaction between parents during scenes is important. Other than that we can see that starting class is important too in 2 prominent cases: Lucina inherits his father's lord class, while Morgan inherits either his/her non Robin parent's class or starts as tactician. I would skip Chrom as he is obviously paired with Sumia. Someone, TheBakonBitz included, may complain saying that Chrom should marry Olivia, but let's just skip it for now and leave it last if there are problems pairing Sumia and Olivia. TheBakonBitz provided enough proof for Lissa x Lon'Qu = Owain and Tharja x Gaius = Noire, the former for the arrows that keep targeting Lon'Qu for some reason (also Owain is the only myrmidon/swordmaster in the game who doesn't hail from Chon'sin, so a myrmidon father makes even more sense) and the latter for Noire's liking of sweets and her father's stealing abilities. I want to add my personal favourite: Sully x Kellam = Kjelle. There are an awful lot of things Kjelle inherits from Kellam: class, physical prowess (hinted in many different supports), ability to disappear and possibly the big armor she uses for training. Also Sully is one of the few who aren't startled by Kellam appearing and disappearing, and being a pretty overwelming woman she would make the more sense out of their paired ending. I'm also thinking about Virion!Yarne, but that probably needs some discussion. And I have a theory for Morgan's mother that I'll probably share later. Pairings until now: Chrom x Sumia (Olivia?) Lissa x Lon'Qu (Vaike?) Tharja x Gaius Sully x Kellam
  4. Any female mage? The casting animation is the same for every tome type
  5. Oh. I honestly remembered otherwise, my bad.
  6. I think assassins should have at least the same str cap rogues have honestly. Also, Gerik having more con is nice, but same con than hero Garcia is a bit of a stretch. By the way, is there any particular reason you changed some portraits? Neimi actually bugs me a little...
  7. Master knight for every mounted class doesn't feel right. Too many people with the same class. I would differentiate them in a phisical one with every phisical weapon and staves and a magical one with every tome, staves and swords. This is all assuming that there is a strenght/magic split.
  8. Oh my god, most of them are adults, THIS IS BLASPHEMY! ...I would say Nikhail.
  9. Axes, but they should give them promotions that actually ride wiverns like in FE4. Cherche is bugging on a griffon.
  10. I meant image only, no script. The reaper has done a swordmaster with hat: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=21649
  11. So even if someone made the sprite with the hat you wouldn't be able to add it in the game?
  12. I would reintroduce dismounting, stop to use avatars and kids in every game and go back to a more european style for the art. Also try to balance the classes. Oh, and I would remake FE 4 and 5. The difference is that I think IS should do the above, but a remake of FE 4 is better left in the hands of fans IMO.
  13. I like Kent x Lyn so much, considering it's also lampshaded in Kent x Sain B support. Much better than Seth x Eirika IMO. I also like Hector x Florina, really disappointed that she can't marry him in Elibian nights...
  14. So, I'm playing Utna heroes again, I'm just after the first split, and I was wondering if someone ever tought about giving a super proof to a pegasus knight instead of the dragon flute. In this game pegasi lose magic (doubles as resistance) upon promotion and also some speed I think, both in the stat itself and in the stat caps, so would it be a good idea to keep someone around as a peggy, perhaps with a thunder sword? Skills and growths considered, who's the best candidate?
  15. Oh... So they added these features in the Tellius games (wich admittedly I never played) and removed them again for awakening... What about if?
  16. So, I was reading a topic in general about the death of characters in storytelling, and I tought about the permadeath in Fire Emblem. Indeed, the permadeath (or perma-inability to fight) makes the game harder and in turn makes you a better strategist as you probably want to keep everyone alive. The problem is exactly this however: there is no reason to keep someone dead. If one of my units dies, I will restart the chapter no matter what, and the same goes for almost anyone else. There is no meaning in death for the characters, they just disappear, as if they were never recruited. I think this is some sort of minor flaw for the series. There is always at least a scene in every game where all the living/deployed characters say something about how they'll fight/how they are loyal to the lord, but the dead characters are just forgotten. What do you think of this? Am I wrong?
  17. So that he could have inherited something from Finn. Anyway, he grow up as a mercenary, but I guess the paladin fits him well given his actual parents: Eldigan and Grahnye. Or Iria. Or Raquesis. You know what? Probably Eldigan can reproduce by mitosis, Ares is a clone, that's why they share class. Dammit, every time I see a post about Genealogy, I think about how badly I want a remake. Maybe FE4A is possible with FEXNA?
  18. Starting to read it. I never played this game, but your diary-like narrative is super-entertaining!
  19. Seems like I accidentally erased that field. I also fixed Quinn.
  20. Second retainer: Name: Jean Gender: Male Race: Human Age: 23 Appearence: Jean has a muscular, yet not too bulky figure 6'1" tall. He has blonde hairs with a fringe to the left and black eyes. He wears a green shirt, a black headband and white shorts. He also has leather boots and iron shoulder pads. Class: Fighter Weapon: Iron Axe Personality: Jean is usually calm, but can't stand people who harm or look down to others. He can be serious, but he usually isn't strict and tries to be funny. Backstory: Son of an innkeeper, Jean lived a relatively calm childhood in a town near the castle. Though he never liked to work at the inn, Jean used to help his family by cooking or splitting wood, as he never had been good at dealing directly with the costumers. In fact, Jean was a troublemaker before meeting Orland and joining the military, and often started fights and brawls. During an evening in winter, the inn's tavern was full of people, and his mother was too sick to work as a waitress. While he was serving at the tables, he ended up having an argument with a rackety costumer. The two started yelling and eventually fighting, until they were divided by some armed men, who appeared to be some sort of escort. One of them called the man "my lord". After calming down, the man told Jean: "You know what? You are actually pretty interesting. Why don't you come and join the military? Maybe you'll serve under me in one or two years!". Jean wasn't impressed at all, and promptly responded that he would never serve a spoiled child who doesn't even know what it means to work. He was impressed the next day, though, when he found the same guy splitting wood on the back of the inn. The noble greeted him in a friendly way, then asked him if he would now consider his offer. ... Eventually, Jean joined the military, and was recently assigned to be Orland's bodyguard under specific request by the young lord. Role: Retainer Talents: Very good at cooking and recognizing edible fruits and vegetables. He is learning how to use bows in order to hunt wild animals by himself. Skills: Guard Fun Fact: When cooking, he prefers to chop vegetables with his axe rather than using a knife. Sorry for the wait, I had problem with my internet connection.
  21. No no, I have another retainer in mind, I'll post soon. By the way, remember that I live in EU, so I'm inactive when it's late evening in US.
  22. First retainer: Name: Quinn Gender: Female Race: Human Age: 26 Appearence: Quinn is 5'8" tall. She has long red hairs held in a tail and light blue eyes hidden by a large pair of glasses. She wears a yellow dress with silver lace. Class: Troubadour Weapon: Heal staff Personality: Short tempered yet kind hearted, Quinn is a serious woman. She isn't shy, but can sometimes have problems socializing. Backstory: Quinn became the pupil of the sage Isaac around fifteen years ago. She was born in a poor family, but the sage saw potential in the child and asked the parents the permission to take her on his travels and teach her the arts of magic. With time, she became less of a student and more of a personal assistant to the scholar. After years of travelling spent visiting academies and learning more about the many fields of knowledge, Isaac decided to settle down, and accepted to work as a teacher to a certain marquess's son. Quinn, sixteen at the time, was allowed to live in the castle with her mentor, thus she met Orland. The two had never gotten along, with the girl scolding him for slacking off, and the boy often picking on her in response. She left the castle when she was twenty years old. After visiting her family, Quinn settled down in a town in Gohln, working as a medic. She was summoned by Isaac himself: having to send his son in a mission for the king, the marquess wanted a capable healer with him. However, the sage is now too old to take this role, and thus sent a letter to his former student to ask her the favor to take his place. Role: Retainer Talents: Quite knowledgeable about magic and other fields. Skills: Fun Fact: Often uses her staff as a sort of mace weapon. Not that useful (read: completely useless) in actual fighting, but enough to keep young, pert lords at bay.
  23. Gotta love Sain, but Kent is my favorite thanks to the supports with Lyn (I mean, B support with Sain even supports this!). Headcanon is the way!
  24. The baron has been changed to a marquess. So... Mercenaries and myrmidons can't promote anymore?
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