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Everything posted by Moss-Head

  1. Wins: Franz getting 5 3% crits in a row...and then getting 2 perfect level ups. Fails: After this happened Franz was doublecritted by Bazba. RAGE
  2. Well, SF finally works on my computer. Rewjeo, my resopnse to our debate will be up sonn (you probably forgot about it). Look out Serenes-Moss-Head is back! (Who cares?)

  3. Slize, my post WILL be up. SF doesn't work on my computer, so I have to use someone else's, which makes it hard. But it WILL be up.
  4. When will your first post be up for the debate?

  5. You but it'll take a bit to respond because my computer hates SF....
  6. Computer hates SF so replying may take a bit...

  7. Hey. About that debate...I'm a first timer. Go easy on me....please?

  8. Hmmm....how about Lute (you) vs. Cormag (me)? EDIT: Or Franz (me) vs Tana (you)?
  9. Fails: Cormag being critted twice by Valter, after I killed everyone else and got all the items. Wins: Franz getting 3 4% crits in a row in chapter 3.
  10. Ahhhh....my first debate just got cancelled. Anybody up for one?

  11. Well my first debate just got cancelled. Darn...

  12. Sorry about the cancelled debate.

  13. Yay lurking GO!!!

  14. It's okay. Soooo...anyone else up for a debate?
  15. Hi guys. Should be starting my first debate soon. Oh god...

  16. I recognize you from Gamefaqs....why haven't I seen you around here? (Throws a temper tantrum)

  17. Best: FE8. He attacked Seth! OMG! Worst: FE10. He doesn't even have a name! (Snicker)
  18. Welllll...Soren is better than Rolf but this is my first time debating.....so bad for both of us lol. Also if this doesn't screw you up can we do NM? Never got around to HM.
  19. Hmmmmm....probably a bad idea but LET's DO IT! You can open.
  20. I can do 7-11. I posted a list of characters I can do earlier, so look at that.
  21. I also love Ross, Gordin, the like.

  22. Franz killing 4 enemies in a row with 3% crit. First time I beat FE10.
  23. Ummmm...I'm off the charts. Male. 12 years old. 5 Feet tall. 86 pounds. ...So that comes out to -2. Can somebody calculate this???
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