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Everything posted by StinDuh

  1. I was referring to bringing in Tibarn, Naesala, or Giffca. I will change this and make it more clear. And I will be sure to exempt the lance when I'm doing making the list. On a related note, it seems to be EXTREMELY difficult to only use iron weapons, especially because each character other than Ike only gets one weapon to start out. Titania's axe already broke, so I'm down to two axe users using one axe.
  2. I'll look into the point values... And my question is whether its possible to get Keiran to escape with out him being seen. And if I do get him to the escape square, will he actually escape? Yeah I'll be looking into a lot. And as for my current list, it'll be hard mode. And as of right now, its looking like its very hard to only use iron weapons. I'll probably have changed the system a lot by the time i get to the end of my playthrough, the point system wont even be recognizable....
  3. Again, I'm going to be making a list of stealable items that must be gotten to allocate the points. Considering I'm only on chapter 5 and don't get a thief until 10, it'll take me a while to even START the list, much less finish it.
  4. I'm now editing some of the things Kinata pointed out(thanks), and as for the slim/iron swords, I'm not even sure there's enough iron/slim weapons to even make it to chapter 8 where you finally get the base. So that might be edited sooner or later. As for the all items points, that also might be a tough one to get, so thats pending point value. I don't really believe a forged weapon is considered another weapon/item to obtain, so the "no forge" points still stand as well as the current "all items" standards. I'm still investigating this system, since I added/changed A LOT from the original(seriously go look at the old system. I literally recreated the whole thing. So I'm playing the game again, looking for changes in standards and point values. The all item points might be slit up like crazy, so that instead of just getting all items for 100 points you might get 50 points for all chest/house/base conversation/and chapter 15 items, then an additional 50 points for all dropable/stealable/special items. There are many things that I haven't found out whether they're practical or not(for instance, getting the Ashera Icon from Dakova in chapter 5 is hard as it is, now try doing it with only iron weapons). I will continue to edit as I continue through the game. Again, if you see anything that you have a question about, just comment and I will address it, and it may spawn an edit. This system is still a work in progress. I'm not perfect. So I know I missed a lot.
  5. I wrote this a while back but completely forgot about it. Kinata's Perfect Playthrough sparked my memory of it. I've spent some time revising it for this, so if you want to see the original here it is: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=285724487&blogId=365039562 Here is the new system. Now for point ammounts: Difficulty: -Easy: 0 -Normal: 200 -Hard: 500 Bonus EXP Use: -None used: +100 Weapons: Before I go in depth on weapon points, I need to make a note. I have found that it is practically impossible to get through the first 7 chapters by only using iron weapons. Therefore, using other weapons before chapter 8 is now aloud without invalidating any points from below. So all points below are for post-chapter 7. -No specific Weapon discretion used: +0 -No silver weapons used: +50 -No steel weapons used: +100 -No Runesword: +10 -No Regal Sword: + 20 -No elemental(sonic edge, thunder axe, fire lance) used: +30 -No Amiti: +5 -No Brave weapons: +25 -No S level weapons: +10 -No Amourslayer/Killer/Venin/Longsword/Poleax/Knight Killer/Laguz Killing/Hammer/Heavy Weapons: +30 -No low level ranged melee weapons(hand axe/javelin): +35 -No mid level ranged melee (short axe/short spear): +25 -No high level ranged melee (Tomahawk/spear): +10 -No Ballista(any of them, including Onager):+5 -No "EL" magic: +50 -No A level Magic: +10 -No Ranged Magic: +5 -No Mend: +20 -No Restore/Torch/Ward: +5 -No Physic: +20 -No Hammerne: +5 -No Sleep/Silence: +5* -No Rescue: +5 -No Recover: +5 -No Fortify: +5 -No Ashera: +5 -No Dagger or Stiletto: +5 -No Ragnell(excludes BK and Ashnard): +5 *Using the Silence to obtain Rexaura is permitted.* *Total: 500* Items: -No Beorc/Laguz/Full Guard: +15 -No Knight Ward: +5 -No Demi Band: +5 -No Laguz Band: +5* -No Knight Ring: +10 -No Vulnerary/Pure Water/Antitoxin: +5 -No Elixer: +10 -No Chest/Door keys*: +5 -No Laguz stones: +5 -No gems(white/blue/red) sold: +10 -No Stat Increase Items: +15 *It has been brought to my attention that you must use chest keys in chapter 7 to obtain the items in the chest. It is acceptable to do so in this chapter* *If points are allocated for "No laguz called in Endgame", then these points are not allocated. *It is impossible to complete the Prologue without the use of a vulnerary. This use is obviously permitted. This is also pending a point amount change. I completely forgot about this when I started the game to investigate my new point system. I'm actually pretty much positive its impossible to not use vulneraries in the first couple chapters of the game(where you don't have Rhys/another healer). So currently the no vulnerary part is striked out. Further investigation will be needed* *Total allocation of item points: 85* Skills:* -Occult Skills: +10 -No Standard Skills: +15 *Skills must be taken off of ASAP. Once you get the Base, you must take off all skills that were already assigned to units. If you recruit a unit and they have assigned skills, they must be taken off at the next available time. No penalty if skills are activated before you can take them off, as this is beyond your control. *Total: 25* Shop: -No bought Weapons: +200* -No bought Supplies: +50 -No Forge: +50* *I'm not completely sure this is even possible. This is pending investigation, and might get a MAJOR point increase later* It's official. It's not possible. If you are going to use only iron weapons and expect to NOT buy any, you're delusional. It's not possible. These points have just been taken out entirely. *Remember: forged weapons count as silver weapons in this system. Forging and using a forged weapon will lose you 60 points. Forging a weapon, whether you use it or not, invalidates these points. Be careful.* *Total: 300 100* Chapter Ten Points: Because this chapter is home to a lot of different things that you can do, it seems like it need it's own point values. -All characters brought in by player escape*: +20 -All NPCs locked in cells escape*: +20 -Finish the chapter without being caught with all items and all characters*: +50 -Finish the chapter by being spotted AND Killing ALL reinforcements: +30 *The max amount of characters must be brought into the chapter(i believe it is 9). *To my knowledge, it is impossible to get Keiran to escape since he is a mounted unit, and therefor unrescueable. The other 3 NPCs are rescuable and therefore can escape if you rescue them. *To allocate these points, the max amount of characters must be brought and escape, all NPCs(excluding Keiran) must escape, and all items(including the Guard's keys) must obtained. *Highest number of allocatable points(since two point values invalidate each other): 90* Misc: -No Triangle Attack: +10 -No calling in reinforcements in chapter 17: +10 -Spare all priests in chapter 22: Solo*: +15 -ALL Chest, stealable*, dropable, Base Conversation/special items, and all items found in chapter 15 obtained: +100 -Recruiting and Keeping Alive ALL units*: +50 -No Supports: +25 -All Base Conversations Read: +15 -No Laguz called in Endgame: +15 -BK killed in chapter 27., no Mist help: +10 *If these points are not allocated and the Ashera staff is not obtained, then the above points for "No Ashera Staff" are not allocated either. Nor are the "All Items" points.* *The keys that the guards hold in chapter ten are excluded. It has been brought to my attention that it is possible to do this and not get caught.... These points are currently under investigation. Using Kinata's "generalizing the Rexaura Steal" guide is not necessary. I will post standards and guidelines for these points in a later day, and possibly of list of the items needed to meet the standards of these points.* *It is not necessary to call in a Laguz royal to allocate the "All units" points. *Total of Misc. Points: 240* Rules and Guidelines: 1:Must be set on "Random Stat Mode" 2:Accidental use of an item/weapon/etc. still counts against you. No "I only used it once"/"It was an accident"/"I couldn't do anything about it". If you care that much about those points, restart your chapter and don't make the same mistake twice. 3:No dividing up point values because you only used a certain weapon. For instance: you do not get 5 points if you accidentally use a javelin, but never use a hand axe. You just don't get those ten points. Again, if you care enough, restart your chapter and don't make the same mistake twice Highest number of possible points: 1,820, 1,870, *1,640* If I find any mistakes in addition or something that I left out I will fix it. If you find one before I do, comment, and I will fix it ASAP. If you have any questions about what is and is not aloud, just comment, and I will respond. I am going to start my campaign for this tonight, so hopefully I will be finished soon and I can post my score, along with where my points came from.... Lets see how long this will take me... EDITS: 5/2/10:Pretty much everything Kinata listed below UNLESS it was addressed in my comment a couple comments down. 5/3/10:Took out "no bought weapons points", fixed points for weapons, changed game total(drastically)
  6. Let's just be the creators of super smash bro's and decide it's now a sword forged with Fire Dyed steel or something probably. Maybe Ashera/Altina thought it looked cooler when it was orange.
  7. Because apparently it wasn't obvious enough for you Narga; as NotSal has alredy pointed out, I was using the literary element hyperbole. If they gave us staves that actually had the MIGHT to do some DAMAGE, then it'd be okay. But since we have yet to get this, its just pointless to equip staves. Another thing I want back is the FE10 style Forges. I liked being able to make more than one forged weapon each chapter, and the coin boost was a nice touch. I think they should introduce the forging of staves. It would have to work on a different system, but it would be cool to be able to forge your own staff and control how much HP it heals or whether it heals status problems and the range and the such. The more options you choose the more expensive and the less amount of uses it gets. If you used a coin on it the possible things for it to enhance would be like "+5 HP healed" or "+2 range" or "+3 uses". Stuff like that. As long as they made it in a way that wasn't abusive, it'd be a great tool.
  8. They just need to switch to either a ) you don't equip the staves, or b ) the Staves actually have Mgt... Because it is really pointless when Laura gets attacked by a general while she's holding Matrona, criticals, but then just has 0 damage. Good job IntelligentSystems, way to be intelligent
  9. Okay so one time I was playing 2-P and I guess I wasn't paying attention, and all in one turn Marcia, Haar, and Nealuchi died. And then Leanne got captured. And once I realized what happened I started over. Lol
  10. You didn't like the cut scenes and voice acting? I love the scenes, but some of the voice acting was pretty terrible(Rolf's and Mist's voice in FE10? What the hell?) The FE9 support system worked best, to me. The only good thing about the FE10 support system was that you could practically support with ANYONE.... But the lack of support conversations was depressing. Some of the funniest parts come out in support conversations (Ross and Lute in FE8? Shinon and Janaaf in FE9? Ike x Lethe beastiality? Ike x Mia, Ike x Elincia... Ike was such a man whore in FE9).
  11. When Micaiah says "Right. Lord Ike, hero of the Crimean Liberation, leader of the Greil Mercenaries, and father of Sothe's children...". Best line in all Fire Emblem.
  12. I would also like to see Support Conversations back, and I think the generation thing would be a cool feature. Now how about some NEW ideas that AREN'T in the FE games already. Something that I'd like to see is being able to create your own character. Like not his/her name, but how he/she looked, or what weapon they used. I could go into a complete discussion about that, but I wont, for you guy's sake. Something else that I would like to see is like an Alternate reality story. Like what if you could play as a new general in the Daein army on the brink of the Daein-Crimean war and work your way up to (possibly) one of the Four Riders? Or be able to choose either the path of good or evil(does anyone remember the Shadow the Hedgehog game?).
  13. Something I'd like to see back again is the world map play from FE:8. I always felt more free.I didn't like in Radiant Dawn how you were constantly switching between armies. It was okay in Parts I and II where you were either Micaiah's group(for part I) or Elincia's group(for Part II). But I didn't like how in Part III you would often switch between Micaiah's army and Ike's army. And Part IV was the epitome of this catastrophe, where every chapter you switched between armies! I like having one army the whole entire time, and not worrying about having different people to level up. Another thing from FE:7 and FE:8 I want to see back is the option to choose a story path. I believe that this implement gave the game more depth, giving more story to unfold. It also gained more re-playability. Being able to choose Hector's story and being able to choose Erika's or Ephraim's story was a good implement, and I want to see it back. Its been 2 years since our last Fire Emblem game. We want another!!!!
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