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Posts posted by Anomalocaris

  1. Making Flora and Yuugiri able to marry into the first generation would solve everything.

    Hell, even just letting Anna marry someone would work. I'd gladly pay money for that.

    I sincerely wonder if they knew going in that this would be an issue, or if somehow nobody in the entire development team realized that their math didn't add up right.

  2. Though Shura seems pretty good. I'm a bit of a sucker for melee+magic classes though, they're usually just cool to use.

    But anyway, it strikes me as really odd that IS would have such a major oversight as the whole "if a male Corrin marries a first-gen woman he screws himself out of a child" thing. This is the game where they really played up the whole creepy waifu thing, after all. :P

    Unless they're trying to pressure guys into marrying children, an old lady, a maid, or whatever the hell Anna is...

  3. Or by being an Herb Merchant and marrying Rinkah, which is at least better, but...

    And don't forget that choosing the same-sex marriage option as male Corrin also screws you out of TWO children, rather than the female option's one.

    But yeah, that point about Corrin losing out on a child by marrying a first-gen woman has been bothering me for some time. I want my Revelations file to have everyone possible, but I kinda wanted to marry my Corrin to Beruka since she's female Solid Snake. I'll have to decide which is more important, completion or doing what I want to do.

    If I do the latter, though, I've already decided that Shara is the one who will be outta luck. :P

  4. So then picking either Oni Savage or Herb Merchant and then marrying either Midoriko or Rinkah respectively gives male Corrins access to every secondary class option anyway.

    Thanks for the explanation.

    I probably won't worry too much about those two classes, but it is good advice to keep in mind. I was thinking of making his secondary class Ninja, because it's a goddamn ninja and then his wife can be a goddamn ninja, but I'll be playing Conquest and Birthright first so I'll get an idea of what classes sound good after those.

    That being said, even if he doesn't pick Oni Savage or Herb Merchant, he can still access Puppeteer through a Ninja, yes? But Great Merchant, Blacksmith, and Shura are otherwise unattainable, due to the former being only shared with Villager and the latter two being a closed-off pair of promotions exclusive to Onis.

    Now, what about a female Corrin, same conditions otherwise? What classes can she not get without picking it as her secondary or marrying a dude with it?

    As for Yukimura, does that dork look like he went through the Ninja class? He's a total Herb Merchant.

  5. Okay, so just Oni Savage and Herb Merchant are an issue. I will probably pick one of them as his secondary class.

    I'm using a male Corrin in my Revelations file, and I intend to use Revelations for all my grinding, PVP, DLC, ect., so I'd like to figure out the best way to optimize a male Corrin in the long term.

    Though Corrin's spouse gets their secondary class rather than the Dark Prince line, right? So I also need to account for who Corrin's wife will be.

    Thanks, by the way.

  6. Given the following circumstances, what's the best choice of secondary class for Corrin?

    • Male Corrin, so can get classes from Buddy Sealing all the male units.
    • Revelations route, so access to (almost) all the male characters in the game.
    • More concerned about long-term diversity than short-term accessibility, so only the end result matters.

    I guess what I'm asking is, are any of Corrin's secondary class options ONLY obtainable as his secondary class, or can they all be accessed in due time through Buddy Seals and patience?

  7. That's good, I did a lot of back-and-forth switching in Awakening. Having to go harvest more Dread Scrolls/Bouquets was annoying.

    There's still only one item for reclassing into Lodestar and Great Lord, though, right? Even though Vanguard and Grandmaster are infinite?

  8. Once you use a Buddy/Marriage Seal, can you then freely reclass into that whenever you want with a standard Parallel Seal, or do you have to use another Marriage/Buddy Seal?

    I've heard that DLC/amiibo classes are permanently added to your class options once you use the item to become them, was wondering if the same applies to these.

  9. Dagger makes more sense for Nohr than Kunai, yes.

    Hell, Kunai are technically just shoveling spades reappropriated into weapons, no?

    Anyway, I don't know why anyone expected them to remove the face-petting. Like it or not there's several game mechanics tied into that, not to mention the protest from axing it would be way huger than the protest from keeping it in. I'm mostly ambivalent to it but I'd be rather annoyed on principle if they cut it, since that's removing actual content as opposed to just renaming things and rewriting some snippets of dialogue.

  10. Most of Awakening's Robinsexuals were late additions to the army. The only one who isn't, Anna, is sort of a bonus unit.

    Odd that Donny is part of the first-gen breeding pool while she isn't, but no big deal.

    The Corrinsexuals are an issue in Fates though, because there aren't enough NON-Corrinsexual women for Corrin to marry one without rendering a first-gen male bachelor-for-life, which renders a child lost forever.

  11. Yeah, I'm thinking I'll save up all my Spirit Dust for him if I decide to cap everyone's stats. Though just making him a Dark Flier or Grandmaster should alleviate some of his growth issues.

    Back in Awakening I took it one step further, capping everyone's stats in every class available to them. Capping Basilio's Magic as a Dread Fighter took fivever.

  12. Don't get me wrong, I love the chainsaw sword too. It's just that having that and being a transforming water dragon deer thing and being adored by everyone and being royalty of two different nations pushes it from "cool, if a bit of a self-indulgent guilty pleasure" to "unrelatable".

    It's just impossible to really put yourself into Corrin's shoes the way you can Robin, and to me that means a failure to create a good player avatar.

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