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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. it's very very unlikely but possible TURN 21 Miriel's RENEWAL activates! She heals 23 HP (79/80) VS horace is lazy and gangrel died Miriel heals 1 HP (80/80) Quint Frederick 00/80 Stahl 00/80 Vaike 00/80 Miriel 80/80 Tharja 00/80 -------------------------------------------------------- Anon Gangrel 00/80 Walhart 00/80 Yen'fay 00/80 Cookie 00/80 Tiki 47/80
  2. TURN 20 Tiki's BOND activates! Gangrel heals 10HP (60/80) VS Gangrel @Aversa's Night attacks Miriel @Aversa's night! 22 damage, 64% hit, 0% crit (21) Gangrel's VENGEANCE activates! (37, 53) Miriel takes 32 damage! (27/80) Gangrel heals 16 HP (76/80) Miriel counters! 30 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (15) Miriel's VENGEANCE activates! Gangrel takes 56 damage! (20/80) Miriel heals 28 HP (55/80) Quint's turn. Quint Frederick 00/80 Stahl 00/80 Vaike 00/80 Miriel 55/80 Tharja 00/80 -------------------------------------------------------- Anon Gangrel 20/80 Walhart 00/80 Yen'fay 00/80 Cookie 00/80 Tiki 47/80
  3. I was actually going to put the mp3's of all the characters in when they activated an offensive skill in the battles but I was too bad at computers to figure out how to link them properly. Chrom so angry.
  4. Yeah, you're right about TIki's HP, the copy past too strong. TURN 19 VS Miriel @Aversa's Night attacks Gangrel @Superior Jolt! 30 damage, 90% hit, 0% crit (29) Miriel's VENGEANCE activates! (49, 45) Gangrel takes 30 damage! (50/80) Gangrel counters! 21 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (83) Miriel takes 21 damage! (59/80) Anon's turn. Quint Frederick 00/80 Stahl 00/80 Vaike 00/80 Miriel 59/80 Tharja 00/80 -------------------------------------------------------- Anon Gangrel 50/80 Walhart 00/80 Yen'fay 00/80 Cookie 00/80 Tiki 47/80
  5. TURN 17 Miriel's BOND activates! Vaike heals 10 HP (47/80) VS Vaike @Brave Axe attacks Tiki @Blessed Lance! 22x2 damage, 64% hit, 0% crit (79) (19, 22) Tiki takes 22 damage! (37/80) Vaike attacks again! (21) Vaike's SOL activates! (91, 46) Vaike misses! Tiki counters! 15 damage, 95% hit. 0% crit (61, 21) Vaike takes 15 damage! (32/80) Anon's turn. Quint Frederick 00/80 Stahl 00/80 Vaike 32/80 Miriel 80/80 Tharja 00/80 -------------------------------------------------------- Anon Gangrel 80/80 Walhart 00/80 Yen'fay 00/80 Cookie 00/80 Tiki 37/80
  6. whoops, didn't actually notice this until now. TURN 16 VS Tiki @Blessed Lance attacks Vaike @Balmung! 19 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit Vaike takes 19 damage! (37/80) Vaike counters! 15 damage, 14% hit, 0% crit (11) Vaike's SOL activates! (22, 28) Vaike misses! Vaike attacks again! (79) (62, 93) Vaike misses again! Quint's turn. Quint Frederick 00/80 Stahl 00/80 Vaike 37/80 Miriel 80/80 Tharja 00/80 -------------------------------------------------------- Anon Gangrel 80/80 Walhart 00/80 Yen'fay 00/80 Cookie 00/80 Tiki 59/80
  7. sages would be ridiculous, their caps are absolutely stupid also the more stats people have the less hit people have because luck only affects avoid and not hit in FE4. So a capped out Sage has 90 avoid, and the lightest weaponry, making them stupidly hard to hit. Sety (and Julia I guess) do a stupid amount of damage too. Actually Julia might be really good because she has nihil. But really all that happens is everyone uses Lakche/Sety/Shanan/Skasahar/filler (be it Celice or Leaf or Julia or something). The mounted classes are just too slow and have awful caps.
  8. I'm on mobile till the evening, so I won't get it up until then anyway. Also make sure you use weapons and rings only available in gen1. So no prayer ring, barrier sword, only one hero sword, etc
  9. How bout you and zm play? I can host if need be.
  10. I think gen 1 would be a lot less ridiculous. Gotta definitely ban Ayra and maybe Levin there I think. Sigurd had less leadership stars, and Lachesis probably kinda sucks too. Less rings and the like though.
  11. If Faval had lived turn one or Nanna hadn't got killed in one turn this wouldn't have even been close. Charisma + Celice stars is totally ridiculous. I didn't want to make a team with the sword kids (because they're far and away the strongest units). I'd ban the swordkids before removing the leadership stars. They have Nihil so you can't kill them with skills, and every time they attack they kill someone. You pretty much have to trade 2 or 3 units to kill one of them, or attack them with your own swordkid.
  12. i guess i'll try attacking Skasahar with the earth sword
  13. Tinny Elwind Tinny. If I get wrath'd at 20% hit I quit.
  14. this is kind of ridiculous rofl edit: actually Celice can't die but i'm expecting him to anyway
  15. Anathema should absolutely affect the enemy team if Demoiselle and Charm and Bond and etc do. It's an aura skill. Makes things more interesting anyway, and it's not like its gamebreaking
  16. didn't calc anything, i'll wait till you confirm your action tomorrow. I'm probably not around till late afternoon though.
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