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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. i mean most of my teams have been pretty un meta, running THE META STRATS is just not as fun. although i think this might have been my worst team so far, except my all laguz one. Like nobody had enough statboosters.
  2. these things either don't make sense or the numbers are wrong. The end result is the same though, you don't seem to have taken it into account? the bolded numbers that is. ninja'd
  3. yeah, i was gonna just run deadeye rolf, with mist support until i realized she had three supports and i said fuckit and just used Ike
  4. DA KATTI owns him especially because his defence blows. If he had fire affinity or something he'd be better too probably.
  5. I had someone else other than Ike initially... I think Rolf. Other than that I just wanted to make another devdan team But yeah Makabrom is a lot stronger than Tormod/Mist haha. Especially when they just get oneshotted by Boyd. I forgot how good Boyd was.
  6. DEVDAN WHY i played pretty badly, shoulda nuked brom with tormod immediately devdan you're still my hero
  7. I can play or host. I'd rather let someone else have a chance to play though, since i'm currently already in a game if possible.
  8. The more handsome and skillful Devdan will Silver Lance Brom.
  9. does brom actually have Nihil? If he doesn't i'll attack him with the runesword. If he does well... Makalov probably has parenewal, so i'll attack boyd with the silver sword since he likely has vantage in the case of brom having nihil.
  10. Yeah, you're right, I forgot he had attacked. But the RNs were all low enough for it not to matter, so you're right there too. Whoops.
  11. FE13 is handled the same way, you can use what you can get on one file. This includes how ever many legendary weapons you want. If it were limited I doubt it would be a huge dealbreaker. That's why I don't think it needs a ban. The only good ones are the +spd ones anyway.
  12. bond isn't limited because of DLC, bond is limited because it'd be stupidly powerful on multiple units. I don't think any of the regalia are better than brave weapons anyway. Why limit them?
  13. yeah. Don't think it made a difference this game though.
  14. i got... gangrels hit = 79 acc + 10 patience + 10 demoiselle + 20 lucky seven + 95 titania axe + 10 a rank = 224 vs gaius avo = 101avo + 15 wta + 5 charm + 10 demoiselle + 20 lucky seven + 50 breaker + 10 (+10 avoid skill) = 211 giving me 13 avoid
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